
Source code for torchtune.modules.peft._utils

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import contextlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Literal, Optional, Protocol, Set, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torchtune.utils._logging import deprecated

# Modules from MultiHeadAttention that LoRA can be applied to
LORA_ATTN_MODULES = Literal["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "output_proj"]

[docs]class AdapterModule(Protocol): """ Interface for an ``nn.Module`` containing adapter weights. Note that an adapter module does not have to explicitly implement this protocol, but it must define the ``adapter_params(self)`` method. """
[docs] def adapter_params(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a list of strings corresponding to the names of the ``nn.Parameter`` s in the model coming from the adapter. E.g. if an nn.Module has adapter ``self.proj = nn.Linear(in_dim, out_dim)``, then adapter_params should return ``['proj.weight', 'proj.bias']``. See LoRALinear's :func:`~torchtune.modules.peft.LoRALinear.adapter_params` for an example. """ pass
[docs]def get_adapter_params(model: nn.Module) -> Dict[str, nn.Parameter]: """ Return the subset of parameters from a model that correspond to an adapter. Assumes that any adapter class has defined the :func:`~torchtune.modules.peft.AdapterModule.adapter_params` method. Args: model (nn.Module): Instance of model class containing some adapter params. Returns: Dict[str, nn.Parameter]: the subset of model's state dict containing only adapter parameters. """ adapter_params = {} for k, v in model.named_modules(): if hasattr(v, "adapter_params") and callable(v.adapter_params): current_adapter_params = v.adapter_params() for n, p in v.named_parameters(recurse=True): if n in current_adapter_params: full_key = f"{k}.{n}" if k else n adapter_params.update({full_key: p}) current_adapter_params.remove(n) assert ( current_adapter_params == [] ), f"Adapter params {current_adapter_params} not converted" return adapter_params
[docs]def set_trainable_params( model: nn.Module, adapter_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Set] ) -> None: """ Set trainable parameters for an nn.Module based on a state dict of adapter parameters. Args: model (nn.Module): Instance of model class containing some adapter params. adapter_params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Set]): State dict mapping adapter key names to their respective nn.Parameters (i.e. outputs of :func:`~torchtune.modules.peft.get_adapter_params`.) Returns: None """ for k, v in model.named_parameters(): v.requires_grad_(k in adapter_params)
def get_lora_module_names( lora_attn_modules: List[LORA_ATTN_MODULES], apply_lora_to_mlp: bool, apply_lora_to_output: bool, ) -> List[str]: """ Return a list of the names of modules in the model that have LoRA applied. Note that the names here are local to their modules and not the fully qualified names from the model state dict. Args: lora_attn_modules (List[LORA_ATTN_MODULES]): list of which linear layers LoRA should be applied to in each self-attention block. Options are ``{"q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "output_proj"}``. apply_lora_to_mlp (bool): whether LoRA is applied to each MLP linear. apply_lora_to_output (bool): whether LoRA is applied to the final output projection. Returns: List[str]: list of module names in the model that have LoRA applied. """ lora_module_keys = lora_attn_modules if apply_lora_to_mlp: lora_module_keys = lora_module_keys + ["w1", "w2", "w3"] if apply_lora_to_output: lora_module_keys.append("output") return lora_module_keys
[docs]def get_adapter_state_dict( state_dict: Dict[str, Any], device: Optional[str] = "cpu" ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the subset of the full state_dict from a model that correspond to an adapter. Assumes that "lora" and "magnitude" are unique names for adapter parameters, and that the state_dict is not sharded. All returned parameters are moved to CPU. Args: state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): Full model state dict. device (Optional[str]): device to move adapter parameters to. Default: 'cpu' Returns: Dict[str, Any]: the subset of model's state dict containing only adapter parameters. """ adapter_key_filter = lambda x: "lora" in x or "magnitude" in x return {k: for k, v in state_dict.items() if adapter_key_filter(k)}
def _get_lora_modules(state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Set[str]: """ Get the keys from a state dict that correspond to LoRALinear modules. For example, if state_dict is the state dict of model and model.x.y.z is a LoRALinear, this method will return "model.x.y.z", not "model.x.y.z.lora_a.weight" or "model.x.y.z.lora_b.weight". Args: state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): State dict from a model. Returns: Set[str]: Set of keys in the state dict that correspond to LoRA modules. """ lora_keys = [k for k in state_dict.keys() if "lora" in k or "magnitude" in k] return set( [ k.replace(".lora_a.weight", "") .replace(".lora_b.weight", "") .replace(".magnitude", "") for k in lora_keys ] ) @torch.no_grad def get_merged_lora_ckpt( state_dict: Dict[str, Any], rank: int, alpha: float, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Merge LoRA weights into the base model format for efficient inference. NOTE: This function modifies state_dict inplace. If you do not want to do that, make a copy prior to calling this function. For every LoRA module in the state dict, this function will convert its base weight then delete the LoRA-specific parameters. Args: state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): State dict from a model. rank (int): The rank of LoRA matrices. alpha (float): The alpha value used for scaling LoRA decompositions. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The merged state dict. """ lora_modules = _get_lora_modules(state_dict) for module in lora_modules: lora_a_weight = state_dict[f"{module}.lora_a.weight"] lora_b_weight = state_dict[f"{module}.lora_b.weight"] lora_magnitude = state_dict.get(f"{module}.magnitude", None) # If magnitude is present, calculate merged DoRA weight if lora_magnitude is not None: base_weight = state_dict[f"{module}.weight"].to(lora_a_weight.dtype) lora_weight = (alpha / rank) * lora_b_weight @ lora_a_weight merged_weight = base_weight + lora_weight weight_norm = torch.linalg.norm(base_weight + lora_weight, dim=1) mag_norm_scale = (lora_magnitude / weight_norm).view(-1, 1) merged_weight *= mag_norm_scale state_dict[f"{module}.weight"] = merged_weight del state_dict[f"{module}.magnitude"] # Otherwise it is just vanilla LoRA else: state_dict[f"{module}.weight"] += ( (alpha / rank) * lora_b_weight @ lora_a_weight ) del state_dict[f"{module}.lora_a.weight"] del state_dict[f"{module}.lora_b.weight"] return state_dict
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def disable_adapter(model: nn.Module) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ Temporarily disable the adapters in a model. For example, this can be used in DPO for treating the LoRA adapters as the policy model and disabling it to treat the base model as the reference model. This context manager goes through all modules in the provided neural network model, and if a module has an ``adapter_params`` attribute that is callable and a ``disabled`` attribute, it sets ``disabled`` to True. Then, the control is given back to caller. When exiting the context manager, it sets ``disabled`` back to False for all modules that were temporarily disabled. Args: model (nn.Module): The model whose adapters are to be temporarily disabled. Yields: None: This function yields control back to the caller, with the adapters disabled. Example: >>> with disable_adapter(model): ... # Perform operations with adapters disabled ... pass """ for _, module in model.named_modules(): if ( hasattr(module, "adapter_params") and callable(module.adapter_params) and hasattr(module, "disabled") ): module.disabled = True try: yield finally: for _, module in model.named_modules(): if ( hasattr(module, "adapter_params") and callable(module.adapter_params) and hasattr(module, "disabled") ): module.disabled = False
[docs]def validate_missing_and_unexpected_for_lora( lora_attn_modules: List[LORA_ATTN_MODULES], apply_lora_to_mlp: bool, apply_lora_to_output: bool, base_missing: Optional[List[str]] = None, base_unexpected: Optional[List[str]] = None, lora_missing: Optional[List[str]] = None, lora_unexpected: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ A more memory-efficient way to validate that LoRA state dict loading was done properly. This function uses a model's LoRA config to check that LoRA and/or base model weights are loaded into the full model correctly. This function relies only on the values of missing and unexpected as returned by the load_state_dict API with strict=False. This allows us to do the validation without any additional calls to .state_dict(), which use additional memory. Args: lora_attn_modules (List[LORA_ATTN_MODULES]): list of which linear layers LoRA should be applied to in each self-attention block. Options are ``{"q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "output_proj"}``. apply_lora_to_mlp (bool): whether LoRA is applied to each MLP linear. apply_lora_to_output (bool): whether LoRA is applied to the final output projection. base_missing (Optional[List[str]]): List of missing keys when loading base model weights. Default: None base_unexpected (Optional[List[str]]): List of unexpected keys when loading base model weights. Default: None lora_missing (Optional[List[str]]): List of missing keys when loading LoRA weights. Default: None lora_unexpected (Optional[List[str]]): List of unexpected keys when loading LoRA weights. Default: None Returns: None Raises: AssertionError: if base_missing contains any base model keys. AssertionError: if base_unexpected is nonempty. AssertionError: if lora_missing contains any LoRA keys. AssertionError: if lora_unexpected is nonempty. """ lora_modules = get_lora_module_names( lora_attn_modules, apply_lora_to_mlp, apply_lora_to_output ) is_lora_param = lambda x: any( [ ".".join([k, "lora"]) in x or ".".join([k, "magnitude"]) in x for k in lora_modules ] ) if base_missing: for k in base_missing: if not is_lora_param(k): raise AssertionError(f"Missing non-LoRA key {k} from base model dict") if base_unexpected: raise AssertionError("Unexpected key loading base model") if lora_missing: for k in lora_missing: if is_lora_param(k): raise AssertionError(f"Missing LoRA key {k} from adapter state dict") if lora_unexpected: raise AssertionError("Unexpected key loading adapter")
@deprecated( msg="load_dora_magnitudes will be deprecated in 0.6.0. Please use DoRALinear.initialize_dora_magnitude instead." ) def load_dora_magnitudes(model: nn.Module) -> None: """ For DoRA magnitude we use setattr to move from meta device """ dora_parents = { n: p for n, p in model.named_modules() if hasattr(p, "adapter_params") } sd = {f"{n}.magnitude": p.magnitude for n, p in dora_parents.items()} model.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False, assign=True)


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