Template Struct Sequencer
Defined in File sequencers.h
Page Contents
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public torch::data::detail::sequencers::NoSequencer< Result >
(Template Struct NoSequencer)public torch::data::detail::sequencers::OrderedSequencer< Result >
(Template Struct OrderedSequencer)
Struct Documentation
template<typename Result>
struct Sequencer A
accepts a function that yields the next result of aDataLoader
and then has the opportunity to influence the order in which these results are returned.The
does not enforce any sequencing and returns any result directly. TheOrderedSequencer
instead buffers results internally to return them in order of their sequence number.Subclassed by torch::data::detail::sequencers::NoSequencer< Result >, torch::data::detail::sequencers::OrderedSequencer< Result >
Public Types
using ResultProducer = std::function<std::optional<Result>()>
Public Functions
virtual std::optional<Result> next(ResultProducer next_result) = 0
using ResultProducer = std::function<std::optional<Result>()>