
setup_torch_profiler bool = False, cpu: bool = True, cuda: bool = True, profile_memory: bool = False, with_stack: bool = False, record_shapes: bool = True, with_flops: bool = False, wait_steps: Optional[int] = None, warmup_steps: Optional[int] = None, active_steps: Optional[int] = None, num_cycles: Optional[int] = None, output_dir: Optional[str] = None) Tuple[profile, DictConfig][source]

Sets up profile and returns the profiler config with post-setup updates.

The profiler config can be provided in configs under the profiler key with the following layout:

  enabled: bool
  # Output directory of trace artifacts
  output_dir: str

  # torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity types to trace
  cpu: bool
  cuda: bool

  # Trace options
  profile_memory: bool
  with_stack: bool
  record_shapes: bool
  with_flops: bool

  # torch.profiler.schedule args
  wait_steps: int
  warmup_steps: int
  active_steps: int
  num_cycles: int

The profiler schedule updates with respect to an optimizer step (e.g., if gradient_accumulation = 2, then the profiler will step every 2 batches).

Sensible defaults will be chosen if the config is missing options:

  • If no activities are specified, profiler will default to CPU + CUDA

  • If no schedule is specified, profiler will default to DEFAULT_SCHEDULE

  • Certain options will be overridden (with_stack and record_shapes) depending on requirements of other options (e.g., profile_memory requires with_stack and record_shapes).


  • Enabling the profiler will result in training speed reduction.

  • Setting profile_memory: True will generate large trace files.

  • The profiler schedule is context dependent. Calling profiler.step() at each batch iteration but outside the gradient accumulation scope will step the profiler each forward / backward step. Calling profiler.step() each batch iteration but within the gradient accumulation scope will step the profiler each optimizer update step such that each step contains multiple forward / backward passes.

  • enabled (bool) – Enable pytorch profiler. Default is False.

  • cpu (bool) – Enable cpu profiling. Default is True.

  • cuda (bool) – Enable cuda profiling. Default is True.

  • profile_memory (bool) – Profile memory usage. Default is False.

  • with_stack (bool) – Profile stack. Default is False.

  • record_shapes (bool) – Record shapes. Default is True.

  • with_flops (bool) – Profile flops. Default is False.

  • wait_steps (Optional[int]) – Wait time in steps. Maps to wait kwarg of torch.profiler.schedule.

  • warmup_steps (Optional[int]) – Warmup time in steps. Maps to warmup kwarg of torch.profiler.schedule.

  • active_steps (Optional[int]) – Active time in steps. Maps to active kwarg of torch.profiler.schedule.

  • num_cycles (Optional[int]) – Number of profiling cycles. Maps to repeat kwarg of torch.profiler.schedule.

  • output_dir (Optional[str]) – Tracing file output path.


Tuple[torch.profiler.profile, DictConfig]


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