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Tensor Parallelism - torch.distributed.tensor.parallel

Tensor Parallelism(TP) is built on top of the PyTorch DistributedTensor (DTensor) and provides different parallelism styles: Colwise, Rowwise, and Sequence Parallelism.


Tensor Parallelism APIs are experimental and subject to change.

The entrypoint to parallelize your nn.Module using Tensor Parallelism is:

torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.parallelize_module(module, device_mesh=None, parallelize_plan=None)[source]

Apply Tensor Parallelism in PyTorch by parallelizing modules or sub-modules based on a user-specified plan.

We parallelize module or sub_modules based on a parallelize_plan. The parallelize_plan contains ParallelStyle, which indicates how user wants the module or sub_module to be parallelized.

User can also specify different parallel style per module fully qualified name (FQN).

Note that parallelize_module only accepts a 1-D DeviceMesh, if you have a 2-D or N-D DeviceMesh, slice the DeviceMesh to a 1-D sub DeviceMesh first then pass to this API(i.e. device_mesh["tp"])

  • module (nn.Module) – Module to be parallelized.

  • device_mesh (DeviceMesh, optional) – Object which describes the mesh topology of devices for the DTensor. If not specified, the call must be under a DeviceMesh context.

  • parallelize_plan (Union[ParallelStyle, Dict[str, ParallelStyle]], optional) – The plan used to parallelize the module. It can be either a ParallelStyle object which contains how we prepare input/output for Tensor Parallelism or it can be a dict of module FQN and its corresponding ParallelStyle object. If not specified, the call will do nothing at the moment.


A nn.Module object parallelized.

Return type


>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, ColwiseParallel
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> # Define the module.
>>> m = Model(...)
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> m = parallelize_module(m, tp_mesh, {"w1": ColwiseParallel(), "w2": RowwiseParallel()})


For complex module architecture like Attention, MLP layers, we recommend composing different ParallelStyles together (i.e. ColwiseParallel and RowwiseParallel) and pass as a parallelize_plan, to achieves the desired sharding computation.

Tensor Parallelism supports the following parallel styles:

class torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.ColwiseParallel(*, input_layouts=None, output_layouts=None, use_local_output=True)[source]

Partition a compatible nn.Module in a column-wise fashion. Currently supports nn.Linear and nn.Embedding. Users can compose it together with RowwiseParallel to achieve the sharding of more complicated modules. (i.e. MLP, Attention)

Keyword Arguments
  • input_layouts (Placement, optional) – The DTensor layout of input tensor for the nn.Module, this is used to annotate the input tensor to become a DTensor. If not specified, we assume the input tensor to be replicated.

  • output_layouts (Placement, optional) – The DTensor layout of the output for the nn.Module, this is used to ensure the output of the nn.Module with the user desired layout. If not specified, the output tensor is sharded on the last dimension.

  • use_local_output (bool, optional) – Whether to use local torch.Tensor instead of DTensor for the module output, default: True.


A ParallelStyle object that represents Colwise sharding of the nn.Module.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, ColwiseParallel
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> m = Model(...)  # m is a nn.Module that contains a "w1" nn.Linear submodule
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> # By default, the input of the "w1" Linear will be converted to Replicated DTensor
>>> # and the output of "w1" will return :class:`torch.Tensor` that shards on the last dim.
>>> sharded_mod = parallelize_module(m, tp_mesh, {"w1": ColwiseParallel()})
>>> ...


By default ColwiseParallel output is sharded on the last dimension if the output_layouts not specified, if there’re operators that require specific tensor shape (i.e. before the paired RowwiseParallel), keep in mind that if the output is sharded the operator might need to be adjusted to the sharded size.

class torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.RowwiseParallel(*, input_layouts=None, output_layouts=None, use_local_output=True)[source]

Partition a compatible nn.Module in a row-wise fashion. Currently supports nn.Linear and nn.Embedding. Users can compose it with ColwiseParallel to achieve the sharding of more complicated modules. (i.e. MLP, Attention)

Keyword Arguments
  • input_layouts (Placement, optional) – The DTensor layout of input tensor for the nn.Module, this is used to annotate the input tensor to become a DTensor. If not specified, we assume the input tensor to be sharded on the last dimension.

  • output_layouts (Placement, optional) – The DTensor layout of the output for the nn.Module, this is used to ensure the output of the nn.Module with the user desired layout. If not specified, the output tensor is replicated.

  • use_local_output (bool, optional) – Whether to use local torch.Tensor instead of DTensor for the module output, default: True.


A ParallelStyle object that represents Rowwise sharding of the nn.Module.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, RowwiseParallel
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> m = Model(...)  # m is a nn.Module that contains a "w2" nn.Linear submodule
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> # By default, the input of the "w2" Linear will be converted to DTensor that shards on the last dim
>>> # and the output of "w2" will return a replicated :class:`torch.Tensor`.
>>> sharded_mod = parallelize_module(m, tp_mesh, {"w2": RowwiseParallel()}),
>>> ...
class torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.SequenceParallel(*, sequence_dim=1, use_local_output=False)[source]

SequenceParallel replicates a compatible nn.Module parameters and runs the sharded computation with input sharded on the sequence dimension. This currently supports nn.LayerNorm, nn.Dropout, and the RMSNorm python implementation

This style implements the operation that is described in the paper Reducing Activation Recomputation in Large Transformer Models

If the input passed in to this nn.Module is a torch.Tensor, it assumes that the input is already sharded on the sequence dimension and converts the input to a DTensor sharded on the sequence dimension. If the input passed in to this nn.Module is already a DTensor but is not sharded on the sequence dimension, it would redistribute the input to be sharded on the sequence dimension.

The output of the nn.Module will be sharded on the sequence dimension.

Keyword Arguments
  • sequence_dim (int, optional) – The sequence dimension of the input tensor for the nn.Module, this is used to annotate the input tensor to become a DTensor that is sharded on the sequence dimension, default: 1.

  • use_local_output (bool, optional) – Whether to use local torch.Tensor instead of DTensor for the module output, default: False.


A ParallelStyle object that represents Sequence Parallel of the nn.Module.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, SequenceParallel
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> m = Model(...)  # m is a nn.Module that contains a "norm" nn.LayerNorm submodule
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> # By default, the input of the "norm" will be converted to DTensor that shards on the sequence dim
>>> # and the output of "norm" will return a sharded on sequence dimension :class:`DTensor`.
>>> sharded_mod = parallelize_module(m, tp_mesh, {"norm": SequenceParallel()}),
>>> ...


SequenceParallel style assumes ones initialization if there are weights in the nn.Module (i.e. nn.LayerNorm or RMSNorm, and they by default have ones initialization). If you have custom inits for the weights on those modules, you need to broadcast the weights before/after parallelizing to ensure that they are replicated.

To simply configure the nn.Module’s inputs and outputs with DTensor layouts and perform necessary layout redistributions, without distribute the module parameters to DTensors, the following ParallelStyle s can be used in the parallelize_plan when calling parallelize_module:

class torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.PrepareModuleInput(*, input_layouts=None, desired_input_layouts=None, input_kwarg_layouts=None, desired_input_kwarg_layouts=None, use_local_output=False)[source]

Configure the nn.Module’s inputs to convert the input tensors of the nn.Module to DTensors at runtime according to input_layouts, and perform layout redistribution according to the desired_input_layouts.

Keyword Arguments
  • input_layouts (Union[Placement, Tuple[Optional[Placement]]]) – The DTensor layouts of input tensors for the nn.Module, this is used to convert the input tensors to DTensors. If some inputs are not torch.Tensor or no need to convert to DTensors, None need to be specified as a placeholder. default: None.

  • desired_input_layouts (Union[Placement, Tuple[Optional[Placement]]]) – The desired DTensor layout of input tensors for the nn.Module, this is used to ensure the inputs of the nn.Module have the desired DTensor layouts. This argument needs to have the same length with input_layouts. default: None.

  • input_kwarg_layouts (Dict[str, Placement]) – The DTensor layouts of input kwargs for the nn.Module, this is used to convert the input kwarg tensors to DTensors. default: None

  • desired_input_kwarg_layouts – (Dict[str, Placement]): The desired DTensor layout of input kwargs for the nn.Module, this is used to ensure the inputs of the nn.Module have the desired DTensor layouts. default: None.

  • use_local_output (bool, optional) – Whether to use local torch.Tensor instead of DTensor for the module inputs, default: False.


A ParallelStyle object that prepares the sharding layouts of the nn.Module’s inputs.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, PrepareModuleInput
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> block = TransformerBlock(...)  # block is a nn.Module that contains an "attn" Attention submodule
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> # According to the style specified below, the first input of attn will be annotated to Sharded DTensor
>>> # and then redistributed to Replicated DTensor.
>>> parallelize_module(
>>>     block, # this can be a submodule or module
>>>     tp_mesh,
>>>     parallelize_plan={
>>>         "attn": PrepareModuleInput(
>>>             input_layouts=(Shard(0), None, None, ...),
>>>             desired_input_layouts=(Replicate(), None, None, ...)
>>>         ),
>>>     }
>>> )
class torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.PrepareModuleOutput(*, output_layouts, desired_output_layouts, use_local_output=True)[source]

Configure the nn.Module’s outputs to convert the output tensors of the nn.Module to DTensors at runtime according to output_layouts, and perform layout redistribution according to the desired_output_layouts.

Keyword Arguments
  • output_layouts (Union[Placement, Tuple[Placement]]) – The DTensor layouts of output tensors for the nn.Module, this is used to convert the output tensors to DTensors if they are torch.Tensor. If some outputs are not torch.Tensor or no need to convert to DTensors, None need to be specified as a placeholder.

  • desired_output_layouts (Union[Placement, Tuple[Placement]]) – The desired DTensor layouts of output tensors for the nn.Module, this is used to ensure the outputs of the nn.Module have the desired DTensor layouts.

  • use_local_output (bool, optional) – Whether to use local torch.Tensor instead of DTensor for the module outputs, default: True.


A ParallelStyle object that prepares the sharding layouts of the nn.Module’s outputs.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, PrepareModuleOutput
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> block = TransformerBlock(...)  # block is a nn.Module that contains an "attn" Attention submodule
>>> tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> # According to the style specified below, the output of the TransformerBlock will be converted to Replicated DTensor
>>> # and then redistributed to Sharded DTensor.
>>> parallelize_module(
>>>     block, # this can be a submodule or module
>>>     tp_mesh,
>>>     parallelize_plan = PrepareModuleOutput(
>>>         output_layouts=Replicate(),
>>>         desired_output_layouts=Shard(0)
>>>     )
>>> )


when using the Shard(dim) as the input/output layouts for the above ParallelStyle s, we assume the input/output activation tensors are evenly sharded on the tensor dimension dim on the DeviceMesh that TP operates on. For instance, since RowwiseParallel accepts input that is sharded on the last dimension, it assumes the input tensor has already been evenly sharded on the last dimension. For the case of uneven sharded activation tensors, one could pass in DTensor directly to the partitioned modules, and use use_local_output=False to return DTensor after each ParallelStyle, where DTensor could track the uneven sharding information.

For models like Transformer, we recommend users to use ColwiseParallel and RowwiseParallel together in the parallelize_plan for achieve the desired sharding for the entire model (i.e. Attention and MLP).

Parallelized cross-entropy loss computation (loss parallelism), is supported via the following context manager:


A context manager that enables loss parallelism, where efficient parallelized loss computation can be performed when the input is sharded on the class dimension. Currently only the cross-entropy loss is supported.

Within this context manager, one can use cross_entropy() or CrossEntropyLoss as usual, with the following assumptions on the input parameters. The corresponding backward() call, if any, also needs to happen under this context manager.

  • input (DTensor) – Input logits. Assumed to be sharded on the class dimension.

  • target (Union[torch.Tensor, DTensor]) – Must be ground truth class indices (class probabilities currently not supported). Assumed to be replicated across the DeviceMesh.

  • weight (Union[torch.Tensor, DTensor], optional) – If given, assumed to be replicated across the DeviceMesh.

  • label_smoothing – Currently not supported.


A replicated DTensor.


A sharded DTensor is manually created here to showcase the usage. In practice, it is usually the output of a TP module.

>>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import loss_parallel
>>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
>>> ...
>>> device_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))
>>> input = torch.randn(4, 16, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)
>>> dist_input = distribute_tensor(input, device_mesh, placements=[Shard(1)])
>>> target = torch.randint(16, (4,), device="cuda")
>>> with loss_parallel():
>>>     loss = F.cross_entropy(dist_input, target, reduction="mean")
>>>     loss.backward()
>>> ...


The loss_parallel API is experimental and subject to change.


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