Source code for torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.errors.error_handler
#!/usr/bin/env python3# mypy: allow-untyped-defs# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.# All rights reserved.## This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.importfaulthandlerimportjsonimportloggingimportosimporttimeimporttracebackimportwarningsfromtypingimportAny,Dict,Optional__all__=["ErrorHandler"]logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]classErrorHandler:""" Write the provided exception object along with some other metadata about the error in a structured way in JSON format to an error file specified by the environment variable: ``TORCHELASTIC_ERROR_FILE``. If this environment variable is not set, then simply logs the contents of what would have been written to the error file. This handler may be subclassed to customize the handling of the error. Subclasses should override ``initialize()`` and ``record_exception()``. """def_get_error_file_path(self)->Optional[str]:""" Return the error file path. May return ``None`` to have the structured error be logged only. """returnos.environ.get("TORCHELASTIC_ERROR_FILE",None)definitialize(self)->None:""" Call prior to running code that we wish to capture errors/exceptions. Typically registers signal/fault handlers. Users can override this function to add custom initialization/registrations that aid in propagation/information of errors/signals/exceptions/faults. """try:faulthandler.enable(all_threads=True)exceptExceptionase:warnings.warn(f"Unable to enable fault handler. {type(e).__name__}: {e}")def_write_error_file(self,file_path:str,error_msg:str)->None:"""Write error message to the file."""try:withopen(file_path,"w")asfp:fp.write(error_msg)exceptExceptionase:warnings.warn(f"Unable to write error to file. {type(e).__name__}: {e}")defrecord_exception(self,e:BaseException)->None:""" Write a structured information about the exception into an error file in JSON format. If the error file cannot be determined, then logs the content that would have been written to the error file. """file=self._get_error_file_path()iffile:data={"message":{"message":f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}","extraInfo":{"py_callstack":traceback.format_exc(),"timestamp":str(int(time.time())),},}}withopen(file,"w")asfp:json.dump(data,fp)defoverride_error_code_in_rootcause_data(self,rootcause_error_file:str,rootcause_error:Dict[str,Any],error_code:int=0,):"""Modify the rootcause_error read from the file, to correctly set the exit code."""if"message"notinrootcause_error:logger.warning("child error file (%s) does not have field `message`. \n""cannot override error code: %s",rootcause_error_file,error_code,)elifisinstance(rootcause_error["message"],str):logger.warning("child error file (%s) has a new message format. \n""skipping error code override",rootcause_error_file,)else:rootcause_error["message"]["errorCode"]=error_codedefdump_error_file(self,rootcause_error_file:str,error_code:int=0):"""Dump parent error file from child process's root cause error and error code."""withopen(rootcause_error_file)asfp:rootcause_error=json.load(fp)# Override error code since the child process cannot capture the error code if it# is terminated by signals like SIGSEGV.iferror_code:self.override_error_code_in_rootcause_data(rootcause_error_file,rootcause_error,error_code)logger.debug("child error file (%s) contents:\n""%s",rootcause_error_file,json.dumps(rootcause_error,indent=2),)my_error_file=self._get_error_file_path()ifmy_error_file:# Guard against existing error files# This can happen when the child is created using multiprocessing# and the same env var (TORCHELASTIC_ERROR_FILE) is used on the# parent and child to specify the error files (respectively)# because the env vars on the child is set in the wrapper function# and by default the child inherits the parent's env vars, if the child# process receives a signal before the wrapper function kicks in# and the signal handler writes to the error file, then the child# will write to the parent's error file. In this case just log the# original error file contents and overwrite the error file.self._rm(my_error_file)self._write_error_file(my_error_file,json.dumps(rootcause_error))"dumped error file to parent's %s",my_error_file)else:logger.error("no error file defined for parent, to copy child error file (%s)",rootcause_error_file,)def_rm(self,my_error_file):ifos.path.isfile(my_error_file):# Log the contents of the original file.withopen(my_error_file)asfp:try:original=json.dumps(json.load(fp),indent=2)logger.warning("%s already exists"" and will be overwritten."" Original contents:\n%s",my_error_file,original,)exceptjson.decoder.JSONDecodeError:logger.warning("%s already exists"" and will be overwritten."" Unable to load original contents:\n",my_error_file,)os.remove(my_error_file)
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