

class torchrl.objectives.value.functional.vec_td1_return_estimate(gamma, next_state_value, reward, done: torch.Tensor, terminated: torch.Tensor | None = None, rolling_gamma: Optional[bool] = None, time_dim: int = - 2)[source]

Vectorized TD(1) return estimate.

  • gamma (scalar, Tensor) – exponential mean discount. If tensor-valued,

  • next_state_value (Tensor) – value function result with new_state input.

  • reward (Tensor) – reward of taking actions in the environment.

  • done (Tensor) – boolean flag for end of trajectory.

  • terminated (Tensor) – boolean flag for the end of episode. Defaults to done if not provided.

  • rolling_gamma (bool, optional) –

    if True, it is assumed that each gamma if a gamma tensor is tied to a single event:

    gamma = [g1, g2, g3, g4] value = [v1, v2, v3, v4] return = [

    v1 + g1 v2 + g1 g2 v3 + g1 g2 g3 v4, v2 + g2 v3 + g2 g3 v4, v3 + g3 v4, v4,


    if False, it is assumed that each gamma is tied to the upcoming trajectory:

    gamma = [g1, g2, g3, g4] value = [v1, v2, v3, v4] return = [

    v1 + g1 v2 + g1**2 v3 + g**3 v4, v2 + g2 v3 + g2**2 v4, v3 + g3 v4, v4,


    Default is True.

  • time_dim (int) – dimension where the time is unrolled. Defaults to -2.

All tensors (values, reward and done) must have shape [*Batch x TimeSteps x *F], with *F feature dimensions.


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