
Source code for torchrl.objectives.gail

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

import torch

import torch.autograd as autograd
from tensordict import TensorDict, TensorDictBase, TensorDictParams
from tensordict.nn import dispatch, TensorDictModule
from tensordict.utils import NestedKey

from torchrl.objectives.common import LossModule
from torchrl.objectives.utils import _reduce

[docs]class GAILLoss(LossModule): r"""TorchRL implementation of the Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) loss. Presented in `"Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning" <>` Args: discriminator_network (TensorDictModule): stochastic actor Keyword Args: use_grad_penalty (bool, optional): Whether to use gradient penalty. Default: ``False``. gp_lambda (:obj:`float`, optional): Gradient penalty lambda. Default: ``10``. reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``"none"`` | ``"mean"`` | ``"sum"``. ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied, ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ``"sum"``: the output will be summed. Default: ``"mean"``. """ @dataclass class _AcceptedKeys: """Maintains default values for all configurable tensordict keys. This class defines which tensordict keys can be set using '.set_keys(key_name=key_value)' and their default values. Attributes: expert_action (NestedKey): The input tensordict key where the action is expected. Defaults to ``"action"``. expert_observation (NestedKey): The tensordict key where the observation is expected. Defaults to ``"observation"``. collector_action (NestedKey): The tensordict key where the collector action is expected. Defaults to ``"collector_action"``. collector_observation (NestedKey): The tensordict key where the collector observation is expected. Defaults to ``"collector_observation"``. discriminator_pred (NestedKey): The tensordict key where the discriminator prediction is expected. """ expert_action: NestedKey = "action" expert_observation: NestedKey = "observation" collector_action: NestedKey = "collector_action" collector_observation: NestedKey = "collector_observation" discriminator_pred: NestedKey = "d_logits" tensor_keys: _AcceptedKeys default_keys = _AcceptedKeys discriminator_network: TensorDictModule discriminator_network_params: TensorDictParams target_discriminator_network: TensorDictModule target_discriminator_network_params: TensorDictParams out_keys = [ "loss", "gp_loss", ] def __init__( self, discriminator_network: TensorDictModule, *, use_grad_penalty: bool = False, gp_lambda: float = 10, reduction: str = None, ) -> None: self._in_keys = None self._out_keys = None if reduction is None: reduction = "mean" super().__init__() # Discriminator Network self.convert_to_functional( discriminator_network, "discriminator_network", create_target_params=False, ) self.loss_function = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction="none") self.use_grad_penalty = use_grad_penalty self.gp_lambda = gp_lambda self.reduction = reduction def _set_in_keys(self): keys = self.discriminator_network.in_keys keys = set(keys) keys.add(self.tensor_keys.expert_observation) keys.add(self.tensor_keys.expert_action) keys.add(self.tensor_keys.collector_observation) keys.add(self.tensor_keys.collector_action) self._in_keys = sorted(keys, key=str) def _forward_value_estimator_keys(self, **kwargs) -> None: pass @property def in_keys(self): if self._in_keys is None: self._set_in_keys() return self._in_keys @in_keys.setter def in_keys(self, values): self._in_keys = values @property def out_keys(self): if self._out_keys is None: keys = ["loss"] if self.use_grad_penalty: keys.append("gp_loss") self._out_keys = keys return self._out_keys @out_keys.setter def out_keys(self, values): self._out_keys = values
[docs] @dispatch def forward( self, tensordict: TensorDictBase, ) -> TensorDictBase: """The forward method. Computes the discriminator loss and gradient penalty if `use_grad_penalty` is set to True. If `use_grad_penalty` is set to True, the detached gradient penalty loss is also returned for logging purposes. To see what keys are expected in the input tensordict and what keys are expected as output, check the class's `"in_keys"` and `"out_keys"` attributes. """ device = self.discriminator_network.device tensordict = tensordict.clone(False) shape = tensordict.shape if len(shape) > 1: batch_size, seq_len = shape else: batch_size = shape[0] collector_obs = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.collector_observation) collector_act = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.collector_action) expert_obs = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.expert_observation) expert_act = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.expert_action) combined_obs_inputs =[expert_obs, collector_obs], dim=0) combined_act_inputs =[expert_act, collector_act], dim=0) combined_inputs = TensorDict( { self.tensor_keys.expert_observation: combined_obs_inputs, self.tensor_keys.expert_action: combined_act_inputs, }, batch_size=[2 * batch_size], device=device, ) # create if len(shape) > 1: fake_labels = torch.zeros((batch_size, seq_len, 1), dtype=torch.float32).to( device ) real_labels = torch.ones((batch_size, seq_len, 1), dtype=torch.float32).to( device ) else: fake_labels = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype=torch.float32).to(device) real_labels = torch.ones((batch_size, 1), dtype=torch.float32).to(device) with self.discriminator_network_params.to_module(self.discriminator_network): d_logits = self.discriminator_network(combined_inputs).get( self.tensor_keys.discriminator_pred ) expert_preds, collection_preds = torch.split( d_logits, [batch_size, batch_size], dim=0 ) expert_loss = self.loss_function(expert_preds, real_labels) collection_loss = self.loss_function(collection_preds, fake_labels) loss = expert_loss + collection_loss out = {} if self.use_grad_penalty: obs = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.collector_observation) acts = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.collector_action) obs_e = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.expert_observation) acts_e = tensordict.get(self.tensor_keys.expert_action) obss_noise = ( torch.distributions.Uniform(0.0, 1.0).sample(obs_e.shape).to(device) ) acts_noise = ( torch.distributions.Uniform(0.0, 1.0).sample(acts_e.shape).to(device) ) obss_mixture = obss_noise * obs + (1 - obss_noise) * obs_e acts_mixture = acts_noise * acts + (1 - acts_noise) * acts_e obss_mixture.requires_grad_(True) acts_mixture.requires_grad_(True) pg_input_td = TensorDict( { self.tensor_keys.expert_observation: obss_mixture, self.tensor_keys.expert_action: acts_mixture, }, [], device=device, ) with self.discriminator_network_params.to_module( self.discriminator_network ): d_logits_mixture = self.discriminator_network(pg_input_td).get( self.tensor_keys.discriminator_pred ) gradients = autograd.grad( outputs=d_logits_mixture, inputs=(obss_mixture, acts_mixture), grad_outputs=torch.ones(d_logits_mixture.size(), device=device), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, only_inputs=True, ), dim=-1, ) gp_loss = self.gp_lambda * torch.mean( (torch.linalg.norm(gradients, dim=-1) - 1) ** 2 ) loss += gp_loss out["gp_loss"] = gp_loss.detach() loss = _reduce(loss, reduction=self.reduction) out["loss"] = loss td_out = TensorDict(out) self._clear_weakrefs( tensordict, td_out, "target_discriminator_network_params", "discriminator_network_params", ) return td_out


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