
Source code for torchaudio.functional._alignment

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torchaudio._extension import fail_if_no_align

__all__ = []

[docs]@fail_if_no_align def forced_align( log_probs: Tensor, targets: Tensor, input_lengths: Optional[Tensor] = None, target_lengths: Optional[Tensor] = None, blank: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Align a CTC label sequence to an emission. .. devices:: CPU CUDA .. properties:: TorchScript Args: log_probs (Tensor): log probability of CTC emission output. Tensor of shape `(B, T, C)`. where `B` is the batch size, `T` is the input length, `C` is the number of characters in alphabet including blank. targets (Tensor): Target sequence. Tensor of shape `(B, L)`, where `L` is the target length. input_lengths (Tensor or None, optional): Lengths of the inputs (max value must each be <= `T`). 1-D Tensor of shape `(B,)`. target_lengths (Tensor or None, optional): Lengths of the targets. 1-D Tensor of shape `(B,)`. blank_id (int, optional): The index of blank symbol in CTC emission. (Default: 0) Returns: Tuple(Tensor, Tensor): Tensor: Label for each time step in the alignment path computed using forced alignment. Tensor: Log probability scores of the labels for each time step. Note: The sequence length of `log_probs` must satisfy: .. math:: L_{\text{log\_probs}} \ge L_{\text{label}} + N_{\text{repeat}} where :math:`N_{\text{repeat}}` is the number of consecutively repeated tokens. For example, in str `"aabbc"`, the number of repeats are `2`. Note: The current version only supports ``batch_size==1``. """ if blank in targets: raise ValueError(f"targets Tensor shouldn't contain blank index. Found {targets}.") if torch.max(targets) >= log_probs.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("targets values must be less than the CTC dimension") if input_lengths is None: batch_size, length = log_probs.size(0), log_probs.size(1) input_lengths = torch.full((batch_size,), length, dtype=torch.int64, device=log_probs.device) if target_lengths is None: batch_size, length = targets.size(0), targets.size(1) target_lengths = torch.full((batch_size,), length, dtype=torch.int64, device=targets.device) # For TorchScript compatibility assert input_lengths is not None assert target_lengths is not None paths, scores = torch.ops.torchaudio.forced_align(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, blank) return paths, scores
[docs]@dataclass class TokenSpan: """TokenSpan() Token with time stamps and score. Returned by :py:func:`merge_tokens`. """ token: int """The token""" start: int """The start time (inclusive) in emission time axis.""" end: int """The end time (exclusive) in emission time axis.""" score: float """The score of the this token.""" def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns the time span""" return self.end - self.start
[docs]def merge_tokens(tokens: Tensor, scores: Tensor, blank: int = 0) -> List[TokenSpan]: """Removes repeated tokens and blank tokens from the given CTC token sequence. Args: tokens (Tensor): Alignment tokens (unbatched) returned from :py:func:`forced_align`. Shape: `(time, )`. scores (Tensor): Alignment scores (unbatched) returned from :py:func:`forced_align`. Shape: `(time, )`. When computing the token-size score, the given score is averaged across the corresponding time span. Returns: list of TokenSpan Example: >>> aligned_tokens, scores = forced_align(emission, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths) >>> token_spans = merge_tokens(aligned_tokens[0], scores[0]) """ if tokens.ndim != 1 or scores.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("`tokens` and `scores` must be 1D Tensor.") if len(tokens) != len(scores): raise ValueError("`tokens` and `scores` must be the same length.") diff = torch.diff( tokens, prepend=torch.tensor([-1], device=tokens.device), append=torch.tensor([-1], device=tokens.device) ) changes_wo_blank = torch.nonzero((diff != 0)).squeeze().tolist() tokens = tokens.tolist() spans = [ TokenSpan(token=token, start=start, end=end, score=scores[start:end].mean().item()) for start, end in zip(changes_wo_blank[:-1], changes_wo_blank[1:]) if (token := tokens[start]) != blank ] return spans


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