
Source code for

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib
import warnings

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

import torch

from tensordict import make_tensordict, PersistentTensorDict, TensorDict

from torchrl._utils import logger as torchrl_logger

from torchrl.collectors.utils import split_trajectories
from import BaseDatasetExperienceReplay
from import D4RL_DATASETS

from import _get_root_dir
from import Sampler
from import TensorStorage
from import ImmutableDatasetWriter, Writer

[docs]class D4RLExperienceReplay(BaseDatasetExperienceReplay): """An Experience replay class for D4RL. To install D4RL, follow the instructions on the `official repo <>`__. The data format follows the :ref:`TED convention <TED-format>`. The replay buffer contains the env specs under D4RLExperienceReplay.specs. If present, metadata will be written in ``D4RLExperienceReplay.metadata`` and excluded from the dataset. The transitions are reconstructed using ``done = terminated | truncated`` and the ``("next", "observation")`` of ``"done"`` states are zeroed. Args: dataset_id (str): the dataset_id of the D4RL env to get the data from. batch_size (int): the batch size to use during sampling. sampler (Sampler, optional): the sampler to be used. If none is provided a default RandomSampler() will be used. writer (Writer, optional): the writer to be used. If none is provided a default :class:`` will be used. collate_fn (callable, optional): merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch of Tensor(s)/outputs. Used when using batched loading from a map-style dataset. pin_memory (bool): whether pin_memory() should be called on the rb samples. prefetch (int, optional): number of next batches to be prefetched using multithreading. transform (Transform, optional): Transform to be executed when sample() is called. To chain transforms use the :class:`~torchrl.envs.transforms.transforms.Compose` class. split_trajs (bool, optional): if ``True``, the trajectories will be split along the first dimension and padded to have a matching shape. To split the trajectories, the ``"done"`` signal will be used, which is recovered via ``done = truncated | terminated``. In other words, it is assumed that any ``truncated`` or ``terminated`` signal is equivalent to the end of a trajectory. For some datasets from ``D4RL``, this may not be true. It is up to the user to make accurate choices regarding this usage of ``split_trajs``. Defaults to ``False``. from_env (bool, optional): if ``True``, :meth:`env.get_dataset` will be used to retrieve the dataset. Otherwise :func:`d4rl.qlearning_dataset` will be used. Defaults to ``True``. .. note:: Using ``from_env=False`` will provide fewer data than ``from_env=True``. For instance, the info keys will be left out. Usually, ``from_env=False`` with ``terminate_on_end=True`` will lead to the same result as ``from_env=True``, with the latter containing meta-data and info entries that the former does not possess. .. note:: The keys in ``from_env=True`` and ``from_env=False`` *may* unexpectedly differ. In particular, the ``"truncated"`` key (used to determine the end of an episode) may be absent when ``from_env=False`` but present otherwise, leading to a different slicing when ``traj_splits`` is enabled. direct_download (bool): if ``True``, the data will be downloaded without requiring D4RL. If ``None``, if ``d4rl`` is present in the env it will be used to download the dataset, otherwise the download will fall back on ``direct_download=True``. This is not compatible with ``from_env=True``. Defaults to ``None``. use_truncated_as_done (bool, optional): if ``True``, ``done = terminated | truncated``. Otherwise, only the ``terminated`` key is used. Defaults to ``True``. terminate_on_end (bool, optional): Set ``done=True`` on the last timestep in a trajectory. Default is ``False``, and will discard the last timestep in each trajectory. This is to be used only with ``direct_download=False``. root (Path or str, optional): The D4RL dataset root directory. The actual dataset memory-mapped files will be saved under `<root>/<dataset_id>`. If none is provided, it defaults to `~/.cache/torchrl/atari`.d4rl`. download (bool, optional): Whether the dataset should be downloaded if not found. Defaults to ``True``. **env_kwargs (key-value pairs): additional kwargs for :func:`d4rl.qlearning_dataset`. Examples: >>> from import D4RLExperienceReplay >>> from torchrl.envs import ObservationNorm >>> data = D4RLExperienceReplay("maze2d-umaze-v1", 128) >>> # we can append transforms to the dataset >>> data.append_transform(ObservationNorm(loc=-1, scale=1.0, in_keys=["observation"])) >>> data.sample(128) """ D4RL_ERR = None @classmethod def _import_d4rl(cls): cls._has_d4rl = importlib.util.find_spec("d4rl") is not None try: import d4rl # noqa except ModuleNotFoundError as err: cls.D4RL_ERR = err except Exception: pass def __init__( self, dataset_id, batch_size: int, sampler: Sampler | None = None, writer: Writer | None = None, collate_fn: Callable | None = None, pin_memory: bool = False, prefetch: int | None = None, transform: "torchrl.envs.Transform" | None = None, # noqa-F821 split_trajs: bool = False, from_env: bool = False, use_truncated_as_done: bool = True, direct_download: bool = None, terminate_on_end: bool = None, download: bool = True, root: str | Path | None = None, **env_kwargs, ): self.use_truncated_as_done = use_truncated_as_done if root is None: root = _get_root_dir("d4rl") self.root = Path(root) self.dataset_id = dataset_id if not from_env and direct_download is None: self._import_d4rl() direct_download = not self._has_d4rl if not direct_download: warnings.warn( "You are using the D4RL library for collecting data. " "We advise against this use, as D4RL formatting can be " "inconsistent. " "To download the D4RL data without the D4RL library, use " "direct_download=True in the dataset constructor. " "Recurring to `direct_download=False` will soon be deprecated." ) self.from_env = from_env else: self.from_env = from_env if (download == "force") or (download and not self._is_downloaded()): if download == "force" and os.path.exists(self.data_path_root): shutil.rmtree(self.data_path_root) if not direct_download: if terminate_on_end is None: # we use the default of d4rl terminate_on_end = False self._import_d4rl() if not self._has_d4rl: raise ImportError("Could not import d4rl") from self.D4RL_ERR if from_env: dataset = self._get_dataset_from_env(dataset_id, env_kwargs) else: if self.use_truncated_as_done: warnings.warn( "Using use_truncated_as_done=True + terminate_on_end=True " "with from_env=False may not have the intended effect " "as the timeouts (truncation) " "can be absent from the static dataset." ) env_kwargs.update({"terminate_on_end": terminate_on_end}) dataset = self._get_dataset_direct(dataset_id, env_kwargs) else: if terminate_on_end is False: raise ValueError( "Using terminate_on_end=False is not compatible with direct_download=True." ) dataset = self._get_dataset_direct_download(dataset_id, env_kwargs) # Fill unknown next states with 0 dataset["next", "observation"][dataset["next", "done"].squeeze()] = 0 if split_trajs: dataset = split_trajectories(dataset) dataset["next", "done"][:, -1] = True storage = TensorStorage(dataset.memmap(self._dataset_path)) elif self._is_downloaded(): storage = TensorStorage(TensorDict.load_memmap(self._dataset_path)) else: raise RuntimeError( f"The dataset could not be found in {self._dataset_path}." ) if writer is None: writer = ImmutableDatasetWriter() super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, storage=storage, sampler=sampler, writer=writer, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=pin_memory, prefetch=prefetch, transform=transform, ) @property def data_path(self) -> Path: return self._dataset_path @property def data_path_root(self) -> Path: return self._dataset_path @property def _dataset_path(self): return Path(self.root) / self.dataset_id def _is_downloaded(self): return os.path.exists(self._dataset_path) def _get_dataset_direct_download(self, name, env_kwargs): """Directly download and use a D4RL dataset.""" if env_kwargs: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot pass env_kwargs when `direct_download=True`. Got env_kwargs keys: {env_kwargs.keys()}" ) url = D4RL_DATASETS.get(name, None) if url is None: raise KeyError(f"Env {name} not found.") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.environ["D4RL_DATASET_DIR"] = tmpdir h5path = _download_dataset_from_url(url, tmpdir) # h5path_parent = Path(h5path).parent dataset = PersistentTensorDict.from_h5(h5path) dataset = dataset.to_tensordict() with dataset.unlock_(): dataset = self._process_data_from_env(dataset) return dataset def _get_dataset_direct(self, name, env_kwargs): from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymWrapper type(self)._import_d4rl() if not self._has_d4rl: raise ImportError("Could not import d4rl") from self.D4RL_ERR import d4rl import gym env = GymWrapper(gym.make(name)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.environ["D4RL_DATASET_DIR"] = tmpdir dataset = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(env._env, **env_kwargs) dataset = make_tensordict( { k: torch.from_numpy(item) for k, item in dataset.items() if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) }, auto_batch_size=True, ) dataset = dataset.unflatten_keys("/") if "metadata" in dataset.keys(): metadata = dataset.get("metadata") dataset = dataset.exclude("metadata") self.metadata = metadata # find batch size dataset = make_tensordict( dataset.flatten_keys("/").to_dict(), auto_batch_size=True ) dataset = dataset.unflatten_keys("/") else: self.metadata = {} dataset.rename_key_("observations", "observation") dataset.create_nested("next") dataset.rename_key_("next_observations", ("next", "observation")) dataset.rename_key_("terminals", "terminated") if "timeouts" in dataset.keys(): dataset.rename_key_("timeouts", "truncated") if self.use_truncated_as_done: done = dataset.get("terminated") | dataset.get("truncated", False) dataset.set("done", done) else: dataset.set("done", dataset.get("terminated")) dataset.rename_key_("rewards", "reward") dataset.rename_key_("actions", "action") # let's make sure that the dtypes match what's expected for key, spec in env.observation_spec.items(True, True): dataset[key] = dataset[key].to(spec.dtype) dataset["next", key] = dataset["next", key].to(spec.dtype) dataset["action"] = dataset["action"].to(env.action_spec.dtype) dataset["reward"] = dataset["reward"].to(env.reward_spec.dtype) # format done etc dataset["done"] = dataset["done"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) dataset["terminated"] = dataset["terminated"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) if "truncated" in dataset.keys(): dataset["truncated"] = dataset["truncated"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) dataset["reward"] = dataset["reward"].unsqueeze(-1) dataset["next"].update("reward", "done", "terminated", "truncated", strict=False) ) dataset = ( dataset.clone() ) # make sure that all tensors have a different data_ptr self._shift_reward_done(dataset) self.specs = env.specs.clone() return dataset def _get_dataset_from_env(self, name, env_kwargs): """Creates an environment and retrieves the dataset using env.get_dataset(). This method does not accept extra arguments. """ if env_kwargs: raise RuntimeError("env_kwargs cannot be passed with using from_env=True") import gym # we do a local import to avoid circular import issues from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymWrapper with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.environ["D4RL_DATASET_DIR"] = tmpdir env = GymWrapper(gym.make(name)) dataset = make_tensordict( { k: torch.from_numpy(item) for k, item in env.get_dataset().items() if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) }, auto_batch_size=True, ) dataset = dataset.unflatten_keys("/") dataset = self._process_data_from_env(dataset, env) return dataset def _process_data_from_env(self, dataset, env=None): if "metadata" in dataset.keys(): metadata = dataset.get("metadata") dataset = dataset.exclude("metadata") self.metadata = metadata # find batch size dataset = make_tensordict( dataset.flatten_keys("/").to_dict(), auto_batch_size=True ) dataset = dataset.unflatten_keys("/") else: self.metadata = {} dataset.rename_key_("observations", "observation") dataset.rename_key_("terminals", "terminated") if "timeouts" in dataset.keys(): dataset.rename_key_("timeouts", "truncated") if self.use_truncated_as_done: dataset.set( "done", dataset.get("terminated") | dataset.get("truncated", False), ) else: dataset.set("done", dataset.get("terminated")) dataset.rename_key_("rewards", "reward") dataset.rename_key_("actions", "action") try: dataset.rename_key_("infos", "info") except KeyError: pass # let's make sure that the dtypes match what's expected if env is not None: for key, spec in env.observation_spec.items(True, True): dataset[key] = dataset[key].to(spec.dtype) dataset["action"] = dataset["action"].to(env.action_spec.dtype) dataset["reward"] = dataset["reward"].to(env.reward_spec.dtype) # format done dataset["done"] = dataset["done"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) dataset["terminated"] = dataset["terminated"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) if "truncated" in dataset.keys(): dataset["truncated"] = dataset["truncated"].bool().unsqueeze(-1) dataset["reward"] = dataset["reward"].unsqueeze(-1) if "next_observations" in dataset.keys(): dataset = dataset[:-1].set( "next","info", strict=False)[1:], ) dataset.rename_key_("next_observations", ("next", "observation")) else: dataset = dataset[:-1].set( "next","observation", "info", strict=False)[1:], ) dataset["next"].update("reward", "done", "terminated", "truncated", strict=False) ) dataset = ( dataset.clone() ) # make sure that all tensors have a different data_ptr self._shift_reward_done(dataset) if env is not None: self.specs = env.specs.clone() else: self.specs = None return dataset def _shift_reward_done(self, dataset): dataset["reward"] = dataset["reward"].clone() dataset["reward"][1:] = dataset["reward"][:-1].clone() dataset["reward"][0] = 0 for key in ("done", "terminated", "truncated"): if key not in dataset.keys(): continue dataset[key] = dataset[key].clone() dataset[key][1:] = dataset[key][:-1].clone() dataset[key][0] = 0
def _download_dataset_from_url(dataset_url, dataset_path): dataset_filepath = _filepath_from_url(dataset_url, dataset_path) if not os.path.exists(dataset_filepath):"Downloading dataset: {dataset_url} to {dataset_filepath}") urllib.request.urlretrieve(dataset_url, dataset_filepath) if not os.path.exists(dataset_filepath): raise IOError("Failed to download dataset from %s" % dataset_url) return dataset_filepath def _filepath_from_url(dataset_url, dataset_path): _, dataset_name = os.path.split(dataset_url) dataset_filepath = os.path.join(dataset_path, dataset_name) return dataset_filepath # def _set_dataset_path(path): # global DATASET_PATH # DATASET_PATH = path # os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # # # _set_dataset_path( # os.environ.get(_get_root_dir("d4rl"))) if __name__ == "__main__": data = D4RLExperienceReplay("kitchen-partial-v0", batch_size=128) for sample in data: break


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