

class Literal['system', 'user', 'assistant', 'ipython'], content: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], masked: bool = False, ipython: bool = False, eot: bool = True)[source]

This class represents individual messages in a fine-tuning dataset. It supports text-only content, text with interleaved images, and tool calls. The ModelTokenizer will tokenize the content of the message using tokenize_messages and attach the appropriate special tokens based on the flags set in this class.

  • role (Role) – role of the message writer. Can be “system” for system prompts, “user” for human prompts, “assistant” for model responses, or “ipython” for tool call returns.

  • content (Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]) –

    content of the message. If it is text only content, you can pass in a string. If it is multimodal content, pass in a list of dictionaries formatted as follows:

        {"type": "image", "content": <PIL.Image.Image>},
        {"type": "text", "content": "What is in this image?"},

  • masked (bool) – whether the message is masked in the sample. If True, do not use in loss calculation. Default: False

  • ipython (bool) – whether the message is a tool call. Default: False

  • eot (bool) –

    whether the message corresponds to the end of a turn, where control is handed over to the assistant from the user or the user from the assistant. Default: True. Should be true in most cases except for:

    • For multiple consecutive assistant messages (i.e., tool calls by assistant), only the last assistant message will have eot=True

    • All ipython messages (tool call returns) should set eot=False.


Message class expects any image content to be in PIL Image format.

property contains_media: bool

Returns whether the message contains media.

classmethod from_dict(d: dict) Message[source]

Construct a Message from a dictionary.


d (dict) – dictionary containing the fields of the Message.


constructed Message.

Return type:


get_media() List[PIL.Image.Image][source]

Returns media content of the message.

property text_content: str

Returns text-only content of the message.


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