
Versioning Issues

Pytorch version

This issue is related to Using PyTorch versions <2.0 and installing stable package leads to undefined symbol errors. For example:

ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torchrl/ undefined symbol: _ZN8pybind116detail11type_casterIN2at6TensorEvE4loadENS_6handleEb

How to reproduce

  1. Create an Colab Notebook (at 24/11/2022 Colab environment has Python 3.7 and Pytorch 1.12 installed by default).

  2. !pip install torchrl

  3. import torchrl

In Colab you can solve the issue by running:

!pip3 install torch --extra-index-url -U

before the !pip install torchrl command. This will install the latest pytorch. Instructions can be found here.


There are two workarounds to this issue

  1. Install/upgrade to the latest pytorch release before installing torchrl.

  2. If you need to use a previous pytorch release: Install functorch version related to your torch distribution: e.g. pip install functorch==0.2.0 and install library from source pip install git+<lib_version_here>.


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