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Getting Started with the
       PyTorch Foundation

Welcome to the PyTorch Foundation! This guide is designed to help you start your journey with the PyTorch community. Below, you’ll find all the steps to set up your account, join discussions, participate in meetings, learn about opportunities to connect with other community members, and make the most of all the PyTorch resources.

About the PyTorch Foundation

The PyTorch Foundation is the collaborative hub for the PyTorch deep learning community, advancing innovation and supporting the open source PyTorch ecosystem. Through a network of dedicated contributors, we strive to foster an inclusive and cooperative environment where developers, researchers, and industry leaders come together to enhance PyTorch. Together, we build a vibrant set of technology that supports the PyTorch community.

Get to Know Our Governance Structure

PyTorch Foundation Governance Structure

Foundation Governance

Governing Board

The Governing Board plays a crucial role in steering the PyTorch Foundation's strategic direction. It facilitates business decisions encompassing alliance formation, membership expansion, and budget allocation, ensuring resources are optimized to support the PyTorch Foundation mission and enrich the PyTorch community.

Membership to the Governing Board is composed of representatives from Premier Members.

Join the PyTorch Foundation

Marketing & Outreach Committee

The Marketing and Outreach Committee works closely with Foundation staff to develop programs that will maximize the visibility of PyTorch and advance the interests of the Governing Board and the PyTorch community. The committee designs, develops, and executes marketing programs on behalf of the PyTorch Foundation.

Technical Coordination

Technical Advisory Council (TAC)

The PyTorch Technical Advisory Council (TAC) serves as the technical governing body for the PyTorch Foundation. It oversees open source standards, best practices, curriculum, and the technical vision of the foundation. The TAC's outputs are committed to an open source ecosystem and standardized best practices.

TAC meetings are public and open to anyone in the community that wants to participate. Participants also include one voting contact from each Premier Member, and PyTorch Lead Maintainers, based on availability.

Subscribe to the TAC mailing list Join our TAC meetings

CI and Multi-cloud Working Groups

The CI Working Group was assembled to migrate the PyTorch CI pipeline to the Linux Foundation. After completing the migration in September 2024, the group has shifted focus to enhance and manage the CI infrastructure. The Multi-cloud Working Group is developing technical solutions to expand the CI infrastructure into multiple cloud technologies.

Membership in these working groups is comprised of Premier Member representatives.

Get Started

Attending PyTorch Foundation meetings requires an LFX account which is free and easy to setup. Follow the steps below to create one if you don’t already have one.

Create your free Linux Foundation ID by following these steps:

1. Create Your Account with Single Sign-On (SSO)

  • Navigate to the website to begin setting up your PyTorch Foundation ID.
  • Click "Create Community Profile" at the top-right corner.

2. Create Your LFID (Linux Foundation ID)

  • Select “Create Account” to proceed to the verification page.

3. Verify Your Email

  • Check your email for a message from The Linux Foundation Team and follow the instructions to verify.

4. Sign In to Your Account

  • Once verified, return to the website and sign in to your PyTorch Foundation account.

Get Linux Foundation Help

Need to reach Member Projects Support for The Linux Foundation? Visit the LF Service Desk.

Join Our Community and Stay Connected

  • Discuss technical topics with us on our forums:
  • Chat with us on Slack:
  • Contribute to the GitHub repository:
  • Join our monthly meetings:
  • Connect with us on social media
  • Keep up with the latest news
  • Attend an event
    • PyTorch Events - you won’t want to miss the annual PyTorch Conference in San Francisco and other events throughout the year, including webinars
  • Join as a PyTorch member
    • Find out how your organization can become a member to support and engage in a thriving community in the global AI market
  • Participate in marketing opportunities as a PyTorch member
    • PyTorch members receive a variety of opportunities to highlight their brand, including but not limited to:
      • Partnering with us for a new member announcement
      • Contributing content for the PyTorch blog
      • Amplifying content on PyTorch social media channels
      • Contributing a case study on how your organization uses PyTorch
      • Hosting a webinar with us

Thank you for being a part of the PyTorch Foundation, we’re looking forward to working together.


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