[docs]classImage(TVTensor):""":class:`torch.Tensor` subclass for images with shape ``[..., C, H, W]``. .. note:: In the :ref:`transforms <transforms>`, ``Image`` instances are largely interchangeable with pure :class:`torch.Tensor`. See :ref:`this note <passthrough_heuristic>` for more details. Args: data (tensor-like, PIL.Image.Image): Any data that can be turned into a tensor with :func:`torch.as_tensor` as well as PIL images. dtype (torch.dtype, optional): Desired data type. If omitted, will be inferred from ``data``. device (torch.device, optional): Desired device. If omitted and ``data`` is a :class:`torch.Tensor`, the device is taken from it. Otherwise, the image is constructed on the CPU. requires_grad (bool, optional): Whether autograd should record operations. If omitted and ``data`` is a :class:`torch.Tensor`, the value is taken from it. Otherwise, defaults to ``False``. """def__new__(cls,data:Any,*,dtype:Optional[torch.dtype]=None,device:Optional[Union[torch.device,str,int]]=None,requires_grad:Optional[bool]=None,)->Image:ifisinstance(data,PIL.Image.Image):fromtorchvision.transforms.v2importfunctionalasFdata=F.pil_to_tensor(data)tensor=cls._to_tensor(data,dtype=dtype,device=device,requires_grad=requires_grad)iftensor.ndim<2:raiseValueErroreliftensor.ndim==2:tensor=tensor.unsqueeze(0)returntensor.as_subclass(cls)def__repr__(self,*,tensor_contents:Any=None)->str:# type: ignore[override]returnself._make_repr()
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