
Source code for torchtext.models.roberta.bundler

from dataclasses import dataclass
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from typing import Optional, Callable, Dict, Union, Any
from torchtext._download_hooks import load_state_dict_from_url
from torch.nn import Module
import torch
import logging
import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .model import (

import torchtext.transforms as T

from torchtext import _TEXT_BUCKET

def _is_head_available_in_checkpoint(checkpoint, head_state_dict):
    # ensure all keys are present
    return all(key in checkpoint.keys() for key in head_state_dict.keys())

[docs]@dataclass class RobertaModelBundle: """RobertaModelBundle(_params: torchtext.models.RobertaEncoderParams, _path: Optional[str] = None, _head: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None) Example - Pretrained base xlmr encoder >>> import torch, torchtext >>> from torchtext.functional import to_tensor >>> xlmr_base = torchtext.models.XLMR_BASE_ENCODER >>> model = xlmr_base.get_model() >>> transform = xlmr_base.transform() >>> input_batch = ["Hello world", "How are you!"] >>> model_input = to_tensor(transform(input_batch), padding_value=transform.pad_idx) >>> output = model(model_input) >>> output.shape torch.Size([2, 6, 768]) Example - Pretrained large xlmr encoder attached to un-initialized classification head >>> import torch, torchtext >>> from torchtext.models import RobertaClassificationHead >>> from torchtext.functional import to_tensor >>> xlmr_large = torchtext.models.XLMR_LARGE_ENCODER >>> classifier_head = torchtext.models.RobertaClassificationHead(num_classes=2, input_dim = 1024) >>> model = xlmr_large.get_model(head=classifier_head) >>> transform = xlmr_large.transform() >>> input_batch = ["Hello world", "How are you!"] >>> model_input = to_tensor(transform(input_batch), padding_value=transform.pad_idx) >>> output = model(model_input) >>> output.shape torch.Size([1, 2]) Example - User-specified configuration and checkpoint >>> from torchtext.models import RobertaEncoderConf, RobertaModelBundle, RobertaClassificationHead >>> model_weights_path = "" >>> encoder_conf = RobertaEncoderConf(vocab_size=250002) >>> classifier_head = RobertaClassificationHead(num_classes=2, input_dim=768) >>> model = RobertaModelBundle.build_model(encoder_conf=encoder_conf, head=classifier_head, checkpoint=model_weights_path) """ _encoder_conf: RobertaEncoderConf _path: Optional[str] = None _head: Optional[Module] = None transform: Optional[Callable] = None
[docs] def get_model(self, *, head: Optional[Module] = None, load_weights: bool = True, freeze_encoder: bool = False, dl_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> RobertaModel: r"""get_model(head: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, load_weights: bool = True, freeze_encoder: bool = False, *, dl_kwargs=None) -> torctext.models.RobertaModel Args: head (nn.Module): A module to be attached to the encoder to perform specific task. If provided, it will replace the default member head (Default: ``None``) load_weights (bool): Indicates whether or not to load weights if available. (Default: ``True``) freeze_encoder (bool): Indicates whether or not to freeze the encoder weights. (Default: ``False``) dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments): Passed to :func:`torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url`. (Default: ``None``) """ if load_weights: assert self._path is not None, "load_weights cannot be True. The pre-trained model weights are not available for the current object" if freeze_encoder: if not load_weights or not self._path: logger.warn("The encoder is not loaded with pre-trained weights. Setting freeze_encoder to True will hinder encoder from learning appropriate weights.") if head is not None: input_head = head if self._head is not None: logger.log("A custom head module was provided, discarding the default head module.") else: input_head = self._head return RobertaModelBundle.build_model(encoder_conf=self._encoder_conf, head=input_head, freeze_encoder=freeze_encoder, checkpoint=self._path if load_weights else None, override_checkpoint_head=True, strict=True, dl_kwargs=dl_kwargs)
@classmethod def build_model( cls, encoder_conf: RobertaEncoderConf, *, head: Optional[Module] = None, freeze_encoder: bool = False, checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] = None, override_checkpoint_head: bool = False, strict=True, dl_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> RobertaModel: """Class builder method Args: encoder_conf (RobertaEncoderConf): An instance of class RobertaEncoderConf that defined the encoder configuration head (nn.Module): A module to be attached to the encoder to perform specific task. (Default: ``None``) freeze_encoder (bool): Indicates whether to freeze the encoder weights. (Default: ``False``) checkpoint (str or Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Path to or actual model state_dict. state_dict can have partial weights i.e only for encoder. (Default: ``None``) override_checkpoint_head (bool): Override the checkpoint's head state dict (if present) with provided head state dict. (Default: ``False``) strict (bool): Passed to :func: `torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict` method. (Default: ``True``) dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments): Passed to :func:`torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url`. (Default: ``None``) """ model = RobertaModel(encoder_conf, head, freeze_encoder) if checkpoint is not None: if torch.jit.isinstance(checkpoint, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): state_dict = checkpoint elif isinstance(checkpoint, str): dl_kwargs = {} if dl_kwargs is None else dl_kwargs state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url(checkpoint, **dl_kwargs) else: raise TypeError("checkpoint must be of type `str` or `Dict[str, torch.Tensor]` but got {}".format(type(checkpoint))) if head is not None: regex = re.compile(r"^head\.") head_state_dict = {k: v for k, v in model.state_dict().items() if regex.findall(k)} # If checkpoint does not contains head_state_dict, then we augment the checkpoint with user-provided head state_dict if not _is_head_available_in_checkpoint(state_dict, head_state_dict) or override_checkpoint_head: state_dict.update(head_state_dict) model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) return model @property def encoderConf(self) -> RobertaEncoderConf: return self._encoder_conf
XLMR_BASE_ENCODER = RobertaModelBundle( _path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""), _encoder_conf=RobertaEncoderConf(vocab_size=250002), transform=lambda: T.Sequential( T.SentencePieceTokenizer(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "xlmr.sentencepiece.bpe.model")), T.VocabTransform(load_state_dict_from_url(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""))), T.Truncate(254), T.AddToken(token=0, begin=True), T.AddToken(token=2, begin=False), ) ) XLMR_BASE_ENCODER.__doc__ = ( ''' XLM-R Encoder with Base configuration The XLM-RoBERTa model was proposed in `Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale <>`. It is a large multi-lingual language model, trained on 2.5TB of filtered CommonCrawl data and based on the RoBERTa model architecture. Originally published by the authors of XLM-RoBERTa under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchtext.models.RobertaModelBundle` for the usage. ''' ) XLMR_LARGE_ENCODER = RobertaModelBundle( _path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""), _encoder_conf=RobertaEncoderConf(vocab_size=250002, embedding_dim=1024, ffn_dimension=4096, num_attention_heads=16, num_encoder_layers=24), transform=lambda: T.Sequential( T.SentencePieceTokenizer(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "xlmr.sentencepiece.bpe.model")), T.VocabTransform(load_state_dict_from_url(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""))), T.Truncate(510), T.AddToken(token=0, begin=True), T.AddToken(token=2, begin=False), ) ) XLMR_LARGE_ENCODER.__doc__ = ( ''' XLM-R Encoder with Large configuration The XLM-RoBERTa model was proposed in `Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale <>`. It is a large multi-lingual language model, trained on 2.5TB of filtered CommonCrawl data and based on the RoBERTa model architecture. Originally published by the authors of XLM-RoBERTa under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchtext.models.RobertaModelBundle` for the usage. ''' ) ROBERTA_BASE_ENCODER = RobertaModelBundle( _path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""), _encoder_conf=RobertaEncoderConf(vocab_size=50265), transform=lambda: T.Sequential( T.GPT2BPETokenizer( encoder_json_path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "gpt2_bpe_encoder.json"), vocab_bpe_path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "gpt2_bpe_vocab.bpe"), ), T.VocabTransform( load_state_dict_from_url(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "")) ), T.Truncate(254), T.AddToken(token=0, begin=True), T.AddToken(token=2, begin=False), ), ) ROBERTA_BASE_ENCODER.__doc__ = ( ''' Roberta Encoder with Base configuration RoBERTa iterates on BERT's pretraining procedure, including training the model longer, with bigger batches over more data; removing the next sentence prediction objective; training on longer sequences; and dynamically changing the masking pattern applied to the training data. The RoBERTa model was pretrained on the reunion of five datasets: BookCorpus, English Wikipedia, CC-News, OpenWebText, and STORIES. Together theses datasets contain over a 160GB of text. Originally published by the authors of RoBERTa under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchtext.models.RobertaModelBundle` for the usage. ''' ) ROBERTA_LARGE_ENCODER = RobertaModelBundle( _path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, ""), _encoder_conf=RobertaEncoderConf( vocab_size=50265, embedding_dim=1024, ffn_dimension=4096, num_attention_heads=16, num_encoder_layers=24, ), transform=lambda: T.Sequential( T.GPT2BPETokenizer( encoder_json_path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "gpt2_bpe_encoder.json"), vocab_bpe_path=urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "gpt2_bpe_vocab.bpe"), ), T.VocabTransform( load_state_dict_from_url(urljoin(_TEXT_BUCKET, "")) ), T.Truncate(510), T.AddToken(token=0, begin=True), T.AddToken(token=2, begin=False), ), ) ROBERTA_LARGE_ENCODER.__doc__ = ( ''' Roberta Encoder with Large configuration RoBERTa iterates on BERT's pretraining procedure, including training the model longer, with bigger batches over more data; removing the next sentence prediction objective; training on longer sequences; and dynamically changing the masking pattern applied to the training data. The RoBERTa model was pretrained on the reunion of five datasets: BookCorpus, English Wikipedia, CC-News, OpenWebText, and STORIES. Together theses datasets contain over a 160GB of text. Originally published by the authors of RoBERTa under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchtext.models.RobertaModelBundle` for the usage. ''' )


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