
Source code for torchtune.models.llama3_2_vision._transform

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

from import Message, PromptTemplate

from torchtune.models.clip import CLIPImageTransform
from torchtune.models.llama3 import llama3_tokenizer
from torchtune.modules.tokenizers import ModelTokenizer
from torchtune.modules.transforms import Transform, VisionCrossAttentionMask

[docs]class Llama3VisionTransform(ModelTokenizer, Transform): """ This transform combines the transforms for the different modalities of Llama 3.2 Vision. It is made up of the following transforms: - :class:`torchtune.models.llama3.Llama3Tokenizer` - :class:`torchtune.models.clip.CLIPImageTransform` - :class:`torchtune.modules.transforms.VisionCrossAttentionMask` This transform can be used as a drop-in replacement for tokenizers in recipes and generation but handles additional transformations from the `__call__` method. Args: path (str): Path to pretrained tiktoken tokenizer file. tile_size (int): Size of the tiles to divide the image into. patch_size (int): Size of the patches used in the CLIP vision tranformer model. This is used to calculate the number of image embeddings per image. max_num_tiles (int): Only used if possible_resolutions is NOT given. Maximum number of tiles to break an image into. This will be used to generate possible_resolutions, e.g. [(224, 224), (224, 448), (448, 224)] if max_num_tiles = 2 and tile_size = 224. Default 4. special_tokens (Optional[Dict[str, int]]): mapping containing special text tokens and their registered token IDs. If left as None, this will be set to the canonical Llama3 special tokens. max_seq_len (Optional[int]): maximum sequence length for tokenizing a single list of messages, after which the input will be truncated. Default is None. image_mean (Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]): Mean values of each channel, used for normalization. image_std (Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]): Standard deviations for each channel, used for normalization. prompt_template (Optional[PromptTemplate]): template used to format the messages based on their role. This is used to add structured text around the actual messages. The structured text is used in three scenarios: - Task-specific templates to gear models for a particular task that it will expect after training - Model-specific templates that are required whenever the model is prompted, such as the [INST] tags in Llama2 and in Mistral - Community standardized templates, such as :class:`` The extra text will still get tokenized as normal text, not as special tokens. Default is None. Examples: >>> model_transform = Llama3VisionTransform("/path/to/tokenizer.model", tile_size=224, patch_size=14) >>> transformed_data = model_transform({"messages": user_message, "images": [img1, img2]}) >>> print(transformed_data["tokens"]) [1, 31587, 29644, 102, 2] >>> print(transformed_data["images"][0].shape) torch.Size([4, 3, 224, 224]) """ def __init__( self, path: str, *, tile_size: int, patch_size: int, max_num_tiles: int = 4, special_tokens: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None, image_mean: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, image_std: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, prompt_template: Optional[PromptTemplate] = None, ): self.tokenizer = llama3_tokenizer( path, special_tokens_path=special_tokens, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, prompt_template=prompt_template, ) self.transform_image = CLIPImageTransform( image_mean=image_mean, image_std=image_std, tile_size=tile_size, possible_resolutions=None, max_num_tiles=max_num_tiles, resample="bilinear", resize_to_max_canvas=False, ) self.xattn_mask = VisionCrossAttentionMask( tile_size=tile_size, patch_size=patch_size, image_token_id=self.tokenizer.image_id, ) self.stop_tokens = self.tokenizer.stop_tokens self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.max_num_tiles = max_num_tiles self.image_seq_len = max_num_tiles * (self.xattn_mask.patches_per_tile + 1) self.prompt_template = prompt_template self.pad_id = self.tokenizer.pad_id @property def base_vocab_size(self) -> int: return self.tokenizer.base_vocab_size @property def vocab_size(self) -> int: return self.tokenizer.vocab_size def encode( self, text: str, add_bos: bool = True, add_eos: bool = True, ) -> List[int]: return self.tokenizer.encode(text=text, add_bos=add_bos, add_eos=add_eos)
[docs] def decode( self, token_ids: List[int], truncate_at_eos: bool = True, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Decode a list of token ids into a string. Args: token_ids (List[int]): The list of token ids. truncate_at_eos (bool): Whether to truncate the string at the end of sequence token. Default is True. skip_special_tokens (bool): Whether to show or skip special tokens in the decoded string. Default is True. Returns: str: The decoded string. """ return self.tokenizer.decode( token_ids, truncate_at_eos=truncate_at_eos, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens, )
[docs] def tokenize_message( self, message: Message, tokenize_header: bool = True, tokenize_end: bool = True, ) -> List[int]: """ Tokenize a message into a list of token ids. Args: message (Message): The message to tokenize. tokenize_header (bool): Whether to prepend a tokenized header to the message. tokenize_end (bool): Whether to append eot or eom id at the end of the message. Returns: List[int]: The list of token ids. """ return self.tokenizer.tokenize_message( message=message, tokenize_header=tokenize_header, tokenize_end=tokenize_end, )
[docs] def tokenize_messages( self, messages: List[Message], add_eos: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[bool]]: """ Tokenize a list of messages into a list of token ids and masks. Args: messages (List[Message]): The list of messages to tokenize. add_eos (bool): Wether to add the tokenizer's eos_id. Default True. Returns: Tuple[List[int], List[bool]]: The list of token ids and the list of masks. """ return self.tokenizer.tokenize_messages( messages=messages, add_eos=add_eos, )
def __call__( self, sample: Mapping[str, Any], inference: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Apply image decoding, transformations and tokenization to messages in the sample. Args: sample (Mapping[str, Any]): A sample with a "messages" field. inference (bool): Whether to run in inference mode. Default is True. Returns: Mapping[str, Any]: The transformed sample with the following fields: - tokens: List[int] of tokenized messages - mask: List[bool] of masks for the tokenized messages - encoder_input: Dict[str, Any] of transformed images - encoder_mask: List[bool] of masks for the transformed images """ encoder_input = {"images": [], "aspect_ratio": []} messages = sample["messages"] for message in messages: for image in message.get_media(): out = self.transform_image({"image": image}, inference=inference) encoder_input["images"].append(out["image"]) encoder_input["aspect_ratio"].append(out["aspect_ratio"]) sample["encoder_input"] = encoder_input sample = self.tokenizer(sample, inference=inference) sample = self.xattn_mask(sample, inference=inference) return sample


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