
How to write your own v2 transforms


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This guide explains how to write transforms that are compatible with the torchvision transforms V2 API.

from typing import Any, Dict, List

import torch
from torchvision import tv_tensors
from torchvision.transforms import v2

Just create a nn.Module and override the forward method

In most cases, this is all you’re going to need, as long as you already know the structure of the input that your transform will expect. For example if you’re just doing image classification, your transform will typically accept a single image as input, or a (img, label) input. So you can just hard-code your forward method to accept just that, e.g.

class MyCustomTransform(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, img, label):
        # Do some transformations
        return new_img, new_label


This means that if you have a custom transform that is already compatible with the V1 transforms (those in torchvision.transforms), it will still work with the V2 transforms without any change!

We will illustrate this more completely below with a typical detection case, where our samples are just images, bounding boxes and labels:

class MyCustomTransform(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, img, bboxes, label):  # we assume inputs are always structured like this
            f"I'm transforming an image of shape {img.shape} "
            f"with bboxes = {bboxes}\n{label = }"
        # Do some transformations. Here, we're just passing though the input
        return img, bboxes, label

transforms = v2.Compose([
    v2.RandomResizedCrop((224, 224), antialias=True),
    v2.Normalize(mean=[0, 0, 0], std=[1, 1, 1])

H, W = 256, 256
img = torch.rand(3, H, W)
bboxes = tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes(
    torch.tensor([[0, 10, 10, 20], [50, 50, 70, 70]]),
    canvas_size=(H, W)
label = 3

out_img, out_bboxes, out_label = transforms(img, bboxes, label)
I'm transforming an image of shape torch.Size([3, 256, 256]) with bboxes = BoundingBoxes([[ 0, 10, 10, 20],
               [50, 50, 70, 70]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(256, 256))
label = 3
print(f"Output image shape: {out_img.shape}\nout_bboxes = {out_bboxes}\n{out_label = }")
Output image shape: torch.Size([3, 224, 224])
out_bboxes = BoundingBoxes([[224,   8, 224,  17],
               [196,  44, 218,  62]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(224, 224))
out_label = 3


While working with TVTensor classes in your code, make sure to familiarize yourself with this section: I had a TVTensor but now I have a Tensor. Help!

Supporting arbitrary input structures

In the section above, we have assumed that you already know the structure of your inputs and that you’re OK with hard-coding this expected structure in your code. If you want your custom transforms to be as flexible as possible, this can be a bit limiting.

A key feature of the builtin Torchvision V2 transforms is that they can accept arbitrary input structure and return the same structure as output (with transformed entries). For example, transforms can accept a single image, or a tuple of (img, label), or an arbitrary nested dictionary as input. Here’s an example on the built-in transform RandomHorizontalFlip:

structured_input = {
    "img": img,
    "annotations": (bboxes, label),
    "something that will be ignored": (1, "hello"),
    "another tensor that is ignored": torch.arange(10),
structured_output = v2.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=1)(structured_input)

assert isinstance(structured_output, dict)
assert structured_output["something that will be ignored"] == (1, "hello")
assert (structured_output["another tensor that is ignored"] == torch.arange(10)).all()
print(f"The input bboxes are:\n{structured_input['annotations'][0]}")
print(f"The transformed bboxes are:\n{structured_output['annotations'][0]}")
The input bboxes are:
BoundingBoxes([[ 0, 10, 10, 20],
               [50, 50, 70, 70]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(256, 256))
The transformed bboxes are:
BoundingBoxes([[246,  10, 256,  20],
               [186,  50, 206,  70]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(256, 256))

Basics: override the transform() method

In order to support arbitrary inputs in your custom transform, you will need to inherit from Transform and override the .transform() method (not the forward() method!). Below is a basic example:

class MyCustomTransform(v2.Transform):
    def transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]):
        if type(inpt) == torch.Tensor:
            print(f"I'm transforming an image of shape {inpt.shape}")
            return inpt + 1  # dummy transformation
        elif isinstance(inpt, tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes):
            print(f"I'm transforming bounding boxes! {inpt.canvas_size = }")
            return tv_tensors.wrap(inpt + 100, like=inpt)  # dummy transformation

my_custom_transform = MyCustomTransform()
structured_output = my_custom_transform(structured_input)

assert isinstance(structured_output, dict)
assert structured_output["something that will be ignored"] == (1, "hello")
assert (structured_output["another tensor that is ignored"] == torch.arange(10)).all()
print(f"The input bboxes are:\n{structured_input['annotations'][0]}")
print(f"The transformed bboxes are:\n{structured_output['annotations'][0]}")
I'm transforming an image of shape torch.Size([3, 256, 256])
I'm transforming bounding boxes! inpt.canvas_size = (256, 256)
The input bboxes are:
BoundingBoxes([[ 0, 10, 10, 20],
               [50, 50, 70, 70]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(256, 256))
The transformed bboxes are:
BoundingBoxes([[100, 110, 110, 120],
               [150, 150, 170, 170]], format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(256, 256))

An important thing to note is that when we call my_custom_transform on structured_input, the input is flattened and then each individual part is passed to transform(). That is, transform()` receives the input image, then the bounding boxes, etc. Within transform(), you can decide how to transform each input, based on their type.

If you’re curious why the other tensor (torch.arange()) didn’t get passed to transform(), see this note for more details.

Advanced: The make_params() method

The make_params() method is called internally before calling transform() on each input. This is typically useful to generate random parameter values. In the example below, we use it to randomly apply the transformation with a probability of 0.5

class MyRandomTransform(MyCustomTransform):
    def __init__(self, p=0.5):
        self.p = p

    def make_params(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        apply_transform = (torch.rand(size=(1,)) < self.p).item()
        params = dict(apply_transform=apply_transform)
        return params

    def transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]):
        if not params["apply_transform"]:
            print("Not transforming anything!")
            return inpt
            return super().transform(inpt, params)

my_random_transform = MyRandomTransform()

_ = my_random_transform(structured_input)  # transforms
_ = my_random_transform(structured_input)  # doesn't transform
I'm transforming an image of shape torch.Size([3, 256, 256])
I'm transforming bounding boxes! inpt.canvas_size = (256, 256)
Not transforming anything!
Not transforming anything!


It’s important for such random parameter generation to happen within make_params() and not within transform(), so that for a given transform call, the same RNG applies to all the inputs in the same way. If we were to perform the RNG within transform(), we would risk e.g. transforming the image while not transforming the bounding boxes.

The make_params() method takes the list of all the inputs as parameter (each of the elements in this list will later be pased to transform()). You can use flat_inputs to e.g. figure out the dimensions on the input, using query_chw() or query_size().

make_params() should return a dict (or actually, anything you want) that will then be passed to transform().

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