
Source code for torchrl.trainers.helpers.trainers

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

import torch
from tensordict.nn import TensorDictModule, TensorDictModuleWrapper
from torch import optim
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR

from torchrl._utils import logger as torchrl_logger, VERBOSE
from torchrl.collectors.collectors import DataCollectorBase
from import ReplayBuffer
from torchrl.envs.common import EnvBase
from torchrl.envs.utils import ExplorationType
from torchrl.modules import reset_noise
from torchrl.objectives.common import LossModule
from torchrl.objectives.utils import TargetNetUpdater
from torchrl.record.loggers import Logger
from torchrl.trainers.trainers import (

    "adam": optim.Adam,
    "sgd": optim.SGD,
    "adamax": optim.Adamax,

class TrainerConfig:
    """Trainer config struct."""

    optim_steps_per_batch: int = 500
    # Number of optimization steps in between two collection of data. See frames_per_batch below.
    optimizer: str = "adam"
    # Optimizer to be used.
    lr_scheduler: str = "cosine"
    # LR scheduler.
    selected_keys: Optional[List] = None
    # a list of strings that indicate the data that should be kept from the data collector. Since storing and
    # retrieving information from the replay buffer does not come for free, limiting the amount of data
    # passed to it can improve the algorithm performance.
    batch_size: int = 256
    # batch size of the TensorDict retrieved from the replay buffer. Default=256.
    log_interval: int = 10000
    # logging interval, in terms of optimization steps. Default=10000.
    lr: float = 3e-4
    # Learning rate used for the optimizer. Default=3e-4.
    weight_decay: float = 0.0
    # Weight-decay to be used with the optimizer. Default=0.0.
    clip_norm: float = 1000.0
    # value at which the total gradient norm / single derivative should be clipped. Default=1000.0
    clip_grad_norm: bool = False
    # if called, the gradient will be clipped based on its L2 norm. Otherwise, single gradient values will be clipped to the desired threshold.
    normalize_rewards_online: bool = False
    # Computes the running statistics of the rewards and normalizes them before they are passed to the loss module.
    normalize_rewards_online_scale: float = 1.0
    # Final scale of the normalized rewards.
    normalize_rewards_online_decay: float = 0.9999
    # Decay of the reward moving averaging
    sub_traj_len: int = -1
    # length of the trajectories that sub-samples must have in online settings.

[docs]def make_trainer( collector: DataCollectorBase, loss_module: LossModule, recorder: Optional[EnvBase] = None, target_net_updater: Optional[TargetNetUpdater] = None, policy_exploration: Optional[ Union[TensorDictModuleWrapper, TensorDictModule] ] = None, replay_buffer: Optional[ReplayBuffer] = None, logger: Optional[Logger] = None, cfg: "DictConfig" = None, # noqa: F821 ) -> Trainer: """Creates a Trainer instance given its constituents. Args: collector (DataCollectorBase): A data collector to be used to collect data. loss_module (LossModule): A TorchRL loss module recorder (EnvBase, optional): a recorder environment. If None, the trainer will train the policy without testing it. target_net_updater (TargetNetUpdater, optional): A target network update object. policy_exploration (TDModule or TensorDictModuleWrapper, optional): a policy to be used for recording and exploration updates (should be synced with the learnt policy). replay_buffer (ReplayBuffer, optional): a replay buffer to be used to collect data. logger (Logger, optional): a Logger to be used for logging. cfg (DictConfig, optional): a DictConfig containing the arguments of the script. If None, the default arguments are used. Returns: A trainer built with the input objects. The optimizer is built by this helper function using the cfg provided. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import tempfile >>> from torchrl.trainers.loggers import TensorboardLogger >>> from torchrl.trainers import Trainer >>> from torchrl.envs import EnvCreator >>> from torchrl.collectors.collectors import SyncDataCollector >>> from import TensorDictReplayBuffer >>> from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymEnv >>> from torchrl.modules import TensorDictModuleWrapper, SafeModule, ValueOperator, EGreedyWrapper >>> from torchrl.objectives.common import LossModule >>> from torchrl.objectives.utils import TargetNetUpdater >>> from torchrl.objectives import DDPGLoss >>> env_maker = EnvCreator(lambda: GymEnv("Pendulum-v0")) >>> env_proof = env_maker() >>> obs_spec = env_proof.observation_spec >>> action_spec = env_proof.action_spec >>> net = torch.nn.Linear(env_proof.observation_spec.shape[-1], action_spec.shape[-1]) >>> net_value = torch.nn.Linear(env_proof.observation_spec.shape[-1], 1) # for the purpose of testing >>> policy = SafeModule(action_spec, net, in_keys=["observation"], out_keys=["action"]) >>> value = ValueOperator(net_value, in_keys=["observation"], out_keys=["state_action_value"]) >>> collector = SyncDataCollector(env_maker, policy, total_frames=100) >>> loss_module = DDPGLoss(policy, value, gamma=0.99) >>> recorder = env_proof >>> target_net_updater = None >>> policy_exploration = EGreedyWrapper(policy) >>> replay_buffer = TensorDictReplayBuffer() >>> dir = tempfile.gettempdir() >>> logger = TensorboardLogger(exp_name=dir) >>> trainer = make_trainer(collector, loss_module, recorder, target_net_updater, policy_exploration, ... replay_buffer, logger) >>> print(trainer) """ if cfg is None: warn( "Getting default cfg for the trainer. " "This should be only used for debugging." ) cfg = TrainerConfig() cfg.frame_skip = 1 cfg.total_frames = 1000 cfg.record_frames = 10 cfg.record_interval = 10 optimizer_kwargs = {} if cfg.optimizer != "adam" else {"betas": (0.0, 0.9)} optimizer = OPTIMIZERS[cfg.optimizer]( loss_module.parameters(),, weight_decay=cfg.weight_decay, **optimizer_kwargs, ) device = next(loss_module.parameters()).device if cfg.lr_scheduler == "cosine": optim_scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR( optimizer, T_max=int( cfg.total_frames / cfg.frames_per_batch * cfg.optim_steps_per_batch ), ) elif cfg.lr_scheduler == "": optim_scheduler = None else: raise NotImplementedError(f"lr scheduler {cfg.lr_scheduler}") if VERBOSE: f"collector = {collector}; \n" f"loss_module = {loss_module}; \n" f"recorder = {recorder}; \n" f"target_net_updater = {target_net_updater}; \n" f"policy_exploration = {policy_exploration}; \n" f"replay_buffer = {replay_buffer}; \n" f"logger = {logger}; \n" f"cfg = {cfg}; \n" ) if logger is not None: # log hyperparams logger.log_hparams(cfg) trainer = Trainer( collector=collector, frame_skip=cfg.frame_skip, total_frames=cfg.total_frames * cfg.frame_skip, loss_module=loss_module, optimizer=optimizer, logger=logger, optim_steps_per_batch=cfg.optim_steps_per_batch, clip_grad_norm=cfg.clip_grad_norm, clip_norm=cfg.clip_norm, ) if torch.cuda.device_count() > 0: trainer.register_op("pre_optim_steps", ClearCudaCache(1)) if hasattr(cfg, "noisy") and cfg.noisy: trainer.register_op("pre_optim_steps", lambda: loss_module.apply(reset_noise)) if cfg.selected_keys: trainer.register_op("batch_process", SelectKeys(cfg.selected_keys)) trainer.register_op("batch_process", lambda batch: batch.cpu()) if replay_buffer is not None: # replay buffer is used 2 or 3 times: to register data, to sample # data and to update priorities rb_trainer = ReplayBufferTrainer( replay_buffer, cfg.batch_size, flatten_tensordicts=False, memmap=False, device=device, ) trainer.register_op("batch_process", rb_trainer.extend) trainer.register_op("process_optim_batch", rb_trainer.sample) trainer.register_op("post_loss", rb_trainer.update_priority) else: # trainer.register_op("batch_process", mask_batch) trainer.register_op( "process_optim_batch", BatchSubSampler(batch_size=cfg.batch_size, sub_traj_len=cfg.sub_traj_len), ) trainer.register_op("process_optim_batch", lambda batch: if optim_scheduler is not None: trainer.register_op("post_optim", optim_scheduler.step) if target_net_updater is not None: trainer.register_op("post_optim", target_net_updater.step) if cfg.normalize_rewards_online: # if used the running statistics of the rewards are computed and the # rewards used for training will be normalized based on these. reward_normalizer = RewardNormalizer( scale=cfg.normalize_rewards_online_scale, decay=cfg.normalize_rewards_online_decay, ) trainer.register_op("batch_process", reward_normalizer.update_reward_stats) trainer.register_op("process_optim_batch", reward_normalizer.normalize_reward) if policy_exploration is not None and hasattr(policy_exploration, "step"): trainer.register_op( "post_steps", policy_exploration.step, frames=cfg.frames_per_batch ) trainer.register_op( "post_steps_log", lambda *cfg: {"lr": optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]} ) if recorder is not None: # create recorder object recorder_obj = Recorder( record_frames=cfg.record_frames, frame_skip=cfg.frame_skip, policy_exploration=policy_exploration, environment=recorder, record_interval=cfg.record_interval, log_keys=cfg.recorder_log_keys, ) # register recorder trainer.register_op( "post_steps_log", recorder_obj, ) # call recorder - could be removed recorder_obj(None) # create explorative recorder - could be optional recorder_obj_explore = Recorder( record_frames=cfg.record_frames, frame_skip=cfg.frame_skip, policy_exploration=policy_exploration, environment=recorder, record_interval=cfg.record_interval, exploration_type=ExplorationType.RANDOM, suffix="exploration", out_keys={("next", "reward"): "r_evaluation_exploration"}, ) # register recorder trainer.register_op( "post_steps_log", recorder_obj_explore, ) # call recorder - could be removed recorder_obj_explore(None) trainer.register_op( "post_steps", UpdateWeights(collector, update_weights_interval=1) ) trainer.register_op("pre_steps_log", LogReward()) trainer.register_op("pre_steps_log", CountFramesLog(frame_skip=cfg.frame_skip)) return trainer


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