importwarningsimportosfrom.extensionimport_HAS_OPSfromtorchvisionimportmodelsfromtorchvisionimportdatasetsfromtorchvisionimportopsfromtorchvisionimporttransformsfromtorchvisionimportutilsfromtorchvisionimportioimporttorchtry:from.versionimport__version__# noqa: F401exceptImportError:pass# Check if torchvision is being imported within the root folderif(not_HAS_OPSandos.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))==os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()),'torchvision')):message=('You are importing torchvision within its own root folder ({}). ''This is not expected to work and may give errors. Please exit the ''torchvision project source and relaunch your python interpreter.')warnings.warn(message.format(os.getcwd()))_image_backend='PIL'_video_backend="pyav"
[docs]defset_image_backend(backend):""" Specifies the package used to load images. Args: backend (string): Name of the image backend. one of {'PIL', 'accimage'}. The :mod:`accimage` package uses the Intel IPP library. It is generally faster than PIL, but does not support as many operations. """global_image_backendifbackendnotin['PIL','accimage']:raiseValueError("Invalid backend '{}'. Options are 'PIL' and 'accimage'".format(backend))_image_backend=backend
[docs]defget_image_backend():""" Gets the name of the package used to load images """return_image_backend
[docs]defset_video_backend(backend):""" Specifies the package used to decode videos. Args: backend (string): Name of the video backend. one of {'pyav', 'video_reader'}. The :mod:`pyav` package uses the 3rd party PyAv library. It is a Pythonic binding for the FFmpeg libraries. The :mod:`video_reader` package includes a native C++ implementation on top of FFMPEG libraries, and a python API of TorchScript custom operator. It generally decodes faster than :mod:`pyav`, but is perhaps less robust. .. note:: Building with FFMPEG is disabled by default in the latest `main`. If you want to use the 'video_reader' backend, please compile torchvision from source. """global_video_backendifbackendnotin["pyav","video_reader"]:raiseValueError("Invalid video backend '%s'. Options are 'pyav' and 'video_reader'"%backend)ifbackend=="video_reader"andnotio._HAS_VIDEO_OPT:message=("video_reader video backend is not available."" Please compile torchvision from source and try again")warnings.warn(message)else:_video_backend=backend
[docs]defget_video_backend():""" Returns the currently active video backend used to decode videos. Returns: str: Name of the video backend. one of {'pyav', 'video_reader'}. """return_video_backend
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