Source code for torch.distributions.dirichlet
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable
from torch.distributions import constraints
from torch.distributions.exp_family import ExponentialFamily
from torch.types import _size
__all__ = ["Dirichlet"]
# This helper is exposed for testing.
def _Dirichlet_backward(x, concentration, grad_output):
total = concentration.sum(-1, True).expand_as(concentration)
grad = torch._dirichlet_grad(x, concentration, total)
return grad * (grad_output - (x * grad_output).sum(-1, True))
class _Dirichlet(Function):
def forward(ctx, concentration):
x = torch._sample_dirichlet(concentration)
ctx.save_for_backward(x, concentration)
return x
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, concentration = ctx.saved_tensors
return _Dirichlet_backward(x, concentration, grad_output)
[docs]class Dirichlet(ExponentialFamily):
Creates a Dirichlet distribution parameterized by concentration :attr:`concentration`.
>>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT("non-deterministic")
>>> m = Dirichlet(torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5]))
>>> m.sample() # Dirichlet distributed with concentration [0.5, 0.5]
tensor([ 0.1046, 0.8954])
concentration (Tensor): concentration parameter of the distribution
(often referred to as alpha)
arg_constraints = {
"concentration": constraints.independent(constraints.positive, 1)
support = constraints.simplex
has_rsample = True
def __init__(self, concentration, validate_args=None):
if concentration.dim() < 1:
raise ValueError(
"`concentration` parameter must be at least one-dimensional."
self.concentration = concentration
batch_shape, event_shape = concentration.shape[:-1], concentration.shape[-1:]
super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None):
new = self._get_checked_instance(Dirichlet, _instance)
batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape)
new.concentration = self.concentration.expand(batch_shape + self.event_shape)
super(Dirichlet, new).__init__(
batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False
new._validate_args = self._validate_args
return new
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape: _size = ()) -> Tensor:
shape = self._extended_shape(sample_shape)
concentration = self.concentration.expand(shape)
return _Dirichlet.apply(concentration)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value):
if self._validate_args:
return (
torch.xlogy(self.concentration - 1.0, value).sum(-1)
+ torch.lgamma(self.concentration.sum(-1))
- torch.lgamma(self.concentration).sum(-1)
def mean(self) -> Tensor:
return self.concentration / self.concentration.sum(-1, True)
def mode(self) -> Tensor:
concentrationm1 = (self.concentration - 1).clamp(min=0.0)
mode = concentrationm1 / concentrationm1.sum(-1, True)
mask = (self.concentration < 1).all(dim=-1)
mode[mask] = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(
mode[mask].argmax(dim=-1), concentrationm1.shape[-1]
return mode
def variance(self) -> Tensor:
con0 = self.concentration.sum(-1, True)
return (
* (con0 - self.concentration)
/ (con0.pow(2) * (con0 + 1))
[docs] def entropy(self):
k = self.concentration.size(-1)
a0 = self.concentration.sum(-1)
return (
- torch.lgamma(a0)
- (k - a0) * torch.digamma(a0)
- ((self.concentration - 1.0) * torch.digamma(self.concentration)).sum(-1)
def _natural_params(self) -> tuple[Tensor]:
return (self.concentration,)
def _log_normalizer(self, x):
return x.lgamma().sum(-1) - torch.lgamma(x.sum(-1))