
Source code for

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import importlib.util
import io
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple

import torch

from tensordict import make_tensordict, NonTensorData, pad, TensorDict
from tensordict.utils import _is_non_tensor

from import BaseDatasetExperienceReplay
from import _get_root_dir
from import TensorDictReplayBuffer
from import (
from import _collate_id, Storage, TensorStorage
from import ImmutableDatasetWriter, Writer

_has_datasets = importlib.util.find_spec("datasets", None) is not None
_has_tv = importlib.util.find_spec("torchvision", None) is not None

[docs]class OpenXExperienceReplay(BaseDatasetExperienceReplay): """Open X-Embodiment datasets experience replay. The Open X-Embodiment Dataset contains 1M+ real robot trajectories spanning 22 robot embodiments, collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). Website: GitHub: Paper: The data format follows the :ref:`TED convention <TED-format>`. .. note:: Non-tensor data will be written in the tensordict data using the :class:`~tensordict.tensorclass.NonTensorData` primitive. For instance, the `language_instruction` field in the data will be stored in `data.get_non_tensor("language_instruction")` (or equivalently `data.get("language_instruction").data`). See the documentation of this class for more information on how to interact with non-tensor data stored in a :class:`~tensordict.TensorDict`. Args: dataset_id (str): The dataset to be downloaded. Must be part of ``OpenXExperienceReplay.available_datasets``. batch_size (int): Batch-size used during sampling. Can be overridden by `data.sample(batch_size)` if necessary. See ``num_slices`` and ``slice_len`` keyword arguments for a refined sampling strategy. If the ``batch_size`` is ``None`` (default), iterating over the dataset will deliver trajectories one at a time *whereas* calling :meth:`sample` will *still* require a batch-size to be provided. Keyword Args: shuffle (bool, optional): if ``True``, trajectories are delivered in a random order when the dataset is iterated over. If ``False``, the dataset is iterated over in the pre-defined order. .. warning:: shuffle=False will also impact the sampling. We advice users to create a copy of the dataset where the ``shuffle`` attribute of the sampler is set to ``False`` if they wish to enjoy the two different behaviors (shuffled and not) within the same code base. num_slices (int, optional): the number of slices in a batch. This corresponds to the number of trajectories present in a batch. Once collected, the batch is presented as a concatenation of sub-trajectories that can be recovered through `batch.reshape(num_slices, -1)`. The `batch_size` must be divisible by `num_slices` if provided. This argument is exclusive with ``slice_len``. If the ``num_slices`` argument equates the ``batch_size``, each sample will belong to a different trajectory. If neither ``slice_len`` nor ``num_slice`` are provided: whenever a trajectory has a length shorter than the batch-size, a contiguous slice of it of length `batch_size` will be sampled. If the trajectory length is insufficient, an exception will be raised unless `pad` is not `None`. slice_len (int, optional): the length of slices in a batch. This corresponds to the length of trajectories present in a batch. Once collected, the batch is presented as a concatenation of sub-trajectories that can be recovered through `batch.reshape(-1, slice_len)`. The `batch_size` must be divisible by `slice_len` if provided. This argument is exclusive with ``num_slice``. If the ``slice_len`` argument equates ``1``, each sample will belong to a different trajectory. If neither ``slice_len`` nor ``num_slice`` are provided: whenever a trajectory has a length shorter than the batch-size, a contiguous slice of it of length `batch_size` will be sampled. If the trajectory length is insufficient, an exception will be raised unless `pad` is not `None`. .. note:: The ``slice_len`` (but not ``num_slices``) can be used when iterating over a dataset without passing a batch-size in the, constructor. In these cases, a random sub-sequence of the trajectory will be chosen. replacement (bool, optional): if ``False``, sampling will be done without replacement. Defaults to ``True`` for downloaded datasets, ``False`` for streamed datasets. pad (bool, :obj:`float` or None): if ``True``, trajectories of insufficient length given the `slice_len` or `num_slices` arguments will be padded with 0s. If another value is provided, it will be used for padding. If ``False`` or ``None`` (default) any encounter with a trajectory of insufficient length will raise an exception. root (Path or str, optional): The OpenX dataset root directory. The actual dataset memory-mapped files will be saved under `<root>/<dataset_id>`. If none is provided, it defaults to `~/.cache/torchrl/atari`.openx`. streaming (bool, optional): if ``True``, the data won't be downloaded but read from a stream instead. .. note:: The formatting of the data __will change__ when `download=True` compared to `streaming=True`. If the data is downloaded and the sampler is left untouched (ie, `num_slices=None`, `slice_len=None` and `sampler=None`, transitions will be sampled randomly from the dataset. This isn't possible at a reasonable cost with `streaming=True`: in this case, trajectories will be sampled one at a time and delivered as such (with cropping to comply with the batch-size etc). The behavior of the two modalities is much more similar when `num_slices` and `slice_len` are specified, as in these cases, views of sub-episodes will be returned in both cases. download (bool or str, optional): Whether the dataset should be downloaded if not found. Defaults to ``True``. Download can also be passed as "force", in which case the downloaded data will be overwritten. sampler (Sampler, optional): the sampler to be used. If none is provided a default RandomSampler() will be used. writer (Writer, optional): the writer to be used. If none is provided a default :class:`` will be used. collate_fn (callable, optional): merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch of Tensor(s)/outputs. Used when using batched loading from a map-style dataset. pin_memory (bool): whether pin_memory() should be called on the rb samples. prefetch (int, optional): number of next batches to be prefetched using multithreading. transform (Transform, optional): Transform to be executed when sample() is called. To chain transforms use the :class:`~torchrl.envs.transforms.transforms.Compose` class. split_trajs (bool, optional): if ``True``, the trajectories will be split along the first dimension and padded to have a matching shape. To split the trajectories, the ``"done"`` signal will be used, which is recovered via ``done = truncated | terminated``. In other words, it is assumed that any ``truncated`` or ``terminated`` signal is equivalent to the end of a trajectory. Defaults to ``False``. strict_length (bool, optional): if ``False``, trajectories of length shorter than `slice_len` (or `batch_size // num_slices`) will be allowed to appear in the batch. Be mindful that this can result in effective `batch_size` shorter than the one asked for! Trajectories can be split using :func:`torchrl.collectors.split_trajectories`. Defaults to ``True``. Examples: >>> from import OpenXExperienceReplay >>> import tempfile >>> # Download the data, and sample 128 elements in each batch out of two trajectories >>> num_slices = 2 >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root: ... dataset = OpenXExperienceReplay("cmu_stretch", batch_size=128, ... num_slices=num_slices, download=True, streaming=False, ... root=root, ... ) ... for batch in dataset: ... print(batch.reshape(num_slices, -1)) ... break TensorDict( fields={ action: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 8]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float64, is_shared=False), discount: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), done: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), episode: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.int32, is_shared=False), index: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.int64, is_shared=False), is_init: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), language_embedding: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 512]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float64, is_shared=False), language_instruction: NonTensorData( data='lift open green garbage can lid', batch_size=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), next: TensorDict( fields={ done: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), observation: TensorDict( fields={ image: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 3, 128, 128]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.uint8, is_shared=False), state: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 4]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float64, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), reward: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), terminated: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), truncated: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), observation: TensorDict( fields={ image: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 3, 128, 128]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.uint8, is_shared=False), state: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 4]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float64, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), terminated: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), truncated: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([2, 64, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([2, 64]), device=cpu, is_shared=False) >>> # Read data from a stream. Deliver entire trajectories when iterating >>> dataset = OpenXExperienceReplay("cmu_stretch", ... num_slices=num_slices, download=False, streaming=True) >>> for data in dataset: # data does not have a consistent shape ... break >>> # Define batch-size dynamically >>> data = dataset.sample(128) # delivers 2 sub-trajectories of length 64 """ available_datasets = [ "fractal20220817_data", "kuka", "bridge", "taco_play", "jaco_play", "berkeley_cable_routing", "roboturk", "nyu_door_opening_surprising_effectiveness", "viola", "berkeley_autolab_ur5", "toto", "language_table", "columbia_cairlab_pusht_real", "stanford_kuka_multimodal_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "nyu_rot_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "stanford_hydra_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "austin_buds_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "nyu_franka_play_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "maniskill_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "furniture_bench_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "cmu_franka_exploration_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "ucsd_kitchen_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "ucsd_pick_and_place_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "austin_sailor_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "austin_sirius_dataset_converted_externally_to_rlds", "bc_z", "usc_cloth_sim_converted_externally_to_rlds", "utokyo_pr2_opening_fridge_converted_externally_to_rlds", "utokyo_pr2_tabletop_manipulation_converted_externally_to_rlds", "utokyo_saytap_converted_externally_to_rlds", "utokyo_xarm_pick_and_place_converted_externally_to_rlds", "utokyo_xarm_bimanual_converted_externally_to_rlds", "robo_net", "berkeley_mvp_converted_externally_to_rlds", "berkeley_rpt_converted_externally_to_rlds", "kaist_nonprehensile_converted_externally_to_rlds", "stanford_mask_vit_converted_externally_to_rlds", "tokyo_u_lsmo_converted_externally_to_rlds", "dlr_sara_pour_converted_externally_to_rlds", "dlr_sara_grid_clamp_converted_externally_to_rlds", "dlr_edan_shared_control_converted_externally_to_rlds", "asu_table_top_converted_externally_to_rlds", "stanford_robocook_converted_externally_to_rlds", "eth_agent_affordances", "imperialcollege_sawyer_wrist_cam", "iamlab_cmu_pickup_insert_converted_externally_to_rlds", "uiuc_d3field", "utaustin_mutex", "berkeley_fanuc_manipulation", "cmu_playing_with_food", "cmu_play_fusion", "cmu_stretch", "berkeley_gnm_recon", "berkeley_gnm_cory_hall", "berkeley_gnm_sac_son", ] # some very high number that should be above all trajecory lengths in the dataset _MAX_TRAJ_LEN = 1_000_000 def __init__( self, dataset_id, batch_size: int | None = None, *, shuffle: bool = True, num_slices: int | None = None, slice_len: int | None = None, pad: float | bool | None = None, replacement: bool = None, streaming: bool | None = None, root: str | Path | None = None, download: bool | None = None, sampler: Sampler | None = None, writer: Writer | None = None, collate_fn: Callable | None = None, pin_memory: bool = False, prefetch: int | None = None, transform: "torchrl.envs.Transform" | None = None, # noqa-F821 split_trajs: bool = False, strict_length: bool = True, ): if download is None and streaming is None: download = False streaming = True elif download is None: download = not streaming elif streaming is None: streaming = not download = download self.streaming = streaming self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.split_trajs = split_trajs self.shuffle = shuffle self.num_slices = num_slices self.slice_len = slice_len self.pad = pad self.strict_length = strict_length if (self.num_slices is not None) and (self.slice_len is not None): raise ValueError("num_slices or slice_len can be not None, but not both.") if split_trajs: raise NotImplementedError if not streaming: if replacement is None: replacement = True if pad is not None: raise RuntimeError( "the `pad` argument is to be used only with streaming datasets." ) if root is None: root = _get_root_dir("openx") os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) self.root = Path(root) if == "force" or ( and not self._is_downloaded() ): if download == "force" and os.path.exists(self.data_path_root): shutil.rmtree(self.data_path_root) storage = self._download_and_preproc() else: storage = TensorStorage(TensorDict.load_memmap(self.root / dataset_id)) if num_slices is not None or slice_len is not None: if sampler is not None: raise ValueError( "`num_slices` and `slice_len` are exclusive with the `sampler` argument." ) if replacement: if not self.shuffle: raise RuntimeError( "shuffle=False can only be used when replacement=False." ) sampler = SliceSampler( num_slices=num_slices, slice_len=slice_len, strict_length=strict_length, ) else: sampler = SliceSamplerWithoutReplacement( num_slices=num_slices, slice_len=slice_len, strict_length=strict_length, shuffle=self.shuffle, ) else: if replacement is True: # replacement can be False or None raise RuntimeError( "replacement=True is not available with streamed datasets." ) self.root = None if download: raise ValueError( "download and streaming cannot be set to ``True`` concomitantly." ) storage = _StreamingStorage( dataset_id=dataset_id, shuffle=self.shuffle, num_slices=self.num_slices, slice_len=self.slice_len, pad=self.pad, ) if sampler is None: sampler = _StreamingSampler() if writer is None: writer = ImmutableDatasetWriter() if collate_fn is None: collate_fn = _collate_id super().__init__( storage=storage, sampler=sampler, writer=writer, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=pin_memory, prefetch=prefetch, batch_size=batch_size, transform=transform, ) def __iter__(self): if self._batch_size is None: # we can still iterate over the dataset if isinstance(self._storage, _StreamingStorage): yield from self._storage elif self.slice_len is not None and self.num_slices is None: try: # truncate the trajs with slice_len self._batch_size = self.slice_len self.num_slices = 1 self.slice_len = None yield from self finally: self.slice_len = self._batch_size self._batch_size = None self.num_slices = None else: # if we don't have a batch size but we know how many trajectories # we want in each batch, we can build that on the fly. # The only time we can do this is if num_slices is given but not # slice_len. num_slices = self.num_slices if not num_slices: num_slices = 1 sampler = SliceSamplerWithoutReplacement( num_slices=num_slices, strict_length=False, shuffle=self.shuffle, ) batch_size = self._MAX_TRAJ_LEN yield from TensorDictReplayBuffer( storage=self._storage, sampler=sampler, batch_size=batch_size, transform=self._transform, ) else: yield from super().__iter__() @property def data_path(self): if self.streaming: return None if self.split_trajs: return Path(self.root) / (self.dataset_id + "_split") return self.data_path_root @property def data_path_root(self): if self.streaming: return None return self.root / self.dataset_id def _is_downloaded(self): return os.path.exists(self.data_path_root) def _download_and_preproc(self): if not _has_datasets: raise ImportError( f"the `datasets` library is required for the dataset {self.dataset_id}." ) import datasets with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as cache_dir: dataset = datasets.load_dataset( "jxu124/OpenX-Embodiment", self.dataset_id, streaming=False, split="train", cache_dir=cache_dir, trust_remote_code=True, ) # iterate over the dataset a first time to count elements total_frames = 0 try: import tqdm _has_tqdm = True pbar = tqdm.tqdm(dataset, desc="counting") except ImportError: _has_tqdm = False pbar = dataset for data in pbar: if total_frames == 0: for step in data["data.pickle"]["steps"]: td = _make_tensordict_image_conv(step).zero_() # format td: requires td to have a non-null batch_size td = td.expand(2, *td.shape) _format_data(td, 0) td = td[0] total_frames += len(data["data.pickle"]["steps"]) td_data = td.expand(total_frames) def expand_non_tensor(x): if isinstance(x, NonTensorData): return x.maybe_to_stack() return x td_data = td_data._apply_nest( expand_non_tensor, is_leaf=lambda x: issubclass(x, torch.Tensor) or _is_non_tensor(x), ) td_data = td_data.memmap_like(self.root / self.dataset_id) if _has_tqdm: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(dataset, desc="preproc", total=total_frames) else: pbar = dataset idx0 = 0 idx1 = 0 episode = 0 for data in pbar: current_ep = torch.stack( [ _make_tensordict_image_conv(step) for step in data["data.pickle"]["steps"] ] ).contiguous() _format_data(current_ep, episode) episode += 1 idx1 += len(current_ep) td_data[idx0:idx1] = current_ep idx0 = idx1 if _has_tqdm: pbar.update(current_ep.shape[0]) return TensorStorage(td_data.lock_())
class _StreamingStorage(Storage): SLICE_MISMATCH = "The batch_size {} must be divisible by num_slices {} or slice_len {} if provided." def __init__( self, dataset_id: str, repo: str = "jxu124/OpenX-Embodiment", split="train", base_path="data.pickle", shuffle: bool = True, truncate: bool = True, num_slices=None, slice_len=None, pad=None, ): self.shuffle = shuffle self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.repo = repo self.split = split self._init() self.base_path = base_path self.truncate = truncate self.num_slices = num_slices self.slice_len = slice_len self.pad = pad def _init(self): if not _has_datasets: raise ImportError( f"the `datasets` library is required for the dataset {self.dataset_id}." ) import datasets dataset = datasets.load_dataset( self.repo, self.dataset_id, streaming=True, split=self.split ) if self.shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle() self.dataset = dataset self.dataset_iter = iter(dataset) def __iter__(self): episode = 0 for data in self.dataset: if self.base_path: data = data[self.base_path] data = torch.stack( [_make_tensordict_image_conv(step) for step in data["steps"]] ).contiguous() _format_data(data, episode) if self.slice_len is not None: yield _slice_data(data, slice_len=self.slice_len, pad_value=self.pad) else: yield data def get(self, index: range | torch.Tensor) -> Any: if not isinstance(index, range): if (index[1:] != index[:-1] + 1).any(): # we use a range to indicate how much data we want raise RuntimeError("iterable datasets do not support indexing.") index = range(index.shape[0]) total = 0 data_list = [] episode = 0 batch_size = index.stop if self.num_slices is not None: if batch_size % self.num_slices != 0: raise ValueError( self.SLICE_MISMATCH.format( batch_size, self.num_slices, self.slice_len ) ) num_slices = self.num_slices slice_len = batch_size // num_slices else: if batch_size % self.slice_len != 0: raise ValueError( self.SLICE_MISMATCH.format( batch_size, self.num_slices, self.slice_len ) ) slice_len = self.slice_len # num_slices = batch_size // slice_len while total < batch_size: try: data = next(self.dataset_iter) except StopIteration: self.dataset_iter = iter(self.dataset) data = next(self.dataset_iter) if self.base_path: data = data[self.base_path] data = torch.stack( [_make_tensordict_image_conv(step) for step in data["steps"]] ).contiguous() _format_data(data, episode) data = _slice_data(data, slice_len=slice_len, pad_value=self.pad) data_list.append(data) total += data.numel() episode += 1 data = if self.truncate: return data[: index.stop] return data def dumps(self, path): path = Path(path) state_dict = self.state_dict() json.dump(state_dict, path / "state_dict.json") def state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "repo": self.repo, "split": self.split, "dataset_id": self.dataset_id, "shuffle": self.shuffle, "base_path": self.base_path, "truncated": self.truncate, "num_slices": self.num_slices, "slice_len": self.slice_len, "pad": self.pad, } def loads(self, path): path = Path(path) state_dict = json.load(path / "state_dict.json") self.load_state_dict(state_dict) def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: for key, val in state_dict.items(): setattr(self, key, val) self._init() def __len__(self): raise RuntimeError( f"{type(self)} does not have a length. Use a downloaded dataset to " f"access this property." ) def _slice_data(data: TensorDict, slice_len, pad_value): if data.shape[-1] < slice_len: if pad_value is None: raise RuntimeError( f"The trajectory length ({data.shape[-1]}) is shorter than the slice length ({slice_len}). " f"Decrease the slice length or provide a padding value." ) if pad_value is True: pad_value = 0 return pad(data, [0, slice_len - data.shape[-1]], value=pad_value) if data.ndim == 1: random_range = ( ((data.shape[-1] - slice_len) * torch.rand(())).floor().int().item() ) random_range = slice(random_range, random_range + slice_len) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) data = data[..., random_range] truncated = data.get(("next", "truncated")) truncated = torch.index_fill( truncated, dim=data.ndim - 1, value=True, index=torch.as_tensor(-1, device=truncated.device), ) done = data.get(("next", "done")) data.set(("next", "truncated"), truncated) data.set(("next", "done"), truncated | done) return data class _StreamingSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self): ... def sample(self, storage: Storage, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Any, dict]: return range(batch_size), {} def _empty(self): return def dumps(self, path): ... def loads(self, path): ... def state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {} def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: ... OPENX_KEY_MAP = { "is_first": "is_init", "is_last": ("next", "done"), "is_terminal": ("next", "terminated"), "reward": ("next", "reward"), } def _format_data(data: TensorDict, episode: int): observation_ = data.get("observation") observation_pad = pad(observation_[1:], [0, 1]) data.set(("next", "observation"), observation_pad) for key, newkey in OPENX_KEY_MAP.items(): data.rename_key_(key, newkey) data.set( ("next", "truncated"), data.get(("next", "done")) & ~data.get(("next", "terminated")), ) for key in ("done", "terminated", "truncated", "reward"): data.set(("next", key), data.get(("next", key)).unsqueeze(-1)) if key != "reward": data.set(key, torch.zeros_like(data.get(("next", key)))) data.set( "episode", torch.full(data.shape, episode, device=data.device, ) def _make_tensordict_image_conv(data): # in some datasets, the images are not well converted. # before building the tensordict, we load the PIL image and convert it to a tensor try: img_bytes = data["observation"]["image"]["bytes"] if not _has_tv: raise ImportError( "the `torchvision` library is required to read the image observation." ) import torchvision.transforms.v2.functional from PIL import Image img = tensor = torchvision.transforms.v2.functional.pil_to_tensor(img) data["observation"]["image"] = tensor except KeyError: pass return make_tensordict(data, auto_batch_size=True)


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