
Source code for torch_tensorrt._TRTModuleNext

import logging
from operator import truediv
from typing import Any, List, Sequence, Tuple

import torch
from torch_tensorrt import _C
from torch_tensorrt._Device import Device

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TRTModuleNext(torch.nn.Module): """TRTModuleNext is a PyTorch module which encompasses an arbitrary TensorRT Engine. This module is backed by the Torch-TensorRT runtime and is fully compatibile with both FX / Python deployments (just ``import torch_tensorrt`` as part of the application) as well as TorchScript / C++ deployments since TRTModule can be passed to ``torch.jit.trace`` and then saved. The forward function is simpily forward(*args: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor] where the internal implementation is ``return Tuple(torch.ops.tensorrt.execute_engine(list(inputs), self.engine))`` > Note: TRTModuleNext only supports engines built with explict batch Attributes: name (str): Name of module (for easier debugging) engine (torch.classess.tensorrt.Engine): Torch-TensorRT TensorRT Engine instance, manages [de]serialization, device configuration, profiling input_binding_names (List[str]): List of input TensorRT engine binding names in the order they would be passed to the TRT modules output_binding_names (List[str]): List of output TensorRT engine binding names in the order they should be returned """
[docs] def __init__( self, serialized_engine: bytearray = bytearray(), name: str = "", input_binding_names: List[str] = [], output_binding_names: List[str] = [], target_device: Device = Device._current_device(), ): """__init__ method for torch_tensorrt.TRTModuleNext Takes a name, target device, serialized TensorRT engine, and binding names / order and constructs a PyTorch ``torch.nn.Module`` around it. If binding names are not provided, it is assumed that the engine binding names follow the following convention: - [symbol].[index in input / output array] - ex. [x.0, x.1, x.2] -> [y.0] Args: name (str): Name for module serialized_engine (bytearray): Serialized TensorRT engine in the form of a bytearray input_binding_names (List[str]): List of input TensorRT engine binding names in the order they would be passed to the TRT modules output_binding_names (List[str]): List of output TensorRT engine binding names in the order they should be returned target_device: (torch_tensorrt.Device): Device to instantiate TensorRT engine on. Must be a compatible device i.e. same GPU model / compute capability as was used to build the engine Example: ..code-block:: py with io.BytesIO() as engine_bytes: engine_bytes.write(trt_engine.serialize()) engine_str = engine_bytes.getvalue() trt_module = TRTModule( engine_str, engine_name="my_module", input_names=["x"], output_names=["output"], ) """ logger.warning( "TRTModuleNext should be considered experimental stability, APIs are subject to change. Note: TRTModuleNext only supports engines built with explict batch" ) super(TRTModuleNext, self).__init__() if not isinstance(serialized_engine, bytearray): ValueError("Expected serialized engine as bytearray") self.input_binding_names = input_binding_names self.output_binding_names = output_binding_names = name if serialized_engine != bytearray(): self.engine = torch.classes.tensorrt.Engine( [ torch.ops.tensorrt.ABI_VERSION(), + "_engine" if != "" else "tensorrt_engine", target_device._to_serialized_rt_device(), serialized_engine, TRTModuleNext._pack_binding_names(self.input_binding_names), TRTModuleNext._pack_binding_names(self.output_binding_names), ] ) else: self.engine = None
[docs] def get_extra_state(self): return (, self.engine.__getstate__() if self.engine is not None else None, self.input_binding_names, self.output_binding_names, )
[docs] def set_extra_state(self, state): = state[0] if state[1] is not None: serialized_engine_info = state[1][0] import base64 serialized_engine = base64.b64decode(serialized_engine_info[3]) self.engine = torch.classes.tensorrt.Engine( [ serialized_engine_info[0], serialized_engine_info[1], serialized_engine_info[2], serialized_engine, serialized_engine_info[4], serialized_engine_info[5], ] ) else: self.engine = None self.input_binding_names = state[2] self.output_binding_names = state[3]
[docs] def forward(self, *inputs): """Implementation of the forward pass for a TensorRT engine Args: *inputs (torch.Tensor): Inputs to the forward function, must all be ``torch.Tensor`` Returns: torch.Tensor or Tuple(torch.Tensor): Result of the engine computation """ if self.engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Engine has not been initalized yet.") assert len(inputs) == len( self.input_binding_names ), f"Wrong number of inputs, expected {len(self.input_binding_names)} got {len(inputs)}." types = [issubclass(type(i), torch.Tensor) for i in inputs] try: assert all(types) except: def is_non_tensor(i: Tuple[Any, bool]) -> bool: return not i[1] non_tensors = [i[0] for i in filter(zip(inputs, types), is_non_tensor)] raise RuntimeError( f"TRTModuleNext expects a flattened list of tensors as input, found non tensors: {non_tensors}" ) outputs = torch.ops.tensorrt.execute_engine(list(inputs), self.engine) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] return tuple(outputs)
[docs] def enable_profiling(self, profiling_results_dir: str = None): """Enable the profiler to collect latency information about the execution of the engine Traces can be visualized using or compatible alternatives Keyword Arguments: profiling_results_dir (str): Absolute path to the directory to sort results of profiling. """ if self.engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Engine has not been initalized yet.") if profiling_results_dir is not None: self.engine.profile_path_prefix = profiling_results_dir self.engine.enable_profiling()
[docs] def disable_profiling(self): """Disable the profiler""" if self.engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Engine has not been initalized yet.") self.engine.disable_profiling()
[docs] def get_layer_info(self) -> str: """Get a JSON string containing the layer information encoded by the TensorRT engine in this module Returns: str: A JSON string which contains the layer information of the engine incapsulated in this module """ if self.engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Engine has not been initalized yet.") return self.engine.get_engine_layer_info()
[docs] def dump_layer_info(self): """Dump layer information encoded by the TensorRT engine in this module to STDOUT""" if self.engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Engine has not been initalized yet.") return self.engine.dump_engine_layer_info()
@staticmethod def _pack_binding_names(binding_names: List[str]) -> str: delim = torch.ops.tensorrt.SERIALIZED_ENGINE_BINDING_DELIM()[0] return delim.join(binding_names)


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