r"""This package introduces support for the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` in python."""fromtyping_extensionsimportdeprecatedimporttorchfrom._utilsimport_device_t,_get_device_index__all__=["current_accelerator","current_device_idx",# deprecated"current_device_index","current_stream","device_count","is_available","set_device_idx",# deprecated"set_device_index","set_stream","synchronize",]
[docs]defdevice_count()->int:r"""Return the number of current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` available. Returns: int: the number of the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` available. If there is no available accelerators, return 0. """returntorch._C._accelerator_deviceCount()
[docs]defis_available()->bool:r"""Check if there is an available :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>`. Returns: bool: A boolean indicating if there is an available :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>`. Example:: >>> assert torch.accelerator.is_available() "No available accelerators detected." """returndevice_count()>0
[docs]defcurrent_accelerator()->torch.device:r"""Return the device of the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>`. Returns: torch.device: return the current accelerator as :class:`torch.device`. .. note:: The index of the returned :class:`torch.device` will be ``None``, please use :func:`torch.accelerator.current_device_index` to know the current index being used. And ensure to use :func:`torch.accelerator.is_available` to check if there is an available accelerator. If there is no available accelerator, this function will raise an exception. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: >>> if torch.accelerator.is_available(): >>> current_device = torch.accelerator.current_accelerator() >>> else: >>> current_device = torch.device("cpu") >>> if current_device.type == 'cuda': >>> is_half_supported = torch.cuda.has_half >>> elif current_device.type == 'xpu': >>> is_half_supported = torch.xpu.get_device_properties().has_fp16 >>> elif current_device.type == 'cpu': >>> is_half_supported = True """returntorch._C._accelerator_getAccelerator()
[docs]defcurrent_device_index()->int:r"""Return the index of a currently selected device for the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>`. Returns: int: the index of a currently selected device. """returntorch._C._accelerator_getDeviceIndex()
[docs]defset_device_index(device:_device_t,/)->None:r"""Set the current device index to a given device. Args: device (:class:`torch.device`, str, int): a given device that must match the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` device type. .. note:: This function is a no-op if this device index is negative. """device_index=_get_device_index(device)torch._C._accelerator_setDeviceIndex(device_index)
[docs]defcurrent_stream(device:_device_t=None,/)->torch.Stream:r"""Return the currently selected stream for a given device. Args: device (:class:`torch.device`, str, int, optional): a given device that must match the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` device type. If not given, use :func:`torch.accelerator.current_device_index` by default. Returns: torch.Stream: the currently selected stream for a given device. """device_index=_get_device_index(device,True)returntorch._C._accelerator_getStream(device_index)
[docs]defset_stream(stream:torch.Stream)->None:r"""Set the current stream to a given stream. Args: stream (torch.Stream): a given stream that must match the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` device type. .. note:: This function will set the current device index to the device index of the given stream. """torch._C._accelerator_setStream(stream)
[docs]defsynchronize(device:_device_t=None,/)->None:r"""Wait for all kernels in all streams on the given device to complete. Args: device (:class:`torch.device`, str, int, optional): device for which to synchronize. It must match the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` device type. If not given, use :func:`torch.accelerator.current_device_index` by default. .. note:: This function is a no-op if the current :ref:`accelerator<accelerators>` is not initialized. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:TORCH_DOCTEST_CUDA) >>> assert torch.accelerator.is_available() "No available accelerators detected." >>> start_event = torch.Event(enable_timing=True) >>> end_event = torch.Event(enable_timing=True) >>> start_event.record() >>> tensor = torch.randn(100, device=torch.accelerator.current_accelerator()) >>> sum = torch.sum(tensor) >>> end_event.record() >>> torch.accelerator.synchronize() >>> elapsed_time_ms = start_event.elapsed_time(end_event) """device_index=_get_device_index(device,True)torch._C._accelerator_synchronizeDevice(device_index)
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