importioimportwarningsfromtypingimportAny,Dict,Iteratorimporttorchfrom..utilsimport_log_api_usage_oncefrom._video_optimport_HAS_CPU_VIDEO_DECODERif_HAS_CPU_VIDEO_DECODER:def_has_video_opt()->bool:returnTrueelse:def_has_video_opt()->bool:returnFalsetry:importavav.logging.set_level(av.logging.ERROR)ifnothasattr(,"pict_type"):av=ImportError("""\Your version of PyAV is too old for the necessary video operations in torchvision.If you are on Python 3.5, you will have to build from source (the conda-forgepackages are not up-to-date). See for instructions on how toinstall PyAV on your system.""")exceptImportError:av=ImportError("""\PyAV is not installed, and is necessary for the video operations in torchvision.See for instructions on how toinstall PyAV on your system.""")
[docs]classVideoReader:""" Fine-grained video-reading API. Supports frame-by-frame reading of various streams from a single video container. Much like previous video_reader API it supports the following backends: video_reader, pyav, and cuda. Backends can be set via `torchvision.set_video_backend` function. .. warning:: In the near future, we intend to centralize PyTorch's video decoding capabilities within the `torchcodec <>`_ project. We encourage you to try it out and share your feedback, as the torchvision video decoders will eventually be deprecated. .. betastatus:: VideoReader class Example: The following examples creates a :mod:`VideoReader` object, seeks into 2s point, and returns a single frame:: import torchvision video_path = "path_to_a_test_video" reader =, "video") frame = next(reader) :mod:`VideoReader` implements the iterable API, which makes it suitable to using it in conjunction with :mod:`itertools` for more advanced reading. As such, we can use a :mod:`VideoReader` instance inside for loops:: for frame in reader: frames.append(frame['data']) # additionally, `seek` implements a fluent API, so we can do for frame in frames.append(frame['data']) With :mod:`itertools`, we can read all frames between 2 and 5 seconds with the following code:: for frame in itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x['pts'] <= 5, frames.append(frame['data']) and similarly, reading 10 frames after the 2s timestamp can be achieved as follows:: for frame in itertools.islice(, 10): frames.append(frame['data']) .. note:: Each stream descriptor consists of two parts: stream type (e.g. 'video') and a unique stream id (which are determined by the video encoding). In this way, if the video container contains multiple streams of the same type, users can access the one they want. If only stream type is passed, the decoder auto-detects first stream of that type. Args: src (string, bytes object, or tensor): The media source. If string-type, it must be a file path supported by FFMPEG. If bytes, should be an in-memory representation of a file supported by FFMPEG. If Tensor, it is interpreted internally as byte buffer. It must be one-dimensional, of type ``torch.uint8``. stream (string, optional): descriptor of the required stream, followed by the stream id, in the format ``{stream_type}:{stream_id}``. Defaults to ``"video:0"``. Currently available options include ``['video', 'audio']`` num_threads (int, optional): number of threads used by the codec to decode video. Default value (0) enables multithreading with codec-dependent heuristic. The performance will depend on the version of FFMPEG codecs supported. """def__init__(self,src:str,stream:str="video",num_threads:int=0,)->None:_log_api_usage_once(self)from..importget_video_backendself.backend=get_video_backend()ifisinstance(src,str):ifnotsrc:raiseValueError("src cannot be empty")elifisinstance(src,bytes):ifself.backendin["cuda"]:raiseRuntimeError("VideoReader cannot be initialized from bytes object when using cuda or pyav backend.")elifself.backend=="pyav":src=io.BytesIO(src)else:withwarnings.catch_warnings():# Ignore the warning because we actually don't modify the buffer in this functionwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore",message="The given buffer is not writable")src=torch.frombuffer(src,dtype=torch.uint8)elifisinstance(src,torch.Tensor):ifself.backendin["cuda","pyav"]:raiseRuntimeError("VideoReader cannot be initialized from Tensor object when using cuda or pyav backend.")else:raiseValueError(f"src must be either string, Tensor or bytes object. Got {type(src)}")ifself.backend=="cuda":device=torch.device("cuda")self._c=torch.classes.torchvision.GPUDecoder(src,device)elifself.backend=="video_reader":ifisinstance(src,str):self._c=torch.classes.torchvision.Video(src,stream,num_threads)elifisinstance(src,torch.Tensor):self._c=torch.classes.torchvision.Video("","",0)self._c.init_from_memory(src,stream,num_threads)elifself.backend=="pyav",metadata_errors="ignore")# TODO: load metadatastream_type=stream.split(":")[0]stream_id=0iflen(stream.split(":"))==1elseint(stream.split(":")[1])self.pyav_stream={stream_type:stream_id}self._c=self.container.decode(**self.pyav_stream)# TODO: add extradata exceptionelse:raiseRuntimeError("Unknown video backend: {}".format(self.backend))def__next__(self)->Dict[str,Any]:"""Decodes and returns the next frame of the current stream. Frames are encoded as a dict with mandatory data and pts fields, where data is a tensor, and pts is a presentation timestamp of the frame expressed in seconds as a float. Returns: (dict): a dictionary and containing decoded frame (``data``) and corresponding timestamp (``pts``) in seconds """ifself.backend=="cuda"{"data":frame,"pts":None}elifself.backend=="video_reader":frame,*frame.time_base)if"video"inself.pyav_stream:frame=torch.as_tensor(frame.to_rgb().to_ndarray()).permute(2,0,1)elif"audio"inself.pyav_stream:frame=torch.as_tensor(frame.to_ndarray()).permute(1,0)else:frame=Noneexceptav.error.EOFError:raiseStopIterationifframe.numel()==0:raiseStopIterationreturn{"data":frame,"pts":pts}def__iter__(self)->Iterator[Dict[str,Any]]:returnself
[docs]defseek(self,time_s:float,keyframes_only:bool=False)->"VideoReader":"""Seek within current stream. Args: time_s (float): seek time in seconds keyframes_only (bool): allow to seek only to keyframes .. note:: Current implementation is the so-called precise seek. This means following seek, call to :mod:`next()` will return the frame with the exact timestamp if it exists or the first frame with timestamp larger than ``time_s``. """ifself.backendin["cuda","video_reader"],keyframes_only)else:# handle special case as pyav doesn't catch itiftime_s<0:time_s=0temp_str=self.container.streams.get(**self.pyav_stream)[0]offset=int(round(time_s/temp_str.time_base))ifnotkeyframes_only:warnings.warn("Accurate seek is not implemented for pyav backend"),backward=True,any_frame=False,stream=temp_str)self._c=self.container.decode(**self.pyav_stream)returnself
[docs]defget_metadata(self)->Dict[str,Any]:"""Returns video metadata Returns: (dict): dictionary containing duration and frame rate for every stream """ifself.backend=="pyav":metadata={}# type: Dict[str, Any]forstreaminself.container.streams:ifstream.typenotinmetadata:ifstream.type=="video":rate_n="fps"else:rate_n="framerate"metadata[stream.type]={rate_n:[],"duration":[]}rate=getattr(stream,"average_rate",None)orstream.sample_ratemetadata[stream.type]["duration"].append(float(stream.duration*stream.time_base))metadata[stream.type][rate_n].append(float(rate))returnmetadatareturnself._c.get_metadata()
[docs]defset_current_stream(self,stream:str)->bool:"""Set current stream. Explicitly define the stream we are operating on. Args: stream (string): descriptor of the required stream. Defaults to ``"video:0"`` Currently available stream types include ``['video', 'audio']``. Each descriptor consists of two parts: stream type (e.g. 'video') and a unique stream id (which are determined by video encoding). In this way, if the video container contains multiple streams of the same type, users can access the one they want. If only stream type is passed, the decoder auto-detects first stream of that type and returns it. Returns: (bool): True on success, False otherwise """ifself.backend=="cuda":warnings.warn("GPU decoding only works with video stream.")ifself.backend=="pyav":stream_type=stream.split(":")[0]stream_id=0iflen(stream.split(":"))==1elseint(stream.split(":")[1])self.pyav_stream={stream_type:stream_id}self._c=self.container.decode(**self.pyav_stream)returnTruereturnself._c.set_current_stream(stream)
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