
Source code for torchtune.models.mistral._prompt_template

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import List

from import Message, PromptTemplateInterface

[docs]class MistralChatTemplate(PromptTemplateInterface): """ Formats according to Mistral's `instruct model <>`_. It is identical to :class:``, except it does not support system prompts. Note: This template is only recommended for Mistral's Instruct-v0.1 and Instruct-v0.2 models. Instruct-v0.3 adds additional tags for tool calls, which is not yet supported by this template. .. code-block:: text "[INST] I am going to Paris, what should I see? [/INST] Paris, the capital of France, is known for its stunning architecture..." """ template = { "system": None, "user": ("[INST] ", " [/INST] "), "assistant": ("", ""), "ipython": ("", ""), } def __call__( self, messages: List[Message], ) -> List[Message]: """ Format user and system messages with appropriate tags. Args: messages (List[Message]): a single conversation, structured as a list of `Message` objects Returns: The formatted list of messages Raises: ValueError: If system prompts are provided """ formatted_dialogue = [] for message in messages: if message.role == "system": raise ValueError( "System prompts are not supported in MistralChatTemplate" ) else: content = ( [{"type": "text", "content": self.template[message.role][0]}] + message.content + [{"type": "text", "content": self.template[message.role][1]}] ) formatted_dialogue.append( Message( role=message.role, content=content, masked=message.masked, ipython=message.ipython, eot=message.eot, ), ) return formatted_dialogue


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