
Source code for torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.loss

# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates
import contextlib
from typing import cast, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch._prims_common as utils
import torch.distributed._functional_collectives as funcol
import torch.distributed.distributed_c10d as c10d
from torch import Tensor
from torch.distributed.device_mesh import DeviceMesh
from torch.distributed.tensor import DTensor, Replicate, Shard
from torch.distributed.tensor._dtensor_spec import DTensorSpec, TensorMeta
from torch.distributed.tensor._ops._embedding_ops import _MaskPartial
from torch.distributed.tensor._ops._math_ops import (
from torch.distributed.tensor.placement_types import Placement

aten = torch.ops.aten

__all__ = ["loss_parallel"]

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def loss_parallel(): """ A context manager that enables loss parallelism, where efficient parallelized loss computation can be performed when the input is sharded on the class dimension. Currently only the cross-entropy loss is supported. Within this context manager, one can use :func:`~torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy` or :class:`~torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss` as usual, with the following assumptions on the input parameters. The corresponding ``backward()`` call, if any, also needs to happen under this context manager. Args: input (:class:`DTensor`): Input logits. Assumed to be sharded on the class dimension. target (Union[:class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`DTensor`]): Must be ground truth class indices (class probabilities currently not supported). Assumed to be replicated across the ``DeviceMesh``. weight (Union[:class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`DTensor`], optional): If given, assumed to be replicated across the ``DeviceMesh``. label_smoothing: Currently not supported. Returns: A replicated :class:`DTensor`. Example: A sharded DTensor is manually created here to showcase the usage. In practice, it is usually the output of a TP module. >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("distributed") >>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import loss_parallel >>> from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh >>> ... >>> device_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,)) >>> input = torch.randn(4, 16, device="cuda", requires_grad=True) >>> dist_input = distribute_tensor(input, device_mesh, placements=[Shard(1)]) >>> target = torch.randint(16, (4,), device="cuda") >>> with loss_parallel(): >>> loss = F.cross_entropy(dist_input, target, reduction="mean") >>> loss.backward() >>> ... """ _enable_custom_loss_ops() yield _disable_custom_loss_ops()
# Currently only needs to support one dimensional DeviceMesh; in general return # the mesh_dim with placements[mesh_dim].is_shard(dim) def _find_all_reduce_mesh_dim(placements: Tuple[Placement, ...], dim: int) -> int: if not len(placements) == 1: raise ValueError( "Currently loss_parallel() only supports input on one-dimensional DeviceMesh." ) if not placements[0].is_shard(dim): raise ValueError( f"loss_parallel() should be enabled only when the input tensor is sharded on dimension {dim}." ) return 0 def _cast_to_dtensor( tensor, placements: Tuple[Placement, ...], mesh: DeviceMesh ) -> DTensor: if isinstance(tensor, DTensor): if tensor.placements == placements: return tensor else: raise RuntimeError(f"Expected {placements} but got {tensor.placements}.") elif isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): return DTensor.from_local( tensor, device_mesh=mesh, placements=placements, run_check=False ) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type {type(tensor)}") def _propagate_tensor_meta( op_call: torch._ops.OpOverload, args: Tuple[object, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, object], ) -> TensorMeta: op_info = DTensor._op_dispatcher.unwrap_to_op_info(op_call, args, kwargs) tensor_meta = DTensor._op_dispatcher.sharding_propagator._propagate_tensor_meta( op_info.schema ) if isinstance(tensor_meta, TensorMeta): return tensor_meta elif isinstance(tensor_meta, tuple): return tensor_meta[0] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected tensor meta type: {type(tensor_meta)}.") # NOTE: The implementation follows torch._decomp.decomposition._log_softmax, # with all_reduce manually inserted to perform distributed computation. def _log_softmax(x, dim, half_to_float, mesh, mesh_dim): x = x.contiguous() if half_to_float: assert x.dtype == torch.half computation_dtype, result_dtype = utils.elementwise_dtypes( x, type_promotion_kind=utils.ELEMENTWISE_TYPE_PROMOTION_KIND.DEFAULT ) x = if x.numel() == 0: shifted = x else: x_max = torch.amax(x, dim, keepdim=True) x_max = funcol.all_reduce( x_max,, group=(mesh, mesh_dim) ) shifted = x - x_max shifted_sumexp = torch.sum(torch.exp(shifted), dim, keepdim=True) shifted_sumexp = funcol.all_reduce( shifted_sumexp,, group=(mesh, mesh_dim) ) shifted_logsumexp = torch.log(shifted_sumexp) result = shifted - shifted_logsumexp if not half_to_float: result = return result def _log_softmax_handler( op_call: torch._ops.OpOverload, args: Tuple[object, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, object], ) -> object: x = cast(DTensor, args[0]) dim = cast(int, args[1]) half_to_float = cast(bool, args[2]) spec = x._spec mesh_dim = _find_all_reduce_mesh_dim(spec.placements, dim) output_tensor_meta = _propagate_tensor_meta(op_call, args, kwargs) res = _log_softmax(x._local_tensor, dim, half_to_float, spec.mesh, mesh_dim) res_spec = DTensorSpec( spec.mesh, spec.placements, tensor_meta=output_tensor_meta, ) return DTensor( res, res_spec, requires_grad=res.requires_grad, ) # NOTE: As explained below at _nll_loss_and_log_softmax_backward, the # _log_softmax_backward_handler does not actually do any computation. def _log_softmax_backward_handler( op_call: torch._ops.OpOverload, args: Tuple[object, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, object], ) -> object: grad_output = cast(DTensor, args[0]) input_dtype = cast(torch.dtype, args[3]) return # NOTE: The implementation follows torch._decomp.decomposition._nll_loss_forward, # with customized communication inserted to perform distributed computation. def _nll_loss_forward( x: Tensor, target: Tensor, weight: Optional[Tensor], local_weight: Optional[Tensor], reduction: int, ignore_index: int, input_shape: torch.Size, channel_dim: int, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: n_dims = x.dim() channel_dim = 1 if n_dims < 2: channel_dim = 0 def _weight_view(weight: Tensor) -> Tensor: if n_dims > 1: shape = [ 1, ] * n_dims shape[channel_dim] = weight.shape[0] w = weight.view(shape) else: w = weight return w if weight is not None: w = _weight_view(weight) assert local_weight is not None local_w = _weight_view(local_weight) x = x * local_w safe_target = torch.where(target != ignore_index, target, 0) safe_target_ = safe_target.unsqueeze(channel_dim) # The following code block is a distributed version of # result = -torch.gather(self, channel_dim, safe_target_).squeeze(channel_dim) partial_placement = _MaskPartial(offset_shape=input_shape, offset_dim=channel_dim) safe_target_partial_ = partial_placement._partition_value( safe_target_, mesh, mesh_dim ) result_partial = torch.gather(x, channel_dim, safe_target_partial_) # an all_reduce happens here result_reduced = partial_placement._reduce_value(result_partial, mesh, mesh_dim) result = -result_reduced.squeeze(channel_dim) result = torch.where(target != ignore_index, result, 0) if reduction == Reduction.NONE.value and n_dims > 1: total_weight = x.new_full((), 0.0) return result, total_weight if weight is not None: new_shape = list(x.shape) new_shape[channel_dim] = -1 w = w.expand(new_shape) wsum = torch.gather(w, channel_dim, safe_target_).squeeze(channel_dim) wsum = torch.where(target != ignore_index, wsum, 0) total_weight = wsum.sum() else: total_weight = (target != ignore_index).sum().to(x) # NOTE: this is correct only on 1D DeviceMesh; o/w additional # all-reduce on result and total_weight is needed if reduction == Reduction.SUM.value: result = result.sum() elif reduction == Reduction.MEAN.value: result = result.sum() / total_weight return result, total_weight def _nll_loss_forward_handler( op_call: torch._ops.OpOverload, args: Tuple[object, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, object], ) -> object: x = cast(DTensor, args[0]) target = args[1] weight = args[2] reduction = cast(int, args[3]) ignore_index = cast(int, args[4]) channel_dim = 1 if x.dim() >= 2 else 0 channel_dim_size = x.shape[channel_dim] spec = x._spec mesh_dim = _find_all_reduce_mesh_dim(spec.placements, channel_dim) # Check user input: if target and weight are not DTensors, convert them to DTensors; # if they are DTensors, check that they have the desired placements. target_placements = _skip_dim( replicate_reduction_dims(spec.placements, [channel_dim]), channel_dim ) all_replicate_placements = (Replicate(),) * spec.mesh.ndim target = _cast_to_dtensor(target, target_placements, spec.mesh) local_weight = None if weight is not None: weight = _cast_to_dtensor(weight, all_replicate_placements, spec.mesh) # For local computation, both (replicated) weight and (sharded) local_weight # are needed in _nll_loss_forward(). local_weight is generated here using # DTensor API, without incurring any communication. sharded_placements = [ Shard(0) if i == mesh_dim else Replicate() for i in range(spec.mesh.ndim) ] local_weight = weight.redistribute(spec.mesh, sharded_placements)._local_tensor assert local_weight.shape[0] == x._local_tensor.shape[channel_dim] if reduction == Reduction.NONE.value: output_placements = target_placements else: output_placements = all_replicate_placements # tensor inputs to _propagate_tensor_meta need to be DTensors args = list(args) args[1], args[2] = target, weight output_tensor_meta = _propagate_tensor_meta(op_call, tuple(args), kwargs) result, total_weight = _nll_loss_forward( x._local_tensor, target._local_tensor, weight._local_tensor if weight is not None else None, local_weight, reduction, ignore_index, x.shape, channel_dim, spec.mesh, mesh_dim, ) out_spec = DTensorSpec(spec.mesh, output_placements, tensor_meta=output_tensor_meta) return ( DTensor( result, out_spec, requires_grad=result.requires_grad, ), total_weight, ) # NOTE: The backward computation of cross_entropy goes through two steps: # backward for nll_loss and then backward for log_softmax. In loss parallel, # the two steps are fused into the following function (called by _nll_loss_backward_handler) # to avoid communication when target contains class indices not class probabilities. # Also note that the _log_softmax_backward_handler does not perform computation. # The implementation resembles _nll_loss_backward and _log_softmax_backward_data # from torch._decomp.decomposition. def _nll_loss_and_log_softmax_backward( grad_output: Tensor, x: Tensor, target: Tensor, weight: Optional[Tensor], reduction: int, ignore_index: int, total_weight: Tensor, input_shape: torch.Size, channel_dim: int, mesh: DeviceMesh, mesh_dim: int, ) -> Tensor: channel_dim = 0 if x.dim() < 2 else 1 if reduction == Reduction.MEAN.value: grad_output = grad_output / total_weight target = target.unsqueeze(channel_dim) safe_target = torch.where(target != ignore_index, target, 0) grad_input = torch.zeros_like(x) # The following code block is a distributed version of # grad_input = torch.scatter(grad_input, channel_dim, safe_target, -1.0) partial_placement = _MaskPartial(offset_shape=input_shape, offset_dim=channel_dim) safe_target = safe_target.squeeze(channel_dim).flatten() masked_safe_target = partial_placement._partition_value(safe_target, mesh, mesh_dim) # only update grad_input to -1 if not masked assert is not None grad_update = - 1.0 arange_1d = torch.arange( masked_safe_target.shape[0], device=masked_safe_target.device ) # The first two cases with x.dim() <= 2 are for aten.nll_loss_backward.default; # the last case is for aten.nll_loss2d_backward.default. if x.dim() == 1: grad_input[masked_safe_target] = grad_update elif x.dim() == 2: grad_input[arange_1d, masked_safe_target] = grad_update else: grad_input_t = grad_input.transpose(channel_dim, -1) intermidate_shape = grad_input_t.shape grad_input_2d = grad_input_t.reshape(-1, x.shape[channel_dim]) grad_input_2d[arange_1d, masked_safe_target] = grad_update grad_input = grad_input_2d.view(intermidate_shape).transpose(channel_dim, -1) if grad_input.dim() > grad_output.dim() > 0: grad_output = grad_output.unsqueeze(channel_dim) if weight is not None: new_shape = [1 for _ in range(x.dim())] new_shape[channel_dim] = weight.shape[0] weight = weight.reshape(new_shape) # In order for fused computation to work, the following line is rewritten. # grad_output = grad_output * weight new_shape = list(x.shape) new_shape[channel_dim] = -1 w = weight.expand(new_shape) w_target = torch.gather(w, channel_dim, target) grad_output = grad_output * w_target grad_output = torch.where(target != ignore_index, grad_output, 0) # NOTE: Instead of directly returning the grad_input as grad_output for log_softmax, # here we perform backward computation for log_softmax altogether to avoid the # otherwise extra all_gather communication. # return grad_input * grad_output return (grad_input + torch.exp(x)) * grad_output def _nll_loss_backward_handler( op_call: torch._ops.OpOverload, args: Tuple[object, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, object], ) -> object: grad_output = cast(DTensor, args[0]) x = cast(DTensor, args[1]) target = args[2] weight = args[3] reduction = cast(int, args[4]) ignore_index = cast(int, args[5]) total_weight = cast(Tensor, args[6]) channel_dim = 1 if x.dim() >= 2 else 0 spec = x._spec mesh_dim = _find_all_reduce_mesh_dim(spec.placements, channel_dim) # if target and weight are not DTensors, convert them to DTensors target_placements = _skip_dim( replicate_reduction_dims(spec.placements, [channel_dim]), channel_dim ) all_replicate_placements = (Replicate(),) * spec.mesh.ndim target = _cast_to_dtensor(target, target_placements, spec.mesh) if weight is not None: weight = _cast_to_dtensor(weight, all_replicate_placements, spec.mesh) # tensor inputs to _propagate_tensor_meta need to be DTensors args = list(args) args[2], args[3] = target, weight args[6] = _cast_to_dtensor(total_weight, all_replicate_placements, spec.mesh) output_tensor_meta = _propagate_tensor_meta(op_call, tuple(args), kwargs) result = _nll_loss_and_log_softmax_backward( grad_output._local_tensor, x._local_tensor, target._local_tensor, weight._local_tensor if weight is not None else None, reduction, ignore_index, total_weight, x.shape, channel_dim, spec.mesh, mesh_dim, ) # the output sharding is the same as input sharding: Shard(channel_dim) on mesh_dim out_spec = DTensorSpec( spec.mesh, spec.placements, tensor_meta=output_tensor_meta, ) return DTensor( result, out_spec, requires_grad=result.requires_grad, ) customized_loss_ops = { aten._log_softmax.default: _log_softmax_handler, aten._log_softmax_backward_data.default: _log_softmax_backward_handler, aten.nll_loss_forward.default: _nll_loss_forward_handler, aten.nll_loss2d_forward.default: _nll_loss_forward_handler, aten.nll_loss_backward.default: _nll_loss_backward_handler, aten.nll_loss2d_backward.default: _nll_loss_backward_handler, } def _enable_custom_loss_ops(): DTensor._op_dispatcher._custom_op_handlers.update(customized_loss_ops) def _disable_custom_loss_ops(): for custom_op in customized_loss_ops: DTensor._op_dispatcher._custom_op_handlers.pop(custom_op)


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