

torchtune.generation.generate(model: TransformerDecoder, prompt: Tensor, *, max_generated_tokens: int, pad_id: int = 0, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, stop_tokens: Optional[List[int]] = None, rng: Optional[Generator] = None, custom_generate_next_token: Optional[Callable] = None) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Generates tokens from a model conditioned on a prompt, and also returns logits for the generations.

  • model (TransformerDecoder) – model used for generation

  • prompt (torch.Tensor) – tensor with the token IDs associated with the given prompt, with shape either [seq_length] or [bsz x seq_length].

  • max_generated_tokens (int) – number of tokens to be generated

  • pad_id (int) – token ID to use for padding, default 0.

  • temperature (float) – value to scale the predicted logits by, default 1.0.

  • top_k (Optional[int]) – If specified, we prune the sampling to only token ids within the top_k probabilities, default None.

  • stop_tokens (Optional[List[int]]) – If specified, generation is stopped when any of these tokens are generated, default None.

  • rng (Optional[torch.Generator]) – random number generator, default None.

  • custom_generate_next_token (Optional[Callable]) – If specified, we’ll use the custom_generate_next_token function. This is generally only useful if you want to specify a torch.compile version of the generate next token for performance reasons. If None, we use the default generate_next_token(). Default is None.


This function has only been tested with decoder-only models.


>>> model = torchtune.models.llama3.llama3_8b()
>>> tokenizer = torchtune.models.llama3.llama3_tokenizer()
>>> prompt = tokenizer.encode("Hi my name is")
>>> rng.manual_seed(42)
>>> output, logits = generate(model, torch.tensor(prompt), max_generated_tokens=100, pad_id=0)
>>> print(tokenizer.decode(output[0].tolist()))
Hi my name is Jeremy and I'm a friendly language model assistant!

tuple of two tensors:
  • tokens (torch.Tensor): tensor with the generated tokens,

    with shape [bsz x seq_len + num_generated_tokens] where num_generated_tokens may be less than max_generated_tokens if stop_tokens are provided.

  • logits (torch.Tensor): tensor with the logits associated with the generated tokens,

    with shape [bsz x seq_len + num_generated_tokens x vocab_size].

Return type:

Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]


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