
update_state_dict_for_classifier Dict[str, Tensor], model_named_parameters: Iterable[Tuple[str, Parameter]], force_override: bool = False)[source]

Validates the state dict for checkpoint loading for a classifier model. To be used prior to a call to model.load_state_dict(state_dict). This function will overwrite the output.weight in the state-dict to be loaded with the output.weight in the model if the shapes for the output.weight do not match. You may also wish to override this behaviour, for example, if num_classes for your checkpoint and model are the same.

Concretely, when fine-tuning a classifier model from the checkpoint of a base language model which has output.weight of shape [vocab_dim, embed_dim], we overwrite the output.weight in the state-dict to be loaded with the randomly initialized [num_classes, embed_dim] weight in the model. This is done in-place.

  • state_dict (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) – state dict to be loaded into the classifier model.

  • model_named_parameters (Iterable[Tuple[str, torch.nn.Parameter]]) – model named parameters from model.named_parameters().

  • force_override (bool) – Whether to replace output.weight in state_dict with the model’s output.weight, even if the shapes match.


  • output.bias will be ignored if present in state_dict

  • This function will always replace the output.weight in state_dict,

    if output.weight != model.output.weight.

  • AssertionError – if state_dict does not contain output.weight.

  • AssertionError – if model_named_parameters does not contain output.weight.


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