[docs]defempty_cache()->None:r"""Release all unoccupied cached memory currently held by the caching allocator so that those can be used in other XPU application. .. note:: :func:`~torch.xpu.empty_cache` doesn't increase the amount of XPU memory available for PyTorch. However, it may help reduce fragmentation of XPU memory in certain cases. """ifis_initialized():torch._C._xpu_emptyCache()
[docs]defreset_peak_memory_stats(device:_device_t=None)->None:r"""Reset the "peak" stats tracked by the XPU memory allocator. See :func:`~torch.xpu.memory_stats` for details. Peak stats correspond to the `"peak"` key in each individual stat dict. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """device=_get_device_index(device,optional=True)returntorch._C._xpu_resetPeakMemoryStats(device)
[docs]defreset_accumulated_memory_stats(device:_device_t=None)->None:r"""Reset the "accumulated" (historical) stats tracked by the XPU memory allocator. See :func:`~torch.xpu.memory_stats` for details. Accumulated stats correspond to the `"allocated"` and `"freed"` keys in each individual stat dict. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """device=_get_device_index(device,optional=True)returntorch._C._xpu_resetAccumulatedMemoryStats(device)
[docs]defmemory_stats_as_nested_dict(device:_device_t=None)->Dict[str,Any]:r"""Return the result of :func:`~torch.xpu.memory_stats` as a nested dictionary."""ifnotis_initialized():return{}device=_get_device_index(device,optional=True)returntorch._C._xpu_memoryStats(device)
[docs]defmemory_stats(device:_device_t=None)->Dict[str,Any]:r"""Return a dictionary of XPU memory allocator statistics for a given device. The return value of this function is a dictionary of statistics, each of which is a non-negative integer. Core statistics: - ``"allocated_bytes.{all,large_pool,small_pool}.{current,peak,allocated,freed}"``: amount of allocated memory. - ``"reserved_bytes.{all,large_pool,small_pool}.{current,peak,allocated,freed}"``: amount of reserved memory. - ``"active_bytes.{all,large_pool,small_pool}.{current,peak,allocated,freed}"``: amount of active memory. - ``"requested_bytes.{all,large_pool,small_pool}.{current,peak,allocated,freed}"``: memory requested by client code, compare this with allocated_bytes to check if allocation rounding adds too much overhead. For these core statistics, values are broken down as follows. Pool type: - ``all``: combined statistics across all memory pools. - ``large_pool``: statistics for the large allocation pool (for size >= 1MB allocations). - ``small_pool``: statistics for the small allocation pool (for size < 1MB allocations). Metric type: - ``current``: current value of this metric. - ``peak``: maximum value of this metric. - ``allocated``: historical total increase in this metric. - ``freed``: historical total decrease in this metric. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistics for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """result=[]def_recurse_add_to_result(prefix:str,obj:Any)->None:ifisinstance(obj,dict):iflen(prefix)>0:prefix+="."fork,vinobj.items():_recurse_add_to_result(prefix+k,v)else:result.append((prefix,obj))stats=memory_stats_as_nested_dict(device=device)_recurse_add_to_result("",stats)result.sort()returncollections.OrderedDict(result)
[docs]defmemory_allocated(device:_device_t=None)->int:r"""Return the current GPU memory occupied by tensors in bytes for a given device. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). .. note:: This is likely less than the amount shown in `xpu-smi` since some unused memory can be held by the caching allocator and some context needs to be created on GPU. """returnmemory_stats(device=device).get("allocated_bytes.all.current",0)
[docs]defmax_memory_allocated(device:_device_t=None)->int:r"""Return the maximum GPU memory occupied by tensors in bytes for a given device. By default, this returns the peak allocated memory since the beginning of this program. :func:`~torch.xpu.reset_peak_memory_stats` can be used to reset the starting point in tracking this metric. For example, these two functions can measure the peak allocated memory usage of each iteration in a training loop. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """returnmemory_stats(device=device).get("allocated_bytes.all.peak",0)
[docs]defmemory_reserved(device:_device_t=None)->int:r"""Return the current GPU memory managed by the caching allocator in bytes for a given device. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """returnmemory_stats(device=device).get("reserved_bytes.all.current",0)
[docs]defmax_memory_reserved(device:_device_t=None)->int:r"""Return the maximum GPU memory managed by the caching allocator in bytes for a given device. By default, this returns the peak cached memory since the beginning of this program. :func:`~torch.xpu.reset_peak_memory_stats` can be used to reset the starting point in tracking this metric. For example, these two functions can measure the peak cached memory amount of each iteration in a training loop. Args: device (torch.device or int or str, optional): selected device. Returns statistic for the current device, given by :func:`~torch.xpu.current_device`, if :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default). """returnmemory_stats(device=device).get("reserved_bytes.all.peak",0)
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