
Source code for torchrl.modules.distributions.discrete

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch
import torch.distributions as D

__all__ = [

def _treat_categorical_params(
    params: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
    if params is None:
        return None
    if params.shape[-1] == 1:
        params = params[..., 0]
    return params

def rand_one_hot(values: torch.Tensor, do_softmax: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
    if do_softmax:
        values = values.softmax(-1)
    out = values.cumsum(-1) > torch.rand_like(values[..., :1])
    out = (out.cumsum(-1) == 1).to(torch.long)
    return out

class _one_hot_wrapper:
    def __init__(self, parent_dist):
        self.parent_dist = parent_dist

    def __call__(self, func):
        def wrapped(_self, *args, **kwargs):
            out = getattr(self.parent_dist, func.__name__)(_self, *args, **kwargs)
            n = _self.num_samples
            return torch.nn.functional.one_hot(out, n)

        return wrapped

class ReparamGradientStrategy(Enum):
    PassThrough: Any = 1
    RelaxedOneHot: Any = 2

[docs]class OneHotCategorical(D.Categorical): """One-hot categorical distribution. This class behaves excacly as torch.distributions.Categorical except that it reads and produces one-hot encodings of the discrete tensors. Args: logits (torch.Tensor): event log probabilities (unnormalized) probs (torch.Tensor): event probabilities grad_method (ReparamGradientStrategy, optional): strategy to gather reparameterized samples. ``ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough`` will compute the sample gradients by using the softmax valued log-probability as a proxy to the samples gradients. ``ReparamGradientStrategy.RelaxedOneHot`` will use :class:`torch.distributions.RelaxedOneHot` to sample from the distribution. Examples: >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> logits = torch.randn(4) >>> dist = OneHotCategorical(logits=logits) >>> print(dist.rsample((3,))) tensor([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0., 0.]]) """ num_params: int = 1 def __init__( self, logits: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, probs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, grad_method: ReparamGradientStrategy = ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough, **kwargs, ) -> None: logits = _treat_categorical_params(logits) probs = _treat_categorical_params(probs) self.grad_method = grad_method super().__init__(probs=probs, logits=logits, **kwargs) self.num_samples = self._param.shape[-1]
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return super().log_prob(value.argmax(dim=-1))
@property def mode(self) -> torch.Tensor: if hasattr(self, "logits"): return (self.logits == self.logits.max(-1, True)[0]).to(torch.long) else: return (self.probs == self.probs.max(-1, True)[0]).to(torch.long) @property def deterministic_sample(self): return self.mode
[docs] @_one_hot_wrapper(D.Categorical) def sample( self, sample_shape: Optional[Union[torch.Size, Sequence]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: ...
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape: Union[torch.Size, Sequence] = None) -> torch.Tensor: if sample_shape is None: sample_shape = torch.Size([]) if hasattr(self, "logits") and self.logits is not None: logits = self.logits probs = None else: logits = None probs = self.probs if self.grad_method == ReparamGradientStrategy.RelaxedOneHot: d = D.relaxed_categorical.RelaxedOneHotCategorical( 1.0, probs=probs, logits=logits ) out = d.rsample(sample_shape) == out.max(-1)[0].unsqueeze(-1)).to(out.dtype)) return out elif self.grad_method == ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough: if logits is not None: probs = self.probs else: probs = torch.softmax(self.logits, dim=-1) out = self.sample(sample_shape) out = out + probs - probs.detach() return out else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown reparametrization strategy {self.reparam_strategy}." )
[docs]class MaskedCategorical(D.Categorical): """MaskedCategorical distribution. Reference: Args: logits (torch.Tensor): event log probabilities (unnormalized) probs (torch.Tensor): event probabilities. If provided, the probabilities corresponding to to masked items will be zeroed and the probability re-normalized along its last dimension. Keyword Args: mask (torch.Tensor): A boolean mask of the same shape as ``logits``/``probs`` where ``False`` entries are the ones to be masked. Alternatively, if ``sparse_mask`` is True, it represents the list of valid indices in the distribution. Exclusive with ``indices``. indices (torch.Tensor): A dense index tensor representing which actions must be taken into account. Exclusive with ``mask``. neg_inf (float, optional): The log-probability value allocated to invalid (out-of-mask) indices. Defaults to -inf. padding_value: The padding value in the mask tensor. When sparse_mask == True, the padding_value will be ignored. >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> logits = torch.randn(4) / 100 # almost equal probabilities >>> mask = torch.tensor([True, False, True, True]) >>> dist = MaskedCategorical(logits=logits, mask=mask) >>> sample = dist.sample((10,)) >>> print(sample) # no `1` in the sample tensor([2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2]) >>> print(dist.log_prob(sample)) tensor([-1.1203, -1.0928, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.1203, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.1203]) >>> print(dist.log_prob(torch.ones_like(sample))) tensor([-inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf]) >>> # with probabilities >>> prob = torch.ones(10) >>> prob = prob / prob.sum() >>> mask = torch.tensor([False] + 9 * [True]) # first outcome is masked >>> dist = MaskedCategorical(probs=prob, mask=mask) >>> print(dist.log_prob(torch.arange(10))) tensor([ -inf, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972]) """ def __init__( self, logits: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, probs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, *, mask: torch.Tensor = None, indices: torch.Tensor = None, neg_inf: float = float("-inf"), padding_value: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: if not ((mask is None) ^ (indices is None)): raise ValueError( f"A ``mask`` or some ``indices`` must be provided for {type(self)}, but not both." ) if mask is None: mask = indices sparse_mask = True else: sparse_mask = False if probs is not None: if logits is not None: raise ValueError( "Either `probs` or `logits` must be specified, but not both." ) # unnormalized logits probs = probs.clone() probs[~mask] = 0 probs = probs / probs.sum(-1, keepdim=True) logits = probs.log() num_samples = logits.shape[-1] logits = self._mask_logits( logits, mask, neg_inf=neg_inf, sparse_mask=sparse_mask, padding_value=padding_value, ) self.neg_inf = neg_inf self._mask = mask self._sparse_mask = sparse_mask self._padding_value = padding_value super().__init__(logits=logits) self.num_samples = num_samples
[docs] def sample( self, sample_shape: Optional[Union[torch.Size, Sequence[int]]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: if sample_shape is None: sample_shape = torch.Size() else: sample_shape = torch.Size(sample_shape) ret = super().sample(sample_shape) if not self._sparse_mask: return ret size = ret.size() outer_dim = sample_shape.numel() inner_dim = self._mask.shape[:-1].numel() idx_3d = self._mask.expand(outer_dim, inner_dim, -1) ret = idx_3d.gather(dim=-1, index=ret.view(outer_dim, inner_dim, 1)) return ret.reshape(size)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if not self._sparse_mask: return super().log_prob(value) idx_3d = self._mask.view(1, -1, self._num_events) val_3d = value.view(-1, idx_3d.size(1), 1) mask = idx_3d == val_3d idx =, keepdim=True) ret = super().log_prob(idx.view_as(value)) # Fill masked values with neg_inf. ret = ret.view_as(val_3d) ret = ret.masked_fill( torch.logical_not(mask.any(dim=-1, keepdim=True)), self.neg_inf ) return ret.resize_as(value)
@staticmethod def _mask_logits( logits: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, neg_inf: float = float("-inf"), sparse_mask: bool = False, padding_value: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: if mask is None: return logits if not sparse_mask: return logits.masked_fill(~mask, neg_inf) if padding_value is not None: padding_mask = mask == padding_value if padding_value != 0: # Avoid invalid indices in mask. mask = mask.masked_fill(padding_mask, 0) logits = logits.gather(dim=-1, index=mask) if padding_value is not None: logits.masked_fill_(padding_mask, neg_inf) return logits
[docs]class MaskedOneHotCategorical(MaskedCategorical): """MaskedCategorical distribution. Reference: Args: logits (torch.Tensor): event log probabilities (unnormalized) probs (torch.Tensor): event probabilities. If provided, the probabilities corresponding to to masked items will be zeroed and the probability re-normalized along its last dimension. Keyword Args: mask (torch.Tensor): A boolean mask of the same shape as ``logits``/``probs`` where ``False`` entries are the ones to be masked. Alternatively, if ``sparse_mask`` is True, it represents the list of valid indices in the distribution. Exclusive with ``indices``. indices (torch.Tensor): A dense index tensor representing which actions must be taken into account. Exclusive with ``mask``. neg_inf (float, optional): The log-probability value allocated to invalid (out-of-mask) indices. Defaults to -inf. padding_value: The padding value in then mask tensor when sparse_mask == True, the padding_value will be ignored. grad_method (ReparamGradientStrategy, optional): strategy to gather reparameterized samples. ``ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough`` will compute the sample gradients by using the softmax valued log-probability as a proxy to the samples gradients. ``ReparamGradientStrategy.RelaxedOneHot`` will use :class:`torch.distributions.RelaxedOneHot` to sample from the distribution. >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> logits = torch.randn(4) / 100 # almost equal probabilities >>> mask = torch.tensor([True, False, True, True]) >>> dist = MaskedOneHotCategorical(logits=logits, mask=mask) >>> sample = dist.sample((10,)) >>> print(sample) # no `1` in the sample tensor([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]) >>> print(dist.log_prob(sample)) tensor([-1.1203, -1.0928, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.1203, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.0831, -1.1203, -1.1203]) >>> sample_non_valid = torch.zeros_like(sample) >>> sample_non_valid[..., 1] = 1 >>> print(dist.log_prob(sample_non_valid)) tensor([-inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf]) >>> # with probabilities >>> prob = torch.ones(10) >>> prob = prob / prob.sum() >>> mask = torch.tensor([False] + 9 * [True]) # first outcome is masked >>> dist = MaskedOneHotCategorical(probs=prob, mask=mask) >>> s = torch.arange(10) >>> s = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(s, 10) >>> print(dist.log_prob(s)) tensor([ -inf, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972, -2.1972]) """ def __init__( self, logits: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, probs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, mask: torch.Tensor = None, indices: torch.Tensor = None, neg_inf: float = float("-inf"), padding_value: Optional[int] = None, grad_method: ReparamGradientStrategy = ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough, ) -> None: self.grad_method = grad_method super().__init__( logits=logits, probs=probs, mask=mask, indices=indices, neg_inf=neg_inf, padding_value=padding_value, )
[docs] @_one_hot_wrapper(MaskedCategorical) def sample( self, sample_shape: Optional[Union[torch.Size, Sequence[int]]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: ...
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return super().log_prob(value.argmax(dim=-1))
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape: Union[torch.Size, Sequence] = None) -> torch.Tensor: if sample_shape is None: sample_shape = torch.Size([]) if hasattr(self, "logits") and self.logits is not None: logits = self.logits probs = None else: logits = None probs = self.probs if self.grad_method == ReparamGradientStrategy.RelaxedOneHot: if self._sparse_mask: if probs is not None: probs_extended = torch.full( (*probs.shape[:-1], self.num_samples), 0, device=probs.device, dtype=probs.dtype, ) probs_extended = torch.scatter( probs_extended, -1, self._mask, probs ) logits_extended = None else: probs_extended = torch.full( (*logits.shape[:-1], self.num_samples), self.neg_inf, device=logits.device, dtype=logits.dtype, ) logits_extended = torch.scatter( probs_extended, -1, self._mask, logits ) probs_extended = None else: probs_extended = probs logits_extended = logits d = D.relaxed_categorical.RelaxedOneHotCategorical( 1.0, probs=probs_extended, logits=logits_extended ) out = d.rsample(sample_shape) == out.max(-1)[0].unsqueeze(-1)).to(out.dtype)) return out elif self.grad_method == ReparamGradientStrategy.PassThrough: if logits is not None: probs = self.probs else: probs = torch.softmax(self.logits, dim=-1) if self._sparse_mask: probs_extended = torch.full( (*probs.shape[:-1], self.num_samples), 0, device=probs.device, dtype=probs.dtype, ) probs_extended = torch.scatter(probs_extended, -1, self._mask, probs) else: probs_extended = probs out = self.sample(sample_shape) out = out + probs_extended - probs_extended.detach() return out else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown reparametrization strategy {self.reparam_strategy}." )


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