
Template Struct MaxUnpoolOptions

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Struct Documentation

template<size_t D>
struct MaxUnpoolOptions

Options for a D-dimensional maxunpool module.

Public Functions

inline MaxUnpoolOptions(ExpandingArray<D> kernel_size)
inline auto kernel_size(const ExpandingArray<D> &new_kernel_size) -> decltype(*this)

the size of the window to take a max over

inline auto kernel_size(ExpandingArray<D> &&new_kernel_size) -> decltype(*this)
inline const ExpandingArray<D> &kernel_size() const noexcept
inline ExpandingArray<D> &kernel_size() noexcept
inline auto stride(const ExpandingArray<D> &new_stride) -> decltype(*this)

the stride of the window. Default value is `kernel_size

inline auto stride(ExpandingArray<D> &&new_stride) -> decltype(*this)
inline const ExpandingArray<D> &stride() const noexcept
inline ExpandingArray<D> &stride() noexcept
inline auto padding(const ExpandingArray<D> &new_padding) -> decltype(*this)

implicit zero padding to be added on both sides

inline auto padding(ExpandingArray<D> &&new_padding) -> decltype(*this)
inline const ExpandingArray<D> &padding() const noexcept
inline ExpandingArray<D> &padding() noexcept


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