
Source code for torch.compiler

# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import torch
from typing import List

__all__ = [

[docs]def compile(*args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`torch.compile` for details on the arguments for this function. """ return torch.compile(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def reset() -> None: """ This function clears all compilation caches and restores the system to its initial state. It is recommended to call this function, especially after using operations like `torch.compile(...)` to ensure a clean state before another unrelated compilation """ import torch._dynamo torch._dynamo.reset()
[docs]def allow_in_graph(fn): """ Tells the compiler frontend (Dynamo) to skip symbolic introspection of the function and instead directly write it to the graph when encountered. If you are using :func:`torch.compile` (with backend="inductor" (the default)), or :func:`torch.export.export`, and trying to black-box a Python function throughout all tracing, do not use this API. Instead, please create a custom operator (see :ref:`custom-ops-landing-page`) .. warning:: If you're a typical torch.compile user (e.g. you're applying torch.compile to a model to make it run faster), you probably don't want to use this function. :func:`allow_in_graph` is a footgun because it skips the compiler frontend (Dynamo) that is responsible for doing safety checks (graph breaks, handling closures, etc). Incorrect usage will lead to difficult-to-debug silent incorrectness issues. Given a Python function with no allow_in_graph decorator, regular execution of torch.compile traces through the function. :func:`allow_in_graph` changes it so that the frontend does not trace inside the function, but the compiler backend still traces through it. Compare this to custom operators, which treats a function as a black box throughout the torch.compile stack. The following table compares these mechanisms. +------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+ | Mechanism | Frontend (Dynamo) | Backend (AOTAutograd+Inductor) | +========================+=======================+================================+ | no decorator | trace inside | trace inside | +------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+ | allow_in_graph | opaque callable | trace inside | +------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+ | custom op | opaque callable | opaque callable | +------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+ One common use case for :func:`allow_in_graph()` is as an escape hatch for the compiler frontend: if you know the function works w.r.t. to the downstream components of the compilation stack (AOTAutograd and Inductor) but there is a Dynamo bug that prevents it from symbolically introspecting the function properly (or if your code is in C/C++ and therefore cannot be introspected with Dynamo), then one can decorate said function with :func:`allow_in_graph` to bypass Dynamo. We require that ``fn`` adhere to the following restrictions. Failure to adhere results in undefined behavior: - The inputs to ``fn`` must be Proxy-able types in the FX graph. Valid types include: Tensor/int/bool/float/None/List[Tensor?]/List[int?]/List[float?] Tuple[Tensor?, ...]/Tuple[int?, ...]/Tuple[float?, ...]/torch.dtype/torch.device - The outputs to ``fn`` must be Proxy-able types in the FX graph (see previous bullet) - all Tensors used inside of ``fn`` must be passed directly as inputs to ``fn`` (as opposed to being captured variables). Args: fn: A callable representing the function to be included in the graph. If ``fn`` is a list or tuple of callables it recursively applies :func:`allow_in_graph()` to each function and returns a new list or tuple containing the modified functions. Example:: torch.compiler.allow_in_graph(my_custom_function) @torch.compile(...) def fn(a): x = torch.add(x, 1) x = my_custom_function(x) x = torch.add(x, 1) return x fn(...) Will capture a single graph containing ``my_custom_function()``. """ import torch._dynamo return torch._dynamo.allow_in_graph(fn)
[docs]def list_backends(exclude_tags=("debug", "experimental")) -> List[str]: """ Return valid strings that can be passed to `torch.compile(..., backend="name")`. Args: exclude_tags(optional): A tuple of strings representing tags to exclude. """ import torch._dynamo return torch._dynamo.list_backends(exclude_tags)
[docs]def assume_constant_result(fn): """ This function is used to mark a function `fn` as having a constant result. This allows the compiler to optimize away your function Returns The same function `fn` Args: fn: The function to be marked as having a constant result. .. warning:: `assume_constant_result` can if invalid cause safety and soundness issues, :func:`torch.compile` will not attempt to validate whether the constant assumption is true or not """ import torch._dynamo return torch._dynamo.assume_constant_result(fn)
[docs]def disable(fn=None, recursive=True): """ This function provides both a decorator and a context manager to disable compilation on a function It also provides the option of recursively disabling called functions Args: fn (optional): The function to disable recursive (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the disabling should be recursive. """ import torch._dynamo return torch._dynamo.disable(fn, recursive)
[docs]def cudagraph_mark_step_begin(): """ Indicates that a new iteration of inference or training is about to begin. CUDA Graphs will free tensors of a prior iteration. A new iteration is started on each invocation of torch.compile, so long as there is not a pending backward that has not been called. If that heuristic is wrong, such as in the following example, manually mark it with this api. .. code-block:: python @torch.compile(mode="reduce-overhead") def rand_foo(): return torch.rand([4], device="cuda") for _ in range(5): torch.compiler.cudagraph_mark_step_begin() rand_foo() + rand_foo() For more details, see `torch.compiler_cudagraph_trees <>`__ """ from torch._inductor import cudagraph_trees cudagraph_trees.mark_step_begin()
def wrap_numpy(fn): r"""Decorator that turns a function from ``np.ndarray``s to ``np.ndarray``s into a function from ``torch.Tensor``s to ``torch.Tensor``s. It is designed to be used with :func:`torch.compile` with ``fullgraph=True``. It allows to compile a NumPy function as if it were a PyTorch function. This allows you to run NumPy code on CUDA or compute its gradients. .. note:: This decorator does not work without :func:`torch.compile`. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:TORCH_DOCTEST_CUDA) >>> # Compile a NumPy function as a Tensor -> Tensor function >>> @torch.compile(fullgraph=True) >>> @torch.compiler.wrap_numpy >>> def fn(a: np.ndarray): >>> return np.sum(a * a) >>> # Execute the NumPy function using Tensors on CUDA and compute the gradients >>> x = torch.arange(6, dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda", requires_grad=True) >>> out = fn(x) >>> out.backward() >>> print(x.grad) tensor([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.], device='cuda:0') """ from torch._dynamo.external_utils import wrap_numpy as wrap return wrap(fn) _is_compiling_flag: bool = False
[docs]def is_compiling() -> bool: """ Indicates whether a graph is executed/traced as part of torch.compile() or torch.export(). Note that there are 2 other related flags that should deprecated eventually: * torch._dynamo.external_utils.is_compiling() * torch._utils.is_compiling() Example:: >>> def forward(self, x): >>> if not torch.compiler.is_compiling(): >>> pass # ...logic that is not needed in a compiled/traced graph... >>> >>> # of the function... """ if torch.jit.is_scripting(): return False else: return _is_compiling_flag
[docs]def is_dynamo_compiling() -> bool: """ Indicates whether a graph is traced via TorchDynamo. It's stricter than is_compiling() flag, as it would only be set to True when TorchDynamo is used. Example:: >>> def forward(self, x): >>> if not torch.compiler.is_dynamo_compiling(): >>> pass # ...logic that is not needed in a TorchDynamo-traced graph... >>> >>> # of the function... """ return False


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