
Template Class ModuleHolder

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • private torch::detail::ModuleHolderIndicator

Class Documentation

template<typename Contained>
class ModuleHolder : private torch::detail::ModuleHolderIndicator

A ModuleHolder is essentially a wrapper around std::shared_ptr<M> where M is an nn::Module subclass, with convenient constructors defined for the kind of constructions we want to allow for our modules.

Public Types

using ContainedType = Contained

Public Functions

inline ModuleHolder()

Default constructs the contained module if if has a default constructor, else produces a static error.

NOTE: This uses the behavior of template classes in C++ that constructors (or any methods) are only compiled when actually used.

inline ModuleHolder(std::nullptr_t)

Constructs the ModuleHolder with an empty contained value.

Access to the underlying module is not permitted and will throw an exception, until a value is assigned.

template<typename Head, typename ...Tail, typename = typename std::enable_if<!(torch::detail::is_module_holder_of<Head, ContainedType>::value && (sizeof...(Tail) == 0))>::type>
inline explicit ModuleHolder(Head &&head, Tail&&... tail)

Constructs the ModuleHolder with a contained module, forwarding all arguments to its constructor.

inline ModuleHolder(std::shared_ptr<Contained> module)

Constructs the ModuleHolder from a pointer to the contained type.

Example: Linear(std::make_shared<LinearImpl>(...)).

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Returns true if the ModuleHolder contains a module, or false if it is nullptr.

inline Contained *operator->()

Forwards to the contained module.

inline const Contained *operator->() const

Forwards to the contained module.

inline Contained &operator*()

Returns a reference to the contained module.

inline const Contained &operator*() const

Returns a const reference to the contained module.

inline const std::shared_ptr<Contained> &ptr() const

Returns a shared pointer to the underlying module.

inline Contained *get()

Returns a pointer to the underlying module.

inline const Contained *get() const

Returns a const pointer to the underlying module.

template<typename ...Args>
inline auto operator()(Args&&... args) -> torch::detail::return_type_of_forward_t<Contained, Args...>

Calls the forward() method of the contained module.

template<typename Arg>
inline decltype(auto) operator[](Arg &&arg)

Forwards to the subscript operator of the contained module.

NOTE: std::forward is qualified to prevent VS2017 emitting error C2872: ‘std’: ambiguous symbol

inline bool is_empty() const noexcept

Returns true if the ModuleHolder does not contain a module.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<Contained> impl_

The module pointer this class wraps.

NOTE: Must be placed at the top of the class so that we can use it with trailing return types below.


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