

class str, organize_logs: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Logger for use w/ PyTorch’s implementation of TensorBoard (

  • log_dir (str) – torch.TensorBoard log directory

  • organize_logs (bool) – If True, this class will create a subdirectory within log_dir for the current run. Having sub-directories allows you to compare logs across runs. When TensorBoard is passed a logdir at startup, it recursively walks the directory tree rooted at logdir looking for subdirectories that contain tfevents data. Every time it encounters such a subdirectory, it loads it as a new run, and the frontend will organize the data accordingly. Recommended value is True. Run tensorboard –logdir my_log_dir to view the logs.

  • **kwargs – additional arguments


>>> from import TensorBoardLogger
>>> logger = TensorBoardLogger(log_dir="my_log_dir")
>>> logger.log("my_metric", 1.0, 1)
>>> logger.log_dict({"my_metric": 1.0}, 1)
>>> logger.close()


This utility requires the tensorboard package to be installed. You can install it with pip install tensorboard. In order to view TensorBoard logs, you need to run tensorboard –logdir my_log_dir in your terminal.

close() None[source]

Close log resource, flushing if necessary. Logs should not be written after close is called.

log(name: str, data: Union[Tensor, ndarray, int, float], step: int) None[source]

Log scalar data.

  • name (str) – tag name used to group scalars

  • data (Scalar) – scalar data to log

  • step (int) – step value to record

log_dict(payload: Mapping[str, Union[Tensor, ndarray, int, float]], step: int) None[source]

Log multiple scalar values.

  • payload (Mapping[str, Scalar]) – dictionary of tag name and scalar value

  • step (int) – step value to record


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