[docs]classEvent:r"""Wrapper around an MPS event. MPS events are synchronization markers that can be used to monitor the device's progress, to accurately measure timing, and to synchronize MPS streams. Args: enable_timing (bool, optional): indicates if the event should measure time (default: ``False``) """def__init__(self,enable_timing=False):self.__eventId=torch._C._mps_acquireEvent(enable_timing)def__del__(self):# checks if torch._C is already destroyedifhasattr(torch._C,"_mps_releaseEvent")andself.__eventId>0:torch._C._mps_releaseEvent(self.__eventId)
[docs]defrecord(self):r"""Records the event in the default stream."""torch._C._mps_recordEvent(self.__eventId)
[docs]defwait(self):r"""Makes all future work submitted to the default stream wait for this event."""torch._C._mps_waitForEvent(self.__eventId)
[docs]defquery(self):r"""Returns True if all work currently captured by event has completed."""returntorch._C._mps_queryEvent(self.__eventId)
[docs]defsynchronize(self):r"""Waits until the completion of all work currently captured in this event. This prevents the CPU thread from proceeding until the event completes. """torch._C._mps_synchronizeEvent(self.__eventId)
[docs]defelapsed_time(self,end_event):r"""Returns the time elapsed in milliseconds after the event was recorded and before the end_event was recorded. """returntorch._C._mps_elapsedTimeOfEvents(self.__eventId,end_event.__eventId)
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