
Program Listing for File CUDAStream.h

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#pragma once

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

#include <c10/core/DeviceGuard.h>
#include <c10/core/Stream.h>
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAFunctions.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>

 * Stream pool note.
 * A CUDAStream is an abstraction of an actual cuStream on the GPU. CUDAStreams
 * are backed by cuStreams, but they use several pools to minimize the costs
 * associated with creating, retaining, and destroying cuStreams.
 * There are three pools per device, and a device's pools are lazily created.
 * The first pool contains only the default stream. When the default stream
 * is requested it's returned.
 * The second pool is the "low priority" or "default priority" streams. In
 * HIP builds there is no distinction between streams in this pool and streams
 * in the third pool (below). There are 32 of these streams per device, and
 * when a stream is requested one of these streams is returned round-robin.
 * That is, the first stream requested is at index 0, the second at index 1...
 * to index 31, then index 0 again.
 * This means that if 33 low priority streams are requested, the first and
 * last streams requested are actually the same stream (under the covers)
 * and kernels enqueued on them cannot run concurrently.
 * The third pool is the "high priority" streams. The third pool acts like
 * the second pool except the streams are created with a higher priority.
 * These pools suggest that stream users should prefer many short-lived streams,
 * as the cost of acquiring and releasing streams is effectively zero. If
 * many longer-lived streams are required in performance critical scenarios
 * then the functionality here may need to be extended to allow, for example,
 * "reserving" a subset of the pool so that other streams do not accidentally
 * overlap the performance critical streams.
 * Note: although the notion of "current stream for device" is thread local
 * (every OS thread has a separate current stream, as one might expect),
 * the stream pool is global across all threads; stream 0 is always stream 0
 * no matter which thread you use it on.  Multiple threads can synchronize
 * on the same stream.  Although the CUDA documentation is not very clear
 * on the matter, streams are thread safe; e.g., it is safe to enqueue
 * a kernel on the same stream from two different threads.

namespace c10::cuda {

static constexpr int max_compile_time_stream_priorities = 4;

// Value object representing a CUDA stream.  This is just a wrapper
// around c10::Stream, but it comes with a little extra CUDA-specific
// functionality (conversion to cudaStream_t), and a guarantee that
// the wrapped c10::Stream really is a CUDA stream.
class C10_CUDA_API CUDAStream {
  enum Unchecked { UNCHECKED };

  explicit CUDAStream(Stream stream) : stream_(stream) {
    TORCH_CHECK(stream_.device_type() == DeviceType::CUDA);

  explicit CUDAStream(Unchecked, Stream stream) : stream_(stream) {}

  bool operator==(const CUDAStream& other) const noexcept {
    return unwrap() == other.unwrap();

  bool operator!=(const CUDAStream& other) const noexcept {
    return unwrap() != other.unwrap();

  operator cudaStream_t() const {
    return stream();

  operator Stream() const {
    return unwrap();

  DeviceType device_type() const {
    return DeviceType::CUDA;

  DeviceIndex device_index() const {
    return stream_.device_index();

  Device device() const {
    return Device(DeviceType::CUDA, device_index());

  StreamId id() const {

  bool query() const {
    DeviceGuard guard{stream_.device()};
    cudaError_t err = C10_CUDA_ERROR_HANDLED(cudaStreamQuery(stream()));

    if (err == cudaSuccess) {
      return true;
    } else if (err != cudaErrorNotReady) {
    } else {
      // ignore and clear the error if not ready

    return false;

  void synchronize() const {
    DeviceGuard guard{stream_.device()};

  int priority() const {
    DeviceGuard guard{stream_.device()};
    int priority = 0;
    C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaStreamGetPriority(stream(), &priority));
    return priority;

  cudaStream_t stream() const;

  Stream unwrap() const {
    return stream_;

  struct c10::StreamData3 pack3() const {
    return stream_.pack3();

  // Unpack a CUDAStream from the 3 fields generated by pack().
  static CUDAStream unpack3(
      StreamId stream_id,
      DeviceIndex device_index,
      DeviceType device_type) {
    return CUDAStream(Stream::unpack3(stream_id, device_index, device_type));

  static std::tuple<int, int> priority_range() {
    // Note: this returns the range of priority **supported by PyTorch**, not
    // the range of priority **supported by CUDA**. The former is a subset of
    // the latter.
    int least_priority = 0, greatest_priority = 0;
        cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(&least_priority, &greatest_priority));
#ifdef USE_ROCM
    // See Note [HIP stream priorities]
        least_priority == 1, "Unexpected HIP stream priority range");
    least_priority = 0;
        least_priority == 0, "Unexpected CUDA stream priority range");
        greatest_priority <= -1, "Unexpected CUDA stream priority range");
    greatest_priority = std::max(
        -c10::cuda::max_compile_time_stream_priorities + 1, greatest_priority);
    return std::make_tuple(least_priority, greatest_priority);

  // Deleted for now; use CUDAEvent::block instead
  // void synchronize_with(const CUDAEvent& event) const;

  Stream stream_;

C10_API CUDAStream
getStreamFromPool(const bool isHighPriority = false, DeviceIndex device = -1);
// no default priority to disambiguate overloads
C10_API CUDAStream
getStreamFromPool(const int priority, DeviceIndex device = -1);

C10_API CUDAStream
getStreamFromExternal(cudaStream_t ext_stream, DeviceIndex device_index);

C10_API CUDAStream getDefaultCUDAStream(DeviceIndex device_index = -1);

C10_API CUDAStream getCurrentCUDAStream(DeviceIndex device_index = -1);

C10_API void setCurrentCUDAStream(CUDAStream stream);

C10_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CUDAStream& s);

} // namespace c10::cuda

namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<c10::cuda::CUDAStream> {
  size_t operator()(c10::cuda::CUDAStream s) const noexcept {
    return std::hash<c10::Stream>{}(s.unwrap());
} // namespace std


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