
Using the Minifier

We have a pretty convenient test case minifier with this interface

def minifier(fail_f: fx.GraphModule, inps, module_fails):
    Minimizes a FX graph with given inputs, such that the resulting FX graph still returns True for module_fails.

    Does 2 main strategies:
    1. Truncates suffix: Removes some suffix from the graph and sets a new output.
    2. Delta Debugging: Tries replacing half of the graph with inputs. If fails,
        tries replacing quarter of the graph, etc.

    >>> failing_function = fx.symbolic_trace(f)
    >>> minimize(failing_function, [torch.randn(5)], lambda fx_g, inps: fx_g(*inps))

    note: module_fails returns True if it fails.

Specifically, it takes your FX graph, and tries to minify it with the following 4 strategies (while checking that the resulting graph still returns True for module_fails), until it can’t minify it anymore.

  1. Truncates Suffix: Given a FX graph, it tries to remove some suffix from the graph. For example, given this:

def f(a):
    b = x * 2
    c = b + 3
    d = c / 4
    return d

It might try truncating the suffix, and get

def f(a):
    b = x * 2
    c = b + 3
    return c

It tries this in a binary search manner, trying to remove the last 1/2, then 3/4, 1/4 then 7/8, 5/8, 3/8…

  1. Delta Debugging: Of course, removing the suffix isn’t always sufficient to minify a graph. What if the error is caused by the first instruction? So, we take an approach inspired by delta debugging - we try removing intermediate nodes of the graph. Unlike with suffixes, there are still dependencies on the removed nodes. So, instead of removing them entirely, we promote them to inputs. For example, given the above example:

def f(a):
    b = x * 2
    c = b + 3
    d = c / 4
    return d

We might remove a middle node (say, c, in this case).

def f(a, c):
    b = x * 2
    d = c / 4
    return d

Finally, there are 2 auxiliary strategies - eliminating dead code and removing unused inputs. These are somewhat self-explanatory.

So, let’s take a look at a toy example. Let’s pretend that our graph fails if it has a “multiply” in it. Let’s create a failing graph.

import torch
import torch.fx as fx
from functorch.compile import minifier

def failing_f(x, y):
    y = torch.ops.aten.div(x, y)
    x = torch.ops.aten.add(x, 3)
    x = torch.ops.aten.mul(x, y)
    return torch.ops.aten.sub(x, y)

inps = [torch.randn(3), torch.randn(3)]

def pass_checker(fx_g, inps):
    return (torch.ops.aten.mul in { for i in fx_g.graph.nodes})

min_f, inps = minifier(fx.symbolic_trace(failing_f), inps, pass_checker)
[W OperatorEntry.cpp:133] Warning: Overriding a previously registered kernel for the same operator and the same dispatch key
  operator: aten::multiply.Tensor(Tensor self, Tensor other) -> (Tensor)
    registered at aten/src/ATen/RegisterSchema.cpp:6
  dispatch key: FuncTorchBatched
  previous kernel: registered at aten/src/ATen/RegisterCompositeImplicitAutograd.cpp:10338
       new kernel: registered at /fsx/users/chilli/work/functorch/functorch/csrc/BatchRulesDecompositions.cpp:108 (function registerKernel)
Started off with 7 nodes
Current size: 7
Strategy: Remove suffix

SUCCESS: Removed [4:7)

Current size: 6
Strategy: Delta Debugging
SUCCESS: Removed (0:4] - Went from 2 placeholders to 4

Current size: 6
Strategy: Remove unused inputs
SUCCESS: Went from 4 inputs to 2 inputs

Current size: 4
Strategy: Remove suffix
FAIL: Could not remove suffix
Strategy: Delta Debugging
FAIL: Could not remove prefix

inps = [(torch.Size([3]), torch.float32), (torch.Size([3]), torch.float32)]
inps = [torch.zeros(())] + [torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device='cuda') for (shape, dtype) in inps]

def forward(self, div, add):
    mul = torch.ops.aten.mul(add, div);  add = div = None
    return (mul,)
f = torch.jit.script(forward)
with torch.jit.fuser("fuser2"):
  for _ in range(5):

Tada! Our graph is now a minimal example that still fails.

Since the primary use case of this minifier (for now) is for NVFuser repros, we print out a string for convenience that creates a self-contained repro to run the minified graph with NVFuser.

Note that in practice, we provide 2 main “graph checkers” - check_nvfuser_subprocess and check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess. These are used to check for errors and correctness (i.e. do the results match eager) respectively. These can be used like

from functorch.compile import minifier, check_nvfuser_subprocess, check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess
minifier(failing_graph, inps, check_nvfuser_subprocess)

However, assuming you’re using AOTAutograd, there’s another problem - how do you obtain the FX graph in the first place to pass to the minifier? One possible way is simply to use print_compile.

from functorch.compile import aot_function

from functorch.compile import print_compile
# Or...
def print_compile(fx_g, _):
    return fx_g

def foo(x):
    return x.cos().cos()
inp = torch.randn(3, requires_grad=True)
aot_function(foo, print_compile)(inp)
def forward(self, primals_1):
    cos = torch.ops.aten.cos(primals_1)
    cos_1 = torch.ops.aten.cos(cos)
    return [cos_1, primals_1, cos]

def forward(self, primals_1, cos, tangents_1):
    sin = torch.ops.aten.sin(cos);  cos = None
    neg = torch.ops.aten.neg(sin);  sin = None
    mul = torch.ops.aten.mul(tangents_1, neg);  tangents_1 = neg = None
    sin_1 = torch.ops.aten.sin(primals_1);  primals_1 = None
    neg_1 = torch.ops.aten.neg(sin_1);  sin_1 = None
    mul_1 = torch.ops.aten.mul(mul, neg_1);  mul = neg_1 = None
    return [mul_1]
tensor([0.6062, 0.9982, 0.6474], grad_fn=<CompiledFunctionBackward>)

However, this doesn’t provide the inputs, nor does it handle any tensor constants that might be saved in the graph. To resolve this, we have another “compiler” called debug_compile. It simply prints out a string that can be copy pasted and run from another file. It leverages FX’s to_folder feature to serialize the graph to disk, along with any constants.

You can apply it to either the fw_compiler to dump the forwards graph or bw_compiler to dump the backwards graph.

from functorch.compile import memory_efficient_fusion, debug_compile

memory_efficient_fusion(foo, bw_compiler=debug_compile)(inp)
# To minimize FX graph, copy and paste the below and run it  #

import torch
import torch.fx as fx
from functorch.compile import minifier, check_nvfuser_subprocess, check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess

inps = [(torch.Size([3]), torch.float32), (torch.Size([3]), torch.float32)]
inps = [torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device='cuda') for (shape, dtype) in inps]
from foo import FxModule
mod = FxModule().cuda()

with torch.jit.fuser("fuser2"):
  # check_nvfuser_subprocess can be replaced with check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess
  minifier(fx.symbolic_trace(mod), inps, check_nvfuser_subprocess)
tensor([0.6062, 0.9982, 0.6474], grad_fn=<CompiledFunctionBackward>)

So, let’s copy paste it and see how it works - note that I made a couple minor modifications to run on CPU and use the previous “graph fails if there’s a multiply in it” checker.

import torch
import torch.fx as fx
from functorch.compile import minifier, check_nvfuser_subprocess, check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess

inps = [(torch.Size([3]), torch.float32), (torch.Size([3]), torch.float32)]
inps = [torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) for (shape, dtype) in inps]
from foo import FxModule
mod = FxModule()

minifier(fx.symbolic_trace(mod), inps, pass_checker)
Started off with 10 nodes
Current size: 10
Strategy: Remove suffix

SUCCESS: Removed [6:10)

Current size: 8
Strategy: Delta Debugging
SUCCESS: Removed (0:4] - Went from 2 placeholders to 4

Current size: 8
Strategy: Remove unused inputs
SUCCESS: Went from 4 inputs to 3 inputs

Current size: 7
Strategy: Remove suffix

SUCCESS: Removed [4:7)

Current size: 6
Strategy: Remove unused inputs
SUCCESS: Went from 3 inputs to 2 inputs

Current size: 5
Strategy: Delta Debugging
SUCCESS: Removed (2:3] - Went from 2 placeholders to 3

Current size: 5
Strategy: Remove unused inputs
SUCCESS: Went from 3 inputs to 2 inputs

Current size: 4
Strategy: Remove suffix
FAIL: Could not remove suffix
Strategy: Delta Debugging
FAIL: Could not remove prefix

inps = [(torch.Size([3]), torch.float32), (torch.Size([3]), torch.float32)]
inps = [torch.zeros(())] + [torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device='cuda') for (shape, dtype) in inps]

def forward(self, tangents_1, neg):
    mul = torch.ops.aten.mul(tangents_1, neg);  tangents_1 = neg = None
    return (mul,)
f = torch.jit.script(forward)
with torch.jit.fuser("fuser2"):
  for _ in range(5):
(GraphModule(), [tensor([1., 1., 1.]), tensor([-0.5144, -0.5144, -0.5144])])

Hopefully that was useful :)


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