
Source code for torchtune.utils._profiler

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import os
import time
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.distributed

from omegaconf import DictConfig
from torch._C._profiler import _ExperimentalConfig
from torch.profiler import tensorboard_trace_handler
from torchtune.utils import get_world_size_and_rank

from torchtune.utils.logging import get_logger

log = get_logger("INFO")

PROFILER_KEY = "profiler"

    "wait_steps": 5,
    "warmup_steps": 5,
    "active_steps": 2,
    "num_cycles": 1,

    "profile_memory": False,
    "with_stack": False,
    "record_shapes": True,
    "with_flops": False,

DEFAULT_PROFILE_DIR: str = "profiler_output"

def _warn(msg: str):
    _, rank = get_world_size_and_rank()
    if rank == 0:

def trace_handler(
    prof: torch.profiler.profile,
    Handles export of artifacts from ``torch.profiler.profile``.

    The following artifacts are exported:
    - chrome / tensorboard trace - viewable through tensorboard or / chrome::/tracing
    - trace event table
    - memory timeline if ``profile_memory``
    - stacks if ``with_stack`` (note that ``profile_memory`` requires ``with_stack`` to be ``True``),
    viewable as a flamegraph see (

    - Each profiling cycle is exported as a sub-directory in output_dir
        - E.g., profiling in 5-step cycle (wait=2, warmup=2, active=1, repeat=0) will result in
        sub-directories iteration_5, iteration_10, etc.
    - If profiling in a distributed setting, each artifact will be prefixed with rank.
    - Memory timeline is only exported for rank 0 (error if exporting from multiple ranks on single node)

    See profiler documentation ( for more details

        prof: torch.profiler.profile
        output_dir: str - directory to store artifacts
        metric: str - metric to order trace event table by, see ``torch.profiler.profile.key_averages().table`` for
        additional metrics
        row_limit: int - number of rows to display in trace event table

    world_size, rank = get_world_size_and_rank()
    curr_trace_dir_name = "iteration_" + str(prof.step_num)
    curr_trace_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, curr_trace_dir_name)
    if not os.path.exists(curr_trace_dir):
        os.makedirs(curr_trace_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Export chrome / tensorboard trace
    if rank == 0:"Dumping traces at step {prof.step_num}")
    begin = time.monotonic()

    # Use tensorboard trace handler rather than directly exporting chrome traces since
    # tensorboard doesn't seem to be able to parse traces with prof.export_chrome_trace
    exporter = tensorboard_trace_handler(
        curr_trace_dir, worker_name=f"rank{rank}", use_gzip=True

    if rank == 0:"Finished dumping traces in {time.monotonic() - begin:.2f} seconds")

    # Memory timeline sometimes fails to export
    if prof.profile_memory:
        if rank == 0:
            except Exception as e:
                log.warn(f" Failed to export memory timeline: {e}")

    # Dump stack traces
    if prof.with_stack:
        prof.export_stacks(f"{curr_trace_dir}/rank{rank}_stacks.txt", metric=metric)

    # Export event averages
    key_avgs = prof.key_averages(
        group_by_input_shape=prof.record_shapes, group_by_stack_n=5
    ).table(sort_by=metric, row_limit=row_limit)
    with open(f"{curr_trace_dir}/rank{rank}_key_averages.txt", "w") as f:
        print(key_avgs, file=f)
    if rank == 0:"Saving profiling results to {curr_trace_dir}")

    # TODO: Is this necessary?
    # see
    if world_size > 1:

class DummyProfiler:
    Drop-in replacement for torch.profiler.profile that functions as a nullcontext / object
    with no-op methods for ``start``, ``stop``, and ``step``.

    This is helpful for instrumenting profiling in a recipe without requiring changes to the
    code independent of whether profiling is on / off.

        profiler = DummyProfiler()
        #profiler = torch.profiler.profile()

        # Below is same regardless of profiler object type
        with profiler as prof:
            for epoch in epochs:
                for batch in batches:


    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):

    def step(self):

[docs]def setup_torch_profiler( enabled: bool = False, cpu: bool = True, cuda: bool = True, profile_memory: bool = DEFAULT_TRACE_OPTS["profile_memory"], with_stack: bool = DEFAULT_TRACE_OPTS["with_stack"], record_shapes: bool = DEFAULT_TRACE_OPTS["record_shapes"], with_flops: bool = DEFAULT_TRACE_OPTS["with_flops"], # `torch.profiler.schedule` args - note we defer setting these to enable more fine-grained # warnings within this setup function wait_steps: Optional[int] = None, warmup_steps: Optional[int] = None, active_steps: Optional[int] = None, num_cycles: Optional[int] = None, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.profiler.profile, DictConfig]: """ Sets up :class:`~torch.profiler.profile` and returns the profiler config with post-setup updates. The profiler config can be provided in configs under the ``profiler`` key with the following layout: .. code-block:: yaml profiler: _component_: torchtune.utils.setup_torch_profiler enabled: bool # Output directory of trace artifacts output_dir: str # torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity types to trace cpu: bool cuda: bool # Trace options profile_memory: bool with_stack: bool record_shapes: bool with_flops: bool # torch.profiler.schedule args wait_steps: int warmup_steps: int active_steps: int num_cycles: int The profiler schedule updates with respect to an optimizer step (e.g., if ``gradient_accumulation = 2``, then the profiler will step every 2 batches). Sensible defaults will be chosen if the config is missing options: - If no activities are specified, profiler will default to CPU + CUDA - If no schedule is specified, profiler will default to ``DEFAULT_SCHEDULE`` - Certain options will be overridden (``with_stack`` and ``record_shapes``) \ depending on requirements of other options (e.g., ``profile_memory`` requires \ ``with_stack`` and ``record_shapes``). Note: - Enabling the profiler will result in training speed reduction. - Setting ``profile_memory: True`` will generate large trace files. - The profiler schedule is context dependent. Calling ``profiler.step()`` \ at each batch iteration but **outside** the gradient accumulation scope will \ ``step`` the profiler each forward / backward step. Calling ``profiler.step()`` \ each batch iteration but **within** the gradient accumulation scope will ``step`` \ the profiler each optimizer update step such that each ``step`` contains multiple \ forward / backward passes. Args: enabled (bool): Enable pytorch profiler. Default is False. cpu (bool): Enable cpu profiling. Default is True. cuda (bool): Enable cuda profiling. Default is True. profile_memory (bool): Profile memory usage. Default is False. with_stack (bool): Profile stack. Default is False. record_shapes (bool): Record shapes. Default is True. with_flops (bool): Profile flops. Default is False. wait_steps (Optional[int]): Wait time in steps. Maps to ``wait`` kwarg of ``torch.profiler.schedule``. warmup_steps (Optional[int]): Warmup time in steps. Maps to ``warmup`` kwarg of ``torch.profiler.schedule``. active_steps (Optional[int]): Active time in steps. Maps to ``active`` kwarg of ``torch.profiler.schedule``. num_cycles (Optional[int]): Number of profiling cycles. Maps to ``repeat`` kwarg of ``torch.profiler.schedule``. output_dir (Optional[str]): Tracing file output path. Returns: Tuple[torch.profiler.profile, DictConfig] """ if not enabled: _warn(" Profiling disabled.") return DummyProfiler(), DictConfig({"enabled": False}) # Set up profiler activities activities = [] if cpu: activities.append(torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity.CPU) if cuda: activities.append(torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity.CUDA) if len(activities) == 0: _warn("No activities specified, defaulting to CPU + CUDA") activities = DEFAULT_PROFILER_ACTIVITIES cpu = cuda = True # Check for schedule # 1) If no schedule is provided, set to DEFAULT_SCHEDULE # 2) else check for missing keys and warn if any are missing, setting these to defaults # Note that this might result in code duplication if these checks are already done in the `recipe` # However, we retain this checks in the case that the _setup_profiler section of the `recipe` does not implement these checks # Set up profiler schedule use_default_schedule = not any( [ wait_steps is not None, warmup_steps is not None, active_steps is not None, num_cycles is not None, ] ) # Use default schedule if None, else validate that schedule is valid and can be passed to `instantiate` if use_default_schedule: schedule_args = DEFAULT_SCHEDULE _warn( " No schedule found in config, defaulting to {}".format( ", ".join(f"{k} = {schedule_args[k]}" for k in schedule_args.keys()) ) ) else: schedule_args = { "wait_steps": wait_steps, "warmup_steps": warmup_steps, "active_steps": active_steps, "num_cycles": num_cycles, } missing_keys = [k for k in schedule_args.keys() if schedule_args[k] is None] if len(missing_keys) > 0: for k in missing_keys: schedule_args[k] = DEFAULT_SCHEDULE[k] _warn( " Missing keys in torch profiler schedule {}: defaulting to {}".format( ", ".join(missing_keys), ", ".join(f"{k} = {schedule_args[k]}" for k in missing_keys), ) ) schedule = torch.profiler.schedule( wait=schedule_args["wait_steps"], warmup=schedule_args["warmup_steps"], active=schedule_args["active_steps"], repeat=schedule_args["num_cycles"], ) # profile_memory requires with_stack and record_shapes, hence we override these if profile_memory is True # See torch.profiler.profiler._memory_profile if profile_memory: _warn( "`profile_memory` requires `with_stack` and `record_shapes`, these will be enabled since `profile_memory` is True" ) with_stack = with_stack or profile_memory record_shapes = record_shapes or profile_memory # experimental config is needed to export stacks: see experimental_config = _ExperimentalConfig(verbose=True) if with_stack else None # Handle exporting of trace, memory timeline and other profiler artifacts if output_dir is None: _warn( f" No output directory found in profiler config, defaulting to {DEFAULT_PROFILE_DIR}" ) output_dir = DEFAULT_PROFILE_DIR output_dir = Path(output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output_dir = str(output_dir) # trace_handler manages the export of profiler artifacts # this callback will be triggered after **each** profiling cycle callback = partial(trace_handler, output_dir=output_dir) profiler = torch.profiler.profile( activities=activities, profile_memory=profile_memory, with_stack=with_stack, record_shapes=record_shapes, with_flops=with_flops, schedule=schedule, experimental_config=experimental_config, on_trace_ready=callback, ) profiler_cfg = DictConfig( { "enabled": enabled, "output_dir": output_dir, "cpu": cpu, "cuda": cuda, "profile_memory": profile_memory, "with_stack": with_stack, "record_shapes": record_shapes, "with_flops": with_flops, **schedule_args, } ) return (profiler, profiler_cfg)


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