- class torchvision.datasets.HMDB51(root: Union[str, Path], annotation_path: str, frames_per_clip: int, step_between_clips: int = 1, frame_rate: Optional[int] = None, fold: int = 1, train: bool = True, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, _precomputed_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, num_workers: int = 1, _video_width: int = 0, _video_height: int = 0, _video_min_dimension: int = 0, _audio_samples: int = 0, output_format: str = 'THWC')[source]
HMDB51 dataset.
HMDB51 is an action recognition video dataset. This dataset consider every video as a collection of video clips of fixed size, specified by
, where the step in frames between each clip is given bystep_between_clips
.To give an example, for 2 videos with 10 and 15 frames respectively, if
, the dataset size will be (2 + 3) = 5, where the first two elements will come from video 1, and the next three elements from video 2. Note that we drop clips which do not have exactlyframes_per_clip
elements, so not all frames in a video might be present.Internally, it uses a VideoClips object to handle clip creation.
- Parameters:
root (str or
) – Root directory of the HMDB51 Dataset.annotation_path (str) – Path to the folder containing the split files.
frames_per_clip (int) – Number of frames in a clip.
step_between_clips (int) – Number of frames between each clip.
fold (int, optional) – Which fold to use. Should be between 1 and 3.
train (bool, optional) – If
, creates a dataset from the train split, otherwise from thetest
split.transform (callable, optional) – A function/transform that takes in a TxHxWxC video and returns a transformed version.
output_format (str, optional) – The format of the output video tensors (before transforms). Can be either “THWC” (default) or “TCHW”.
- Returns:
A 3-tuple with the following entries:
video (Tensor[T, H, W, C] or Tensor[T, C, H, W]): The T video frames
audio(Tensor[K, L]): the audio frames, where K is the number of channels and L is the number of points
label (int): class of the video clip
- Return type:
- Special-members: