
Source code for torchtune.rlhf.sequence_processing

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchtune import rlhf

[docs]def truncate_sequence_at_first_stop_token( sequences: torch.Tensor, stop_tokens: torch.Tensor, fill_value: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Truncates sequence(s) after the first stop token and pads with ``fill_value``. Args: sequences (torch.Tensor): tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length] or [sequence_length]. stop_tokens (torch.Tensor): tensor containing stop tokens. fill_value (int): value to pad the sequence with after the first stop token, usually ``pad_id``. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: A tuple of two tensors with the same shape as ``sequences``: - padding_mask (torch.Tensor): a bool tensor where True indicates the token has been truncated. - sequences (torch.Tensor) a tensor of truncated and padded sequences. Example: >>> stop_token_ids = torch.tensor([2, 869]) >>> fill_value = 0 >>> sequences = torch.tensor( >>> [ >>> [869, 30, 869], >>> [2, 30, 869], >>> [869, 30, 2], >>> [50, 30, 869], >>> [13, 30, 2], >>> [13, 30, 5], >>> [13, 2, 20], >>> [13, 2, 2], >>> [2, 2, 2], >>> ] >>> ) >>> eos_mask, truncated_sequences = rlhf.truncate_sequence_at_first_stop_token( >>> sequences, stop_token_ids, fill_value >>> ) >>> eos_mask >>> torch.tensor([ >>> [False, True, True], >>> [False, True, True], >>> [False, True, True], >>> [False, False, False], >>> [False, False, False], >>> [False, False, False], >>> [False, False, True], >>> [False, False, True], >>> [False, True, True], >>> ] >>> ) >>> truncated_sequences >>> torch.tensor([ >>> [869, 0, 0], >>> [2, 0, 0], >>> [869, 0, 0], >>> [50, 30, 869], >>> [13, 30, 2], >>> [13, 30, 5], >>> [13, 2, 0], >>> [13, 2, 0], >>> [2, 0, 0], >>> ] >>> ) """ eos_mask = torch.isin(sequences, stop_tokens) seq_lens = torch.cumsum(eos_mask, dim=1) padding_mask = (seq_lens > 1) | ((seq_lens == 1) & ~eos_mask) sequences[padding_mask] = fill_value return padding_mask, sequences
def logits_to_logprobs( logits: torch.Tensor, sequences: torch.Tensor, temperature: float = 1.0 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts logits corresponding to a generated sequence to logprobs over the generated tokens. Args: logits (torch.Tensor): The logits tensor of shape [b, response_length, vocab_size]. sequences (torch.Tensor): The corresponding tokens of shape [b, response_length]. temperature (float): The temperature to scale the logits. Default 1.0 Returns: torch.Tensor: The log probabilities corresponding to each token in ``sequences``. Shape [b, response_length]. """ return torch.gather( F.log_softmax(logits / temperature, dim=-1), 2, sequences.unsqueeze(-1), ).squeeze(-1) def get_batch_log_probs( logits: torch.FloatTensor, labels: torch.LongTensor, label_pad_token_id: int = CROSS_ENTROPY_IGNORE_IDX, return_average_logprobs: bool = False, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Calculate log probabilities based on provided logits and labels. Args: logits (torch.FloatTensor): direct logits output of the model of shape (b, s, v) labels (torch.LongTensor): ground-truth labels to compute log probs with, shape (b, s). Label tokens with a value of label_pad_token_id are ignored. label_pad_token_id (int): token id to ignore in labels. return_average_logprobs (bool): If True, return the average log probs across the sequence. Default is False. See # noqa Returns: Calculated log probs of shape (b, ) Raises: ValueError: If logits and labels have different shapes. """ if logits.shape[:-1] != labels.shape: raise ValueError( "Logits (batch and sequence length dim) and labels must have the same shape." ) labels = labels[:, 1:].clone() logits = logits[:, :-1, :] loss_mask = labels != label_pad_token_id labels[labels == label_pad_token_id] = 0 # take log-likelihood of the labels given our model per_token_log_probs = logits_to_logprobs(logits, labels, temperature=1.0) if return_average_logprobs: return rlhf.masked_mean(per_token_log_probs, loss_mask, dim=-1) else: return (per_token_log_probs * loss_mask).sum(-1) def truncate_sequence_for_logprobs( query_response_logits: torch.Tensor, context_length: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Truncates logits generated over a sequence for estimating logprobs over the tokens in the sequence. This assumes the sequence is of the (query, response) format with length (context_length + response_length) Args: query_response_logits (torch.Tensor): The logits tensor of shape [b, context_length + response_length, vocab_size]. context_length (int): The length of the context. Returns: torch.Tensor: The truncated logits for the response with shape [b, response_length, vocab_size].""" return query_response_logits[:, context_length - 1 : -1]


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