root (str or pathlib.Path) – Root directory where images are downloaded to.
annFile (string) – Path to json annotation file.
transform (callable, optional) – A function/transform that takes in a PIL image
and returns a transformed version. E.g, transforms.PILToTensor
target_transform (callable, optional) – A function/transform that takes in the
target and transforms it.
transforms (callable, optional) – A function/transform that takes input sample and its target as entry
and returns a transformed version.
importtorchvision.datasetsasdsetimporttorchvision.transformsastransformscap=dset.CocoCaptions(root='dir where images are',annFile='json annotation file',transform=transforms.PILToTensor())print('Number of samples: ',len(cap))img,target=cap[3]# load 4th sampleprint("Image Size: ",img.size())print(target)
Numberofsamples:82783ImageSize:(3L,427L,640L)[u'A plane emitting smoke stream flying over a mountain.',u'A plane darts across a bright blue sky behind a mountain covered in snow',u'A plane leaves a contrail above the snowy mountain top.',u'A mountain that has a plane flying overheard in the distance.',u'A mountain view with a plume of smoke in the background']
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