

class torchrl.modules.tensordict_module.SafeProbabilisticModule(*args, **kwargs)[source]

tensordict.nn.ProbabilisticTensorDictModule subclass that accepts a TensorSpec as an argument to control the output domain.

SafeProbabilisticModule is a non-parametric module embedding a probability distribution constructor. It reads the distribution parameters from an input TensorDict using the specified in_keys and outputs a sample (loosely speaking) of the distribution.

The output “sample” is produced given some rule, specified by the input default_interaction_type argument and the interaction_type() global function.

SafeProbabilisticModule can be used to construct the distribution (through the get_dist() method) and/or sampling from this distribution (through a regular __call__() to the module).

A SafeProbabilisticModule instance has two main features:

  • It reads and writes from and to TensorDict objects;

  • It uses a real mapping R^n -> R^m to create a distribution in R^d from which values can be sampled or computed.

When the __call__() and forward() method are called, a distribution is created, and a value computed (depending on the interaction_type value, ‘dist.mean’, ‘dist.mode’, ‘dist.median’ attributes could be used, as well as the ‘dist.rsample’, ‘dist.sample’ method). The sampling step is skipped if the supplied TensorDict has all the desired key-value pairs already.

By default, SafeProbabilisticModule distribution class is a Delta distribution, making SafeProbabilisticModule a simple wrapper around a deterministic mapping function.

This class differs from tensordict.nn.ProbabilisticTensorDictModule in that it accepts a spec keyword argument which can be used to control whether samples belong to the distribution or not. The safe keyword argument controls whether the samples values should be checked against the spec.

  • in_keys (NestedKey | List[NestedKey] | Dict[str, NestedKey]) – key(s) that will be read from the input TensorDict and used to build the distribution. Importantly, if it’s a list of NestedKey or a NestedKey, the leaf (last element) of those keys must match the keywords used by the distribution class of interest, e.g. "loc" and "scale" for the Normal distribution and similar. If in_keys is a dictionary, the keys are the keys of the distribution and the values are the keys in the tensordict that will get match to the corresponding distribution keys.

  • out_keys (NestedKey | List[NestedKey] | None) – key(s) where the sampled values will be written. Importantly, if these keys are found in the input TensorDict, the sampling step will be skipped.

  • spec (TensorSpec) – specs of the first output tensor. Used when calling td_module.random() to generate random values in the target space.

Keyword Arguments:
  • safe (bool, optional) – if True, the value of the sample is checked against the input spec. Out-of-domain sampling can occur because of exploration policies or numerical under/overflow issues. As for the spec argument, this check will only occur for the distribution sample, but not the other tensors returned by the input module. If the sample is out of bounds, it is projected back onto the desired space using the TensorSpec.project method. Default is False.

  • default_interaction_type (InteractionType, optional) –

    keyword-only argument. Default method to be used to retrieve the output value. Should be one of InteractionType: MODE, MEDIAN, MEAN or RANDOM (in which case the value is sampled randomly from the distribution). Default is MODE.


    When a sample is drawn, the ProbabilisticTensorDictModule instance will first look for the interaction mode dictated by the interaction_type() global function. If this returns None (its default value), then the default_interaction_type of the ProbabilisticTDModule instance will be used. Note that DataCollectorBase instances will use set_interaction_type to tensordict.nn.InteractionType.RANDOM by default.


    In some cases, the mode, median or mean value may not be readily available through the corresponding attribute. To paliate this, ProbabilisticTensorDictModule will first attempt to get the value through a call to get_mode(), get_median() or get_mean() if the method exists.

  • distribution_class (Type or Callable[[Any], Distribution], optional) –

    keyword-only argument. A torch.distributions.Distribution class to be used for sampling. Default is Delta.


    If the distribution class is of type CompositeDistribution, the out_keys can be inferred directly form the "distribution_map" or "name_map" keyword arguments provided through this class’ distribution_kwargs keyword argument, making the out_keys optional in such cases.

  • distribution_kwargs (dict, optional) –

    keyword-only argument. Keyword-argument pairs to be passed to the distribution.


    if your kwargs contain tensors that you would like to transfer to device with the module, or tensors that should see their dtype modified when calling, you can wrap the kwargs in a TensorDictParams to do this automatically.

  • return_log_prob (bool, optional) – keyword-only argument. If True, the log-probability of the distribution sample will be written in the tensordict with the key log_prob_key. Default is False.

  • log_prob_keys (List[NestedKey], optional) –

    keys where to write the log_prob if return_log_prob=True. Defaults to ‘<sample_key_name>_log_prob’, where <sample_key_name> is each of the out_keys.


    This is only available when composite_lp_aggregate() is set to False.

  • log_prob_key (NestedKey, optional) –

    key where to write the log_prob if return_log_prob=True. Defaults to ‘sample_log_prob’ when composite_lp_aggregate() is set to True or ‘<sample_key_name>_log_prob’ otherwise.


    When there is more than one sample, this is only available when composite_lp_aggregate() is set to True.

  • cache_dist (bool, optional) – keyword-only argument. EXPERIMENTAL: if True, the parameters of the distribution (i.e. the output of the module) will be written to the tensordict along with the sample. Those parameters can be used to re-compute the original distribution later on (e.g. to compute the divergence between the distribution used to sample the action and the updated distribution in PPO). Default is False.

  • n_empirical_estimate (int, optional) – keyword-only argument. Number of samples to compute the empirical mean when it is not available. Defaults to 1000.


Running checks takes time! Using safe=True will guarantee that the samples are within the spec bounds given some heuristic coded in project(), but that requires checking whether the values are within the spec space, which will induce some overhead.

See also

:class`The composite distribution in tensordict <~tensordict.nn.CompositeDistribution>` can be used to create multi-head policies.


>>> from torchrl.modules import SafeProbabilisticModule
>>> from import Bounded
>>> import torch
>>> from tensordict import TensorDict
>>> from tensordict.nn import InteractionType
>>> mod = SafeProbabilisticModule(
...     in_keys=["loc", "scale"],
...     out_keys=["action"],
...     distribution_class=torch.distributions.Normal,
...     safe=True,
...     spec=Bounded(low=-1, high=1, shape=()),
...     default_interaction_type=InteractionType.RANDOM
... )
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed(0)
>>> data = TensorDict(
...     loc=torch.zeros(10, requires_grad=True),
...     scale=torch.full((10,), 10.0),
...     batch_size=(10,))
>>> data = mod(data)
>>> print(data["action"]) # All actions are within bound
tensor([ 1., -1., -1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.],
>>> data["action"].mean().backward()
>>> print(data["loc"].grad) # clamp anihilates gradients
tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
random(tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase[source]

Samples a random element in the target space, irrespective of any input.

If multiple output keys are present, only the first will be written in the input tensordict.


tensordict (TensorDictBase) – tensordict where the output value should be written.


the original tensordict with a new/updated value for the output key.

random_sample(tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase[source]

See SafeModule.random(...).


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