
Source code for torchrl.modules.utils.utils

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# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
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import warnings

[docs]def get_primers_from_module(module): """Get all tensordict primers from all submodules of a module. This method is useful for retrieving primers from modules that are contained within a parent module. Args: module (torch.nn.Module): The parent module. Returns: TensorDictPrimer: A TensorDictPrimer Transform. Example: >>> from torchrl.modules.utils import get_primers_from_module >>> from torchrl.modules import GRUModule, MLP >>> from tensordict.nn import TensorDictModule, TensorDictSequential >>> # Define a GRU module >>> gru_module = GRUModule( ... input_size=10, ... hidden_size=10, ... num_layers=1, ... in_keys=["input", "recurrent_state", "is_init"], ... out_keys=["features", ("next", "recurrent_state")], ... ) >>> # Define a head module >>> head = TensorDictModule( ... MLP( ... in_features=10, ... out_features=10, ... num_cells=[], ... ), ... in_keys=["features"], ... out_keys=["output"], ... ) >>> # Create a sequential model >>> model = TensorDictSequential(gru_module, head) >>> # Retrieve primers from the model >>> primers = get_primers_from_module(model) >>> print(primers) TensorDictPrimer(primers=CompositeSpec( recurrent_state: UnboundedContinuousTensorSpec( shape=torch.Size([1, 10]), space=None, device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, domain=continuous), device=None, shape=torch.Size([])), default_value={'recurrent_state': 0.0}, random=None) """ primers = [] def make_primers(submodule): if hasattr(submodule, "make_tensordict_primer"): primers.append(submodule.make_tensordict_primer()) module.apply(make_primers) if not primers: warnings.warn("No primers found in the module.") return elif len(primers) == 1: return primers[0] else: from torchrl.envs.transforms import Compose return Compose(*primers)


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