Tensor Creation API
This note describes how to create tensors in the PyTorch C++ API. It highlights the available factory functions, which populate new tensors according to some algorithm, and lists the options available to configure the shape, data type, device and other properties of a new tensor.
Factory Functions
A factory function is a function that produces a new tensor. There are many factory functions available in PyTorch (both in Python and C++), which differ in the way they initialize a new tensor before returning it. All factory functions adhere to the following general “schema”:
torch::<function-name>(<function-specific-options>, <sizes>, <tensor-options>)
Let’s bisect the various parts of this “schema”:
is the name of the function you would like to invoke,<functions-specific-options>
are any required or optional parameters a particular factory function accepts,<sizes>
is an object of typeIntArrayRef
and specifies the shape of the resulting tensor,<tensor-options>
is an instance ofTensorOptions
and configures the data type, device, layout and other properties of the resulting tensor.
Picking a Factory Function
The following factory functions are available at the time of this writing (the hyperlinks lead to the corresponding Python functions, since they often have more eloquent documentation – the options are the same in C++):
arange: Returns a tensor with a sequence of integers,
empty: Returns a tensor with uninitialized values,
eye: Returns an identity matrix,
full: Returns a tensor filled with a single value,
linspace: Returns a tensor with values linearly spaced in some interval,
logspace: Returns a tensor with values logarithmically spaced in some interval,
ones: Returns a tensor filled with all ones,
rand: Returns a tensor filled with values drawn from a uniform distribution on
[0, 1)
.randint: Returns a tensor with integers randomly drawn from an interval,
randn: Returns a tensor filled with values drawn from a unit normal distribution,
randperm: Returns a tensor filled with a random permutation of integers in some interval,
zeros: Returns a tensor filled with all zeros.
Specifying a Size
Functions that do not require specific arguments by nature of how they fill the tensor can be invoked with just a size. For example, the following line creates a vector with 5 components, initially all set to 1:
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::ones(5);
What if we wanted to instead create a 3 x 5
matrix, or a 2 x 3 x 4
tensor? In general, an IntArrayRef
– the type of the size parameter of factory
functions – is constructed by specifying the size along each dimension in
curly braces. For example, {2, 3}
for a tensor (in this case matrix) with
two rows and three columns, {3, 4, 5}
for a three-dimensional tensor, and
for a one-dimensional tensor with two components. In the one
dimensional case, you can omit the curly braces and just pass the single
integer like we did above. Note that the squiggly braces are just one way of
constructing an IntArrayRef
. You can also pass an std::vector<int64_t>
a few other types. Either way, this means we can construct a three-dimensional
tensor filled with values from a unit normal distribution by writing:
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::randn({3, 4, 5});
assert(tensor.sizes() == std::vector<int64_t>{3, 4, 5});
returns an IntArrayRef
which can be compared against an
, and we can see that it contains the sizes we passed
to the tensor. You can also write tensor.size(i)
to access a single dimension,
which is equivalent to but preferred over tensor.sizes()[i]
Passing Function-Specific Parameters
Neither ones
nor randn
accept any additional parameters to change their
behavior. One function which does require further configuration is randint
which takes an upper bound on the value for the integers it generates, as well
as an optional lower bound, which defaults to zero. Here we create a 5 x 5
square matrix with integers between 0 and 10:
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::randint(/*high=*/10, {5, 5});
And here we raise the lower bound to 3:
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::randint(/*low=*/3, /*high=*/10, {5, 5});
The inline comments /*low=*/
and /*high=*/
are not required of course,
but aid readability just like keyword arguments in Python.
The main take-away is that the size always follows the function specific arguments.
Sometimes a function does not need a size at all. For example, the size of
the tensor returned by arange
is fully specified by its function-specific
arguments – the lower and upper bound of a range of integers. In that case
the function does not take a size
Configuring Properties of the Tensor
The previous section discussed function-specific arguments. Function-specific
arguments can only change the values with which tensors are filled, and
sometimes the size of the tensor. They never change things like the data type
(e.g. float32
or int64
) of the tensor being created, or whether it
lives in CPU or GPU memory. The specification of these properties is left to
the very last argument to every factory function: a TensorOptions
discussed below.
is a class that encapsulates the construction axes of a
Tensor. With construction axis we mean a particular property of a Tensor that
can be configured before its construction (and sometimes changed afterwards).
These construction axes are:
(previously “scalar type”), which controls the data type of the elements stored in the tensor,The
, which is either strided (dense) or sparse,The
, which represents a compute device on which a tensor is stored (like a CPU or CUDA GPU),The
boolean to enable or disable gradient recording for a tensor,
If you are used to PyTorch in Python, these axes will sound very familiar. The allowed values for these axes at the moment are:
: EitherkCPU
, orkCUDA
(which accepts an optional device index),For
: eithertrue
There exist “Rust-style” shorthands for dtypes, like kF32
instead of
. See here
for the full list.
An instance of TensorOptions
stores a concrete value for each of these
axes. Here is an example of creating a TensorOptions
object that represents
a 64-bit float, strided tensor that requires a gradient, and lives on CUDA
device 1:
auto options =
.device(torch::kCUDA, 1)
Notice how we use the ‘“builder”-style methods of TensorOptions
construct the object piece by piece. If we pass this object as the last
argument to a factory function, the newly created tensor will have these
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::full({3, 4}, /*value=*/123, options);
assert(tensor.dtype() == torch::kFloat32);
assert(tensor.layout() == torch::kStrided);
assert(tensor.device().type() == torch::kCUDA); // or device().is_cuda()
assert(tensor.device().index() == 1);
Now, you may be thinking: do I really need to specify each axis for every new tensor I create? Fortunately, the answer is “no”, as every axis has a default value. These defaults are:
for the dtype,kStrided
for the layout,kCPU
for the device,false
What this means is that any axis you omit during the construction of a
object will take on its default value. For example, this is
our previous TensorOptions
object, but with the dtype
and layout
auto options = torch::TensorOptions().device(torch::kCUDA, 1).requires_grad(true);
In fact, we can even omit all axes to get an entirely defaulted
auto options = torch::TensorOptions(); // or `torch::TensorOptions options;`
A nice consequence of this is that the TensorOptions
object we just spoke
so much about can be entirely omitted from any tensor factory call:
// A 32-bit float, strided, CPU tensor that does not require a gradient.
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::randn({3, 4});
torch::Tensor range = torch::arange(5, 10);
But the sugar gets sweeter: In the API presented here so far, you may have
noticed that the initial torch::TensorOptions()
is quite a mouthful to
write. The good news is that for every construction axis (dtype, layout, device
and requires_grad
), there is one free function in the torch::
namespace which you can pass a value for that axis. Each function then returns
a TensorOptions
object preconfigured with that axis, but allowing even
further modification via the builder-style methods shown above. For example,
torch::ones(10, torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kFloat32))
is equivalent to
torch::ones(10, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat32))
and further instead of
torch::ones(10, torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kFloat32).layout(torch::kStrided))
we can just write
torch::ones(10, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat32).layout(torch::kStrided))
which saves us quite a bit of typing. What this means is that in practice, you
should barely, if ever, have to write out torch::TensorOptions
. Instead use
the torch::dtype()
, torch::device()
, torch::layout()
A final bit of convenience is that TensorOptions
is implicitly
constructible from individual values. This means that whenever a function has a
parameter of type TensorOptions
, like all factory functions do, we can
directly pass a value like torch::kFloat32
or torch::kStrided
in place
of the full object. Therefore, when there is only a single axis we would like
to change compared to its default value, we can pass only that value. As such,
what was
torch::ones(10, torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kFloat32))
torch::ones(10, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat32))
and can finally be shortened to
torch::ones(10, torch::kFloat32)
Of course, it is not possible to modify further properties of the
instance with this short syntax, but if all we needed was to
change one property, this is quite practical.
In conclusion, we can now compare how TensorOptions
defaults, together with
the abbreviated API for creating TensorOptions
using free functions, allow
tensor creation in C++ with the same convenience as in Python. Compare this
call in Python:
torch.randn(3, 4, dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cuda', 1), requires_grad=True)
with the equivalent call in C++:
torch::randn({3, 4}, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat32).device(torch::kCUDA, 1).requires_grad(true))
Pretty close!
Just as we can use TensorOptions
to configure how new tensors should be
created, we can also use TensorOptions
to convert a tensor from one set of
properties to a new set of properties. Such a conversion usually creates a new
tensor and does not occur in-place. For example, if we have a source_tensor
created with
torch::Tensor source_tensor = torch::randn({2, 3}, torch::kInt64);
we can convert it from int64
to float32
torch::Tensor float_tensor = source_tensor.to(torch::kFloat32);
The result of the conversion, float_tensor
, is a new tensor pointing to
new memory, unrelated to the source source_tensor
We can then move it from CPU memory to GPU memory:
torch::Tensor gpu_tensor = float_tensor.to(torch::kCUDA);
If you have multiple CUDA devices available, the above code will copy the
tensor to the default CUDA device, which you can configure with a
. If no DeviceGuard
is in place, this will be GPU
1. If you would like to specify a different GPU index, you can pass it to
the Device
torch::Tensor gpu_two_tensor = float_tensor.to(torch::Device(torch::kCUDA, 1));
In the case of CPU to GPU copy and reverse, we can also configure the memory
copy to be asynchronous by passing /*non_blocking=*/false
as the last
argument to to()
torch::Tensor async_cpu_tensor = gpu_tensor.to(torch::kCPU, /*non_blocking=*/true);
This note hopefully gave you a good understanding of how to create and convert tensors in an idiomatic fashion using the PyTorch C++ API. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please use our forum or GitHub issues to get in touch.