
Source code for torch.export.dynamic_shapes

# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import dataclasses
import inspect
import logging
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import auto, Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import torch
from torch.utils._pytree import (

from .exported_program import ExportedProgram

    from sympy import Symbol

    from torch._guards import Source
    from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import ShapeEnv, StrictMinMaxConstraint

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _DimHint(Enum):
    Enum for dynamic shape hints.
    - AUTO means automatic inference of shape (static or dynamic).
    - STATIC means static shape (always specialized).
    - DYNAMIC means dynamic, will error out if specialized.

    AUTO = auto()
    STATIC = auto()
    DYNAMIC = auto()

class _Dim(type):
    Metaclass for :func:`Dim` types.

    def readable(name, min_, max_):
        from torch.utils._sympy.numbers import int_oo

        if min_ == 2:
            min_ = None
        if max_ == int_oo:
            max_ = None
        if min_ is None and max_ is None:
            return f"Dim('{name}')"
        if min_ is None:
            return f"Dim('{name}', max={max_})"
        if max_ is None:
            return f"Dim('{name}', min={min_})"
        return f"Dim('{name}', min={min_}, max={max_})"

    def __add__(cls, other):
        # e.g., dim + 1
        if type(other) is not int:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Attempted to add {other} to {cls.__name__}, where an integer was expected. "
                "(Only increasing linear operations with integer coefficients are supported.)"
        return cls._derive(lambda x: x + other)

    def __radd__(cls, other):
        return cls + other

    def __sub__(cls, other):
        # e.g., dim - 1
        if type(other) is not int:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Attempted to subtract {other} from {cls.__name__}, where an integer was expected. "
                "(Only increasing linear operations with integer coefficients are supported.)"
        return cls._derive(lambda x: x - other)

    def __rsub__(cls, other):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Attempted to negate {cls.__name__}. "
            "(Only increasing linear operations with integer coefficients are supported.)"

    def __mul__(cls, other):
        # e.g., dim * 2
        if type(other) is not int or other <= 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Attempted to multiply {other} with {cls.__name__}, where a positive integer was expected. "
                "(Only increasing linear operations with integer coefficients are supported.)"
        return cls._derive(lambda x: x * other)

    def __rmul__(cls, other):
        return cls * other

    def _derived_name(cls, fn):
        from sympy import sympify

        return str(fn(sympify(cls.__name__)))

    def _derive(cls, fn):
        return _DerivedDim(cls._derived_name(fn), (int,), {"root": cls, "fn": fn})

class _StaticDim(_Dim):
    Meta class for static :func:`Dim` types.

    This class is only for setting and checking static dim constraints,
    and the user should never interact with it.

    def min(self):
        return self.value  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    def max(self):
        return self.value  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

class _DerivedDim(_Dim):
    Metaclass for derived :func:`Dim` types.

    Currently we only support increasing linear expressions with integer coefficients.
    In other words, a derived Dim can always be written in the form Ax + B, where
    x is a regular Dim (i.e., non-derived Dim), A and B are integers, and A is positive.
    (In particular, the latter ensures that x < y => Ax + B < Ay + B.)
    These restrictions on the form of derived Dims makes the metatheory simpler: e.g.,
    it simplifies computing ranges for derived Dims, solving for underlying regular Dims,
    deciding equalities between derived Dims, and so on.

    The function lambda x: Ax + B is expressed by `fn`, where x is a normal Dim, `root`.
    The range of a derived Dim is computed by mapping `fn` over the range of its `root`.

    def min(self):
        # assume that self.fn is an increasing function
        # TODO(avik): use sympy value range analysis instead?
        from sympy import Integer

        from torch.utils._sympy.numbers import int_oo

        if self.root.min is -int_oo:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            return -int_oo  # fn not needed cuz increasing

        _min_symint = self.fn(Integer(self.root.min))  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        root = self.root  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        assert _min_symint >= 0, (
            f"Expected derived min value of {self.__name__} to be >= 0. "
            f"Please specify an appropriate min value for {root.__name__} "
            f"(currently {root.min})."
        return int(_min_symint)

    def max(self):
        # assume that self.fn is an increasing function
        # TODO(avik): use sympy value range analysis instead?
        from sympy import Integer

        from torch.utils._sympy.numbers import int_oo

        if self.root.max is int_oo:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            return int_oo  # fn not needed cuz increasing

        _max_symint = self.fn(Integer(self.root.max))  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        root = self.root  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        assert _max_symint <= sys.maxsize - 1, (
            f"Expected derived max value of {self.__name__} to be <= {sys.maxsize - 1}. "
            f"Please specify an appropriate max value for {root.__name__} "
            f"(currently {root.max})."
        return int(_max_symint)

    def _derive(self, fn):
        # We support nesting, e.g., 2*dim + 1.
        # This is implemented by composing operations on the same root.
        # As a consequence, roots are always regular Dims (i.e., not derived Dims).
        return _DerivedDim(
            {"root": self.root, "fn": lambda x: fn(self.fn(x))},  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

[docs]def Dim(name: str, *, min: Optional[int] = None, max: Optional[int] = None): """ :func:`Dim` constructs a type analogous to a named symbolic integer with a range. It can be used to describe multiple possible values of a dynamic tensor dimension. Note that different dynamic dimensions of the same tensor, or of different tensors, can be described by the same type. Args: name (str): Human-readable name for debugging. min (Optional[int]): Minimum possible value of given symbol (inclusive) max (Optional[int]): Maximum possible value of given symbol (inclusive) Returns: A type that can be used in dynamic shape specifications for tensors. """ from torch.utils._sympy.numbers import int_oo _min = 0 if min is None else min _max = int_oo if max is None else max assert _max > _min, f"Cannot create Dim with inconsistent min={min}, max={max}" assert name.isidentifier(), f"Dim name must be a valid identifier, got {name}" dim = _Dim(name, (int,), {"min": _min, "max": _max}) dim.__module__ = getattr( inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]), "__name__", "__main__" ) return dim
Dim.AUTO = _DimHint.AUTO # type: ignore[attr-defined] Dim.STATIC = _DimHint.STATIC # type: ignore[attr-defined] Dim.DYNAMIC = _DimHint.DYNAMIC # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs]def dims(*names: str, min: Optional[int] = None, max: Optional[int] = None): """ Util to create multiple :func:`Dim` types. """ return tuple(Dim(name, min=min, max=max) for name in names)
@dataclasses.dataclass class _ConstraintTarget: """ This represents input tensor dimensions. """ t_id: int dim: int @dataclasses.dataclass class _Constraint(_ConstraintTarget): """ This represents a Dim describing a constraint target. `name` is the name of the Dim. `constraint_range` contains the min/max bounds of the Dim. """ name: str constraint_range: "StrictMinMaxConstraint" def _clone_with_range(self, lower=0, upper=None): # Import sympy locally from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import StrictMinMaxConstraint from torch.utils._sympy.numbers import int_oo from torch.utils._sympy.value_ranges import ValueRanges if upper is None: upper = int_oo constraint_range = StrictMinMaxConstraint( vr=self.constraint_range.vr & ValueRanges(lower=lower, upper=upper), warn_only=False, ) return _Constraint( self.t_id, self.dim,, constraint_range, ) def __ge__(self, lower): return self._clone_with_range(lower=lower) def __gt__(self, lower): return self._clone_with_range(lower=lower + 1) def __le__(self, upper): return self._clone_with_range(upper=upper) def __lt__(self, upper): return self._clone_with_range(upper=upper - 1) def __bool__(self): # NOTE(avik): We do not support compound expressions like a <= x <= b. # This is because Python implicitly desugars them into bool(a <= x) and bool(x <= b), # and moreover, enforces that any overload of __bool__ must return True or False. # FWIW, sympy also raises TypeError in this case. raise TypeError( "Cannot determine truth value of _Constraint. " "If you are trying to combine _Constraint's with logical connectives, " "you can specify them separately instead." ) @property def serializable_spec(self): # We need a serialization compatible format of the constraint so that it # can be savedin the graph module w/o breaking the module serialization. # The saved constraints will be used directly for the post-exporting pass # that converts constraints to runtime assertion. The saved constraints # will not be saved in the serialized module. # TODO: A better way is needed. Currently we use 't_id' to map the constraint, # which is not reliable return { "t_id": self.t_id, "dim": self.dim, "min": self.constraint_range.vr.lower, "max": self.constraint_range.vr.upper, } @dataclasses.dataclass class _PhantomRoot: """ This represents the root of a derived Dim where the root does not directly specify the shape of any input dimension, but the derived Dim does. e.g., the input shapes 2*dim and dim + 1 are related via a "phantom" dim. The fields `name`, `constraint_range`, and `val` carried by a phantom root help create a symbol for it. Any derived dims with this phantom root are backed by expressions over this symbol. """ name: str constraint_range: "StrictMinMaxConstraint" val: int @dataclasses.dataclass class _DerivedConstraint(_ConstraintTarget): """ This represents a derived Dim, whose root is either a regular constraint target (which directly specifies the shape of some input dimension) or a phantom root (which does so indirectly). It can be thought of as a subclass of `_Constraint`, except that it does not support <, <=, >, >= operations. """ name: str constraint_range: "StrictMinMaxConstraint" root: Union[_ConstraintTarget, _PhantomRoot] fn: Callable @property def serializable_spec(self): # same as _Constraint.serializable_spec return { "t_id": self.t_id, "dim": self.dim, "min": self.constraint_range.vr.lower, "max": self.constraint_range.vr.upper, } Constraint = Union[_Constraint, _DerivedConstraint] def _process_equalities( constraint: Constraint, get_sources: Callable[[int, int], List["Source"]], shape_env: "ShapeEnv", names: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]], source_pairs: List[Tuple["Source", "Source"]], derived_equalities: List[Tuple["Source", Union["Source", "Symbol"], Callable]], phantom_symbols: Dict[str, "Symbol"], ): """ Updates `source_pairs`, `derived_equalities`, and `phantom_symbols` (which become fields of `EqualityConstraint`) based on a given input `constraint`. """ sources = get_sources(constraint.t_id, constraint.dim) if not sources: # empty sources due to unused shapes return source, *other_sources = sources # When t.size()[dim] maps to src0, src1, ..., srcN, we add # constraints that make src0 "equal" to src1, ..., srcN. source_pairs.extend((source, other_source) for other_source in other_sources) if not isinstance(constraint, _DerivedConstraint): if in names: shared_t_id, shared_dim = names[] other_sources = get_sources(shared_t_id, shared_dim) source_pairs.extend( (source, other_source) for other_source in other_sources ) else: names[] = (constraint.t_id, constraint.dim) else: # branch based on the root of the _DerivedConstraint if not isinstance(constraint.root, _PhantomRoot): # either root points to an input source root = get_sources(constraint.root.t_id, constraint.root.dim)[0] # type: ignore[assignment] else: # or root points to a phantom symbol if in phantom_symbols: root = phantom_symbols[] # type: ignore[assignment] else: # create a phantom symbol in the shape env based on the _PhantomRoot root = shape_env.create_symbol( val=constraint.root.val, source=torch._dynamo.source.ConstantSource(, dynamic_dim=torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes.DimDynamic.DYNAMIC, constraint_dim=constraint.root.constraint_range, ) phantom_symbols[] = root # type: ignore[assignment] fn = constraint.fn # A derived equality (source, root, fn) informally corresponds to source = fn(root). # Here source describes an input and root might describe another input or a phantom symbol. derived_equalities.append((source, root, fn)) def _tree_map_with_path( func: Callable[..., Any], tree: Any, *dynamic_shapes: Any, tree_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """ Customized tree_map for mapping pytrees to dynamic_shapes. For built-in types (e.g., standard collections) this behaves exactly like tree_map. OTOH for a user-defined class C registered with pytree, we cannot assume that a C containing tensors can be mapped to a C containing dynamic shapes (i.e., C may not be a polymorphic container). In that case we use the flattened form of C instead. Thus a C(**tensors) that flattens to (**tensors) will map to (**dynamic_shapes). Args: func: function to apply to each (int, float, str, bool, None, torch.Tensor) tree: input pytree dynamic_shapes: zero or more (typically one) dynamic_shapes to match Returns: output pytree mapping func to each (int, float, str, bool, None, torch.Tensor) """ def is_leaf(t): # BUILTIN_TYPES is a subset of SUPPORTED_NODES, the latter being all types # registered with pytree. Types *not* in BUILTIN_TYPES include primitive types # (int, float, str, bool, None, torch.Tensor), which are not in SUPPORTED_NODES, # as well as user-defined classes registered with pytree, which are. return _get_node_type(t) not in BUILTIN_TYPES def f(path, t, *dynamic_shapes): typ = _get_node_type(t) # typ is not in BUILTIN_TYPES if typ in SUPPORTED_NODES: # thus typ is a user-defined class registered with pytree, # in which case flatten and recurse return tree_map_with_path( f, SUPPORTED_NODES[typ].flatten_fn(t)[0], *dynamic_shapes, is_leaf=is_leaf, ) else: return func(path, t, *dynamic_shapes) try: return tree_map_with_path(f, tree, *dynamic_shapes, is_leaf=is_leaf) except ValueError as e: if "mismatch" in e.args[0]: # When PyTree finds a structural mismatch between tree and dynamic_shapes, # the error message is unfortunately quite horrible. Let's fix that. assert dynamic_shapes, "Cannot be a mismatch if there is no dynamic_shapes" assert tree_name, "Must provide a tree_name when there might be a mismatch" def _key(type_, context, i): # derive a PyTree key given the type, context, and child # of a TreeSpec if type_ is dict: return MappingKey(context[i]) if type_ in (list, tuple): assert context is None return SequenceKey(i) raise AssertionError(f"Did not expect type {type_}") def raise_mismatch_error(msg): from torch._dynamo.exc import UserError, UserErrorType raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Detected mismatch between the structure of `{tree_name}` and `dynamic_shapes`: {msg}", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) def _compare(tree, dynamic_shapes, path): # raise an error at the point where tree and dynamic_shapes differ, # including the path to that point and the reason for the difference rendered_path = keystr(path) if isinstance(tree, LeafSpec): return if isinstance(dynamic_shapes, LeafSpec): raise_mismatch_error( f"`{tree_name}{rendered_path}` is a {tree.type}, " f"but `dynamic_shapes{rendered_path}` is not" ) if tree.type != dynamic_shapes.type: raise_mismatch_error( f"`{tree_name}{rendered_path}` is a {tree.type}, " f"but `dynamic_shapes{rendered_path}` is a {dynamic_shapes.type}" ) if len(tree.children_specs) != len(dynamic_shapes.children_specs): raise_mismatch_error( f"`{tree_name}{rendered_path}` has {len(tree.children_specs)} elements, " f"but `dynamic_shapes{rendered_path}` has {len(dynamic_shapes.children_specs)} elements" ) if tree.type is dict: # context, children could be out of order if sorted(tree.context) != sorted(dynamic_shapes.context): raise_mismatch_error( f"`{tree_name}{rendered_path}` has keys {tree.context}, " f"but `dynamic_shapes{rendered_path}` has keys {dynamic_shapes.context}" ) _remap = dict( zip(dynamic_shapes.context, dynamic_shapes.children_specs) ) dynamic_shapes_children_specs = [_remap[k] for k in tree.context] else: dynamic_shapes_children_specs = dynamic_shapes.children_specs for i, (tree_, dynamic_shapes_) in enumerate( zip(tree.children_specs, dynamic_shapes_children_specs) ): _compare( tree_, dynamic_shapes_, path + [_key(tree.type, tree.context, i)], ) _, tree_spec = tree_flatten(tree, is_leaf=is_leaf) for other_tree in dynamic_shapes: _, other_tree_spec = tree_flatten(other_tree, is_leaf) _compare(tree_spec, other_tree_spec, []) raise def _combine_args(f, args, kwargs, _is_torch_jit_trace=False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # combine args and kwargs following the signature of f, as it happens # in the body of f when called with *args, **kwargs if isinstance(f, ExportedProgram): f = f.module() if not _is_torch_jit_trace: signature = ( inspect.signature(f.forward) if isinstance(f, torch.nn.Module) else inspect.signature(f) ) kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} return signature.bind(*args, **kwargs).arguments return args
[docs]class ShapesCollection: """ Builder for dynamic_shapes. Used to assign dynamic shape specifications to tensors that appear in inputs. Example:: args = ({"x": tensor_x, "others": [tensor_y, tensor_z]}) dim = torch.export.Dim(...) dynamic_shapes = torch.export.ShapesCollection() dynamic_shapes[tensor_x] = (dim, dim + 1, 8) dynamic_shapes[tensor_y] = {0: dim * 2} # This is equivalent to the following (now auto-generated): # dynamic_shapes = {"x": (dim, dim + 1, 8), "others": [{0: dim * 2}, None]} torch.export(..., args, dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes) """ def __init__(self): self._shapes = {} def __setitem__(self, t, shape): assert isinstance( t, torch.Tensor ), f"Cannot assign shape to non-tensor type {type(t)}" # TODO(avik): check that shape is indeed a Shape t_id = id(t) if t_id in self._shapes: _shape = self._shapes[t_id] assert ( shape == _shape ), f"Shapes assigned to tensor do not match: expected {_shape}, got {shape}" else: self._shapes[id(t)] = shape def __getitem__(self, t): t_id = id(t) if t_id in self._shapes: return self._shapes[t_id] else: return None def __len__(self): return len(self._shapes)
[docs] def dynamic_shapes(self, m, args, kwargs=None): """ Generate dynamic_shapes. """ t_ids = set() def find_shape(path, t): t_id = id(t) if t_id in self._shapes: t_ids.add(t_id) return self._shapes[t_id] else: return None combined_args = _combine_args(m, args, kwargs) dynamic_shapes = _tree_map_with_path(find_shape, combined_args) if any(t_id not in t_ids for t_id in self._shapes): raise ValueError( "Some tensors that were assigned shapes were not found in args. " "Maybe such tensors were copied when passing them as args? " "Maybe such tensors are contained in classes that were not registered with pytree?" ) return dynamic_shapes
def _warn_on_None_dynamic_shape_dimension(): msg = ( "Using None as a dynamic shape dimension is deprecated. " "Please use Dim.STATIC instead" ) # TODO(avik): raise an error in the future log.warning(msg) def _check_dynamic_shapes( combined_args: Dict[str, Any], dynamic_shapes: Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any], None], ): """ Checks the dynamic_shapes specification for correctness, using combined args + kwargs as reference for inputs structure. """ from torch._dynamo.exc import UserError, UserErrorType from torch._export.non_strict_utils import _flatten_dynamic_shapes if dynamic_shapes is None or len(dynamic_shapes) == 0: return if isinstance(dynamic_shapes, (tuple, list)): combined_args = type(dynamic_shapes)(combined_args.values()) # type: ignore[assignment, misc] bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {} def check_same_bounds(dim): if dim.__name__ in bounds: min_, max_ = bounds[dim.__name__] if dim.min != min_ or dim.max != max_: this_ = _Dim.readable(dim.__name__, min_, max_) that_ = _Dim.readable(dim.__name__, dim.min, dim.max) raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Found different definitions {this_} and {that_} " f"for the same symbolic dimension {dim}!", ) else: bounds[dim.__name__] = (dim.min, dim.max) def check_symbols(path, tensor, shape): if isinstance(shape, dict): for i, dim in shape.items(): if isinstance(dim, _Dim): check_same_bounds(dim) elif dim is None: _warn_on_None_dynamic_shape_dimension() elif not (isinstance(dim, (int, _DimHint))): raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Unexpected dimension mapped to index {i} in input tensor shape {shape} " f"specified at `dynamic_shapes{keystr(path)}` " f"(expected None, an int, a Dim, Dim.AUTO, Dim.STATIC, or Dim.DYNAMIC, " f" but got {dim} instead)", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) elif isinstance(shape, (tuple, list)): for i, dim in enumerate(shape): if isinstance(dim, _Dim): check_same_bounds(dim) elif dim is None: _warn_on_None_dynamic_shape_dimension() elif not (isinstance(dim, (int, _DimHint))): raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Unexpected dimension #{i} in input tensor shape {shape} " f"specified at `dynamic_shapes{keystr(path)}` " f"(expected None, an int, a Dim, Dim.AUTO, Dim.STATIC, or Dim.DYNAMIC, " f"but got {dim} instead)", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) elif shape is not None: raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Unexpected input tensor shape {shape} specified at `dynamic_shapes{keystr(path)}` " f"(expected either a list/tuple of dimensions, or a dict mapping indices to dimensions," f" where each dimension is an int, a Dim, Dim.AUTO, Dim.STATIC, or Dim.DYNAMIC)", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) assert isinstance(dynamic_shapes, (dict, tuple, list)) if isinstance(dynamic_shapes, dict): got_keys = list(dynamic_shapes.keys()) expected_arg_names = list(combined_args.keys()) if sorted(got_keys) != sorted(expected_arg_names): msg = ( f"When `dynamic_shapes` is specified as a dict, its top-level keys " f"must be the arg names {expected_arg_names} of `inputs`, but " f"here they are {got_keys}. " ) if ( len(combined_args) == 1 and expected_arg_names[0] not in got_keys and isinstance(combined_args[expected_arg_names[0]], dict) ): msg += ( "Since here `inputs` is a list/tuple enclosing a single dict, " "maybe you just forgot to enclose `dynamic_shapes` in a list/tuple?" ) else: msg += ( "Alternatively, you could also ignore arg names entirely " "and specify `dynamic_shapes` as a list/tuple matching `inputs`." ) raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, msg, case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation" ) def check_shape(path, t, dynamic_shape): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): check_symbols(path, t, dynamic_shape) else: if dynamic_shape is not None: rendered_path = keystr(path) raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, f"Cannot associate shape {dynamic_shape} specified at `dynamic_shapes{rendered_path}` " f"to non-tensor type {type(t)} at `inputs{rendered_path}` (expected None)", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) _tree_map_with_path(check_shape, combined_args, dynamic_shapes, tree_name="inputs") # raise user warning if both Dim.AUTO & Dims are specified in dynamic_shapes flat_dynamic_shapes = _flatten_dynamic_shapes(combined_args, dynamic_shapes) flatter_dynamic_shapes, _ = tree_flatten(flat_dynamic_shapes) if any(isinstance(s, _Dim) for s in flatter_dynamic_shapes) and any( s == _DimHint.AUTO for s in flatter_dynamic_shapes ): raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, "Specifying both `Dim.AUTO/Dim.DYNAMIC` and `Dim/DerivedDim` in `dynamic_shapes` is not " "well supported at the moment, and can easily lead to constraint violation errors or obscure errors " "in torch.export. Dim/DerivedDims expect all equal or related dimensions to be specified, " "and do not yet compose well with `Dim.AUTO`. We suggest using `Dim.AUTO/Dim.DYNAMIC` mixed with " "`Dim.STATIC` for auto-dynamic + static shapes, plus torch._check(dim >= min), torch._check(dim <= max) " "calls in your program to specify min/max ranges, or `Dim`/`DerivedDim` mixed with `Dim.STATIC` " "if you want to assert on the exact specification of your program's dynamic shapes behavior.", case_name="dynamic_shapes_validation", ) def _process_dynamic_shapes( combined_args: Dict[str, Any], dynamic_shapes: Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any], None], ) -> List[Constraint]: """ Reads the dynamic_shapes specification and produces a list of constraints. """ from torch._dynamo.exc import UserError, UserErrorType if dynamic_shapes is None or len(dynamic_shapes) == 0: # we run with dynamic by default, so no need to produce constraints return [] if isinstance(dynamic_shapes, (tuple, list)): combined_args = type(dynamic_shapes)(combined_args.values()) # type: ignore[assignment, misc] # map of Dim names representing input shape dimensions to constraints on them symbols: Dict[str, List[Constraint]] = defaultdict(list) # track roots that do not directly represent input shape dimensions phantom_roots: Dict[str, _PhantomRoot] = {} derived_constraints_with_phantom_root: List[_DerivedConstraint] = [] # list of constraints to return constraints: List[Constraint] = [] def to_constraint(dim, tensor, i): import sympy from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import StrictMinMaxConstraint from torch.utils._sympy.solve import try_solve from torch.utils._sympy.value_ranges import ValueRanges def root_value(): # given tensor.shape[i] is the value of dim = fn(root), # find the value of root symbol = sympy.Symbol(dim.root.__name__, integer=True) expr = dim.fn(symbol) solution = try_solve(sympy.Eq(expr, tensor.shape[i]), symbol) if solution is not None: return int(solution[1]) # type: ignore[call-overload] else: raise UserError( # noqa: B904 UserErrorType.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, f"Expected shape[{i}] = {tensor.shape[i]} of input Tensor to be " f"of the form {expr}, where {symbol} is an integer", ) if isinstance(dim, _DerivedDim): # generate a _DerivedConstraint where the root is: # - either a _ConstraintTarget (if dim.root directly describes an input shape) # - or a _PhantomRoot (otherwise) dim_root = dim.root # type: ignore[attr-defined] if dim_root.__name__ in symbols: # root represents an input shape dimension root_constraint = symbols[dim_root.__name__][0] root = _ConstraintTarget( root_constraint.t_id, root_constraint.dim, ) elif dim_root.__name__ not in phantom_roots: # create a phantom root root = _PhantomRoot( # type: ignore[assignment] name=dim_root.__name__, constraint_range=StrictMinMaxConstraint( vr=ValueRanges(lower=dim_root.min, upper=dim_root.max), warn_only=False, ), val=root_value(), ) phantom_roots[dim_root.__name__] = root # type: ignore[assignment] else: root = phantom_roots[dim_root.__name__] # type: ignore[assignment] constraint = _DerivedConstraint( id(tensor), i, dim.__name__, StrictMinMaxConstraint( vr=ValueRanges(lower=dim.min, upper=dim.max), warn_only=False, ), root, dim.fn, # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) if isinstance(root, _PhantomRoot): # NOTE(avik): since we have not processed all inputs yet, we may replace this # with a root that does represent an input shape dimension later (see below) derived_constraints_with_phantom_root.append(constraint) elif isinstance(dim, _StaticDim): constraint = _Constraint( # type: ignore[assignment] id(tensor), i, dim.__name__, StrictMinMaxConstraint( vr=ValueRanges(lower=dim.value, upper=dim.value), warn_only=False # type: ignore[attr-defined] ), ) else: assert isinstance(dim, _Dim) constraint = _Constraint( # type: ignore[assignment] id(tensor), i, dim.__name__, StrictMinMaxConstraint( vr=ValueRanges(lower=dim.min, upper=dim.max), warn_only=False # type: ignore[attr-defined] ), ) return constraint def update_symbols(path, tensor, shape): def _create_static_dim(tensor, i, value): return _StaticDim(str(value), (int,), {"value": value}) # clean out decorators from user side, or previous export call # we also delete these attributes in tensor._dynamo_weak_dynamic_indices = set() tensor._dynamo_dynamic_indices = set() tensor._dynamo_dynamic_range = set() tensor._dynamo_static_indices = set() tensor._dynamo_unbacked_indices = set() if isinstance(shape, dict): for i, dim in shape.items(): if isinstance(dim, (int, _Dim)): if isinstance(dim, int): dim = _create_static_dim(tensor, i, dim) constraint = to_constraint(dim, tensor, i) symbols[dim.__name__].append(constraint) elif isinstance(dim, _DimHint): if dim == _DimHint.AUTO: torch._dynamo.maybe_mark_dynamic(tensor, i) elif dim == _DimHint.STATIC: torch._dynamo.mark_static(tensor, i) elif dim == _DimHint.DYNAMIC: torch._dynamo.mark_dynamic(tensor, i) elif dim is None: torch._dynamo.mark_static(tensor, i) elif isinstance(shape, (tuple, list)): for i, dim in enumerate(shape): if isinstance(dim, (int, _Dim)): if isinstance(dim, int): dim = _create_static_dim(tensor, i, dim) constraint = to_constraint(dim, tensor, i) symbols[dim.__name__].append(constraint) elif isinstance(dim, _DimHint): if dim == _DimHint.AUTO: torch._dynamo.maybe_mark_dynamic(tensor, i) elif dim == _DimHint.STATIC: torch._dynamo.mark_static(tensor, i) elif dim == _DimHint.DYNAMIC: torch._dynamo.mark_dynamic(tensor, i) elif dim is None: torch._dynamo.mark_static(tensor, i) elif shape is None: for i in range(tensor.dim()): torch._dynamo.mark_static(tensor, i) def assoc_shape(path, t, dynamic_shape): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): update_symbols(path, t, dynamic_shape) _tree_map_with_path(assoc_shape, combined_args, dynamic_shapes, tree_name="inputs") for derived_constraint_with_phantom_root in derived_constraints_with_phantom_root: phantom_root_name = # type: ignore[union-attr] if phantom_root_name in symbols: # We found an input shape dimension corresponding to this name, so we # do not need a phantom symbol for it after all. # NOTE(avik): Overall we want to maintain the invariant that roots that # are phantom symbols are really "phantom," i.e., they cannot be represented # by any input source. This is important when we are deciding derived equalities, # since we can focus our attention exclusively on input sources: deciding # derived equalities involving phantom symbols are, in comparison, trivial. derived_constraint_with_phantom_root.root = symbols[phantom_root_name][0] for dynamic_dims in symbols.values(): constraints.extend(dynamic_dims) return constraints # type: ignore[return-value] def _get_dim_name_mapping( dynamic_shapes: Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any], None] ): name_to_dim = {} for dim in tree_flatten( dynamic_shapes, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, _Dim), )[0]: if dim is None: # NOTE: this must denote a non-Tensor or automatic at this point. continue if isinstance(dim, int): continue elif isinstance(dim, _Dim): name_to_dim[dim.__name__] = dim if isinstance(dim, _DerivedDim): name_to_dim[dim.root.__name__] = dim.root # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: assert isinstance(dim, _DimHint) return name_to_dim
[docs]def refine_dynamic_shapes_from_suggested_fixes( msg: str, dynamic_shapes: Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any]], ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any], List[Any]]: """ For working with export's dynamic shapes suggested fixes, and/or automatic dynamic shapes. Refines the given dynamic shapes spec, given a ConstraintViolation error message and the original dynamic shapes. For most cases behavior is straightforward - i.e. for suggested fixes that specialize or refine a Dim's range, or fixes that suggest a derived relation, the new dynamic shapes spec will be updated as such. e.g. Suggested fixes: dim = Dim('dim', min=3, max=6) -> this just refines the dim's range dim = 4 -> this specializes to a constant dy = dx + 1 -> dy was specified as an independent dim, but is actually tied to dx with this relation However, suggested fixes associated with derived dims can be more complicated. For example, if a suggested fix is provided for a root dim, the new derived dim value is evaluated based on the root. e.g. dx = Dim('dx') dy = dx + 2 dynamic_shapes = {"x": (dx,), "y": (dy,)} Suggested fixes: dx = 4 # specialization will lead to dy also specializing = 6 dx = Dim('dx', max=6) # dy now has max = 8 Derived dims suggested fixes can also be used to express divisibility constraints. This involves creating new root dims that aren't tied to a particular input shape. In this case the root dims won't appear directly in the new spec, but as a root of one of the dims. e.g. Suggested fixes: _dx = Dim('_dx', max=1024) # this won't appear in the return result, but dx will dx = 4*_dx # dx is now divisible by 4, with a max value of 4096 """ import re import sympy from torch._dynamo.exc import UserError, UserErrorType from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import _is_supported_equivalence try: shape_fixes_msg = msg.split("Suggested fixes:")[1].strip() except Exception as exc: raise UserError( UserErrorType.INVALID_INPUT, "Suggested fixes not found in error message given to refine_dynamic_shapes_from_suggested_fixes()", ) from exc # build shape_fixes dictionary shape_fixes = {} for fix in shape_fixes_msg.split("\n"): fix = fix.strip() if match := re.match(r"(.*) = Dim\('(.*)'.*\)", fix): name = _min, _max = None, None if match_min := re.match(r".* = Dim\('.*', min\=([0-9]+).*\)", fix): _min = int( if match_max := re.match(r".* = Dim\('.*'.*max\=([0-9]+)\)", fix): _max = int( shape_fixes[name] = Dim(name, min=_min, max=_max) else: name, expr = fix.split(" = ") expr = sympy.sympify(expr) if isinstance(expr, sympy.Number): # static, integer shape_fixes[name] = int(expr) # type: ignore[assignment] else: # relation or derived dim shape_fixes[name] = expr name_to_dim = _get_dim_name_mapping(dynamic_shapes) # track derived dim roots roots: Set[str] = set() for k, c in shape_fixes.items(): assert isinstance(c, (int, _Dim, _DerivedDim, sympy.Expr)) if isinstance(c, sympy.Expr): # check dim/derived dim expression assert _is_supported_equivalence(c) shape_fixes[k] = c roots.add(str(next(iter(c.free_symbols)))) if isinstance(c, _DerivedDim): roots.add(c.root.__name__) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # check keys are existing dims or new roots for k, c in shape_fixes.items(): assert k in name_to_dim or k in roots # cache so we don't produce multiple derived dim objects derived_dim_cache: Dict[str, _DerivedDim] = {} def apply_fixes(path, dim, dummy): if dim is None or isinstance(dim, int): # not dynamic return dim elif dim.__name__ in shape_fixes: # directly fix fix = shape_fixes[dim.__name__] if isinstance(fix, sympy.Expr): # now derived or related if str(fix) in derived_dim_cache: return derived_dim_cache[str(fix)] else: symbol = next(iter(fix.free_symbols)) # try to locate symbol if in shape_fixes: # type: ignore[attr-defined] root = shape_fixes[] # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: assert in name_to_dim # type: ignore[attr-defined] root = name_to_dim[] # type: ignore[attr-defined] # figure out value of fix modulus, remainder = sympy.polys.polytools.div(fix, symbol) dim = root if modulus != 1: dim = int(modulus) * dim if remainder != 0: dim = dim + int(remainder) derived_dim_cache[str(fix)] = dim return dim else: return fix elif isinstance(dim, _DerivedDim) and dim.root.__name__ in shape_fixes: # type: ignore[attr-defined] if dim.__name__ in derived_dim_cache: return derived_dim_cache[dim.__name__] else: # evaluate new derived value based on root _dim = dim.fn(shape_fixes[dim.root.__name__]) # type: ignore[attr-defined] derived_dim_cache[dim.__name__] = _dim return _dim return dim # unchanged dim return _tree_map_with_path(apply_fixes, dynamic_shapes, dynamic_shapes)


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