TorchScript-based ONNX Exporter¶
To export an ONNX model using TorchDynamo instead of TorchScript, please see Learn more about the TorchDynamo-based ONNX Exporter
Example: AlexNet from PyTorch to ONNX¶
Here is a simple script which exports a pretrained AlexNet to an ONNX file named alexnet.onnx
The call to torch.onnx.export
runs the model once to trace its execution and then exports the
traced model to the specified file:
import torch
import torchvision
dummy_input = torch.randn(10, 3, 224, 224, device="cuda")
model = torchvision.models.alexnet(pretrained=True).cuda()
# Providing input and output names sets the display names for values
# within the model's graph. Setting these does not change the semantics
# of the graph; it is only for readability.
# The inputs to the network consist of the flat list of inputs (i.e.
# the values you would pass to the forward() method) followed by the
# flat list of parameters. You can partially specify names, i.e. provide
# a list here shorter than the number of inputs to the model, and we will
# only set that subset of names, starting from the beginning.
input_names = [ "actual_input_1" ] + [ "learned_%d" % i for i in range(16) ]
output_names = [ "output1" ]
torch.onnx.export(model, dummy_input, "alexnet.onnx", verbose=True, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names)
The resulting alexnet.onnx
file contains a binary protocol buffer
which contains both the network structure and parameters of the model you exported
(in this case, AlexNet). The argument verbose=True
causes the
exporter to print out a human-readable representation of the model:
# These are the inputs and parameters to the network, which have taken on
# the names we specified earlier.
graph(%actual_input_1 : Float(10, 3, 224, 224)
%learned_0 : Float(64, 3, 11, 11)
%learned_1 : Float(64)
%learned_2 : Float(192, 64, 5, 5)
%learned_3 : Float(192)
# ---- omitted for brevity ----
%learned_14 : Float(1000, 4096)
%learned_15 : Float(1000)) {
# Every statement consists of some output tensors (and their types),
# the operator to be run (with its attributes, e.g., kernels, strides,
# etc.), its input tensors (%actual_input_1, %learned_0, %learned_1)
%17 : Float(10, 64, 55, 55) = onnx::Conv[dilations=[1, 1], group=1, kernel_shape=[11, 11], pads=[2, 2, 2, 2], strides=[4, 4]](%actual_input_1, %learned_0, %learned_1), scope: AlexNet/Sequential[features]/Conv2d[0]
%18 : Float(10, 64, 55, 55) = onnx::Relu(%17), scope: AlexNet/Sequential[features]/ReLU[1]
%19 : Float(10, 64, 27, 27) = onnx::MaxPool[kernel_shape=[3, 3], pads=[0, 0, 0, 0], strides=[2, 2]](%18), scope: AlexNet/Sequential[features]/MaxPool2d[2]
# ---- omitted for brevity ----
%29 : Float(10, 256, 6, 6) = onnx::MaxPool[kernel_shape=[3, 3], pads=[0, 0, 0, 0], strides=[2, 2]](%28), scope: AlexNet/Sequential[features]/MaxPool2d[12]
# Dynamic means that the shape is not known. This may be because of a
# limitation of our implementation (which we would like to fix in a
# future release) or shapes which are truly dynamic.
%30 : Dynamic = onnx::Shape(%29), scope: AlexNet
%31 : Dynamic = onnx::Slice[axes=[0], ends=[1], starts=[0]](%30), scope: AlexNet
%32 : Long() = onnx::Squeeze[axes=[0]](%31), scope: AlexNet
%33 : Long() = onnx::Constant[value={9216}](), scope: AlexNet
# ---- omitted for brevity ----
%output1 : Float(10, 1000) = onnx::Gemm[alpha=1, beta=1, broadcast=1, transB=1](%45, %learned_14, %learned_15), scope: AlexNet/Sequential[classifier]/Linear[6]
return (%output1);
You can also verify the output using the ONNX library,
which you can install using pip
pip install onnx
Then, you can run:
import onnx
# Load the ONNX model
model = onnx.load("alexnet.onnx")
# Check that the model is well formed
# Print a human readable representation of the graph
You can also run the exported model with one of the many runtimes that support ONNX. For example after installing ONNX Runtime, you can load and run the model:
import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
ort_session = ort.InferenceSession("alexnet.onnx")
outputs =
{"actual_input_1": np.random.randn(10, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32)},
Here is a more involved tutorial on exporting a model and running it with ONNX Runtime.
Tracing vs Scripting¶
Internally, torch.onnx.export()
requires a torch.jit.ScriptModule
rather than
a torch.nn.Module
. If the passed-in model is not already a ScriptModule
will use tracing to convert it to one:
Tracing: If
is called with a Module that is not already aScriptModule
, it first does the equivalent oftorch.jit.trace()
, which executes the model once with the givenargs
and records all operations that happen during that execution. This means that if your model is dynamic, e.g., changes behavior depending on input data, the exported model will not capture this dynamic behavior. We recommend examining the exported model and making sure the operators look reasonable. Tracing will unroll loops and if statements, exporting a static graph that is exactly the same as the traced run. If you want to export your model with dynamic control flow, you will need to use scripting.Scripting: Compiling a model via scripting preserves dynamic control flow and is valid for inputs of different sizes. To use scripting:
to produce aScriptModule
with theScriptModule
as the model. Theargs
are still required, but they will be used internally only to produce example outputs, so that the types and shapes of the outputs can be captured. No tracing will be performed.
See Introduction to TorchScript and TorchScript for more details, including how to compose tracing and scripting to suit the particular requirements of different models.
Avoiding Pitfalls¶
Avoid NumPy and built-in Python types¶
PyTorch models can be written using NumPy or Python types and functions, but during tracing, any variables of NumPy or Python types (rather than torch.Tensor) are converted to constants, which will produce the wrong result if those values should change depending on the inputs.
For example, rather than using numpy functions on numpy.ndarrays:
# Bad! Will be replaced with constants during tracing.
x, y = np.random.rand(1, 2), np.random.rand(1, 2)
np.concatenate((x, y), axis=1)
Use torch operators on torch.Tensors:
# Good! Tensor operations will be captured during tracing.
x, y = torch.randn(1, 2), torch.randn(1, 2), y), dim=1)
And rather than use torch.Tensor.item()
(which converts a Tensor to a Python
built-in number):
# Bad! y.item() will be replaced with a constant during tracing.
def forward(self, x, y):
return x.reshape(y.item(), -1)
Use torch’s support for implicit casting of single-element tensors:
# Good! y will be preserved as a variable during tracing.
def forward(self, x, y):
return x.reshape(y, -1)
Using the field can produce an incorrect trace and therefore an incorrect ONNX graph.
Use torch.Tensor.detach()
instead. (Work is ongoing to
remove entirely).
Avoid in-place operations when using tensor.shape in tracing mode¶
In tracing mode, shapes obtained from tensor.shape
are traced as tensors,
and share the same memory. This might cause a mismatch the final output values.
As a workaround, avoid the use of inplace operations in these scenarios.
For example, in the model:
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
def forward(self, states):
batch_size, seq_length = states.shape[:2]
real_seq_length = seq_length
real_seq_length += 2
return real_seq_length + seq_length
and seq_length
share the same memory in tracing mode.
This could be avoided by rewriting the inplace operation:
real_seq_length = real_seq_length + 2
, numeric types that can be trivially converted to torch.Tensors (e.g. float, int), and tuples and lists of those types are supported as model inputs or outputs. Dict and str inputs and outputs are accepted in tracing mode, but:Any computation that depends on the value of a dict or a str input will be replaced with the constant value seen during the one traced execution.
Any output that is a dict will be silently replaced with a flattened sequence of its values (keys will be removed). E.g.
{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
becomes(1, 2)
.Any output that is a str will be silently removed.
Certain operations involving tuples and lists are not supported in scripting mode due to limited support in ONNX for nested sequences. In particular appending a tuple to a list is not supported. In tracing mode, the nested sequences will be flattened automatically during the tracing.
Differences in Operator Implementations¶
Due to differences in implementations of operators, running the exported model on different runtimes may produce different results from each other or from PyTorch. Normally these differences are numerically small, so this should only be a concern if your application is sensitive to these small differences.
Unsupported Tensor Indexing Patterns¶
Tensor indexing patterns that cannot be exported are listed below.
If you are experiencing issues exporting a model that does not include any of
the unsupported patterns below, please double check that you are exporting with
the latest opset_version
Reads / Gets¶
When indexing into a tensor for reading, the following patterns are not supported:
# Tensor indices that includes negative values.
data[torch.tensor([[1, 2], [2, -3]]), torch.tensor([-2, 3])]
# Workarounds: use positive index values.
Writes / Sets¶
When indexing into a Tensor for writing, the following patterns are not supported:
# Multiple tensor indices if any has rank >= 2
data[torch.tensor([[1, 2], [2, 3]]), torch.tensor([2, 3])] = new_data
# Workarounds: use single tensor index with rank >= 2,
# or multiple consecutive tensor indices with rank == 1.
# Multiple tensor indices that are not consecutive
data[torch.tensor([2, 3]), :, torch.tensor([1, 2])] = new_data
# Workarounds: transpose `data` such that tensor indices are consecutive.
# Tensor indices that includes negative values.
data[torch.tensor([1, -2]), torch.tensor([-2, 3])] = new_data
# Workarounds: use positive index values.
# Implicit broadcasting required for new_data.
data[torch.tensor([[0, 2], [1, 1]]), 1:3] = new_data
# Workarounds: expand new_data explicitly.
# Example:
# data shape: [3, 4, 5]
# new_data shape: [5]
# expected new_data shape after broadcasting: [2, 2, 2, 5]
Adding support for operators¶
When exporting a model that includes unsupported operators, you’ll see an error message like:
RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn't export operator foo
When that happens, there are a few things you can do:
Change the model to not use that operator.
Create a symbolic function to convert the operator and register it as a custom symbolic function.
Contribute to PyTorch to add the same symbolic function to
If you decided to implement a symbolic function (we hope you will contribute it back to PyTorch!), here is how you can get started:
ONNX exporter internals¶
A “symbolic function” is a function that decomposes a PyTorch operator into a composition of a series of ONNX operators.
During export, each node (which contains a PyTorch operator) in the TorchScript
graph is visited by the exporter in topological order.
Upon visiting a node, the exporter looks for a registered symbolic functions for
that operator. Symbolic functions are implemented in Python. A symbolic function for
an op named foo
would look something like:
def foo(
input_0: torch._C.Value,
input_1: torch._C.Value) -> Union[None, torch._C.Value, List[torch._C.Value]]:
Adds the ONNX operations representing this PyTorch function by updating the
graph g with `g.op()` calls.
g (Graph): graph to write the ONNX representation into.
input_0 (Value): value representing the variables which contain
the first input for this operator.
input_1 (Value): value representing the variables which contain
the second input for this operator.
A Value or List of Values specifying the ONNX nodes that compute something
equivalent to the original PyTorch operator with the given inputs.
None if it cannot be converted to ONNX.
The torch._C
types are Python wrappers around the types defined in C++ in
The process for adding a symbolic function depends on the type of operator.
ATen operators¶
ATen is PyTorch’s built-in tensor library.
If the operator is an ATen operator (shows up in the TorchScript graph with the prefix
), make sure it is not supported already.
List of supported operators¶
Visit the auto generated list of supported TorchScript operators
for details on which operator are supported in each opset_version
Adding support for an aten or quantized operator¶
If the operator is not in the list above:
Define the symbolic function in
, for example torch/onnx/ Make sure the function has the same name as the ATen function, which may be declared intorch/_C/_VariableFunctions.pyi
(these files are generated at build time, so will not appear in your checkout until you build PyTorch).By default, the first arg is the ONNX graph. Other arg names must EXACTLY match the names in the
file, because dispatch is done with keyword arguments.In the symbolic function, if the operator is in the ONNX standard operator set, we only need to create a node to represent the ONNX operator in the graph. If not, we can compose several standard operators that have the equivalent semantics to the ATen operator.
Here is an example of handling missing symbolic function for the ELU
If we run the following code:
torch.nn.ELU(), # module
torch.ones(1) # example input
We see something like:
graph(%self : __torch__.torch.nn.modules.activation.___torch_mangle_0.ELU,
%input : Float(1, strides=[1], requires_grad=0, device=cpu)):
%4 : float = prim::Constant[value=1.]()
%5 : int = prim::Constant[value=1]()
%6 : int = prim::Constant[value=1]()
%7 : Float(1, strides=[1], requires_grad=0, device=cpu) = aten::elu(%input, %4, %5, %6)
return (%7)
Since we see aten::elu
in the graph, we know this is an ATen operator.
We check the ONNX operator list,
and confirm that Elu
is standardized in ONNX.
We find a signature for elu
in torch/nn/functional.pyi
def elu(input: Tensor, alpha: float = ..., inplace: bool = ...) -> Tensor: ...
We add the following lines to
def elu(g, input: torch.Value, alpha: torch.Value, inplace: bool = False):
return g.op("Elu", input, alpha_f=alpha)
Now PyTorch is able to export models containing the aten::elu
See the torch/onnx/symbolic_opset*.py
files for more examples.
If the operator is a sub-class of torch.autograd.Function
, there are three ways
to export it.
Static Symbolic Method¶
You can add a static method named symbolic
to your function class. It should return
ONNX operators that represent the function’s behavior in ONNX. For example:
class MyRelu(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return input.clamp(min=0)
def symbolic(g: torch.Graph, input: torch.Value) -> torch.Value:
return g.op("Clip", input, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float)))
Inline Autograd Function¶
In cases where a static symbolic method is not provided for its subsequent torch.autograd.Function
where a function to register prim::PythonOp
as custom symbolic functions is not provided,
tries to inline the graph that corresponds to that torch.autograd.Function
such that
this function is broken down into individual operators that were used within the function.
The export should be successful as long as these individual operators are supported. For example:
class MyLogExp(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
h = input.exp()
return h.log().log()
There is no static symbolic method present for this model, yet it is exported as follows:
graph(%input : Float(1, strides=[1], requires_grad=0, device=cpu)):
%1 : float = onnx::Exp[](%input)
%2 : float = onnx::Log[](%1)
%3 : float = onnx::Log[](%2)
return (%3)
If you need to avoid inlining of torch.autograd.Function
, you should export models with
Custom operators¶
You can export your model with custom operators that includes a combination of many standard ONNX ops, or are driven by self-defined C++ backend.
ONNX-script functions¶
If an operator is not a standard ONNX op, but can be composed of multiple existing ONNX ops, you can utilize ONNX-script to create an external ONNX function to support the operator. You can export it by following this example:
import onnxscript
# There are three opset version needed to be aligned
# This is (1) the opset version in ONNX function
from onnxscript.onnx_opset import opset15 as op
opset_version = 15
x = torch.randn(1, 2, 3, 4, requires_grad=True)
model = torch.nn.SELU()
custom_opset = onnxscript.values.Opset(domain="onnx-script", version=1)
def Selu(X):
alpha = 1.67326 # auto wrapped as Constants
gamma = 1.0507
alphaX = op.CastLike(alpha, X)
gammaX = op.CastLike(gamma, X)
neg = gammaX * (alphaX * op.Exp(X) - alphaX)
pos = gammaX * X
zero = op.CastLike(0, X)
return op.Where(X <= zero, neg, pos)
# setType API provides shape/type to ONNX shape/type inference
def custom_selu(g: jit_utils.GraphContext, X):
return g.onnxscript_op(Selu, X).setType(X.type())
# Register custom symbolic function
# There are three opset version needed to be aligned
# This is (2) the opset version in registry
# There are three opset version needed to be aligned
# This is (2) the opset version in exporter
# only needed if you want to specify an opset version > 1.
custom_opsets={"onnx-script": 2}
The example above exports it as a custom operator in the “onnx-script” opset.
When exporting a custom operator, you can specify the custom domain version using the
dictionary at export. If not specified, the custom opset version defaults to 1.
NOTE: Be careful to align the opset version mentioned in the above example, and make sure they are consumed in exporter step. The example usage of how to write a onnx-script function is a beta version in terms of the active development on onnx-script. Please follow the latest ONNX-script
C++ Operators¶
If a model uses a custom operator implemented in C++ as described in Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Operators, you can export it by following this example:
from torch.onnx import symbolic_helper
# Define custom symbolic function
@symbolic_helper.parse_args("v", "v", "f", "i")
def symbolic_foo_forward(g, input1, input2, attr1, attr2):
return g.op("custom_domain::Foo", input1, input2, attr1_f=attr1, attr2_i=attr2)
# Register custom symbolic function
torch.onnx.register_custom_op_symbolic("custom_ops::foo_forward", symbolic_foo_forward, 9)
class FooModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, attr1, attr2):
self.attr1 = attr1
self.attr2 = attr2
def forward(self, input1, input2):
# Calling custom op
return torch.ops.custom_ops.foo_forward(input1, input2, self.attr1, self.attr2)
model = FooModel(attr1, attr2)
(example_input1, example_input1),
# only needed if you want to specify an opset version > 1.
custom_opsets={"custom_domain": 2}
The example above exports it as a custom operator in the “custom_domain” opset.
When exporting a custom operator, you can specify the custom domain version using the
dictionary at export. If not specified, the custom opset version defaults to 1.
The runtime that consumes the model needs to support the custom op. See Caffe2 custom ops, ONNX Runtime custom ops, or your runtime of choice’s documentation.
Discovering all unconvertible ATen ops at once¶
When export fails due to an unconvertible ATen op, there may in fact be more than one such op but the error message only mentions the first. To discover all of the unconvertible ops in one go you can:
# prepare model, args, opset_version
torch_script_graph, unconvertible_ops = torch.onnx.utils.unconvertible_ops(
model, args, opset_version=opset_version
The set is approximated because some ops may be removed during the conversion process and don’t need to be converted. Some other ops may have partial support that will fail conversion with particular inputs, but this should give you a general idea of what ops are not supported. Please feel free to open GitHub Issues for op support requests.
Frequently Asked Questions¶
Q: I have exported my LSTM model, but its input size seems to be fixed?
The tracer records the shapes of the example inputs. If the model should accept inputs of dynamic shapes, set
when callingtorch.onnx.export()
Q: How to export models containing loops?
See Tracing vs Scripting.
Q: How to export models with primitive type inputs (e.g. int, float)?
Support for primitive numeric type inputs was added in PyTorch 1.9. However, the exporter does not support models with str inputs.
Q: Does ONNX support implicit scalar datatype casting?
The ONNX standard does not, but the exporter will try to handle that part. Scalars are exported as constant tensors. The exporter will figure out the right data type for scalars. In rare cases when it is unable to do so, you will need to manually specify the datatype with e.g. dtype=torch.float32. If you see any errors, please [create a GitHub issue](
Q: Are lists of Tensors exportable to ONNX?
Yes, for
>= 11, since ONNX introduced the Sequence type in opset 11.
Python API¶
- torch.onnx.export(model, args=(), f=None, *, kwargs=None, export_params=True, verbose=None, input_names=None, output_names=None, opset_version=None, dynamic_axes=None, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, dynamo=False, external_data=True, dynamic_shapes=None, custom_translation_table=None, report=False, optimize=True, verify=False, profile=False, dump_exported_program=False, artifacts_dir='.', fallback=False, training=<TrainingMode.EVAL: 0>, operator_export_type=<OperatorExportTypes.ONNX: 0>, do_constant_folding=True, custom_opsets=None, export_modules_as_functions=False, autograd_inlining=True)[source][source]¶
Exports a model into ONNX format.
- Parameters
model (torch.nn.Module | torch.export.ExportedProgram | torch.jit.ScriptModule | torch.jit.ScriptFunction) – The model to be exported.
args (tuple[Any, ...]) – Example positional inputs. Any non-Tensor arguments will be hard-coded into the exported model; any Tensor arguments will become inputs of the exported model, in the order they occur in the tuple.
f (str | os.PathLike | None) – Path to the output ONNX model file. E.g. “model.onnx”.
kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None) – Optional example keyword inputs.
export_params (bool) – If false, parameters (weights) will not be exported.
verbose (bool | None) – Whether to enable verbose logging.
input_names (Sequence[str] | None) – names to assign to the input nodes of the graph, in order.
output_names (Sequence[str] | None) – names to assign to the output nodes of the graph, in order.
opset_version (int | None) – The version of the default (ai.onnx) opset to target. Must be >= 7.
dynamic_axes (Mapping[str, Mapping[int, str]] | Mapping[str, Sequence[int]] | None) –
By default the exported model will have the shapes of all input and output tensors set to exactly match those given in
. To specify axes of tensors as dynamic (i.e. known only at run-time), setdynamic_axes
to a dict with schema:- KEY (str): an input or output name. Each name must also be provided in
or output_names
- KEY (str): an input or output name. Each name must also be provided in
- VALUE (dict or list): If a dict, keys are axis indices and values are axis names. If a
list, each element is an axis index.
For example:
class SumModule(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x): return torch.sum(x, dim=1) torch.onnx.export( SumModule(), (torch.ones(2, 2),), "onnx.pb", input_names=["x"], output_names=["sum"], )
input { name: "x" ... shape { dim { dim_value: 2 # axis 0 } dim { dim_value: 2 # axis 1 ... output { name: "sum" ... shape { dim { dim_value: 2 # axis 0 ...
torch.onnx.export( SumModule(), (torch.ones(2, 2),), "onnx.pb", input_names=["x"], output_names=["sum"], dynamic_axes={ # dict value: manually named axes "x": {0: "my_custom_axis_name"}, # list value: automatic names "sum": [0], }, )
input { name: "x" ... shape { dim { dim_param: "my_custom_axis_name" # axis 0 } dim { dim_value: 2 # axis 1 ... output { name: "sum" ... shape { dim { dim_param: "sum_dynamic_axes_1" # axis 0 ...
keep_initializers_as_inputs (bool) –
If True, all the initializers (typically corresponding to model weights) in the exported graph will also be added as inputs to the graph. If False, then initializers are not added as inputs to the graph, and only the user inputs are added as inputs.
Set this to True if you intend to supply model weights at runtime. Set it to False if the weights are static to allow for better optimizations (e.g. constant folding) by backends/runtimes.
dynamo (bool) – Whether to export the model with
ExportedProgram instead of TorchScript.external_data (bool) – Whether to save the model weights as an external data file. This is required for models with large weights that exceed the ONNX file size limit (2GB). When False, the weights are saved in the ONNX file with the model architecture.
dynamic_shapes (dict[str, Any] | tuple[Any, ...] | list[Any] | None) – A dictionary or a tuple of dynamic shapes for the model inputs. Refer to
for more details. This is only used (and preferred) when dynamo is True. Note that dynamic_shapes is designed to be used when the model is exported with dynamo=True, while dynamic_axes is used when dynamo=False.custom_translation_table (dict[Callable, Callable | Sequence[Callable]] | None) – A dictionary of custom decompositions for operators in the model. The dictionary should have the callable target in the fx Node as the key (e.g.
), and the value should be a function that builds that graph using ONNX Script. This option is only valid when dynamo is (bool) – Whether to generate a markdown report for the export process. This option is only valid when dynamo is True.
optimize (bool) – Whether to optimize the exported model. This option is only valid when dynamo is True. Default is True.
verify (bool) – Whether to verify the exported model using ONNX Runtime. This option is only valid when dynamo is True.
profile (bool) – Whether to profile the export process. This option is only valid when dynamo is True.
dump_exported_program (bool) – Whether to dump the
to a file. This is useful for debugging the exporter. This option is only valid when dynamo is True.artifacts_dir (str | os.PathLike) – The directory to save the debugging artifacts like the report and the serialized exported program. This option is only valid when dynamo is True.
fallback (bool) – Whether to fallback to the TorchScript exporter if the dynamo exporter fails. This option is only valid when dynamo is True. When fallback is enabled, It is recommended to set dynamic_axes even when dynamic_shapes is provided.
training (_C_onnx.TrainingMode) – Deprecated option. Instead, set the training mode of the model before exporting.
operator_export_type (_C_onnx.OperatorExportTypes) – Deprecated option. Only ONNX is supported.
do_constant_folding (bool) – Deprecated option.
custom_opsets (Mapping[str, int] | None) –
Deprecated. A dictionary:
KEY (str): opset domain name
VALUE (int): opset version
If a custom opset is referenced by
but not mentioned in this dictionary, the opset version is set to 1. Only custom opset domain name and version should be indicated through this argument.export_modules_as_functions (bool | Collection[type[torch.nn.Module]]) –
Deprecated option.
Flag to enable exporting all
forward calls as local functions in ONNX. Or a set to indicate the particular types of modules to export as local functions in ONNX. This feature requiresopset_version
>= 15, otherwise the export will fail. This is becauseopset_version
< 15 implies IR version < 8, which means no local function support. Module variables will be exported as function attributes. There are two categories of function attributes.1. Annotated attributes: class variables that have type annotations via PEP 526-style will be exported as attributes. Annotated attributes are not used inside the subgraph of ONNX local function because they are not created by PyTorch JIT tracing, but they may be used by consumers to determine whether or not to replace the function with a particular fused kernel.
2. Inferred attributes: variables that are used by operators inside the module. Attribute names will have prefix “inferred::”. This is to differentiate from predefined attributes retrieved from python module annotations. Inferred attributes are used inside the subgraph of ONNX local function.
(default): exportnn.Module
forward calls as fine grained nodes.True
: export allnn.Module
forward calls as local function nodes.- Set of type of nn.Module: export
forward calls as local function nodes, only if the type of the
is found in the set.
- Set of type of nn.Module: export
autograd_inlining (bool) – Deprecated. Flag used to control whether to inline autograd functions. Refer to for more details.
- Returns
if dynamo is True, otherwise None.- Return type
ONNXProgram | None
Changed in version 2.6: training is now deprecated. Instead, set the training mode of the model before exporting. operator_export_type is now deprecated. Only ONNX is supported. do_constant_folding is now deprecated. It is always enabled. export_modules_as_functions is now deprecated. autograd_inlining is now deprecated.
Changed in version 2.7: optimize is now True by default.
- torch.onnx.register_custom_op_symbolic(symbolic_name, symbolic_fn, opset_version)[source][source]¶
Registers a symbolic function for a custom operator.
When the user registers symbolic for custom/contrib ops, it is highly recommended to add shape inference for that operator via setType API, otherwise the exported graph may have incorrect shape inference in some extreme cases. An example of setType is test_aten_embedding_2 in
See “Custom Operators” in the module documentation for an example usage.
- Parameters
symbolic_name (str) – The name of the custom operator in “<domain>::<op>” format.
symbolic_fn (Callable) – A function that takes in the ONNX graph and the input arguments to the current operator, and returns new operator nodes to add to the graph.
opset_version (int) – The ONNX opset version in which to register.
- torch.onnx.unregister_custom_op_symbolic(symbolic_name, opset_version)[source][source]¶
.See “Custom Operators” in the module documentation for an example usage.
- torch.onnx.select_model_mode_for_export(model, mode)[source][source]¶
A context manager to temporarily set the training mode of
, resetting it when we exit the with-block.Deprecated since version 2.7: Please set training mode before exporting the model.
- torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export()[source][source]¶
Returns whether it is in the middle of ONNX export.
- Return type
- torch.onnx.verification.find_mismatch(model, input_args, do_constant_folding=True, training=<TrainingMode.EVAL: 0>, opset_version=None, keep_initializers_as_inputs=True, verbose=False, options=None)[source][source]¶
Find all mismatches between the original model and the exported model.
Deprecated since version 2.7: Consider using
torch.onnx.export(..., dynamo=True)
and use the returnedONNXProgram
to test the ONNX model.Experimental. The API is subject to change.
This tool helps debug the mismatch between the original PyTorch model and exported ONNX model. It binary searches the model graph to find the minimal subgraph that exhibits the mismatch.
- Parameters
model (torch.nn.Module | torch.jit.ScriptModule) – The model to be exported.
input_args (tuple[Any, ...]) – The input arguments to the model.
do_constant_folding (bool) – Same as do_constant_folding in
.training (_C_onnx.TrainingMode) – Same as training in
.opset_version (int | None) – Same as opset_version in
.keep_initializers_as_inputs (bool) – Same as keep_initializers_as_inputs in
.verbose (bool) – Same as verbose in
.options (VerificationOptions | None) – The options for the mismatch verification.
- Returns
A GraphInfo object that contains the mismatch information.
- Return type
- GraphInfo
>>> import torch >>> import torch.onnx.verification >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> opset_version = 15 >>> # Define a custom symbolic function for aten::relu. >>> # The custom symbolic function is incorrect, which will result in mismatches. >>> def incorrect_relu_symbolic_function(g, self): ... return self >>> torch.onnx.register_custom_op_symbolic( ... "aten::relu", ... incorrect_relu_symbolic_function, ... opset_version=opset_version, ... ) >>> class Model(torch.nn.Module): ... def __init__(self) -> None: ... super().__init__() ... self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential( ... torch.nn.Linear(3, 4), ... torch.nn.ReLU(), ... torch.nn.Linear(4, 5), ... torch.nn.ReLU(), ... torch.nn.Linear(5, 6), ... ) ... def forward(self, x): ... return self.layers(x) >>> graph_info = torch.onnx.verification.find_mismatch( ... Model(), ... (torch.randn(2, 3),), ... opset_version=opset_version, ... ) ===================== Mismatch info for graph partition : ====================== ================================ Mismatch error ================================ Tensor-likes are not close! Mismatched elements: 12 / 12 (100.0%) Greatest absolute difference: 0.2328854203224182 at index (1, 2) (up to 1e-07 allowed) Greatest relative difference: 0.699536174352349 at index (1, 3) (up to 0.001 allowed) ==================================== Tree: ===================================== 5 X __2 X __1 \u2713 id: | id: 0 | id: 00 | | | |__1 X (aten::relu) | id: 01 | |__3 X __1 \u2713 id: 1 | id: 10 | |__2 X __1 X (aten::relu) id: 11 | id: 110 | |__1 \u2713 id: 111 =========================== Mismatch leaf subgraphs: =========================== ['01', '110'] ============================= Mismatch node kinds: ============================= {'aten::relu': 2}
JitScalarType |
Scalar types defined in torch. |
GraphInfo contains validation information of a TorchScript graph and its converted ONNX graph. |
Options for ONNX export verification. |