
Source code for torch.distributed.tensor.placement_types

# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import cast, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.distributed._functional_collectives as funcol
from torch.distributed.device_mesh import DeviceMesh
from torch.distributed.tensor._collective_utils import (

__all__ = ["Placement", "Shard", "Replicate", "Partial"]

[docs]class Placement: """ The base class for the Placement type, where it describes how a DTensor is placed onto the ``DeviceMesh``. ``Placement`` and ``DeviceMesh`` together could describe the DTensor Layout. It is the base class of the three main DTensor Placement types: ``Shard``, ``Replicate``, and ``Partial``. This class is not meant to be used directly, mainly served as a typing stub. """ # convenient utils to check for placement types
[docs] def is_shard(self, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: is_shard_instance = isinstance(self, Shard) if dim is not None and is_shard_instance: return cast(Shard, self).dim == dim else: return is_shard_instance
[docs] def is_replicate(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, Replicate)
[docs] def is_partial(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, Partial)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Shard(Placement): """ The ``Shard(dim)`` placement describes the DTensor sharding on tensor dimension ``dim`` over a corresponding ``DeviceMesh`` dimension, where each rank on the DeviceMesh dimension only holds a shard/piece of the global Tensor. The ``Shard(dim)`` placement follows the ``torch.chunk(dim)`` semantic, where the last few shards on the DeviceMesh dimension might be empty when the tensor dimension is not evenly divisble on the DeviceMesh dimension. The ``Shard`` placement can be used by all DTensor APIs (i.e. distribute_tensor, from_local, etc.) Args: dim (int): The tensor dimension that describes the DTensor is sharded over its corresponding DeviceMesh dimension. .. warning:: sharding on a tensor dimension where the tensor dimension size is not evenly divisible on a DeviceMesh dimension is currently experimental and subject to change. """ dim: int def _split_tensor( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, num_chunks: int, *, with_padding: bool = True, contiguous: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], List[int]]: """ This function uses torch.chunk to split a tensor into num_chunks shards along the Shard placement dimension, and return a list of shards with their pad sizes. Keyword args: with_padding (bool, optional): when True, we pad the tensor on the last few ranks before calling the collectives (i.e. scatter/all_gather, etc.). This is because collectives usually require equal size tensor inputs """ assert ( self.dim <= tensor.ndim ), f"Sharding dim {self.dim} greater than tensor ndim {tensor.ndim}" # chunk tensor over dimension `dim` into n slices tensor_list = list(torch.chunk(tensor, num_chunks, dim=self.dim)) num_empty_tensors = num_chunks - len(tensor_list) # if no need to have padding or tensor dim size is evenly sharded already # we can return early. if not with_padding or tensor.size(self.dim) % num_chunks == 0: if contiguous: tensor_list = [t.contiguous() for t in tensor_list] return ( fill_empty_tensor_to_shards(tensor_list, self.dim, num_empty_tensors), [], ) # compute the chunk size inline with ``torch.chunk`` to calculate padding full_chunk_size = (tensor.size(self.dim) + num_chunks - 1) // num_chunks # Compute chunk size for each chunk for ``self.dim`` chunk_sizes = [ tensor_list[idx].size(self.dim) if idx < len(tensor_list) else 0 for idx in range(num_chunks) ] # Compute pad size on each chunk pad_sizes = [full_chunk_size - chunk_size for chunk_size in chunk_sizes] # Reuse tensor to fill empty chunk with empty tensor tensor_list = fill_empty_tensor_to_shards( tensor_list, self.dim, num_empty_tensors ) shard_list = [] for shard, pad_size in zip(tensor_list, pad_sizes): # Fill the empty tensor with zeroes with padding. if with_padding and pad_size > 0: shard = pad_tensor(shard, self.dim, pad_size) shard = shard.contiguous() if contiguous else shard shard_list.append(shard) return shard_list, pad_sizes @staticmethod def _local_shard_size_on_dim( size_on_dim: int, num_chunks: int, rank: int, return_offset: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ returns the local shard size and offset on a given tensor dim """ # Compute the chunk size inline with ``torch.chunk`` if size_on_dim % num_chunks == 0: full_chunk_size = size_on_dim // num_chunks return full_chunk_size, full_chunk_size * rank if return_offset else -1 # uneven sharding case full_chunk_size = (size_on_dim + num_chunks - 1) // num_chunks shard_starting_idx = full_chunk_size * rank if size_on_dim < shard_starting_idx: return 0, size_on_dim if return_offset else -1 else: local_shard_size = ( min(size_on_dim, shard_starting_idx + full_chunk_size) - shard_starting_idx ) return local_shard_size, shard_starting_idx if return_offset else -1 def _shard_tensor( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ shard and scatter a tensor on a mesh dimension (use coordinate 0 on the mesh dimension as source of truth) """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) if my_coordinate is None: # if rank is not part of mesh, we simply return an empty tensor return tensor.new_empty(0, requires_grad=tensor.requires_grad) scatter_list, pad_sizes = self._split_tensor( tensor, num_chunks, with_padding=True, contiguous=True ) mesh_dim_local_rank = my_coordinate[mesh_dim] output = torch.empty_like(scatter_list[mesh_dim_local_rank]) mesh_scatter(output, scatter_list, mesh, mesh_dim=mesh_dim) # Only unpad if the local_tensor was padded on the dimension. if pad_sizes and pad_sizes[mesh_dim_local_rank] > 0: output = unpad_tensor(output, self.dim, pad_sizes[mesh_dim_local_rank]) return output def _reduce_shard_tensor( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, reduce_op: str, mesh_dim: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ reduce and scatter a tensor on a mesh dimension """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) if my_coordinate is None: # if rank is not part of mesh, we simply return local_tensor, # which should be an empty tensor return tensor is_padded = tensor.size(self.dim) % num_chunks != 0 if is_padded: scattered_list, pad_sizes = self._split_tensor( tensor, num_chunks, with_padding=True, contiguous=True ) tensor =, dim=self.dim) elif not tensor.is_contiguous(): tensor = tensor.contiguous() output = funcol.reduce_scatter_tensor( tensor, reduce_op, scatter_dim=self.dim, group=(mesh, mesh_dim) ) if is_padded: output = unpad_tensor(output, self.dim, pad_sizes[my_coordinate[mesh_dim]]) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] return output def _to_replicate_tensor( self, local_tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, current_logical_shape: List[int], ) -> torch.Tensor: """ This function all_gather all shards and return a tensor that is replicated on the previously sharded mesh dimension """ num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) # check if it's uneven, so we need to pad input tensor before all_gather local_shape = list(local_tensor.size()) logical_dim_size = current_logical_shape[self.dim] is_padded = logical_dim_size % num_chunks != 0 if is_padded: full_chunk_size = (logical_dim_size + num_chunks - 1) // num_chunks pad_size = full_chunk_size - local_shape[self.dim] local_tensor = pad_tensor(local_tensor, self.dim, pad_size) if not local_tensor.is_contiguous(): local_tensor = local_tensor.contiguous() result = funcol.all_gather_tensor( local_tensor, gather_dim=self.dim, group=(mesh, mesh_dim), ) if is_padded: unpad_size = full_chunk_size * num_chunks - logical_dim_size # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] result = unpad_tensor(result, self.dim, unpad_size) return result def _replicate_to_shard( self, local_tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, shard_index: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ transform from replicated tensor to a sharded tensor on the current rank, which would perform a local chunk """ num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) shards, _ = self._split_tensor( local_tensor, num_chunks, with_padding=False, contiguous=False, ) return shards[shard_index].clone() def _to_new_shard_dim( self, local_tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, current_logical_shape: List[int], new_shard_dim: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ transform from existing sharded tensor to a new sharded tensor on that shard on a new dimension, which performs an alltoall """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() if my_coordinate is None: # if rank is not part of mesh, we simply return local_tensor, # which should be an empty tensor return local_tensor num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) old_dim_logical_size = current_logical_shape[self.dim] new_dim_logical_size = current_logical_shape[new_shard_dim] old_dim_padding = old_dim_logical_size % num_chunks != 0 new_dim_padding = new_dim_logical_size % num_chunks != 0 if old_dim_padding: old_dim_full_chunk_size = ( old_dim_logical_size + num_chunks - 1 ) // num_chunks old_dim_pad_size = old_dim_full_chunk_size - local_tensor.size(self.dim) local_tensor = pad_tensor(local_tensor, self.dim, old_dim_pad_size) if new_dim_padding: new_dim_full_chunk_size = ( new_dim_logical_size + num_chunks - 1 ) // num_chunks new_dim_pad_size = new_dim_full_chunk_size * num_chunks - local_tensor.size( new_shard_dim ) local_tensor = pad_tensor(local_tensor, new_shard_dim, new_dim_pad_size) if not local_tensor.is_contiguous(): local_tensor = local_tensor.contiguous() new_tensor = shard_dim_alltoall( local_tensor, self.dim, new_shard_dim, mesh, mesh_dim ) if old_dim_padding: old_dim_unpad_size = ( old_dim_full_chunk_size * num_chunks - current_logical_shape[self.dim] # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] ) new_tensor = unpad_tensor(new_tensor, self.dim, old_dim_unpad_size) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] if new_dim_padding: local_shard_size_on_new_dim = self._local_shard_size_on_dim( new_dim_logical_size, num_chunks, my_coordinate[mesh_dim] )[0] new_dim_unpad_size = new_dim_full_chunk_size - local_shard_size_on_new_dim # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] new_tensor = unpad_tensor(new_tensor, new_shard_dim, new_dim_unpad_size) # type: ignore[possibly-undefined] return new_tensor def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Shard): return False return self.dim == other.dim def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.dim) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ machine readable representation of the Shard placement """ return f"Shard(dim={self.dim})" def __str__(self) -> str: """human readable representation of the Shard placement""" return f"S({self.dim})"
# kw_only is only available in python >= 3.10 kw_only_dataclass = dict(kw_only=True) if "kw_only" in dataclass.__kwdefaults__ else {} @dataclass(frozen=True, **kw_only_dataclass) class _StridedShard(Shard): """ _StridedShard is only introduced to support 2D FSDP2 + TP sharding where the tensor is sharded on the TP mesh dimension first, then sharded on the FSDP mesh dimension. We call this right-to-left sharding which is the opposite of the default left-to-right sharding. See the example below: tensor shape: [8, 8] mesh: [[0, 1], [2, 3]], names=("dp", "tp") placements: [Shard(0), Shard(0)] The default sharding behavior shards the tensor on "dp" mesh dimension first then "tp" dimension. The sharding result will be: Rank | Mesh Coordinate | Shard Index ------------------------------------------------ 0 | (0, 0) | 0 (row 0-1) 1 | (0, 1) | 1 (row 2-3) 2 | (1, 0) | 2 (row 4-5) 3 | (1, 1) | 3 (row 6-7) While the FSDP2 + TP sharding behavior does the opposite: it shards the tensor on "tp" mesh dim first then "dp" dim. This right-to-left sharding will produce the result: Rank | Mesh Coordinate | Shard Index ------------------------------------------------ 0 | (0, 0) | 0 (row 0-1) 1 | (0, 1) | 2 (row 4-5) 2 | (1, 0) | 1 (row 2-3) 3 | (1, 1) | 3 (row 6-7) The consequence is, any attempt to redistribute this DTensor to a full replica will produce a wrong result because the shard-to-replicate redistribution always happens right-to-left, regardless it's left-to-right sharding or right-to-left. To address this, we use _StridedShard placement to make this right-to-left sharding compatible with our left-to-right convention on both tensor distribution and redistribution. Now with _StridedShard, the right-to-left sharding above can be represented as: tensor shape: [8, 8] mesh: [[0, 1], [2, 3]], names=("dp", "tp") placements: [_StridedShard(0, split_factor=2), Shard(0)] And a left-to-right processing of `placements` will produce the same result, which is different from using the `Shard` placement: Rank | Mesh Coordinate | Shard Index ------------------------------------------------ 0 | (0, 0) | 0 (row 0-1) 1 | (0, 1) | 2 (row 4-5) 2 | (1, 0) | 1 (row 2-3) 3 | (1, 1) | 3 (row 6-7) The argument `split_factor` is the number of existing shards over the tensor sharding dimension before processing the _StridedShard placement, as if the sharding happened right-to-left. In the example above, the tensor should first be sharded on the "tp" dimension into 2 shards before being sharded on the "dp" dimension. Therefore, the `split_factor` of the _StridedShard placement on "dp" dim is 2. TODO: strided sharding needs to work fine with uneven sharding. Now it forbids resharding if the tensor is unevenly sharded. TODO: we should remove _StridedShard placement once we can unify it with Shard """ split_factor: int def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, _StridedShard): return self.dim == other.dim and self.split_factor == other.split_factor elif isinstance(other, Shard): # TODO: this is to avoid extra all-gather in dtensor op dispatch # note that sharding prop would not produce _StridedShard and an # placement inequality would introduce an all-gather for resharding return self.dim == other.dim return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.dim, self.split_factor)) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ machine readable representation of the _StridedShard placement """ return f"_StridedShard(dim={self.dim}, sf={self.split_factor})" def __str__(self) -> str: """human readable representation of the _StridedShard placement""" return f"_S({self.dim}, {self.split_factor})" def _split_tensor( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, num_chunks: int, *, with_padding: bool = True, contiguous: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], List[int]]: """ TODO: currently _StridedShard does not support padding """ assert ( self.dim <= tensor.ndim ), f"Sharding dim {self.dim} greater than tensor ndim {tensor.ndim}" total_split = num_chunks * self.split_factor assert tensor.size(self.dim) % total_split == 0, ( "_StridedShard currently only allows even sharding but got tensor size" f" {tensor.size(self.dim)} on dim {self.dim} and total split" f" {total_split}={num_chunks} * {self.split_factor}" ) group_size = self.split_factor total_split_tensor_list = list(torch.chunk(tensor, total_split, dim=self.dim)) tensor_list = [ [ total_split_tensor_list[i + j * num_chunks] # stride is num_chunks for j in range(group_size) ], dim=self.dim, ) for i in range(num_chunks) ] if contiguous: tensor_list = [t.contiguous() for t in tensor_list] return tensor_list, [] def _to_replicate_tensor( self, local_tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, current_logical_shape: List[int], ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Note: currently _StridedShard does not support padding """ num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) total_split = num_chunks * self.split_factor # NOTE: we require Strided Sharding to be even for now assert current_logical_shape[self.dim] % total_split == 0, ( "_StridedShard requires even sharding but got tensor size " f"{current_logical_shape[self.dim]} on dim {self.dim} and " f"total split {total_split}=num_chunks {num_chunks} " f"* split_factor {self.split_factor}" ) result = funcol.all_gather_tensor( local_tensor, gather_dim=self.dim, group=(mesh, mesh_dim), ) if isinstance(result, funcol.AsyncCollectiveTensor): result = result.wait() tensor_shard_list = torch.chunk(result, total_split, dim=self.dim) # rearrange the order new_tensor_shard_list = [] for idx in range(len(tensor_shard_list)): # the shard split of index `idx` is assigned a new index within # _StridedShard._split_tensor: # the original tensor was split into `total_split` chunks, # all chunks with the same `idx % num_chunks` are merged into one # new shard and placed on mesh's local rank `idx % num_chunks` idx_after_split = idx % num_chunks * self.split_factor + idx // num_chunks new_tensor_shard_list.append(tensor_shard_list[idx_after_split]) return, dim=self.dim).contiguous()
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Replicate(Placement): """ The ``Replicate()`` placement describes the DTensor replicating on a corresponding ``DeviceMesh`` dimension, where each rank on the DeviceMesh dimension holds a replica of the global Tensor. The ``Replicate`` placement can be used by all DTensor APIs (i.e. ``distribute_tensor``, ``DTensor.from_local``, etc.) """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Replicate) def __hash__(self) -> int: # every replicate placement is the same return -1 def __repr__(self) -> str: """ machine readable representation of the Replicate placement """ return "Replicate()" def __str__(self) -> str: """ human readable representation of the Replicate placement """ return "R" def _replicate_tensor( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Replicate (broadcast) a torch.Tensor on a mesh dimension (use the first coordinate on the mesh dimension as source of truth) """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() if my_coordinate is None: # if rank is not part of mesh, we simply return an empty tensor return tensor.new_empty(0, requires_grad=tensor.requires_grad) tensor = tensor.contiguous() mesh_broadcast(tensor, mesh, mesh_dim=mesh_dim) return tensor
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Partial(Placement): """ The ``Partial(reduce_op)`` placement describes the DTensor that is pending reduction on a specified ``DeviceMesh`` dimension, where each rank on the DeviceMesh dimension holds the partial value of the global Tensor. User can redistribute the ``Partial`` DTensor to a ``Replicate`` or ``Shard(dim)`` placement on the specified ``DeviceMesh`` dimension using ``redistribute``, which would trigger necessary communication operations under the hood (i.e. ``allreduce``, ``reduce_scatter``). Args: reduce_op (str, optional): The reduction op to be used for the partial DTensor to produce Replicated/Sharded DTensor. Only element-wise reduction operations are supported, including: "sum", "avg", "product", "max", "min", default: "sum". .. note:: The ``Partial`` placement can be generated as a result of the DTensor operators, and can only be used by the ``DTensor.from_local`` API. """ reduce_op: str = "sum" def _reduce_value( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int ) -> torch.Tensor: # Partial placement contract #1: # _reduce_value: reduce the value of the tensor on the mesh dimension return funcol.all_reduce( tensor, reduceOp=self.reduce_op, group=(mesh, mesh_dim) ) def _reduce_shard_value( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, shard_spec: Placement, ) -> torch.Tensor: # Partial placement contract #2: # _reduce_shard_value: reduce_scatter the value of the tensor over the mesh dimension shard_spec = cast(Shard, shard_spec) return shard_spec._reduce_shard_tensor(tensor, mesh, self.reduce_op, mesh_dim) def _partition_value( self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int ) -> torch.Tensor: # Partial placement contract #3: # _partition_value: partition the value of a replicated tensor on the mesh dimension # _partition_value is the conjugate operation of _reduce_value # - i.e. _partition_value on a sum reduce op is just a divison operation # - the _reduce_value on a sum reduce op would just be a sum(allreduce) operation # TODO: if the reduce_op is min/max, etc. the _partition_value should be a # different operation assert self.reduce_op == "sum", "only support replicate to PartialSUM for now!" num_chunks = mesh.size(mesh_dim=mesh_dim) return tensor / num_chunks def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Partial): return False return self.reduce_op == other.reduce_op def __hash__(self) -> int: return 1 + hash(self.reduce_op) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ machine readable representation of the Partial placement """ return f"Partial({self.reduce_op})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ human readable representation of the Partial placement """ return "P"
# We keep the old _Partial name for a while for BC reason _Partial = Partial


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