Source code for torchvision.transforms.v2._transform
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
import PIL.Image
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
from torchvision import tv_tensors
from torchvision.transforms.v2._utils import check_type, has_any, is_pure_tensor
from torchvision.utils import _log_api_usage_once
from .functional._utils import _get_kernel
[docs]class Transform(nn.Module):
"""Base class to implement your own v2 transforms.
See :ref:`` for
more details.
# Class attribute defining transformed types. Other types are passed-through without any transformation
# We support both Types and callables that are able to do further checks on the type of the input.
_transformed_types: Tuple[Union[Type, Callable[[Any], bool]], ...] = (torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image)
def __init__(self) -> None:
def check_inputs(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> None:
# When v2 was introduced, this method was private and called
# `_get_params()`. Now it's publicly exposed as `make_params()`. It cannot
# be exposed as `get_params()` because there is already a `get_params()`
# methods for v2 transforms: it's the v1's `get_params()` that we have to
# keep in order to guarantee 100% BC with v1. (It's defined in
# __init_subclass__ below).
[docs] def make_params(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Method to override for custom transforms.
See :ref:``"""
return dict()
def _call_kernel(self, functional: Callable, inpt: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
kernel = _get_kernel(functional, type(inpt), allow_passthrough=True)
return kernel(inpt, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
"""Method to override for custom transforms.
See :ref:``"""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward(self, *inputs: Any) -> Any:
"""Do not override this! Use ``transform()`` instead."""
flat_inputs, spec = tree_flatten(inputs if len(inputs) > 1 else inputs[0])
needs_transform_list = self._needs_transform_list(flat_inputs)
params = self.make_params(
[inpt for (inpt, needs_transform) in zip(flat_inputs, needs_transform_list) if needs_transform]
flat_outputs = [
self.transform(inpt, params) if needs_transform else inpt
for (inpt, needs_transform) in zip(flat_inputs, needs_transform_list)
return tree_unflatten(flat_outputs, spec)
def _needs_transform_list(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> List[bool]:
# Below is a heuristic on how to deal with pure tensor inputs:
# 1. Pure tensors, i.e. tensors that are not a tv_tensor, are passed through if there is an explicit image
# (`tv_tensors.Image` or `PIL.Image.Image`) or video (`tv_tensors.Video`) in the sample.
# 2. If there is no explicit image or video in the sample, only the first encountered pure tensor is
# transformed as image, while the rest is passed through. The order is defined by the returned `flat_inputs`
# of `tree_flatten`, which recurses depth-first through the input.
# This heuristic stems from two requirements:
# 1. We need to keep BC for single input pure tensors and treat them as images.
# 2. We don't want to treat all pure tensors as images, because some datasets like `CelebA` or `Widerface`
# return supplemental numerical data as tensors that cannot be transformed as images.
# The heuristic should work well for most people in practice. The only case where it doesn't is if someone
# tries to transform multiple pure tensors at the same time, expecting them all to be treated as images.
# However, this case wasn't supported by transforms v1 either, so there is no BC concern.
needs_transform_list = []
transform_pure_tensor = not has_any(flat_inputs, tv_tensors.Image, tv_tensors.Video, PIL.Image.Image)
for inpt in flat_inputs:
needs_transform = True
if not check_type(inpt, self._transformed_types):
needs_transform = False
elif is_pure_tensor(inpt):
if transform_pure_tensor:
transform_pure_tensor = False
needs_transform = False
return needs_transform_list
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str:
extra = []
for name, value in self.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith("_") or name == "training":
if not isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, str, tuple, list, enum.Enum)):
return ", ".join(extra)
# This attribute should be set on all transforms that have a v1 equivalent. Doing so enables two things:
# 1. In case the v1 transform has a static `get_params` method, it will also be available under the same name on
# the v2 transform. See `__init_subclass__` for details.
# 2. The v2 transform will be JIT scriptable. See `_extract_params_for_v1_transform` and `__prepare_scriptable__`
# for details.
_v1_transform_cls: Optional[Type[nn.Module]] = None
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
# Since `get_params` is a `@staticmethod`, we have to bind it to the class itself rather than to an instance.
# This method is called after subclassing has happened, i.e. `cls` is the subclass, e.g. `Resize`.
if cls._v1_transform_cls is not None and hasattr(cls._v1_transform_cls, "get_params"):
cls.get_params = staticmethod(cls._v1_transform_cls.get_params) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def _extract_params_for_v1_transform(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# This method is called by `__prepare_scriptable__` to instantiate the equivalent v1 transform from the current
# v2 transform instance. It extracts all available public attributes that are specific to that transform and
# not `nn.Module` in general.
# Overwrite this method on the v2 transform class if the above is not sufficient. For example, this might happen
# if the v2 transform introduced new parameters that are not support by the v1 transform.
common_attrs = nn.Module().__dict__.keys()
return {
attr: value
for attr, value in self.__dict__.items()
if not attr.startswith("_") and attr not in common_attrs
def __prepare_scriptable__(self) -> nn.Module:
# This method is called early on when `torch.jit.script`'ing an `nn.Module` instance. If it succeeds, the return
# value is used for scripting over the original object that should have been scripted. Since the v1 transforms
# are JIT scriptable, and we made sure that for single image inputs v1 and v2 are equivalent, we just return the
# equivalent v1 transform here. This of course only makes transforms v2 JIT scriptable as long as transforms v1
# is around.
if self._v1_transform_cls is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Transform {type(self).__name__} cannot be JIT scripted. "
"torchscript is only supported for backward compatibility with transforms "
"which are already in torchvision.transforms. "
"For torchscript support (on tensors only), you can use the functional API instead."
return self._v1_transform_cls(**self._extract_params_for_v1_transform())
class _RandomApplyTransform(Transform):
def __init__(self, p: float = 0.5) -> None:
if not (0.0 <= p <= 1.0):
raise ValueError("`p` should be a floating point value in the interval [0.0, 1.0].")
self.p = p
def forward(self, *inputs: Any) -> Any:
# We need to almost duplicate `Transform.forward()` here since we always want to check the inputs, but return
# early afterwards in case the random check triggers. The same result could be achieved by calling
# `super().forward()` after the random check, but that would call `self.check_inputs` twice.
inputs = inputs if len(inputs) > 1 else inputs[0]
flat_inputs, spec = tree_flatten(inputs)
if torch.rand(1) >= self.p:
return inputs
needs_transform_list = self._needs_transform_list(flat_inputs)
params = self.make_params(
[inpt for (inpt, needs_transform) in zip(flat_inputs, needs_transform_list) if needs_transform]
flat_outputs = [
self.transform(inpt, params) if needs_transform else inpt
for (inpt, needs_transform) in zip(flat_inputs, needs_transform_list)
return tree_unflatten(flat_outputs, spec)