
Source code for torchaudio.pipelines.rnnt_pipeline

import json
import math
import pathlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple

import torch
import torchaudio
from torchaudio._internal import download_url_to_file, load_state_dict_from_url, module_utils
from torchaudio.models import RNNT, RNNTBeamSearch, emformer_rnnt_base

__all__ = []


def _download_asset(asset_path: str):
    dst_path = pathlib.Path(torch.hub.get_dir()) / "_assets" / asset_path
    if not dst_path.exists():
        dst_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        download_url_to_file(f"{_BASE_PIPELINES_URL}/{asset_path}", dst_path)
    return str(dst_path)

_decibel = 2 * 20 * math.log10(torch.iinfo(torch.int16).max)
_gain = pow(10, 0.05 * _decibel)

def _piecewise_linear_log(x):
    x[x > math.e] = torch.log(x[x > math.e])
    x[x <= math.e] = x[x <= math.e] / math.e
    return x

class _FunctionalModule(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, functional):
        self.functional = functional

    def forward(self, input):
        return self.functional(input)

class _GlobalStatsNormalization(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, global_stats_path):

        with open(global_stats_path) as f:
            blob = json.loads(

        self.register_buffer("mean", torch.tensor(blob["mean"]))
        self.register_buffer("invstddev", torch.tensor(blob["invstddev"]))

    def forward(self, input):
        return (input - self.mean) * self.invstddev

class _FeatureExtractor(ABC):
    def __call__(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """Generates features and length output from the given input tensor.

            input (torch.Tensor): input tensor.

            (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor):
                Features, with shape `(length, *)`.
                Length, with shape `(1,)`.

class _TokenProcessor(ABC):
    def __call__(self, tokens: List[int], **kwargs) -> str:
        """Decodes given list of tokens to text sequence.

            tokens (List[int]): list of tokens to decode.

                Decoded text sequence.

class _ModuleFeatureExtractor(torch.nn.Module, _FeatureExtractor):
    """``torch.nn.Module``-based feature extraction pipeline.

        pipeline (torch.nn.Module): module that implements feature extraction logic.

    def __init__(self, pipeline: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
        self.pipeline = pipeline

    def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """Generates features and length output from the given input tensor.

            input (torch.Tensor): input tensor.

            (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor):
                Features, with shape `(length, *)`.
                Length, with shape `(1,)`.
        features = self.pipeline(input)
        length = torch.tensor([features.shape[0]])
        return features, length

class _SentencePieceTokenProcessor(_TokenProcessor):
    """SentencePiece-model-based token processor.

        sp_model_path (str): path to SentencePiece model.

    def __init__(self, sp_model_path: str) -> None:
        if not module_utils.is_module_available("sentencepiece"):
            raise RuntimeError("SentencePiece is not available. Please install it.")

        import sentencepiece as spm

        self.sp_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(model_file=sp_model_path)
        self.post_process_remove_list = {

    def __call__(self, tokens: List[int], lstrip: bool = True) -> str:
        """Decodes given list of tokens to text sequence.

            tokens (List[int]): list of tokens to decode.
            lstrip (bool, optional): if ``True``, returns text sequence with leading whitespace
                removed. (Default: ``True``).

                Decoded text sequence.
        filtered_hypo_tokens = [
            token_index for token_index in tokens[1:] if token_index not in self.post_process_remove_list
        output_string = "".join(self.sp_model.id_to_piece(filtered_hypo_tokens)).replace("\u2581", " ")

        if lstrip:
            return output_string.lstrip()
            return output_string

[docs]@dataclass class RNNTBundle: """torchaudio.pipelines.RNNTBundle() Dataclass that bundles components for performing automatic speech recognition (ASR, speech-to-text) inference with an RNN-T model. More specifically, the class provides methods that produce the featurization pipeline, decoder wrapping the specified RNN-T model, and output token post-processor that together constitute a complete end-to-end ASR inference pipeline that produces a text sequence given a raw waveform. It can support non-streaming (full-context) inference as well as streaming inference. Users should not directly instantiate objects of this class; rather, users should use the instances (representing pre-trained models) that exist within the module, e.g. :py:obj:`EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH`. Example >>> import torchaudio >>> from torchaudio.pipelines import EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH >>> import torch >>> >>> # Non-streaming inference. >>> # Build feature extractor, decoder with RNN-T model, and token processor. >>> feature_extractor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_feature_extractor() 100%|███████████████████████████████| 3.81k/3.81k [00:00<00:00, 4.22MB/s] >>> decoder = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_decoder() Downloading: "" 100%|███████████████████████████████| 293M/293M [00:07<00:00, 42.1MB/s] >>> token_processor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_token_processor() 100%|███████████████████████████████| 295k/295k [00:00<00:00, 25.4MB/s] >>> >>> # Instantiate LibriSpeech dataset; retrieve waveform for first sample. >>> dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("/home/librispeech", url="test-clean") >>> waveform = next(iter(dataset))[0].squeeze() >>> >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> # Produce mel-scale spectrogram features. >>> features, length = feature_extractor(waveform) >>> >>> # Generate top-10 hypotheses. >>> hypotheses = decoder(features, length, 10) >>> >>> # For top hypothesis, convert predicted tokens to text. >>> text = token_processor(hypotheses[0].tokens) >>> print(text) he hoped there would be stew for dinner turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to [...] >>> >>> >>> # Streaming inference. >>> hop_length = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.hop_length >>> num_samples_segment = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.segment_length * hop_length >>> num_samples_segment_right_context = ( >>> num_samples_segment + EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.right_context_length * hop_length >>> ) >>> >>> # Build streaming inference feature extractor. >>> streaming_feature_extractor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_streaming_feature_extractor() >>> >>> # Process same waveform as before, this time sequentially across overlapping segments >>> # to simulate streaming inference. Note the usage of ``streaming_feature_extractor`` and ``decoder.infer``. >>> state, hypothesis = None, None >>> for idx in range(0, len(waveform), num_samples_segment): >>> segment = waveform[idx: idx + num_samples_segment_right_context] >>> segment = torch.nn.functional.pad(segment, (0, num_samples_segment_right_context - len(segment))) >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> features, length = streaming_feature_extractor(segment) >>> hypotheses, state = decoder.infer(features, length, 10, state=state, hypothesis=hypothesis) >>> hypothesis = hypotheses[0] >>> transcript = token_processor(hypothesis.tokens) >>> if transcript: >>> print(transcript, end=" ", flush=True) he hoped there would be stew for dinner turn ips and car rots and bru 'd oes and fat mut ton pieces to [...] """
[docs] class FeatureExtractor(_FeatureExtractor): pass
[docs] class TokenProcessor(_TokenProcessor): pass
_rnnt_path: str _rnnt_factory_func: Callable[[], RNNT] _global_stats_path: str _sp_model_path: str _right_padding: int _blank: int _sample_rate: int _n_fft: int _n_mels: int _hop_length: int _segment_length: int _right_context_length: int def _get_model(self) -> RNNT: model = self._rnnt_factory_func() url = f"{_BASE_MODELS_URL}/{self._rnnt_path}" state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url(url) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.eval() return model @property def sample_rate(self) -> int: """Sample rate (in cycles per second) of input waveforms. :type: int """ return self._sample_rate @property def n_fft(self) -> int: """Size of FFT window to use. :type: int """ return self._n_fft @property def n_mels(self) -> int: """Number of mel spectrogram features to extract from input waveforms. :type: int """ return self._n_mels @property def hop_length(self) -> int: """Number of samples between successive frames in input expected by model. :type: int """ return self._hop_length @property def segment_length(self) -> int: """Number of frames in segment in input expected by model. :type: int """ return self._segment_length @property def right_context_length(self) -> int: """Number of frames in right contextual block in input expected by model. :type: int """ return self._right_context_length
[docs] def get_decoder(self) -> RNNTBeamSearch: """Constructs RNN-T decoder. Returns: RNNTBeamSearch """ model = self._get_model() return RNNTBeamSearch(model, self._blank)
[docs] def get_feature_extractor(self) -> FeatureExtractor: """Constructs feature extractor for non-streaming (full-context) ASR. Returns: FeatureExtractor """ local_path = _download_asset(self._global_stats_path) return _ModuleFeatureExtractor( torch.nn.Sequential( torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=self.sample_rate, n_fft=self.n_fft, n_mels=self.n_mels, hop_length=self.hop_length ), _FunctionalModule(lambda x: x.transpose(1, 0)), _FunctionalModule(lambda x: _piecewise_linear_log(x * _gain)), _GlobalStatsNormalization(local_path), _FunctionalModule(lambda x: torch.nn.functional.pad(x, (0, 0, 0, self._right_padding))), ) )
[docs] def get_streaming_feature_extractor(self) -> FeatureExtractor: """Constructs feature extractor for streaming (simultaneous) ASR. Returns: FeatureExtractor """ local_path = _download_asset(self._global_stats_path) return _ModuleFeatureExtractor( torch.nn.Sequential( torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=self.sample_rate, n_fft=self.n_fft, n_mels=self.n_mels, hop_length=self.hop_length ), _FunctionalModule(lambda x: x.transpose(1, 0)), _FunctionalModule(lambda x: _piecewise_linear_log(x * _gain)), _GlobalStatsNormalization(local_path), ) )
[docs] def get_token_processor(self) -> TokenProcessor: """Constructs token processor. Returns: TokenProcessor """ local_path = _download_asset(self._sp_model_path) return _SentencePieceTokenProcessor(local_path)
EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH = RNNTBundle( _rnnt_path="", _rnnt_factory_func=partial(emformer_rnnt_base, num_symbols=4097), _global_stats_path="global_stats_rnnt_librispeech.json", _sp_model_path="spm_bpe_4096_librispeech.model", _right_padding=4, _blank=4096, _sample_rate=16000, _n_fft=400, _n_mels=80, _hop_length=160, _segment_length=16, _right_context_length=4, ) EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.__doc__ = """Pre-trained Emformer-RNNT-based ASR pipeline capable of performing both streaming and non-streaming inference. The underlying model is constructed by :py:func:`torchaudio.models.emformer_rnnt_base` and utilizes weights trained on LibriSpeech using training script ```` `here <>`__ with default arguments. Please refer to :py:class:`RNNTBundle` for usage instructions. """


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