- Optimizer.state_dict()[source]
Return the state of the optimizer as a
.It contains two entries:
: a Dict holding current optimization state. Its contentdiffers between optimizer classes, but some common characteristics hold. For example, state is saved per parameter, and the parameter itself is NOT saved.
is a Dictionary mapping parameter ids to a Dict with state corresponding to each parameter.
: a List containing all parameter groups where eachparameter group is a Dict. Each parameter group contains metadata specific to the optimizer, such as learning rate and weight decay, as well as a List of parameter IDs of the parameters in the group.
NOTE: The parameter IDs may look like indices but they are just IDs associating state with param_group. When loading from a state_dict, the optimizer will zip the param_group
(int IDs) and the optimizerparam_groups
s) in order to match state WITHOUT additional verification.A returned state dict might look something like:
{ 'state': { 0: {'momentum_buffer': tensor(...), ...}, 1: {'momentum_buffer': tensor(...), ...}, 2: {'momentum_buffer': tensor(...), ...}, 3: {'momentum_buffer': tensor(...), ...} }, 'param_groups': [ { 'lr': 0.01, 'weight_decay': 0, ... 'params': [0] }, { 'lr': 0.001, 'weight_decay': 0.5, ... 'params': [1, 2, 3] } ] }