Source code for torch.distributed.distributed_c10d
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs"""Distributed Collective Communication (c10d)."""importcollections.abcimportcontextlibimporthashlibimportioimportitertoolsimportloggingimportosimportpickleimportsysimporttimeimportwarningsfromcollectionsimportnamedtuplefromdatetimeimporttimedeltafromtypingimportAny,Callable,Dict,List,Optional,Tuple,TYPE_CHECKING,Unionfromtyping_extensionsimportdeprecatedimporttorchfromtorch._Cimport_DistStoreErrorasDistStoreErrorfromtorch._C._distributed_c10dimport(_DistributedBackendOptions,_register_process_group,_resolve_process_group,_unregister_all_process_groups,_unregister_process_group,AllgatherOptions,AllreduceCoalescedOptions,AllreduceOptions,AllToAllOptions,BarrierOptions,BroadcastOptions,DebugLevel,GatherOptions,get_debug_level,PrefixStore,ProcessGroup,ReduceOp,ReduceOptions,ReduceScatterOptions,ScatterOptions,Store,Work,)fromtorch._utils_internalimportset_pytorch_distributed_envs_from_justknobsfromtorch.utils._typing_utilsimportnot_nonefrom.c10d_loggerimport_exception_logger,_time_loggerfrom.constantsimportdefault_pg_nccl_timeout,default_pg_timeoutfrom.rendezvousimportregister_rendezvous_handler,rendezvous# noqa: F401__all__=["Backend","BackendConfig","GroupMember","P2POp","all_gather","all_gather_coalesced","all_gather_object","all_reduce","all_reduce_coalesced","all_to_all","all_to_all_single","barrier","batch_isend_irecv","broadcast","send_object_list","recv_object_list","broadcast_object_list","destroy_process_group","gather","gather_object","get_backend_config","get_backend","get_rank","get_world_size","get_pg_count","group","init_process_group","irecv","is_gloo_available","is_initialized","is_mpi_available","is_backend_available","is_nccl_available","is_torchelastic_launched","is_ucc_available","isend","monitored_barrier","new_group","new_subgroups","new_subgroups_by_enumeration","recv","reduce","reduce_scatter","scatter","scatter_object_list","send","supports_complex","AllreduceCoalescedOptions","AllreduceOptions","AllToAllOptions","BarrierOptions","BroadcastOptions","GatherOptions","PrefixStore","ProcessGroup","ReduceOp","ReduceOptions","ReduceScatterOptions","ScatterOptions","Store","DebugLevel","get_debug_level","Work","default_pg_timeout","get_group_rank","get_global_rank","get_process_group_ranks","reduce_op","all_gather_into_tensor","reduce_scatter_tensor","get_node_local_rank","split_group",]_MPI_AVAILABLE=True_NCCL_AVAILABLE=True_GLOO_AVAILABLE=True_UCC_AVAILABLE=True_pickler=pickle.Pickler_unpickler=pickle.Unpickler# Change __module__ of all imported types from torch._C._distributed_c10d that are publicdef_export_c_types()->None:_public_types_to_change_module=[AllreduceCoalescedOptions,AllreduceOptions,AllToAllOptions,BarrierOptions,BroadcastOptions,GatherOptions,PrefixStore,ProcessGroup,ReduceOp,ReduceOptions,ReduceScatterOptions,ScatterOptions,Store,DebugLevel,get_debug_level,Work,]fortypein_public_types_to_change_module:type.__module__="torch.distributed.distributed_c10d"_export_c_types()try:fromtorch._C._distributed_c10dimportProcessGroupMPIProcessGroupMPI.__module__="torch.distributed.distributed_c10d"__all__+=["ProcessGroupMPI"]exceptImportError:_MPI_AVAILABLE=Falsetry:fromtorch._C._distributed_c10dimportProcessGroupNCCLProcessGroupNCCL.__module__="torch.distributed.distributed_c10d"__all__+=["ProcessGroupNCCL"]exceptImportError:_NCCL_AVAILABLE=Falsetry:fromtorch._C._distributed_c10dimport_ProcessGroupWrapper,ProcessGroupGlooProcessGroupGloo.__module__="torch.distributed.distributed_c10d"__all__+=["ProcessGroupGloo"]exceptImportError:_GLOO_AVAILABLE=Falsetry:fromtorch._C._distributed_c10dimportProcessGroupUCCProcessGroupUCC.__module__="torch.distributed.distributed_c10d"__all__+=["ProcessGroupUCC"]exceptImportError:_UCC_AVAILABLE=Falselogger=logging.getLogger(__name__)PG_WRAPPER_STORE_PREFIX="pg_wrapper"# Some reduce ops are not supported by complex numbers and will result in an error.# We currently provide complex support to the distributed API by viewing# complex tensors as real (torch.view_as_real), meaning that calling# these unsupported ops will return garbage values rather than error out.# (e.g. max(2+3i, 3+2i) = 3+3i)# We'd like calls to unsupported ops to error out accordingly,# rather than returning garbage values.defsupports_complex(reduceOp:ReduceOp)->bool:"""Return true if reduce ops is supported. False otherwise."""denyList=[ReduceOp.MAX,ReduceOp.MIN,ReduceOp.PRODUCT,ReduceOp.BAND,ReduceOp.BOR,ReduceOp.BXOR,]returnreduceOpnotindenyList
[docs]classBackend(str):""" An enum-like class for backends. Available backends: GLOO, NCCL, UCC, MPI, and other registered backends. The values of this class are lowercase strings, e.g., ``"gloo"``. They can be accessed as attributes, e.g., ``Backend.NCCL``. This class can be directly called to parse the string, e.g., ``Backend(backend_str)`` will check if ``backend_str`` is valid, and return the parsed lowercase string if so. It also accepts uppercase strings, e.g., ``Backend("GLOO")`` returns ``"gloo"``. .. note:: The entry ``Backend.UNDEFINED`` is present but only used as initial value of some fields. Users should neither use it directly nor assume its existence. """UNDEFINED="undefined"GLOO="gloo"NCCL="nccl"UCC="ucc"MPI="mpi"_BackendPlugin=namedtuple("_BackendPlugin",["creator_fn","extended_api"])_plugins:Dict[str,_BackendPlugin]={}backend_list=[UNDEFINED,GLOO,NCCL,UCC,MPI]default_device_backend_map:Dict[str,str]={"cpu":GLOO,"cuda":NCCL,}backend_capability:Dict[str,List[str]]={GLOO:["cpu","cuda"],NCCL:["cuda"],UCC:["cpu","cuda"],MPI:["cpu","cuda"],}backend_type_map:Dict[str,ProcessGroup.BackendType]={UNDEFINED:ProcessGroup.BackendType.UNDEFINED,GLOO:ProcessGroup.BackendType.GLOO,NCCL:ProcessGroup.BackendType.NCCL,UCC:ProcessGroup.BackendType.UCC,}def__new__(cls,name:str):"""Create and return a new instance of the class."""ifnotisinstance(name,str):raiseValueError("Backend constructor parameter must be string-ish")value=getattr(Backend,name.upper(),Backend.UNDEFINED)ifvalue==Backend.UNDEFINED:value=name.lower()returnvalue
[docs]@classmethoddefregister_backend(cls,name,func,extended_api=False,devices:Optional[Union[str,List[str]]]=None,)->None:""" Register a new backend with the given name and instantiating function. This class method is used by 3rd party ``ProcessGroup`` extension to register new backends. Args: name (str): Backend name of the ``ProcessGroup`` extension. It should match the one in ``init_process_group()``. func (function): Function handler that instantiates the backend. The function should be implemented in the backend extension and takes four arguments, including ``store``, ``rank``, ``world_size``, and ``timeout``. extended_api (bool, optional): Whether the backend supports extended argument structure. Default: ``False``. If set to ``True``, the backend will get an instance of ``c10d::DistributedBackendOptions``, and a process group options object as defined by the backend implementation. device (str or list of str, optional): device type this backend supports, e.g. "cpu", "cuda", etc. If `None`, assuming both "cpu" and "cuda" .. note:: This support of 3rd party backend is experimental and subject to change. """# Allow UCC plugin if Pytorch is not built with native support.# TODO: remove this exception once UCC plugin is fully deprecated.ifname!=Backend.UCCor(name==Backend.UCCandis_ucc_available()):assertnothasattr(Backend,name.upper()),f"{name.upper()} c10d backend already exist"assert(name.upper()notinBackend._plugins),f"{name.upper()} c10d backend creator function already exist"setattr(Backend,name.upper(),name.lower())Backend.backend_list.append(name.lower())ifdevicesisnotNone:fordeviceindevices:ifdevice!="cpu"anddevice!="cuda":Backend.default_device_backend_map[device]=name.lower()Backend.backend_type_map[name.lower()]=ProcessGroup.BackendType.CUSTOM# Update device capability matrix in Backend classifdevicesisNone:# This is more of a backward support for groups like `threaded`:# assume default devices "cpu" and "cuda", but warnwarnings.warn(f"Device capability of {name} unspecified, assuming `cpu` and ""`cuda`. Please specify it via the `devices` argument of ""`register_backend`.")Backend.backend_capability[name.lower()]=["cpu","cuda"]elifisinstance(devices,str):# Single device string specified. Simply convert to list.Backend.backend_capability[name.lower()]=[devices]else:Backend.backend_capability[name.lower()]=devicesBackend._plugins[name.upper()]=Backend._BackendPlugin(func,extended_api)
classBackendConfig:"""Backend configuration class."""def__init__(self,backend:Backend):"""Init."""self.device_backend_map:Dict[str,Backend]={}backend=str(backend)ifbackend==Backend.UNDEFINED:# default config when backend is not specified# supported since PyTorch 2.0fordevice,default_backendinBackend.default_device_backend_map.items():ifis_backend_available(default_backend):if(default_backend==Backend.NCCLandnottorch.cuda.is_available()):continueself.device_backend_map[device]=Backend(default_backend)elifbackend.lower()inBackend.backend_list:# Cases for when backend is a single string (without device types)# e.g. "nccl", "gloo", "ucc", "mpi"supported_devices=Backend.backend_capability[backend.lower()]backend_val=Backend(backend)self.device_backend_map=dict.fromkeys(supported_devices,backend_val)elif":"inbackend.lower():# Backend specified in "device:backend" format# make sure the backend string is in the correct format# "{device_type1}:{backend1},{device_type2}:{backend2}"# e.g. "cpu:gloo,cuda:nccl"backend_str_error_message=f"""The custom backend string argument is invalid: {backend}. Custom backend string is an experimental feature where the backend string must be in the format: "<device_type1>:<backend1>,<device_type2>:<backend2>...". e.g. 'cpu:gloo,cuda:nccl'"""# parse the backend string and populate the device_backend_mapfordevice_backend_pair_strinbackend.lower().split(","):device_backend_pair=device_backend_pair_str.split(":")iflen(device_backend_pair)!=2:raiseValueError(f"Invalid device:backend pairing: \{device_backend_pair_str}. {backend_str_error_message}")device,backend=device_backend_pairifdeviceinself.device_backend_map:raiseValueError(f"Duplicate device type {device}\ in backend string: {backend}. {backend_str_error_message}")self.device_backend_map[device]=Backend(backend)else:# User specified a single backend name whose device capability is# unknown, assuming it can support the default devices of PyTorch# (cpu and cuda)warnings.warn(f"Device capability of {backend} unknown, assuming `cpu` and ""`cuda`. You can specify it in `device:backend` format in ""`init_process_group` call.")backend_val=Backend(backend)self.device_backend_map={"cpu":backend_val,"cuda":backend_val,"xpu":backend_val,}"Using backend config: %s",self.device_backend_map)def__repr__(self):"""Return all the device:backend pairs separated by commas."""return",".join(f"{device}:{backend}"fordevice,backendinself.device_backend_map.items())defget_device_backend_map(self)->Dict[str,Backend]:"""Return backend map of the device."""returnself.device_backend_mapclass_reduce_op:r""" Deprecated enum-like class. For reduction operations: ``SUM``, ``PRODUCT``, ``MIN``, and ``MAX``. :class:`~torch.distributed.ReduceOp` is recommended to use instead. """def__init__(self)->None:# __members__ is a dict storing key-value pairs for enum classesfork,vinReduceOp.RedOpType.__members__.items():setattr(self,k,v)self.__members__=ReduceOp.RedOpType.__members__@deprecated("`torch.distributed.reduce_op` is deprecated, ""please use `torch.distributed.ReduceOp` instead",category=FutureWarning,)def__getattribute__(self,key):returnobject.__getattribute__(self,key)reduce_op=_reduce_op()
[docs]classP2POp:""" A class to build point-to-point operations for ``batch_isend_irecv``. This class builds the type of P2P operation, communication buffer, peer rank, Process Group, and tag. Instances of this class will be passed to ``batch_isend_irecv`` for point-to-point communications. Args: op (Callable): A function to send data to or receive data from a peer process. The type of ``op`` is either ``torch.distributed.isend`` or ``torch.distributed.irecv``. tensor (Tensor): Tensor to send or receive. peer (int): Destination or source rank. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. tag (int, optional): Tag to match send with recv. """def__init__(self,op:Callable,tensor:torch.Tensor,peer:int,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0,):"""Init.""",op:Callable,tensor:torch.Tensor,peer:int,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0,):"""Create and return a new instance of the class."""_check_op(op)_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")returnobject.__new__(cls)def__repr__(self):my_group_rank=get_rank(,self.peer)ifself.groupelseself.peer)"default_pg"if"send"inop_name:s=my_group_rankd=peer_group_rankelif"recv"inop_name:s=peer_group_rankd=my_group_rankelse:returnsuper().__repr__()returnf"P2POp({op_name} pg={group_name}, s={s}, d={d}, {self.tensor.shape}, {self.tensor.dtype})"
class_CollOp:""" A class to capture collective operations. Args: op (Callable): A collective function, e.g. ``torch.distributed.all_reduce``. tensor (Tensor): Tensor to operate on. dst_tensor (Tensor, optional): Provided when source and destinaton tensors are not the same. redop (ReduceOp, optional): reduce operation. root (int, optional): root of broadcast or reduce. """def__init__(self,op:Callable,tensor:torch.Tensor,dst_tensor:Optional[torch.Tensor]=None,redop:Optional[ReduceOp]=None,root:Optional[int]=None,):self.op=opself.tensor=tensorself.dst_tensor=dst_tensorself.redop=redopself.root=root# DO NOT USE THESE FIELDS DIRECTLY.# Use them through the _world object to make sure the _world override mechanism_pg_map:Dict[ProcessGroup,Tuple[str,Store]]={}_pg_names:Dict[ProcessGroup,str]={}_pg_group_ranks:Dict[ProcessGroup,Dict[int,int]]={}# For a pg, it is a map from ProcessGroup to BackendConfig_pg_backend_config:Dict[ProcessGroup,str]={}_group_count=0_tags_to_pg:Dict[str,List[ProcessGroup]]={}_pg_to_tag:Dict[ProcessGroup,str]={}_backend:Optional[str]=Noneclass_World:""" Container class for c10d process group state. This is used during registration and lookup of PG state. .. warning:: This is an experimental API intended to expose the inner workings of c10d and is subject to change.. """def__init__(self)->None:self._default_pg=Noneself._pg_coalesce_state:Dict[ProcessGroup,List[_CollOp]]={}self._pg_default_device:Dict[ProcessGroup,torch.device]={}@propertydefdefault_pg(self)->Optional[ProcessGroup]:""" Process group that includes all ranks of the cluster. This default ProcessGroup is used by c10d APIs when a ProcessGroup is needed but None is provided. """returnself._default_pg@default_pg.setterdefdefault_pg(self,value)->None:self._default_pg=value@propertydefpg_map(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,Tuple[str,Store]]:""" Provide Mapping from ProcessGroup to backend name and store. For NCCL and GLOO pg, it is a map from ProcessGroup to (Backend, Store) For MPI pg, it is a map from ProcessGroup to (Backend, None) TODO don't expose the map, expose fine grained ops """global_pg_mapreturn_pg_map@propertydefpg_names(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,str]:""" Process group's names, map from ProcessGroup to str. TODO don't expose the map, expose fine grained ops """global_pg_namesreturn_pg_names@propertydefpg_group_ranks(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,Dict[int,int]]:""" Process group's global rank to local rank mapping. TODO don't expose the map, expose fine grained ops """global_pg_group_ranksreturn_pg_group_ranks@propertydefpg_backend_config(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,str]:""" Process group's backend config. TODO don't expose the map, expose fine grained ops """global_pg_backend_configreturn_pg_backend_config@propertydefgroup_count(self)->int:""" Process group count for default naming. TODO don't expose group_count, use something else instead """global_group_countreturn_group_count@group_count.setterdefgroup_count(self,value:int)->None:"""Use to compute the name of ProcessGroups when using global synchronization."""global_group_count_group_count=value@propertydeftags_to_pg(self)->Dict[str,List[ProcessGroup]]:global_tags_to_pgreturn_tags_to_pg@propertydefpg_to_tag(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,str]:global_pg_to_tagreturn_pg_to_tag@propertydefpg_coalesce_state(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,List[_CollOp]]:returnself._pg_coalesce_state@propertydefpg_default_device(self)->Dict[ProcessGroup,torch.device]:returnself._pg_default_device@propertydefpg_config_info(self)->List[Dict[str,Any]]:""" Return a list of dict with process groups and backends. Along with their unique IDs and configurations (types and ranks). """config_info:List[Dict[str,Any]]=[]default_pg_size=_get_group_size(None)forpginself.pg_map.keys():ranks=self.pg_group_ranks[pg]config_info.append({"pg_name":self.pg_names[pg],"pg_desc":pg.group_desc,"backend_config":self.pg_backend_config[pg],"ranks":list(ranks.keys())iflen(ranks)!=default_pg_sizeelse[],# 'ranks' is an empty list when all ranks are involved in a pg"group_size":len(ranks),"group_count":self.group_count,})returnconfig_info_world=_World()"""Holds the singleton instance of ``_World`` used by c10. Experimental extension point to override it"""class_WorldMeta(type):""" Meta class of ``group`` and ``GroupMember``. Allows them to have the class property ``WORLD``. """# Points to the default PG once initialized.@propertydefWORLD(cls)->Optional[ProcessGroup]:return_world.default_pg@WORLD.setterdefWORLD(cls,pg:Optional[ProcessGroup]):_world.default_pg=pgclassgroup(metaclass=_WorldMeta):"""Group class. Placeholder."""classGroupMember(metaclass=_WorldMeta):"""Group member class."""NON_GROUP_MEMBER=-100def_get_default_timeout(backend:Backend)->timedelta:# see note on nccl vs other backend timeout (,timedelta):# TODO moco benchmark on CPU initializes pgnccl backend today, triggered this assert in CI before it was# changed to be a warning. We should fix the moco model.warnings.warn("Attempted to get default timeout for nccl backend, but NCCL support is not compiled")returndefault_pg_timeoutreturndefault_pg_nccl_timeoutelse:returndefault_pg_timeoutdef_check_valid_timeout(timeout:Any)->None:ifnotisinstance(timeout,timedelta):raiseTypeError(f"Expected timeout argument to be of type datetime.timedelta, got {timeout}")# Default process group state_default_pg_init_method:Optional[str]=NoneSTORE_BASED_BARRIER_PREFIX="store_based_barrier_key"def_get_pg_default_device(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->torch.device:""" Return the device to use with ``group`` for control flow usage (object collectives, barrier). There are selection rules: 1. If user specifies exactly one backend in ``init_process_group`` call: use that backend 2. Else if user specifies multiple "device:backend" pairs in init_process_group: If "cpu" is among those pairs, use "cpu" (because the object is in cpu memory); Otherwise, use the first backend (sort of a random pick). Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Returns: torch.device: The device to use with ``group``. """group=groupor_get_default_group()ifgroupin_world.pg_default_device:# Previously searched and cached; just returnreturn_world.pg_default_device[group]ifnotisinstance(group,ProcessGroup):# Provide backward compatibility to cases where `group` passed in is# actually a Backend (like `ProcessGroupGloo`) rather than a# `ProcessGroup` in PT 2.0 sensewarnings.warn(f"You are using a Backend {type(group)} as a ProcessGroup. ""This usage is deprecated since PyTorch 2.0. Please use a public API ""of PyTorch Distributed instead.",FutureWarning,stacklevel=3,)# Most users create Gloo with private API for object collectives_world.pg_default_device[group]=torch.device("cpu")return_world.pg_default_device[group]""" ``group._device_types`` is a property pybind that returns the devices ("cpu", "cuda", etc) supported by ``group``. Can be multiple if the ``group`` supports multiple devices. """devices=group._device_typesiflen(devices)==1:# User fixed exactly one backend in `init_process_group`_world.pg_default_device[group]=devices[0]eliflen(devices)==0:# No backend has been registered with this PG (maybe because no# collective has been run?) We pick cpu as the default and hopefully# this would lazily init Gloo or other available cpu backend._world.pg_default_device[group]=torch.device("cpu")eliftorch.device("cpu")indevices:# There are multiple backends in this PG and cpu is among them.# cpu is preferred as the object is in cpu memory. No need for device# copy._world.pg_default_device[group]=torch.device("cpu")else:# No cpu in the backend list. Randomly pick the first backend_world.pg_default_device[group]=devices[0]"Using device %s for object ""collectives.",_world.pg_default_device[group])return_world.pg_default_device[group]@_time_loggerdef_store_based_barrier(rank,store,group_name,rendezvous_count,timeout,logging_interval=timedelta(seconds=10),)->None:""" Store based barrier for synchronizing processes. Barrier based on store which is used for synchronizing processes after ``init_process_group`` or ``new_group``. Intended to be used only with those two methods and is not a generic alternative to ``barrier()``. """store_key=f"{STORE_BASED_BARRIER_PREFIX}:{group_name}"store.add(store_key,1)logger.debug("Added key: %s to store for rank: %s",store_key,rank)# Now wait for all workers to check in with the store.world_size=rendezvous_countworker_count=store.add(store_key,0)last_worker_key=f"{store_key}:last_worker"ifworker_count==world_size:store.set(last_worker_key,"1")# adjust the timeout to be at least 10secs + 1sec per thousand ranks to reduce the odds of timeout# this value was empirically found while scale testing.logging_interval=max(logging_interval,timedelta(seconds=10+world_size/1000))start=time.time()whileTrue:try:# This will throw an exception after the logging_interval in which we print out# the status of the group or time out officially, throwing runtime errorstore.wait([last_worker_key],logging_interval)breakexceptRuntimeErrorase:worker_count=store.add(store_key,0)# Print status periodically to keep track.logger.debug("Waiting in store based barrier to initialize process group for ""rank: %s, key: %s (world_size=%s, num_workers_joined=%s, timeout=%s error=%s)",rank,store_key,world_size,worker_count,timeout,e,)iftimedelta(seconds=(time.time()-start))>timeout:raiseDistStoreError(# noqa: B904"Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on "f"rank {rank}, for key: {store_key} (world_size={world_size}, "f"num_workers_joined={worker_count}, timeout={timeout} error={e})")"Rank %s: Completed store-based barrier for key:%s with %s nodes.",rank,store_key,world_size,)def_rank_not_in_group(group:Optional[ProcessGroup])->bool:"""Check if the current process's rank is not in a given group."""ifgroupisNone:returnFalsereturngroup==GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBERdef_warn_not_in_group(op_name)->None:global_rank=-1ifGroupMember.WORLDisNoneelseGroupMember.WORLD.rank()warnings.warn(f"Running {op_name} on global rank {global_rank} which does not ""belong to the given group.")
[docs]defget_group_rank(group:ProcessGroup,global_rank:int)->int:""" Translate a global rank into a group rank. ``global_rank`` must be part of ``group`` otherwise this raises RuntimeError. Args: group (ProcessGroup): ProcessGroup to find the relative rank. global_rank (int): Global rank to query. Returns: Group rank of ``global_rank`` relative to ``group`` N.B. calling this function on the default process group returns identity """ifgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:returnglobal_rankifgroupnotin_world.pg_group_ranks:raiseValueError(f"Group {group} is not registered, please create group with torch.distributed.new_group API")group_ranks=_world.pg_group_ranks[group]ifglobal_ranknotingroup_ranks:raiseValueError(f"Global rank {global_rank} is not part of group {group}")returngroup_ranks[global_rank]
[docs]defget_global_rank(group:ProcessGroup,group_rank:int)->int:""" Translate a group rank into a global rank. ``group_rank`` must be part of `group` otherwise this raises RuntimeError. Args: group (ProcessGroup): ProcessGroup to find the global rank from. group_rank (int): Group rank to query. Returns: Global rank of ``group_rank`` relative to ``group`` N.B. calling this function on the default process group returns identity """ifgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:returngroup_rankifgroupnotin_world.pg_group_ranks:raiseValueError(f"Group {group} is not registered, please create group with torch.distributed.new_group API")forrank,grp_rankin_world.pg_group_ranks[group].items():ifgrp_rank==group_rank:returnrankraiseValueError(f"Group rank {group_rank} is not part of group {group}")
# TODO: remove this once the ecosystem moves away from it.@deprecated("`torch.distributed.distributed_c10d._get_global_rank` is deprecated, ""please use `torch.distributed.distributed_c10d.get_global_rank` instead",category=FutureWarning,)def_get_global_rank(group,rank)->int:"""Use get_global_rank as this method is deprecated."""returnget_global_rank(group,rank)
[docs]defget_process_group_ranks(group:ProcessGroup)->List[int]:""" Get all ranks associated with ``group``. Args: group (ProcessGroup): ProcessGroup to get all ranks from. Returns: List of global ranks ordered by group rank. """returnlist(_world.pg_group_ranks[group].keys())
def_get_group_size(group)->int:"""Get a given group's world size."""ifgroupisGroupMember.WORLDorgroupisNone:default_pg=_get_default_group()returndefault_pg.size()returngroup.size()def_get_group_size_by_name(group_name:str)->int:group=_resolve_process_group(group_name)returngroup.size()def_resolve_group_name_by_ranks_and_tag(ranks:List[int],tag:str)->str:# TODO(yifu): remove this function once ranks + tag is not a supported# identifier for process group for functional,ranks)ifgroupisNone:raiseValueError("")returngroup.group_namedef_check_single_tensor(param,param_name)->None:"""Check that the parameter ``param_name`` is a single tensor."""ifnotisinstance(param,torch.Tensor):raiseTypeError(f"""Invalid function argument. Expected parameter `{param_name}` of type torch.Tensor but got {type(param)} instead.""")def_check_tensor_list(param,param_name)->None:"""Check that the parameter ``param_name`` is a list of tensors."""ifnotisinstance(param,list):raiseTypeError(f"""Invalid function argument. Expected parameter `{param_name}` of type List[torch.Tensor] but got {type(param)} instead.""")elifnotall(isinstance(p,torch.Tensor)forpinparam):raiseTypeError(f"""Invalid function argument. Expected parameter `{param_name}` of type List[torch.Tensor] but got {type(param)} with elements of type {[type(p)forpinparam]}.""")def_as_iterable(obj)->,list)else(obj,)def_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(*tensors)->None:last_dtype=Nonefortensorinitertools.chain.from_iterable(map(_as_iterable,tensors)):tensor_dtype=tensor.dtype# Mixing complex and its element type is allowediftensor_dtype.is_complex:tensor_dtype=(torch.float32iftensor_dtype==torch.complex64elsetorch.complex128)iflast_dtypeisNone:last_dtype=tensor_dtypeelse:iflast_dtype!=tensor_dtype:raiseValueError("Invalid usage of tensors with different dtypes"f"Found {last_dtype} and {tensor.dtype}")def_check_op(op)->None:"""Check that the ``op`` is either isend or irecv."""ifopnotin[isend,irecv]:raiseValueError("Invalid ``op``. Expected ``op`` ""to be of type ``torch.distributed.isend`` or ""``torch.distributed.irecv``.")def_check_p2p_op_list(p2p_op_list)->None:""" Check that the ``p2p_op_list`` is a list of P2POp instances. Also, check that all ops use the same group. """ifnotisinstance(p2p_op_list,list)ornotall(isinstance(p2p_op,P2POp)forp2p_opinp2p_op_list):raiseValueError("Invalid ``p2p_op_list``. Each op is expected to ""to be of type ``torch.distributed.P2POp``.")group=p2p_op_list[0].groupifnotall(group==p2p_op.groupforp2p_opinp2p_op_list):raiseValueError("All ops need to use the same group.")
[docs]defis_mpi_available()->bool:"""Check if the MPI backend is available."""return_MPI_AVAILABLE
[docs]defis_nccl_available()->bool:"""Check if the NCCL backend is available."""return_NCCL_AVAILABLE
[docs]defis_gloo_available()->bool:"""Check if the Gloo backend is available."""return_GLOO_AVAILABLE
defis_ucc_available()->bool:"""Check if the UCC backend is available."""return_UCC_AVAILABLEdefis_backend_available(backend:str)->bool:""" Check backend availability. Checks if the given backend is available and supports the built-in backends or third-party backends through function ``Backend.register_backend``. Args: backend (str): Backend name. Returns: bool: Returns true if the backend is available otherwise false. """# If the backend has an ``is_backend_available`` function, return the result of that function directlyavailable_func=getattr(torch.distributed,f"is_{backend.lower()}_available",None)ifavailable_func:returnavailable_func()returnbackend.lower()inBackend.backend_list
[docs]defis_initialized()->bool:"""Check if the default process group has been initialized."""returnGroupMember.WORLDisnotNone
[docs]defis_torchelastic_launched()->bool:""" Check whether this process was launched with ``torch.distributed.elastic`` (aka torchelastic). The existence of ``TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID`` environment variable is used as a proxy to determine whether the current process was launched with torchelastic. This is a reasonable proxy since ``TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID`` maps to the rendezvous id which is always a non-null value indicating the job id for peer discovery purposes.. """returnos.getenv("TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID")isnotNone
def_is_barrier_after_init()->int:# Environment variable to control whether process group should perform a# barrier after its init. Default value is 0, i.e. no barrier. If you# experience issue with this setting, you may set# `TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER=1` to add the barrier.returnint(os.getenv("TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER","0"))def_get_default_group()->ProcessGroup:"""Get the default process group created by init_process_group."""ifnotis_initialized():raiseValueError("Default process group has not been initialized, ""please make sure to call init_process_group.")ifTYPE_CHECKING:returnnot_none(GroupMember.WORLD)else:returnGroupMember.WORLDdef_get_default_store()->Store:"""Get the default store created by init_process_group."""ifnotis_initialized():raiseValueError("Default process group has not been initialized, ""please make sure to call init_process_group.")default_pg=_get_default_group()_,default_store=_world.pg_map[default_pg]returndefault_storedef_update_default_pg(pg)->None:_world.default_pg=pgrank=pg.rank()ifpgisnotNoneandpg!=GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBERelse-1torch._C._distributed_c10d._set_global_rank(rank)defget_backend_config(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->str:""" Return the backend configuration of the given process group. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. The default is the general main process group. If another specific group is specified, the calling process must be part of :attr:`group`. Returns: The backend configuration of the given process group as a lower case string. """pg=groupor_get_default_group()if_rank_not_in_group(pg):raiseValueError("Invalid process group specified")backend_config=_world.pg_backend_config.get(pg)returnstr(not_none(backend_config))
[docs]defget_backend(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->Backend:""" Return the backend of the given process group. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. The default is the general main process group. If another specific group is specified, the calling process must be part of :attr:`group`. Returns: The backend of the given process group as a lower case string. """pg=groupor_get_default_group()if_rank_not_in_group(pg):raiseValueError("Invalid process group specified")pg_store=_world.pg_map[pg]ifpgin_world.pg_mapelseNonereturnBackend(not_none(pg_store)[0])
def_get_process_group_uid(pg:ProcessGroup)->int:backend=Nonetry:backend=pg._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))exceptRuntimeError:passifis_nccl_available()andisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupNCCL):returnbackend.uidreturn-1def_get_pg_config(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->Dict[str,Any]:""" Return the pg configuration of the given process group. """pg=groupor_get_default_group()return{"pg_name":_get_process_group_name(pg),"pg_desc":pg.group_desc,"backend_config":get_backend_config(pg),"pg_size":_get_group_size(pg),"ranks":get_process_group_ranks(pg),}def_get_all_pg_configs()->List[Dict[str,Any]]:""" Return the pg configuration of all the process groups. """config_info:List[Dict[str,Any]]=[]forpgin_world.pg_map.keys():config_info.append(_get_pg_config(pg))returnconfig_infodefget_pg_count()->int:""" Return the number of process groups. """return_world.group_countdefget_node_local_rank(fallback_rank:Optional[int]=None)->int:""" Return the local rank of the current process relative to the node. Semantically, this is a useful concept for mapping processes to devices. For example, on a node with 8 accelerator you could use the node local rank to decide which accelerator device to bind the process to. In practice, the actual assignment of node local ranks is handled by the process launcher outside of pytorch, and communicated via the `LOCAL_RANK` environment variable. Torchrun will automatically populate `LOCAL_RANK`, but other launchers may not. If `LOCAL_RANK` is unspecified, this API will fall back to the provided kwarg 'fallback_rank' if specified, otherwise it will raise an error. The intent is to allow writing an application that runs either in single or multi device contexts without error. """if"LOCAL_RANK"inos.environ:returnint(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"])eliffallback_rankisnotNone:returnint(fallback_rank)raiseRuntimeError("LOCAL_RANK is not in the environment. Consider passing fallback_rank to allow `get_node_local_rank` to work, ""assuming you are not running in a multi-device context and want the code to run locally instead.")def_add_ephemeral_timeout_for_all_pgs(timeout:timedelta)->None:""" This API adds an ephemeral timeout extension for all PGs locally on one rank. The timeout gets reset when the first collective issued after API called finished. NOTE: We only support to set timeout for cuda backends for now. NOTE: While this feature provides flexibility in specific scenarios, it introduces statefulness to timeout setting. Therefore, it is advisable to use this API sparingly and consider alternative approaches, such as directly setting the timeout or utilizing a barrier collective (one can set any timeout to the barrier), whenever feasible. Args: timeout (timedelta): The delta of timeout to extend. Returns: None. """forpgin_world.pg_map.keys():devices=pg._device_typesiftorch.device("cuda")indevices:backend=pg._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))ifis_nccl_available()andisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupNCCL):backend._add_ephemeral_timeout(timeout)def_set_pg_timeout(timeout:timedelta,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->None:""" Set the timeout for the given process group when users want to use a different timeout instead of default values. Args: timeout (timedelta): Timeout for operations executed against the process group which users want to set. Default value is 10 minutes for NCCL and 30 minutes for other backends. This is the duration after which collectives will be aborted asynchronously and the process will crash. This is done since CUDA execution is async and it is no longer safe to continue executing user code since failed async NCCL operations might result in subsequent CUDA operations running on corrupted data. When TORCH_NCCL_BLOCKING_WAIT is set, the process will block and wait for this timeout. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. The default is the general main process group. If another specific group is specified, the calling process must be part of :attr:`group`. Returns: None """ifgroupisNone:group=_get_default_group()if_rank_not_in_group(group):raiseValueError("Invalid process group specified")assertisinstance(group,ProcessGroup)devices=group._device_typesbackends=set()iftorch.device("cpu")indevicesandis_gloo_available():backend=group._get_backend(torch.device("cpu"))ifisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupGloo):backends.add(backend)iftorch.device("cuda")indevices:backend=group._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))ifis_nccl_available()andisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupNCCL):backends.add(backend)# type: ignore[arg-type]elifis_gloo_available()andisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupGloo):backends.add(backend)# type: ignore[arg-type]iflen(backends)==0:warnings.warn("Set timeout is now only supported for either nccl or gloo.")forbackendinbackends:backend._set_default_timeout(timeout)
[docs]@_exception_logger@_time_loggerdefinit_process_group(backend:Optional[str]=None,init_method:Optional[str]=None,timeout:Optional[timedelta]=None,world_size:int=-1,rank:int=-1,store:Optional[Store]=None,group_name:str="",pg_options:Optional[Any]=None,device_id:Optional[torch.device]=None,)->None:""" Initialize the default distributed process group. This will also initialize the distributed package. There are 2 main ways to initialize a process group: 1. Specify ``store``, ``rank``, and ``world_size`` explicitly. 2. Specify ``init_method`` (a URL string) which indicates where/how to discover peers. Optionally specify ``rank`` and ``world_size``, or encode all required parameters in the URL and omit them. If neither is specified, ``init_method`` is assumed to be "env://". Args: backend (str or Backend, optional): The backend to use. Depending on build-time configurations, valid values include ``mpi``, ``gloo``, ``nccl``, and ``ucc``. If the backend is not provided, then both a ``gloo`` and ``nccl`` backend will be created, see notes below for how multiple backends are managed. This field can be given as a lowercase string (e.g., ``"gloo"``), which can also be accessed via :class:`Backend` attributes (e.g., ``Backend.GLOO``). If using multiple processes per machine with ``nccl`` backend, each process must have exclusive access to every GPU it uses, as sharing GPUs between processes can result in deadlocks. ``ucc`` backend is experimental. init_method (str, optional): URL specifying how to initialize the process group. Default is "env://" if no ``init_method`` or ``store`` is specified. Mutually exclusive with ``store``. world_size (int, optional): Number of processes participating in the job. Required if ``store`` is specified. rank (int, optional): Rank of the current process (it should be a number between 0 and ``world_size``-1). Required if ``store`` is specified. store(Store, optional): Key/value store accessible to all workers, used to exchange connection/address information. Mutually exclusive with ``init_method``. timeout (timedelta, optional): Timeout for operations executed against the process group. Default value is 10 minutes for NCCL and 30 minutes for other backends. This is the duration after which collectives will be aborted asynchronously and the process will crash. This is done since CUDA execution is async and it is no longer safe to continue executing user code since failed async NCCL operations might result in subsequent CUDA operations running on corrupted data. When TORCH_NCCL_BLOCKING_WAIT is set, the process will block and wait for this timeout. group_name (str, optional, deprecated): Group name. This argument is ignored pg_options (ProcessGroupOptions, optional): process group options specifying what additional options need to be passed in during the construction of specific process groups. As of now, the only options we support is ``ProcessGroupNCCL.Options`` for the ``nccl`` backend, ``is_high_priority_stream`` can be specified so that the nccl backend can pick up high priority cuda streams when there're compute kernels waiting. For other availble options to config nccl, See device_id (torch.device, optional): a single, specific device to "bind" this process to, allowing for backend-specific optimizations. Currently this has two effects, only under NCCL: the communicator is immediately formed (calling ``ncclCommInit*`` immediately rather than the normal lazy call) and sub-groups will use ``ncclCommSplit`` when possible to avoid unnecessary overhead of group creation. If you want to know NCCL initialization error early, you can also use this field. .. note:: To enable ``backend == Backend.MPI``, PyTorch needs to be built from source on a system that supports MPI. .. note:: Support for multiple backends is experimental. Currently when no backend is specified, both ``gloo`` and ``nccl`` backends will be created. The ``gloo`` backend will be used for collectives with CPU tensors and the ``nccl`` backend will be used for collectives with CUDA tensors. A custom backend can be specified by passing in a string with format "<device_type>:<backend_name>,<device_type>:<backend_name>", e.g. "cpu:gloo,cuda:custom_backend". """global_worldglobal_backendglobal_default_pg_init_methodifGroupMember.WORLDisnotNone:raiseValueError("trying to initialize the default process group twice!")set_pytorch_distributed_envs_from_justknobs()# Depending on the import order, some trace_rules functions may be evaluated# during the import phase. In such a case, these functions may not correctly# add the distributed related rules due to import circular dependency.# We need to clear the lru_cache during the runtime to ensure the correctness# of these trace_rules.## Since this API must be called before all distributed code being compiled,# clearing the cache here should be safe.if"torch._dynamo"insys.modules:torch._dynamo.trace_rules.clear_lru_cache()assert(storeisNone)or(init_methodisNone),"Cannot specify both init_method and store."ifstoreisnotNone:assertworld_size>0,"world_size must be positive if using store"assertrank>=0,"rank must be non-negative if using store"elifinit_methodisNone:init_method="env://"ifbackend:backend=Backend(backend)else:backend=Backend("undefined")iftimeoutisNone:timeout=_get_default_timeout(backend)_check_valid_timeout(timeout)""" Group name is not visible to users unless they access internals of c10d. This means we can ignore the value they provide as it not exposed in a public way. """group_name=_process_group_name([],use_hashed_name=False)ifbackend==Backend.MPI:ifworld_size!=-1orrank!=-1:warnings.warn(f"For MPI backend, world_size ({world_size}) and rank ({rank}) ""are ignored since they are assigned by the ""MPI runtime.")default_pg,_=_new_process_group_helper(-1,-1,[],backend,None,group_name,timeout=timeout,group_desc="default_pg",)_update_default_pg(default_pg)else:# backward compatible APIifstoreisNone:rendezvous_iterator=rendezvous(not_none(init_method),rank,world_size,timeout=timeout)store,rank,world_size=next(rendezvous_iterator)store.set_timeout(timeout)# Use a PrefixStore to avoid accidental overrides of keys used by# different systems (e.g. RPC) in case the store is"default_pg",store)default_pg,_=_new_process_group_helper(world_size,rank,[],backend,store,group_name,pg_options=pg_options,timeout=timeout,device_id=device_id,group_desc="default_pg",)_update_default_pg(default_pg)_world.pg_group_ranks[GroupMember.WORLD]={i:iforiinrange(GroupMember.WORLD.size())}# type: ignore[attr-defined, index]_backend=_world.pg_map[not_none(GroupMember.WORLD)][0]_default_pg_init_method=init_methodold_hook=sys.excepthookexcepthook_prefix=f"[rank{get_rank()}]"def_distributed_excepthook(*args):old_stderr=sys.stderrsys.stderr=buf=io.StringIO()try:old_hook(*args)finally:sys.stderr=old_stderrmsg=buf.getvalue()msg="\n".join(f"{excepthook_prefix}: {s}"ifs!=""else""forsinmsg.split("\n"))sys.stderr.write(msg)sys.stderr.flush()sys.excepthook=_distributed_excepthookif_is_barrier_after_init()==1:# barrier at the end to ensure that once we return from this method, all# process groups including global variables (if any) are updated# correctly on all ranks.# Update 04/2023: for large-scale runs, this barrier (esp. store-based# barrier) may be costly and/or unscalable. Also, in a lot of cases,# these barriers may be unnecessary, as proven by a green CI after# removal. An environment variable `TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER` has been# added which enables this barrier only when set to 1.logger.debug("Performing barrier after ProcessGroup initialization since ""TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER = 1")ifbackend==Backend.MPI:# MPI backend doesn't use store.barrier()else:# Use store based barrier here since barrier() used a bunch of# default devices and messes up NCCL internal state._store_based_barrier(rank,store,group_name,world_size,timeout)
def_get_split_source(pg):split_from=Noneifpg.bound_device_id:split_from=pg._get_backend(pg.bound_device_id)elifpgis_world.default_pg:try:split_from=pg._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))exceptRuntimeError:# no cuda device associated with this backendpassifnotsplit_fromornotsplit_from.supports_splitting:returnNone# If necessary, find a backend to split from by peeling process# group wrappers from our potentially wrapped process group.while_GLOO_AVAILABLEandisinstance(split_from,_ProcessGroupWrapper):split_from=split_from.wrapped_pgreturnsplit_fromdef_shutdown_backend(pg):""" Try to shut down the backend of a process group. Currently, only ProcessGroupNCCL backend is supported. No op for other backends. """backend=Nonetry:backend=pg._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))exceptRuntimeError:passifis_nccl_available()andisinstance(backend,ProcessGroupNCCL):# explictly call shutdown to ensure that NCCL resources are releasedbackend._shutdown()def_new_process_group_helper(group_size,group_rank,global_ranks_in_group,backend,store,group_name,pg_options=None,timeout=None,pg_tag=None,device_id=None,group_desc=None,):""" Create a new distributed process group. This function must be called by ALL processes in the global group, even if the calling process is not part of the newly created group. In that case, this function returns GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER. This function is called with ``global_ranks_in_group == []`` for the default group. """global_worldifgroup_namein_world.pg_names.values():raiseValueError("The specified group name has already been ""created, please use a different group name")ifdevice_idisnotNoneand(device_id.indexisNoneordevice_id.type!="cuda"):raiseValueError("init_process_group device_id parameter must be a cuda device with an ""id, e.g. cuda:0, not just cuda or cpu")# Note: _new_process_group_helper is only called from init_process_group, which always provides a timeout value_check_valid_timeout(timeout)ifpg_tagnotin[None,""]:# creating with the same tag and rank set results in the same underlying PGexisting_group=_find_pg_by_ranks_and_tag(pg_tag,global_ranks_in_group)ifexisting_group:_,prefix_store=_world.pg_map[existing_group]returnexisting_group,prefix_storegroup_desc="undefined"ifgroup_descisNoneelsegroup_desc# The list of group ranks is empty if we're creating the default group.is_default_group=len(global_ranks_in_group)==0# nccl and potentially other backends allow creation of# communicators based on pre-existing ones, which can save# initialization time. Due to lazy initialization of# communicators in some backends, we have to be careful and only# split when we *know* the backends already are connected _on all# ranks_. We can only know this if the group we are making is the# entire world or if we have bound a device id to the world (which# causes early connection initialization).ifis_initialized()and(len(global_ranks_in_group)==_get_default_group().size()or_get_default_group().bound_device_id):split_from=_get_split_source(_get_default_group())else:split_from=None# If this is a subgroup (which means group_ranks is specified),# we check if the current process is a member of the new group.ifnotis_default_group:global_rank=_get_default_group().rank()ifglobal_ranknotinglobal_ranks_in_group:# If we are using `ncclCommSplit` (or similar split from# other APIs) to create the communicator, we will need to# call `ncclCommSplit` on *all* ranks in this new group's# parent group, even those not in the new group. This is# a requirement of the NCCL API as otherwise we would get# out of sync.ifsplit_from:split_from.perform_nocolor_split(_get_default_group().bound_device_id)returnGroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER,Noneprefix_store=PrefixStore(f"{group_name}/",store)base_pg_options=ProcessGroup.Options(backend=str(backend))base_pg_options._timeout=timeoutpg:ProcessGroup=ProcessGroup(prefix_store,group_rank,group_size,base_pg_options)ifdevice_id:pg.bound_device_id=device_idbackend_config=BackendConfig(backend)backend_class:torch._C._distributed_c10d.Backendfordevice,backend_strinbackend_config.get_device_backend_map().items():# Use the group name as prefix in the default store, such that# a single store can be reused by multiple groups.backend_prefix_store=PrefixStore(f"{device}/",prefix_store)ifbackend_str==Backend.MPI:ifnotis_mpi_available():raiseRuntimeError("Distributed package doesn't have MPI built in."" MPI is only included if you build PyTorch from"" source on a host that has MPI installed.")backend_class=ProcessGroupMPI.create(global_ranks_in_group)backend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.MPIifnotbackend_class:returnGroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER,None# create new process group with accurate rank and sizeifpg.rank()==-1andpg.size()==-1:pg=ProcessGroup(backend_prefix_store,backend_class.rank(),backend_class.size(),base_pg_options,)elifbackend_str==Backend.GLOO:# TODO: remove this check after lazy initialization is supported# if pg_options is not None:# raise RuntimeError("GLOO options not supported")backend_class=ProcessGroupGloo(backend_prefix_store,group_rank,group_size,timeout=timeout)backend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.GLOOelifbackend_str==Backend.NCCL:ifnotis_nccl_available():raiseRuntimeError("Distributed package doesn't have NCCL built in")ifpg_optionsisnotNone:assertisinstance(pg_options,ProcessGroupNCCL.Options),"Expected pg_options argument to be of type ProcessGroupNCCL.Options"ifpg_options._timeout!=timeout:warnings.warn("pg_options._timeout was specified, ""but timeout kwarg has a default value that will always override it. ")else:# default pg_options for NCCLpg_options=ProcessGroupNCCL.Options()pg_options.is_high_priority_stream=Falsepg_options._timeout=timeoutifsplit_from:pg_options.split_from=split_frompg_options.split_color=_process_group_color(global_ranks_in_group)pg_options.global_ranks_in_group=global_ranks_in_grouppg_options.group_name=group_namebackend_class=ProcessGroupNCCL(backend_prefix_store,group_rank,group_size,pg_options)backend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.NCCLelifbackend_str==Backend.UCCandis_ucc_available():# TODO: once UCC plugin is fully deprecated, remove# is_ucc_available() from above elif-condition and raise# RuntimeError if is_ucc_available() returns false.backend_class=ProcessGroupUCC(backend_prefix_store,group_rank,group_size,timeout=timeout)backend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.UCCelse:assert(backend_str.upper()inBackend._plugins),f"Unknown c10d backend type {backend_str.upper()}"backend_plugin=Backend._plugins[backend_str.upper()]creator_fn=backend_plugin.creator_fnextended_api=backend_plugin.extended_apibackend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.CUSTOMifnotextended_api:backend_class=creator_fn(backend_prefix_store,group_rank,group_size,timeout)else:dist_backend_opts=_DistributedBackendOptions(),pg_options)# Set sequence numbers for gloo and nccl backends.ifbackend_str==Backend.GLOO:assertisinstance(backend_class,ProcessGroupGloo)backend_class._set_sequence_number_for_group()elifbackend_str==Backend.NCCL:assertisinstance(backend_class,ProcessGroupNCCL)backend_class._set_sequence_number_for_group()# If the type is a subclass of ProcessGroup then return this process group immediately# TODO: This defaults to the old behavior for PythonProcessGroups which overwrites the# ProcessGroup instanceifissubclass(type(backend_class),ProcessGroup):pg=backend_class# type: ignore[assignment]break# Process group wrapper initialization for supported PGs when TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG is setif(backend_strin[Backend.GLOO,Backend.NCCL,Backend.UCC]orbackend_str.upper()inBackend._plugins):# In debug mode and if GLOO is available, wrap in a wrapper PG that# enables enhanced collective checking for debuggability.ifget_debug_level()"""TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG was set to DETAIL, but GLOO is not available. Build with Gloo to create a wrapper process group in debug mode to aid collective desynchronization debugging.""")else:backend_class=_create_process_group_wrapper(wrapped_pg=backend_class,store_prefix=group_name,store=backend_prefix_store,rank=group_rank,world_size=group_size,timeout=timeout,)# register only a single backend when all get_device_backend_map values are the sameiflen(set(backend_config.get_device_backend_map().values()))==1:fordeviceinbackend_config.get_device_backend_map().keys():pg._register_backend(torch.device(device),backend_type,backend_class)# break out of outer loop to not create any more backendsbreakpg._register_backend(torch.device(device),backend_type,backend_class)# set group_name and group_dsec to backendassertgroup_nameisnotNoneassertgroup_descisnotNonepg._set_group_name(group_name)pg._set_group_desc(group_desc)ifdevice_idandpg._get_backend(device_id).supports_splitting:eager_backend=pg._get_backend(device_id)eager_backend.eager_connect_single_device(device_id)# update global state_world.pg_map[pg]=(backend,prefix_store)_world.pg_names[pg]=group_name_register_process_group(group_name,pg)_world.pg_backend_config[pg]=str(backend_config)# "" is the default tag for user PGsifpg_tagin[None,""]:pg_tag=f"ptd:{group_name}"_world.tags_to_pg.setdefault("",[]).append(pg)else:pg_tag=f"user:{pg_tag}"_world.tags_to_pg.setdefault(pg_tag,[]).append(pg)_world.pg_to_tag[pg]=pg_tagreturnpg,prefix_storedefdestroy_process_group(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None):""" Destroy a given process group, and deinitialize the distributed package. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to be destroyed, if group.WORLD is given, all process groups including the default one will be destroyed. """global_worldifgroup==GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER:returnifgroupisNone:pg=GroupMember.WORLDelse:pg=groupassertpgisnotNoneif_world.pg_map.get(pg,None)isNone:raiseValueError("Invalid process group specified")# When users register Python onCompletion hooks, those hooks will run on a# different thread than the main thread. Today, the ProcessGroup dtor does# wait for that thread. However, the dtor might finish after the Python# Interpreter exits. After that grabbing the GIL for the Python hook will crash.# We can either revive the interpreter when running hooks or keep the main one# alive until all works and hooks are done. The current implementation does the# latter. Therefore, we explicitly call _wait_for_pending_works() here to wait# for the pending hooks to"nccl"andpg._has_hooks():pg._wait_for_pending_works()ifgroupisNoneorgroup==GroupMember.WORLD:# shutdown all backends in the order of pg names. shutting down in order because# ncclCommAbort() was a 'collective' call in some versions of NCCL.forpg_to_shutdowninsorted(_world.pg_names,key=lambdax:_world.pg_names[x],reverse=True):_shutdown_backend(pg_to_shutdown)_update_default_pg(None)_world.pg_map.clear()_world.pg_names.clear()_world.pg_group_ranks.clear()_world.pg_backend_config.clear()_world.pg_to_tag.clear()_world.tags_to_pg.clear()_world.pg_coalesce_state.clear()_world.pg_default_device.clear()_unregister_all_process_groups()# when process group doesn't have an explicit name (only WORLD (default)# process group can have an explicit name), we use global _world.group_count# to generate the name. We need to reset the counter on destruction to# allow consistent value to be generated when we re-create process# groups after some trainers recover from failure## We only reset this when WORLD is being destroyed because if this# process group is in good state, we aren't dealing with failures._world.group_count=0else:_shutdown_backend(pg)del_world.pg_map[pg]del_world.pg_names[pg]del_world.pg_group_ranks[pg]del_world.pg_backend_config[pg]ifpgin_world.pg_default_device:del_world.pg_default_device[pg]ifpgin_world.pg_coalesce_state.keys():warnings.warn("Some coalesced collectives haven't been launched when ""ProcessGroup is destroyed. They will be cleaned.")del_world.pg_coalesce_state[pg]tag=_world.pg_to_tag.get(pg)del_world.pg_to_tag[pg]iftagisnotNone:try:_world.tags_to_pg[tag].remove(pg)iftag.startswith("ptd:"):_world.tags_to_pg[""].remove(pg)exceptException:pass_unregister_process_group(pg.group_name)
[docs]defget_rank(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->int:""" Return the rank of the current process in the provided ``group``, default otherwise. Rank is a unique identifier assigned to each process within a distributed process group. They are always consecutive integers ranging from 0 to ``world_size``. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Returns: The rank of the process group -1, if not part of the group """if_rank_not_in_group(group):return-1default_pg=_get_default_group()ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:returndefault_pg.rank()returnget_group_rank(group,default_pg.rank())
[docs]defget_world_size(group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None)->int:""" Return the number of processes in the current process group. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Returns: The world size of the process group -1, if not part of the group """if_rank_not_in_group(group):return-1return_get_group_size(group)
[docs]defisend(tensor:torch.Tensor,dst:int,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0)->Optional[Work]:""" Send a tensor asynchronously. .. warning:: Modifying ``tensor`` before the request completes causes undefined behavior. .. warning:: ``tag`` is not supported with the NCCL backend. Args: tensor (Tensor): Tensor to send. dst (int): Destination rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument) group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. tag (int, optional): Tag to match send with remote recv Returns: A distributed request object. None, if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("isend")returnNoneiftensor.is_complex():tensor=torch.view_as_real(tensor)ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:pg=_get_default_group()else:pg=groupdst=get_group_rank(pg,dst)returnpg.send([tensor],dst,tag)
[docs]defirecv(tensor:torch.Tensor,src:Optional[int]=None,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0,)->Optional[Work]:""" Receives a tensor asynchronously. .. warning:: ``tag`` is not supported with the NCCL backend. Args: tensor (Tensor): Tensor to fill with received data. src (int, optional): Source rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). Will receive from any process if unspecified. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. tag (int, optional): Tag to match recv with remote send Returns: A distributed request object. None, if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("irecv")returnNoneiftensor.is_complex():tensor=torch.view_as_real(tensor)ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:pg=_get_default_group()else:pg=groupifsrcisNone:returnpg.recv_anysource([tensor],tag)else:ifpgisGroupMember.WORLD:returnpg.recv([tensor],src,tag)else:group_src_rank=get_group_rank(pg,src)returnpg.recv([tensor],group_src_rank,tag)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefsend(tensor:torch.Tensor,dst:int,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0)->None:""" Send a tensor synchronously. .. warning:: ``tag`` is not supported with the NCCL backend. Args: tensor (Tensor): Tensor to send. dst (int): Destination rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). Destination rank should not be the same as the rank of the current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. tag (int, optional): Tag to match send with remote recv """ifget_rank()==dst:raiseValueError("Invalid destination rank: destination rank should not be the same as ""the rank of the current process.")_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("send")returnNoneiftensor.is_complex():tensor=torch.view_as_real(tensor)ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:default_pg=_get_default_group()default_pg.send([tensor],dst,tag).wait()else:group_dst_rank=get_group_rank(group,dst)group.send([tensor],group_dst_rank,tag).wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefrecv(tensor:torch.Tensor,src:Optional[int]=None,group:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,tag:int=0,)->int:""" Receives a tensor synchronously. .. warning:: ``tag`` is not supported with the NCCL backend. Args: tensor (Tensor): Tensor to fill with received data. src (int, optional): Source rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). Will receive from any process if unspecified. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. tag (int, optional): Tag to match recv with remote send Returns: Sender rank -1, if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("recv")return-1iftensor.is_complex():tensor=torch.view_as_real(tensor)pg=groupor_get_default_group()ifsrcisNone:work=pg.recv_anysource([tensor],tag)work.wait()src_rank=work._source_rank()ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:returnsrc_rankelse:returnget_global_rank(pg,src_rank)else:ifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:pg.recv([tensor],src,tag).wait()else:group_src_rank=get_group_rank(pg,src)pg.recv([tensor],group_src_rank,tag).wait()returnsrc
class_IllegalWork(Work):def__getattribute__(self,name):ifnamein["is_success","exception","wait","source_rank","_source_rank","result","synchronize",]:raiseValueError(f"Illegal to call {name} on IllegalWork object")class_CoalescingManager:def__init__(self)->[Work]=[]defappend(self,work:Work)[ProcessGroup]=None,device:Optional[torch.device]=None,async_ops:Optional[bool]=False,):""" Context manager used to coalesce collectives or P2P operations when possible. Args: group (`ProcessGroup`, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. device (`torch.device`, optional): Default is None, set to a device if there isn't a `**_coalesced` implementation by the backend. async_ops (`bool`, optional): whether the coalesced ops are async ops. Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("no rank") >>> # Synchronous ops >>> with _coalescing_manager(): >>> for i in range(num_colls): >>> dist.all_reduce(tensors[i]) >>> # Asynchronous ops >>> with _coalescing_manager(async_ops=True) as cm: >>> for i in range(num_colls): >>> dist.all_reduce(tensors[i]) >>> cm.wait() .. warning:: :func:`_coalescing_manager` currently do not support coalescing all-reduces with different reduce operators, e.g. `ReduceOp.SUM` mixed with `ReduceOp.PRODUCT`. """group=groupor_get_default_group()op_list=_world.pg_coalesce_state.setdefault(group,[])ifop_list:raiseValueError("ProcessGroup has non-empty op list at the start of coalescing")ifdevice:group._start_coalescing(device)cm=_CoalescingManager()yieldcmop_list=_world.pg_coalesce_state.pop(group)ifop_list:# Collectives supporting "Fast Path" coalescing are captured.# See implementation in corresponding collective APIs.# Currently supported:# - coalesced `all_reduce`# - coalesced `all_gather_into_tensor`# - coalesced `reduce_scatter_tensor`op0=op_list[0].opifop0==all_reduce:tensors=[]foropinop_list:tensors.append(op.tensor)all_reduce_opts=AllreduceCoalescedOptions()all_reduce_opts.reduceOp=not_none(op_list[0].redop)work=group.allreduce_coalesced(tensors,all_reduce_opts)elifop0==all_gather_into_tensor:inputs=[]outputs=[]foropinop_list:inputs.append(op.tensor)outputs.append(not_none(op.dst_tensor))work=group.allgather_into_tensor_coalesced(outputs,inputs)elifop0==reduce_scatter_tensor:inputs=[]outputs=[]foropinop_list:inputs.append(op.tensor)outputs.append(not_none(op.dst_tensor))reduce_opts=ReduceScatterOptions()reduce_opts.reduceOp=not_none(op_list[0].redop)work=group.reduce_scatter_tensor_coalesced(outputs,inputs,reduce_opts)else:raiseAssertionError(f"Coalescing manager does not support fast-path coalescing of {op0}, "f"yet {op0} is still recorded in op list. This is an internal error of c10d.")ifdevice:# Old style of letting each coll inside the context manager to call into C++ counterpart via python bindingwork=group._end_coalescing(device)ifasync_ops:cm.append(work)# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]else:work.wait()# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]
[docs]defbatch_isend_irecv(p2p_op_list):""" Send or Receive a batch of tensors asynchronously and return a list of requests. Process each of the operations in ``p2p_op_list`` and return the corresponding requests. NCCL, Gloo, and UCC backend are currently supported. Args: p2p_op_list: A list of point-to-point operations(type of each operator is ``torch.distributed.P2POp``). The order of the isend/irecv in the list matters and it needs to match with corresponding isend/irecv on the remote end. Returns: A list of distributed request objects returned by calling the corresponding op in the op_list. Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("no rank") >>> send_tensor = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.float32) + 2 * rank >>> recv_tensor = torch.randn(2, dtype=torch.float32) >>> send_op = dist.P2POp(dist.isend, send_tensor, (rank + 1)%world_size) >>> recv_op = dist.P2POp(dist.irecv, recv_tensor, (rank - 1 + world_size)%world_size) >>> reqs = batch_isend_irecv([send_op, recv_op]) >>> for req in reqs: >>> req.wait() >>> recv_tensor tensor([2, 3]) # Rank 0 tensor([0, 1]) # Rank 1 .. note:: Note that when this API is used with the NCCL PG backend, users must set the current GPU device with `torch.cuda.set_device`, otherwise it will lead to unexpected hang issues. In addition, if this API is the first collective call in the ``group`` passed to ``dist.P2POp``, all ranks of the ``group`` must participate in this API call; otherwise, the behavior is undefined. If this API call is not the first collective call in the ``group``, batched P2P operations involving only a subset of ranks of the ``group`` are allowed. """_check_p2p_op_list(p2p_op_list)group=p2p_op_list[0].groupdevice=p2p_op_list[0].tensor.deviceifdevice.type=="cuda":# NCCL style coalescingwith_coalescing_manager(group,device,async_ops=True)ascm:forp2p_opinp2p_op_list:p2p_op.op(p2p_op.tensor,p2p_op.peer,,p2p_op.tag)returncm.workselse:# Backward support for Glooreqs=[]forp2p_opinp2p_op_list:work=p2p_op.op(p2p_op.tensor,p2p_op.peer,,p2p_op.tag)ifwork:reqs.append(work)returnreqs
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefbroadcast(tensor,src,group=None,async_op=False):""" Broadcasts the tensor to the whole group. ``tensor`` must have the same number of elements in all processes participating in the collective. Args: tensor (Tensor): Data to be sent if ``src`` is the rank of current process, and tensor to be used to save received data otherwise. src (int): Source rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("broadcast")returnopts=BroadcastOptions()opts.rootRank=srcopts.rootTensor=0opts.asyncOp=async_opifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:default_pg=_get_default_group()work=default_pg.broadcast([tensor],opts)else:group_src_rank=get_group_rank(group,src)opts.rootRank=group_src_rankwork=group.broadcast([tensor],opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_reduce(tensor,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" Reduces the tensor data across all machines in a way that all get the final result. After the call ``tensor`` is going to be bitwise identical in all processes. Complex tensors are supported. Args: tensor (Tensor): Input and output of the collective. The function operates in-place. op (optional): One of the values from ``torch.distributed.ReduceOp`` enum. Specifies an operation used for element-wise reductions. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("no rank") >>> # All tensors below are of torch.int64 type. >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> device = torch.device(f'cuda:{rank}') >>> tensor = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> tensor tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.all_reduce(tensor, op=ReduceOp.SUM) >>> tensor tensor([4, 6], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([4, 6], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> # All tensors below are of torch.cfloat type. >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> tensor = torch.tensor([1+1j, 2+2j], dtype=torch.cfloat, device=device) + 2 * rank * (1+1j) >>> tensor tensor([1.+1.j, 2.+2.j], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([3.+3.j, 4.+4.j], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.all_reduce(tensor, op=ReduceOp.SUM) >>> tensor tensor([4.+4.j, 6.+6.j], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([4.+4.j, 6.+6.j], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_reduce")returniftensor.is_complex():ifnotsupports_complex(op):raiseValueError(f"all_reduce does not support {op} on complex tensors")tensor=torch.view_as_real(tensor)opts=AllreduceOptions()opts.reduceOp=opifgroupisNone:group=_get_default_group()ifgroupin_world.pg_coalesce_state.keys():# We are in coalescing context, do not issue single operation, just append a collective representationcoll=_CollOp(all_reduce,tensor,None,op,None)_world.pg_coalesce_state[group].append(coll)ifasync_op:return_IllegalWork()else:returnNonework=group.allreduce([tensor],opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
@_exception_logger@deprecated("`torch.distributed.all_reduce_coalesced` will be deprecated. If you must ""use it, please revisit our documentation later at """,category=FutureWarning,)defall_reduce_coalesced(tensors,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" WARNING: at this time individual shape checking is not implemented across nodes. For example, if the rank 0 node passes [torch.rand(4), torch.rand(2)] and the rank 1 node passes [torch.rand(2), torch.rand(2), torch.rand(2)], the allreduce operation will proceed without complaint and return erroneous outputs. This lack of shape checking results in significant performance improvements but users of this function should take extra care to ensure that each node passes in tensors whose shapes match across nodes. Reduces each tensor in tensors (residing on the same device) across all machines in such a way that all get the final result. After the call each tensor in tensors is going to bitwise identical in all processes. Complex tensors are supported. Args: tensors (Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]): Input and output of the collective. The function operates in-place. op (Optional[ReduceOp]): One of the values from ``torch.distributed.ReduceOp`` enum. Specifies an operation used for element-wise reductions. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (Optional[bool]): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. """ifisinstance(tensors,torch.Tensor):tensors=[tensors]_check_tensor_list(tensors,"tensor")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(tensors)if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_reduce_coalesced")returnifany(t.is_complex()fortintensors)andnotsupports_complex(op):raiseValueError(f"all_reduce does not support {op} on complex tensors")tensors=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortintensors]opts=AllreduceCoalescedOptions()opts.reduceOp=opgroup=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.allreduce_coalesced(tensors,opts)ifasync_op:returnwork.get_future()else:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefreduce(tensor,dst,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" Reduces the tensor data across all machines. Only the process with rank ``dst`` is going to receive the final result. Args: tensor (Tensor): Input and output of the collective. The function operates in-place. dst (int): Destination rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument) op (optional): One of the values from ``torch.distributed.ReduceOp`` enum. Specifies an operation used for element-wise reductions. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("reduce")returnopts=ReduceOptions()opts.reduceOp=opopts.rootRank=dstifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:default_pg=_get_default_group()work=default_pg.reduce([tensor],opts)else:group_dst_rank=get_group_rank(group,dst)opts.rootRank=group_dst_rankwork=group.reduce([tensor],opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
def_object_to_tensor(obj,device,group):f=io.BytesIO()_pickler(f).dump(obj)byte_storage=torch.ByteStorage._from_buffer(f.getvalue())# type: ignore[attr-defined]# Do not replace `torch.ByteTensor` or `torch.LongTensor` with torch.tensor and specifying dtype.# Otherwise, it will casue 100X slowdown.# See:[byte_tensor])logger.warning("_object_to_tensor size: %s hash value: %s",byte_tensor.numel(),hash)local_size=torch.LongTensor([byte_tensor.numel()]).to(device)returnbyte_tensor,local_sizedef_tensor_to_object(tensor,tensor_size,group):ifget_debug_level()==DebugLevel.DETAILandis_nccl_available():backend=get_backend(group)ifbackend==Backend.NCCL:hash=torch._C._distributed_c10d._hash_tensors([tensor])logger.warning("_tensor_to_object size: %s hash value: %s",tensor.numel(),hash)tensor=tensor.cpu()buf=tensor.numpy().tobytes()[:tensor_size]return_unpickler(io.BytesIO(buf)).load()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_gather_object(object_list,obj,group=None):""" Gathers picklable objects from the whole group into a list. Similar to :func:`all_gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Args: object_list (list[Any]): Output list. It should be correctly sized as the size of the group for this collective and will contain the output. obj (Any): Pickable Python object to be broadcast from current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. Returns: None. If the calling rank is part of this group, the output of the collective will be populated into the input ``object_list``. If the calling rank is not part of the group, the passed in ``object_list`` will be unmodified. .. note:: Note that this API differs slightly from the :func:`all_gather` collective since it does not provide an ``async_op`` handle and thus will be a blocking call. .. note:: For NCCL-based processed groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsiblity to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. .. warning:: :func:`all_gather_object` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`all_gather_object` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`all_gather` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> # Assumes world_size of 3. >>> gather_objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> output = [None for _ in gather_objects] >>> dist.all_gather_object(output, gather_objects[dist.get_rank()]) >>> output ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_gather_object")returncurrent_device=_get_pg_default_device(group)input_tensor,local_size=_object_to_tensor(obj,current_device,group)# Gather all local sizes. This is so that we can find the max size, and index# until the correct size when deserializing the tensors.group_size=get_world_size(group=group)object_sizes_tensor=torch.zeros(group_size,dtype=torch.long,device=current_device)object_size_list=[object_sizes_tensor[i].unsqueeze(dim=0)foriinrange(group_size)]# Allgather tensor sizesall_gather(object_size_list,local_size,group=group)max_object_size=int(max(object_size_list).item())# type: ignore[type-var]# Resize tensor to max size across all ranks.input_tensor.resize_(max_object_size)coalesced_output_tensor=torch.empty(max_object_size*group_size,dtype=torch.uint8,device=current_device)# Output tensors are nonoverlapping views of coalesced_output_tensoroutput_tensors=[coalesced_output_tensor[max_object_size*i:max_object_size*(i+1)]foriinrange(group_size)]all_gather(output_tensors,input_tensor,group=group)# Deserialize outputs back to object.fori,tensorinenumerate(output_tensors):tensor=tensor.type(torch.uint8)tensor_size=object_size_list[i]object_list[i]=_tensor_to_object(tensor,tensor_size,group)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefgather_object(obj,object_gather_list=None,dst=0,group=None):""" Gathers picklable objects from the whole group in a single process. Similar to :func:`gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Args: obj (Any): Input object. Must be picklable. object_gather_list (list[Any]): Output list. On the ``dst`` rank, it should be correctly sized as the size of the group for this collective and will contain the output. Must be ``None`` on non-dst ranks. (default is ``None``) dst (int, optional): Destination rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). (default is 0) group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. Returns: None. On the ``dst`` rank, ``object_gather_list`` will contain the output of the collective. .. note:: Note that this API differs slightly from the gather collective since it does not provide an async_op handle and thus will be a blocking call. .. note:: For NCCL-based processed groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsiblity to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. .. warning:: :func:`gather_object` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`gather_object` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`gather` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> # Assumes world_size of 3. >>> gather_objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> output = [None for _ in gather_objects] >>> dist.gather_object( ... gather_objects[dist.get_rank()], ... output if dist.get_rank() == 0 else None, ... dst=0 ... ) >>> # On rank 0 >>> output ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("gather_object")return# Ensure object_gather_list is specified appropriately.my_rank=get_rank()_validate_output_list_for_rank(my_rank,dst,object_gather_list)current_device=_get_pg_default_device(group)input_tensor,local_size=_object_to_tensor(obj,current_device,group)# Gather all local sizes. This is so that we can find the max size, and index# until the correct size when deserializing the tensors.group_size=get_world_size(group=group)object_sizes_tensor=torch.zeros(group_size,dtype=torch.long,device=current_device)object_size_list=[object_sizes_tensor[i].unsqueeze(dim=0)foriinrange(group_size)]# Allgather tensor sizes. An all-gather is needed here despite this being a# gather, since each rank needs to broadcast a tensor of the same (maximal)# size.all_gather(object_size_list,local_size,group=group)max_object_size=int(max(object_size_list).item())# type: ignore[type-var]# Resize tensor to max size across all ranks.input_tensor.resize_(max_object_size)# Avoid populating output tensors if the result won't be gathered on this rank.ifmy_rank==dst:coalesced_output_tensor=torch.empty(max_object_size*group_size,dtype=torch.uint8,device=current_device)# Output tensors are nonoverlapping views of coalesced_output_tensoroutput_tensors=[coalesced_output_tensor[max_object_size*i:max_object_size*(i+1)]foriinrange(group_size)]# All ranks call gather with equal-sized tensors.gather(input_tensor,gather_list=output_tensorsifmy_rank==dstelseNone,# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]dst=dst,group=group,)ifmy_rank!=dst:returnfori,tensorinenumerate(output_tensors):tensor=tensor.type(torch.uint8)tensor_size=object_size_list[i]object_gather_list[i]=_tensor_to_object(tensor,tensor_size,group)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefsend_object_list(object_list,dst,group=None,device=None):""" Sends picklable objects in ``object_list`` synchronously. Similar to :func:`send`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that all objects in ``object_list`` must be picklable in order to be sent. Args: object_list (List[Any]): List of input objects to sent. Each object must be picklable. Receiver must provide lists of equal sizes. dst (int): Destination rank to send ``object_list`` to. Destination rank is based on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument) group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. device (``torch.device``, optional): If not None, the objects are serialized and converted to tensors which are moved to the ``device`` before sending. Default is ``None``. Returns: ``None``. .. note:: For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. .. warning:: :func:`send_object_list` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`send_object_list` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`send` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> # Assumes backend is not NCCL >>> device = torch.device("cpu") >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 2. >>> objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> dist.send_object_list(objects, dst=1, device=device) >>> else: >>> objects = [None, None, None] >>> dist.recv_object_list(objects, src=0, device=device) >>> objects ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] """ifget_rank()==dst:raiseValueError("Invalid destination rank: destination rank should not be the same as ""the rank of the current process.")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("send_object_list")return# Current device selection.# To preserve backwards compatibility, ``device`` is default to ``None``# in which case we run current logic of device selection, i.e.# ``current_device`` is CUDA if backend is NCCL otherwise CPU device. In the# case it is not ``None`` we move the size and object tensors to be# sent to this device.current_device=deviceor_get_pg_default_device(group)# Serialize object_list elements to tensors on src rank.tensor_list,size_list=zip(*[_object_to_tensor(obj,current_device,group)forobjinobject_list]) Send object sizessend(object_sizes_tensor,dst=dst,group=group)# Concatenate and send serialized object tensors# Note: will do an extra memory copy to the current device, if the tensor_list# has only one element, we can skip the copy.iflen(tensor_list)==1:# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]object_tensor=tensor_list[0],dst=dst,group=group)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefrecv_object_list(object_list,src=None,group=None,device=None):""" Receives picklable objects in ``object_list`` synchronously. Similar to :func:`recv`, but can receive Python objects. Args: object_list (List[Any]): List of objects to receive into. Must provide a list of sizes equal to the size of the list being sent. src (int, optional): Source rank from which to recv ``object_list``. Source rank is based on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument) Will receive from any rank if set to None. Default is ``None``. group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. device (``torch.device``, optional): If not None, receives on this device. Default is ``None``. Returns: Sender rank. -1 if rank is not part of the group. If rank is part of the group, ``object_list`` will contain the sent objects from ``src`` rank. .. note:: For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. .. warning:: :func:`recv_object_list` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`recv_object_list` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`recv` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> # Assumes backend is not NCCL >>> device = torch.device("cpu") >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 2. >>> objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> dist.send_object_list(objects, dst=1, device=device) >>> else: >>> objects = [None, None, None] >>> dist.recv_object_list(objects, src=0, device=device) >>> objects ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("recv_object_list")return-1# Current device selection.# To preserve backwards compatibility, ``device`` is default to ``None``# in which case we run current logic of device selection, i.e.# ``current_device`` is CUDA if backend is NCCL otherwise CPU device. In the# case it is not ``None`` we move the size and object tensors to be# received to this device.current_device=deviceor_get_pg_default_device(group)object_sizes_tensor=torch.empty(len(object_list),dtype=torch.long,device=current_device)# Receive object sizesrank_sizes=recv(object_sizes_tensor,src=src,group=group)# Tensor to receive serialized objects into.object_tensor=torch.empty(# type: ignore[call-overload]torch.sum(object_sizes_tensor).item(),# type: ignore[arg-type]dtype=torch.uint8,device=current_device,)rank_objects=recv(object_tensor,src=src,group=group)assert(rank_sizes==rank_objects),"Mismatch in return ranks for object sizes and objects."# Deserialize objects using their stored sizes.offset=0fori,obj_sizeinenumerate(object_sizes_tensor):obj_view=object_tensor[offset:offset+obj_size]obj_view=obj_view.type(torch.uint8)offset+=obj_sizeobject_list[i]=_tensor_to_object(obj_view,obj_size,group)returnrank_objects
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefbroadcast_object_list(object_list,src=0,group=None,device=None):""" Broadcasts picklable objects in ``object_list`` to the whole group. Similar to :func:`broadcast`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that all objects in ``object_list`` must be picklable in order to be broadcasted. Args: object_list (List[Any]): List of input objects to broadcast. Each object must be picklable. Only objects on the ``src`` rank will be broadcast, but each rank must provide lists of equal sizes. src (int): Source rank from which to broadcast ``object_list``. Source rank is based on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument) group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. device (``torch.device``, optional): If not None, the objects are serialized and converted to tensors which are moved to the ``device`` before broadcasting. Default is ``None``. Returns: ``None``. If rank is part of the group, ``object_list`` will contain the broadcasted objects from ``src`` rank. .. note:: For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. .. note:: Note that this API differs slightly from the :func:`broadcast` collective since it does not provide an ``async_op`` handle and thus will be a blocking call. .. warning:: :func:`broadcast_object_list` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`broadcast_object_list` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`broadcast` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 3. >>> objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> else: >>> objects = [None, None, None] >>> # Assumes backend is not NCCL >>> device = torch.device("cpu") >>> dist.broadcast_object_list(objects, src=0, device=device) >>> objects ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("broadcast_object_list")return# Current device selection.# To preserve backwards compatibility, ``device`` is default to ``None``# in which case we run current logic of device selection, i.e.# ``current_device`` is CUDA if backend is NCCL otherwise CPU device. In the# case it is not ``None`` we move the size and object tensors to be# broadcasted to this device.current_device=deviceor_get_pg_default_device(group)my_rank=get_rank()# Serialize object_list elements to tensors on src rank.ifmy_rank==src:tensor_list,size_list=zip(*[_object_to_tensor(obj,current_device,group)forobjinobject_list]),dtype=torch.long,device=current_device)# Broadcast object sizesbroadcast(object_sizes_tensor,src=src,group=group)# Concatenate and broadcast serialized object tensors# Note: will do an extra memory copy to the current device, if the tensor_list# has only one element, we can skip the copy.ifmy_rank==src:iflen(tensor_list)==1:# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]object_tensor=tensor_list[0] type: ignore[call-overload]torch.sum(object_sizes_tensor).item(),# type: ignore[arg-type]dtype=torch.uint8,device=current_device,)broadcast(object_tensor,src=src,group=group)# Deserialize objects using their stored sizes.offset=0ifmy_rank!=src:fori,obj_sizeinenumerate(object_sizes_tensor):obj_view=object_tensor[offset:offset+obj_size]obj_view=obj_view.type(torch.uint8)offset+=obj_sizeobject_list[i]=_tensor_to_object(obj_view,obj_size,group)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefscatter_object_list(scatter_object_output_list,scatter_object_input_list,src=0,group=None):""" Scatters picklable objects in ``scatter_object_input_list`` to the whole group. Similar to :func:`scatter`, but Python objects can be passed in. On each rank, the scattered object will be stored as the first element of ``scatter_object_output_list``. Note that all objects in ``scatter_object_input_list`` must be picklable in order to be scattered. Args: scatter_object_output_list (List[Any]): Non-empty list whose first element will store the object scattered to this rank. scatter_object_input_list (List[Any]): List of input objects to scatter. Each object must be picklable. Only objects on the ``src`` rank will be scattered, and the argument can be ``None`` for non-src ranks. src (int): Source rank from which to scatter ``scatter_object_input_list``. Source rank is based on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. Returns: ``None``. If rank is part of the group, ``scatter_object_output_list`` will have its first element set to the scattered object for this rank. .. note:: Note that this API differs slightly from the scatter collective since it does not provide an ``async_op`` handle and thus will be a blocking call. .. warning:: :func:`scatter_object_list` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this function with data you trust. .. warning:: Calling :func:`scatter_object_list` with GPU tensors is not well supported and inefficient as it incurs GPU -> CPU transfer since tensors would be pickled. Please consider using :func:`scatter` instead. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 3. >>> objects = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> else: >>> # Can be any list on non-src ranks, elements are not used. >>> objects = [None, None, None] >>> output_list = [None] >>> dist.scatter_object_list(output_list, objects, src=0) >>> # Rank i gets objects[i]. For example, on rank 2: >>> output_list [{1: 2}] """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("scatter_object_list")returnif(notisinstance(scatter_object_output_list,list)orlen(scatter_object_output_list)<1):raiseValueError("Expected argument scatter_object_output_list to be a list of size at least 1.")my_rank=get_rank()pg_device=_get_pg_default_device(group)ifmy_rank==src:tensor_list,tensor_sizes=zip(*[_object_to_tensor(obj,pg_device,group)forobjinscatter_object_input_list])tensor_list,tensor_sizes=list(tensor_list),list(tensor_sizes)# Src rank broadcasts the maximum tensor size. This is because all ranks are# expected to call into scatter() with equal-sized tensors.ifmy_rank==src:max_tensor_size=max(tensor_sizes)# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]fortensorintensor_list:# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]tensor.resize_(max_tensor_size)else:max_tensor_size=torch.tensor([0],dtype=torch.long,device=pg_device)broadcast(max_tensor_size,src=src,group=group)# Scatter actual serialized objectsoutput_tensor=torch.empty(max_tensor_size.item(),dtype=torch.uint8,device=pg_device)scatter(output_tensor,scatter_list=Noneifmy_rank!=srcelsetensor_list,# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]src=src,group=group,)# Scatter per-object sizes to trim tensors when deserializing back to objectobj_tensor_size=torch.tensor([0],dtype=torch.long,device=pg_device)scatter(obj_tensor_size,scatter_list=Noneifmy_rank!=srcelsetensor_sizes,# type: ignore[possibly-undefined]src=src,group=group,)# Deserialize back to objectscatter_object_output_list[0]=_tensor_to_object(output_tensor,obj_tensor_size,group)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_gather(tensor_list,tensor,group=None,async_op=False):""" Gathers tensors from the whole group in a list. Complex and uneven sized tensors are supported. Args: tensor_list (list[Tensor]): Output list. It should contain correctly-sized tensors to be used for output of the collective. Uneven sized tensors are supported. tensor (Tensor): Tensor to be broadcast from current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # All tensors below are of torch.int64 dtype. >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> device = torch.device(f'cuda:{rank}') >>> tensor_list = [torch.zeros(2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) for _ in range(2)] >>> tensor_list [tensor([0, 0], device='cuda:0'), tensor([0, 0], device='cuda:0')] # Rank 0 [tensor([0, 0], device='cuda:1'), tensor([0, 0], device='cuda:1')] # Rank 1 >>> tensor = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> tensor tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.all_gather(tensor_list, tensor) >>> tensor_list [tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:0'), tensor([3, 4], device='cuda:0')] # Rank 0 [tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:1'), tensor([3, 4], device='cuda:1')] # Rank 1 >>> # All tensors below are of torch.cfloat dtype. >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> tensor_list = [torch.zeros(2, dtype=torch.cfloat, device=device) for _ in range(2)] >>> tensor_list [tensor([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], device='cuda:0'), tensor([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], device='cuda:0')] # Rank 0 [tensor([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], device='cuda:1'), tensor([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], device='cuda:1')] # Rank 1 >>> tensor = torch.tensor([1+1j, 2+2j], dtype=torch.cfloat, device=device) + 2 * rank * (1+1j) >>> tensor tensor([1.+1.j, 2.+2.j], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([3.+3.j, 4.+4.j], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.all_gather(tensor_list, tensor) >>> tensor_list [tensor([1.+1.j, 2.+2.j], device='cuda:0'), tensor([3.+3.j, 4.+4.j], device='cuda:0')] # Rank 0 [tensor([1.+1.j, 2.+2.j], device='cuda:1'), tensor([3.+3.j, 4.+4.j], device='cuda:1')] # Rank 1 """_check_tensor_list(tensor_list,"tensor_list")_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(tensor_list,tensor)if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_gather")returntensor_list=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortintensor_list]tensor=tensorifnottensor.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(tensor)group=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.allgather([tensor_list],[tensor])ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_gather_into_tensor(output_tensor,input_tensor,group=None,async_op=False):""" Gather tensors from all ranks and put them in a single output tensor. This function requires all tensors to be the same size on each process. Args: output_tensor (Tensor): Output tensor to accommodate tensor elements from all ranks. It must be correctly sized to have one of the following forms: (i) a concatenation of all the input tensors along the primary dimension; for definition of "concatenation", see ````; (ii) a stack of all the input tensors along the primary dimension; for definition of "stack", see ``torch.stack()``. Examples below may better explain the supported output forms. input_tensor (Tensor): Tensor to be gathered from current rank. Different from the ``all_gather`` API, the input tensors in this API must have the same size across all ranks. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # All tensors below are of torch.int64 dtype and on CUDA devices. >>> # We have two ranks. >>> device = torch.device(f'cuda:{rank}') >>> tensor_in = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> tensor_in tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> # Output in concatenation form >>> tensor_out = torch.zeros(world_size * 2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) >>> dist.all_gather_into_tensor(tensor_out, tensor_in) >>> tensor_out tensor([1, 2, 3, 4], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([1, 2, 3, 4], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> # Output in stack form >>> tensor_out2 = torch.zeros(world_size, 2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) >>> dist.all_gather_into_tensor(tensor_out2, tensor_in) >>> tensor_out2 tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 .. warning:: The Gloo backend does not support this API. """_check_single_tensor(input_tensor,"input_tensor")_check_single_tensor(output_tensor,"output_tensor")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_gather_into_tensor")returnoutput_tensor=(output_tensorifnotoutput_tensor.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(output_tensor))input_tensor=(input_tensorifnotinput_tensor.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(input_tensor))opts=AllgatherOptions()opts.asyncOp=async_opgroup=groupor_get_default_group()ifgroupin_world.pg_coalesce_state.keys():# We are in coalescing context, do not issue single operation, just append a collective representationcoll=_CollOp(all_gather_into_tensor,input_tensor,output_tensor)_world.pg_coalesce_state[group].append(coll)ifasync_op:return_IllegalWork()else:returnNonework=group._allgather_base(output_tensor,input_tensor,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
@_exception_logger@deprecated("`torch.distributed._all_gather_base` is a private function and will be deprecated. ""Please use `torch.distributed.all_gather_into_tensor` instead.",category=FutureWarning,)def_all_gather_base(output_tensor,input_tensor,group=None,async_op=False):""" Single tensor all gather. Gathers a single tensor from all ranks, and puts them in a single output tensor. Args: output_tensor (Tensor): Output tensor. It should contain correctly-sized tensors to be used for output of the collective. input_tensor (Tensor): Tensor to be broadcast from current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group .. warning:: `_all_gather_base` is a private function. Users should use `all_gather_into_tensor` instead. """returnall_gather_into_tensor(output_tensor,input_tensor,group,async_op)@_exception_logger@deprecated("`torch.distributed.all_gather_coalesced` will be deprecated. If you must use it, ""please revisit our documentation later at """,category=FutureWarning,)defall_gather_coalesced(output_tensor_lists,input_tensor_list,group=None,async_op=False):""" Gathers input tensors from the whole group in a list in a coalesced manner. Complex tensors are supported. Args: output_tensor_lists (list[list[Tensor]]): Output list. It should contain correctly-sized tensors to be used for output of the collective. input_tensor_list (list[Tensor]): Tensors to be broadcast from current process. At least one tensor has to be non empty. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group Example: we have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. rank 0 passes: input_tensor_list = [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [2], [3, 3]] output_tensor_lists = [[[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [-1], [-1, -1]], [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [-1], [-1, -1]]] rank 1 passes: input_tensor_list = [[[3, 3], [3, 3]], [5], [1, 1]] output_tensor_lists = [[[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [-1], [-1, -1]], [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [-1], [-1, -1]]] both rank 0 and 1 get: output_tensor_lists = [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [2], [3, 3]], [[3, 3], [3, 3]], [5], [1, 1]]]. WARNING: at this time individual shape checking is not implemented across nodes. For example, if the rank 0 node passes [torch.rand(4), torch.rand(2)] and the rank 1 node passes [torch.rand(2), torch.rand(2), torch.rand(2)], the all_gather_coalesced operation will proceed without complaint and return erroneous outputs. This lack of shape checking results in significant performance improvements but users of this function should take extra care to ensure that each node passes in tensors whose shapes match across nodes. """# We only check basic compatibility with C++ params here, C++ code will# do shape and type checking.if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_gather_coalesced")return_check_tensor_list(input_tensor_list,"input_tensor_list")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(input_tensor_list)ifnotisinstance(output_tensor_lists,list):raiseTypeError("Invalid function argument: output_tensor_lists should be a list")foroutput_tensor_listinoutput_tensor_lists:_check_tensor_list(output_tensor_list,"output_tensor_lists")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(output_tensor_list)output_tensor_lists=[[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortinl]forlinoutput_tensor_lists]input_tensor_list=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortininput_tensor_list]group=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.allgather_coalesced(output_tensor_lists,input_tensor_list)ifasync_op:returnwork.get_future()else:work.wait()def_validate_output_list_for_rank(my_rank,dst,gather_list):ifdst==my_rank:ifnotgather_list:raiseValueError("Argument ``gather_list`` must be specified on destination rank.")elifgather_list:raiseValueError("Argument ``gather_list`` must NOT be specified ""on non-destination ranks.")
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefgather(tensor,gather_list=None,dst=0,group=None,async_op=False):""" Gathers a list of tensors in a single process. This function requires all tensors to be the same size on each process. Args: tensor (Tensor): Input tensor. gather_list (list[Tensor], optional): List of appropriately, same-sized tensors to use for gathered data (default is None, must be specified on the destination rank) dst (int, optional): Destination rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). (default is 0) group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")# Parameter ``gather_list`` may be left unspecified on non-dst ranks.ifgather_list:_check_tensor_list(gather_list,"gather_list")else:gather_list=[]_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(tensor,gather_list)if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("gather")returnmy_rank=get_rank()_validate_output_list_for_rank(my_rank,dst,gather_list)output_tensors=[gather_list]ifdst==my_rankelse[]input_tensors=[tensor]opts=GatherOptions()opts.rootRank=dstifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:default_pg=_get_default_group()work=default_pg.gather(output_tensors,input_tensors,opts)else:group_dst_rank=get_group_rank(group,dst)opts.rootRank=group_dst_rankwork=group.gather(output_tensors,input_tensors,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefscatter(tensor,scatter_list=None,src=0,group=None,async_op=False):""" Scatters a list of tensors to all processes in a group. Each process will receive exactly one tensor and store its data in the ``tensor`` argument. Complex tensors are supported. Args: tensor (Tensor): Output tensor. scatter_list (list[Tensor]): List of tensors to scatter (default is None, must be specified on the source rank) src (int): Source rank on global process group (regardless of ``group`` argument). Default is 0 group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group .. note:: Note that all Tensors in scatter_list must have the same size. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> tensor_size = 2 >>> t_ones = torch.ones(tensor_size) >>> t_fives = torch.ones(tensor_size) * 5 >>> output_tensor = torch.zeros(tensor_size) >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 2. >>> # Only tensors, all of which must be the same size. >>> scatter_list = [t_ones, t_fives] >>> else: >>> scatter_list = None >>> dist.scatter(output_tensor, scatter_list, src=0) >>> # Rank i gets scatter_list[i]. For example, on rank 1: >>> output_tensor tensor([5., 5.]) """_check_single_tensor(tensor,"tensor")# Parameter ``scatter_list`` may be left unspecified on non-src ranks.ifscatter_list:_check_tensor_list(scatter_list,"scatter_list")else:scatter_list=[]_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(tensor,scatter_list)if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("scatter")returnscatter_list=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortinscatter_list]tensor=tensorifnottensor.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(tensor)my_rank=get_rank()ifsrc==my_rank:ifnotscatter_list:raiseValueError("Argument ``scatter_list`` must be specified on source rank.")input_tensors=[scatter_list]output_tensors=[tensor]else:ifscatter_list:raiseValueError("Argument ``scatter_list`` must NOT be specified ""on non-source ranks.")input_tensors=[]output_tensors=[tensor]opts=ScatterOptions()opts.rootRank=srcopts.asyncOp=async_opifgroupisNoneorgroupisGroupMember.WORLD:default_pg=_get_default_group()work=default_pg.scatter(output_tensors,input_tensors,opts)else:group_src_rank=get_group_rank(group,src)opts.rootRank=group_src_rankwork=group.scatter(output_tensors,input_tensors,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefreduce_scatter(output,input_list,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" Reduces, then scatters a list of tensors to all processes in a group. Args: output (Tensor): Output tensor. input_list (list[Tensor]): List of tensors to reduce and scatter. op (optional): One of the values from ``torch.distributed.ReduceOp`` enum. Specifies an operation used for element-wise reductions. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. """_check_single_tensor(output,"output")_check_tensor_list(input_list,"input_list")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(output,input_list)if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("reduce_scatter")returnopts=ReduceScatterOptions()opts.reduceOp=opgroup=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.reduce_scatter([output],[input_list],opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefreduce_scatter_tensor(output,input,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" Reduces, then scatters a tensor to all ranks in a group. Args: output (Tensor): Output tensor. It should have the same size across all ranks. input (Tensor): Input tensor to be reduced and scattered. Its size should be output tensor size times the world size. The input tensor can have one of the following shapes: (i) a concatenation of the output tensors along the primary dimension, or (ii) a stack of the output tensors along the primary dimension. For definition of "concatenation", see ````. For definition of "stack", see ``torch.stack()``. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # All tensors below are of torch.int64 dtype and on CUDA devices. >>> # We have two ranks. >>> device = torch.device(f'cuda:{rank}') >>> tensor_out = torch.zeros(2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) >>> # Input in concatenation form >>> tensor_in = torch.arange(world_size * 2, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) >>> tensor_in tensor([0, 1, 2, 3], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([0, 1, 2, 3], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.reduce_scatter_tensor(tensor_out, tensor_in) >>> tensor_out tensor([0, 2], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([4, 6], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> # Input in stack form >>> tensor_in = torch.reshape(tensor_in, (world_size, 2)) >>> tensor_in tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 >>> dist.reduce_scatter_tensor(tensor_out, tensor_in) >>> tensor_out tensor([0, 2], device='cuda:0') # Rank 0 tensor([4, 6], device='cuda:1') # Rank 1 .. warning:: The Gloo backend does not support this API. """_check_single_tensor(output,"output")_check_single_tensor(input,"input")if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("reduce_scatter_tensor")returnopts=ReduceScatterOptions()opts.reduceOp=opopts.asyncOp=async_opgroup=groupor_get_default_group()# Check if we are in coalescing context# If we are, do not issue single operation, just append a collective representationifgroupin_world.pg_coalesce_state.keys():coll=_CollOp(reduce_scatter_tensor,input,output,op,None)_world.pg_coalesce_state[group].append(coll)ifasync_op:return_IllegalWork()else:returnNonework=group._reduce_scatter_base(output,input,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
@deprecated("`torch.distributed._reduce_scatter_base` is a private function and will be deprecated. ""Please use `torch.distributed.reduce_scatter_tensor` instead.",category=FutureWarning,)def_reduce_scatter_base(output,input,op=ReduceOp.SUM,group=None,async_op=False):""" Reduces, then scatters a flattened tensor to all processes in a group. Args: output (Tensor): Output tensor. input (Tensor): Input tensor that is of size output tensor size times world size group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. .. warning:: `_reduce_scatter_base` is a private function. Users should use `reduce_scatter_tensor` instead. """returnreduce_scatter_tensor(output,input,op,group,async_op)
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_to_all_single(output,input,output_split_sizes=None,input_split_sizes=None,group=None,async_op=False,):""" Split input tensor and then scatter the split list to all processes in a group. Later the received tensors are concatenated from all the processes in the group and returned as a single output tensor. Complex tensors are supported. Args: output (Tensor): Gathered concatenated output tensor. input (Tensor): Input tensor to scatter. output_split_sizes: (list[Int], optional): Output split sizes for dim 0 if specified None or empty, dim 0 of ``output`` tensor must divide equally by ``world_size``. input_split_sizes: (list[Int], optional): Input split sizes for dim 0 if specified None or empty, dim 0 of ``input`` tensor must divide equally by ``world_size``. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. .. warning:: `all_to_all_single` is experimental and subject to change. Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("Undefined rank") >>> input = torch.arange(4) + rank * 4 >>> input tensor([0, 1, 2, 3]) # Rank 0 tensor([4, 5, 6, 7]) # Rank 1 tensor([8, 9, 10, 11]) # Rank 2 tensor([12, 13, 14, 15]) # Rank 3 >>> output = torch.empty([4], dtype=torch.int64) >>> dist.all_to_all_single(output, input) >>> output tensor([0, 4, 8, 12]) # Rank 0 tensor([1, 5, 9, 13]) # Rank 1 tensor([2, 6, 10, 14]) # Rank 2 tensor([3, 7, 11, 15]) # Rank 3 >>> # Essentially, it is similar to following operation: >>> scatter_list = list(input.chunk(world_size)) >>> gather_list = list(output.chunk(world_size)) >>> for i in range(world_size): >>> dist.scatter(gather_list[i], scatter_list if i == rank else [], src = i) >>> # Another example with uneven split >>> input tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Rank 0 tensor([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]) # Rank 1 tensor([20, 21, 22, 23, 24]) # Rank 2 tensor([30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]) # Rank 3 >>> input_splits [2, 2, 1, 1] # Rank 0 [3, 2, 2, 2] # Rank 1 [2, 1, 1, 1] # Rank 2 [2, 2, 2, 1] # Rank 3 >>> output_splits [2, 3, 2, 2] # Rank 0 [2, 2, 1, 2] # Rank 1 [1, 2, 1, 2] # Rank 2 [1, 2, 1, 1] # Rank 3 >>> output = ... >>> dist.all_to_all_single(output, input, output_splits, input_splits) >>> output tensor([ 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 30, 31]) # Rank 0 tensor([ 2, 3, 13, 14, 22, 32, 33]) # Rank 1 tensor([ 4, 15, 16, 23, 34, 35]) # Rank 2 tensor([ 5, 17, 18, 24, 36]) # Rank 3 >>> # Another example with tensors of torch.cfloat type. >>> input = torch.tensor([1+1j, 2+2j, 3+3j, 4+4j], dtype=torch.cfloat) + 4 * rank * (1+1j) >>> input tensor([1+1j, 2+2j, 3+3j, 4+4j]) # Rank 0 tensor([5+5j, 6+6j, 7+7j, 8+8j]) # Rank 1 tensor([9+9j, 10+10j, 11+11j, 12+12j]) # Rank 2 tensor([13+13j, 14+14j, 15+15j, 16+16j]) # Rank 3 >>> output = torch.empty([4], dtype=torch.int64) >>> dist.all_to_all_single(output, input) >>> output tensor([1+1j, 5+5j, 9+9j, 13+13j]) # Rank 0 tensor([2+2j, 6+6j, 10+10j, 14+14j]) # Rank 1 tensor([3+3j, 7+7j, 11+11j, 15+15j]) # Rank 2 tensor([4+4j, 8+8j, 12+12j, 16+16j]) # Rank 3 """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_to_all_single")returnopts=AllToAllOptions()_check_single_tensor(output,"output")_check_single_tensor(input,"input")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(output,input)ifinput.is_complex():input=torch.view_as_real(input)ifoutput.is_complex():output=torch.view_as_real(output)output_split_sizes=[]ifoutput_split_sizesisNoneelseoutput_split_sizesinput_split_sizes=[]ifinput_split_sizesisNoneelseinput_split_sizesgroup=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.alltoall_base(output,input,output_split_sizes,input_split_sizes,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefall_to_all(output_tensor_list,input_tensor_list,group=None,async_op=False):""" Scatters list of input tensors to all processes in a group and return gathered list of tensors in output list. Complex tensors are supported. Args: output_tensor_list (list[Tensor]): List of tensors to be gathered one per rank. input_tensor_list (list[Tensor]): List of tensors to scatter one per rank. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group. .. warning:: `all_to_all` is experimental and subject to change. Examples: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("Undefined rank") >>> input = torch.arange(4) + rank * 4 >>> input = list(input.chunk(4)) >>> input [tensor([0]), tensor([1]), tensor([2]), tensor([3])] # Rank 0 [tensor([4]), tensor([5]), tensor([6]), tensor([7])] # Rank 1 [tensor([8]), tensor([9]), tensor([10]), tensor([11])] # Rank 2 [tensor([12]), tensor([13]), tensor([14]), tensor([15])] # Rank 3 >>> output = list(torch.empty([4], dtype=torch.int64).chunk(4)) >>> dist.all_to_all(output, input) >>> output [tensor([0]), tensor([4]), tensor([8]), tensor([12])] # Rank 0 [tensor([1]), tensor([5]), tensor([9]), tensor([13])] # Rank 1 [tensor([2]), tensor([6]), tensor([10]), tensor([14])] # Rank 2 [tensor([3]), tensor([7]), tensor([11]), tensor([15])] # Rank 3 >>> # Essentially, it is similar to following operation: >>> scatter_list = input >>> gather_list = output >>> for i in range(world_size): >>> dist.scatter(gather_list[i], scatter_list if i == rank else [], src=i) >>> input tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Rank 0 tensor([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]) # Rank 1 tensor([20, 21, 22, 23, 24]) # Rank 2 tensor([30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]) # Rank 3 >>> input_splits [2, 2, 1, 1] # Rank 0 [3, 2, 2, 2] # Rank 1 [2, 1, 1, 1] # Rank 2 [2, 2, 2, 1] # Rank 3 >>> output_splits [2, 3, 2, 2] # Rank 0 [2, 2, 1, 2] # Rank 1 [1, 2, 1, 2] # Rank 2 [1, 2, 1, 1] # Rank 3 >>> input = list(input.split(input_splits)) >>> input [tensor([0, 1]), tensor([2, 3]), tensor([4]), tensor([5])] # Rank 0 [tensor([10, 11, 12]), tensor([13, 14]), tensor([15, 16]), tensor([17, 18])] # Rank 1 [tensor([20, 21]), tensor([22]), tensor([23]), tensor([24])] # Rank 2 [tensor([30, 31]), tensor([32, 33]), tensor([34, 35]), tensor([36])] # Rank 3 >>> output = ... >>> dist.all_to_all(output, input) >>> output [tensor([0, 1]), tensor([10, 11, 12]), tensor([20, 21]), tensor([30, 31])] # Rank 0 [tensor([2, 3]), tensor([13, 14]), tensor([22]), tensor([32, 33])] # Rank 1 [tensor([4]), tensor([15, 16]), tensor([23]), tensor([34, 35])] # Rank 2 [tensor([5]), tensor([17, 18]), tensor([24]), tensor([36])] # Rank 3 >>> # Another example with tensors of torch.cfloat type. >>> input = torch.tensor([1+1j, 2+2j, 3+3j, 4+4j], dtype=torch.cfloat) + 4 * rank * (1+1j) >>> input = list(input.chunk(4)) >>> input [tensor([1+1j]), tensor([2+2j]), tensor([3+3j]), tensor([4+4j])] # Rank 0 [tensor([5+5j]), tensor([6+6j]), tensor([7+7j]), tensor([8+8j])] # Rank 1 [tensor([9+9j]), tensor([10+10j]), tensor([11+11j]), tensor([12+12j])] # Rank 2 [tensor([13+13j]), tensor([14+14j]), tensor([15+15j]), tensor([16+16j])] # Rank 3 >>> output = list(torch.empty([4], dtype=torch.int64).chunk(4)) >>> dist.all_to_all(output, input) >>> output [tensor([1+1j]), tensor([5+5j]), tensor([9+9j]), tensor([13+13j])] # Rank 0 [tensor([2+2j]), tensor([6+6j]), tensor([10+10j]), tensor([14+14j])] # Rank 1 [tensor([3+3j]), tensor([7+7j]), tensor([11+11j]), tensor([15+15j])] # Rank 2 [tensor([4+4j]), tensor([8+8j]), tensor([12+12j]), tensor([16+16j])] # Rank 3 """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("all_to_all")returnopts=AllToAllOptions()_check_tensor_list(output_tensor_list,"output_tensor_list")_check_tensor_list(input_tensor_list,"input_tensor_list")_ensure_all_tensors_same_dtype(output_tensor_list,input_tensor_list)input_tensor_list=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortininput_tensor_list]output_tensor_list=[tifnott.is_complex()elsetorch.view_as_real(t)fortinoutput_tensor_list]group=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.alltoall(output_tensor_list,input_tensor_list,opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]@_exception_loggerdefbarrier(group=GroupMember.WORLD,async_op=False,device_ids=None):""" Synchronize all processes. This collective blocks processes until the whole group enters this function, if async_op is False, or if async work handle is called on wait(). Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op device_ids ([int], optional): List of device/GPU ids. Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group .. note:: `ProcessGroupNCCL` now relies on stream synchronization instead of device synchronization to block the CPU. Thus, please do not assume that `barrier()` would perform a device synchronization. """if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("barrier")returnopts=BarrierOptions()opts.device=_get_pg_default_device(group)ifdevice_idsisnotNone:ifisinstance(device_ids,list):opts.device_ids=device_idselse:raiseTypeError("Invalid function argument: device_ids type should be List[int]")group=groupor_get_default_group()work=group.barrier(opts=opts)ifasync_op:returnworkelse:work.wait()
[docs]defmonitored_barrier(group=GroupMember.WORLD,timeout=None,wait_all_ranks=False):""" Synchronize processes similar to ``torch.distributed.barrier``, but consider a configurable timeout. It is able to report ranks that did not pass this barrier within the provided timeout. Specifically, for non-zero ranks, will block until a send/recv is processed from rank 0. Rank 0 will block until all send /recv from other ranks are processed, and will report failures for ranks that failed to respond in time. Note that if one rank does not reach the monitored_barrier (for example due to a hang), all other ranks would fail in monitored_barrier. This collective will block all processes/ranks in the group, until the whole group exits the function successfully, making it useful for debugging and synchronizing. However, it can have a performance impact and should only be used for debugging or scenarios that require full synchronization points on the host-side. For debugging purposes, this barrier can be inserted before the application's collective calls to check if any ranks are desynchronized. .. note:: Note that this collective is only supported with the GLOO backend. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If ``None``, the default process group will be used. timeout (datetime.timedelta, optional): Timeout for monitored_barrier. If ``None``, the default process group timeout will be used. wait_all_ranks (bool, optional): Whether to collect all failed ranks or not. By default, this is ``False`` and ``monitored_barrier`` on rank 0 will throw on the first failed rank it encounters in order to fail fast. By setting ``wait_all_ranks=True`` ``monitored_barrier`` will collect all failed ranks and throw an error containing information about all failed ranks. Returns: ``None``. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> # Note: Process group initialization omitted on each rank. >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() != 1: >>> dist.monitored_barrier() # Raises exception indicating that >>> # rank 1 did not call into monitored_barrier. >>> # Example with wait_all_ranks=True >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> dist.monitored_barrier(wait_all_ranks=True) # Raises exception >>> # indicating that ranks 1, 2, ... world_size - 1 did not call into >>> # monitored_barrier. """# Need to call rank not in group before using the group, otherwise# "Invalid process group" error is raised.if_rank_not_in_group(group):_warn_not_in_group("monitored_barrier")returnifget_backend(group)!=Backend.GLOO:raiseValueError("monitored_barrier is only implemented for GLOO backend.")iftimeoutisNone:timeout=_get_default_timeout(get_backend(group))elifisinstance(timeout,float):# TODO(whc) aparently some existing test case for monitored_barrier passes in a timeout in float format?warnings.warn("Please specify timeout arg as a timedelta. "f"Converting current value of {timeout} assuming it represents seconds",)timeout=timedelta(seconds=timeout)_check_valid_timeout(timeout)group_to_use=_get_default_group()ifgroupisNoneelsegroupreturngroup_to_use.monitored_barrier(timeout,wait_all_ranks=wait_all_ranks)
def_create_process_group_wrapper(wrapped_pg:torch._C._distributed_c10d.Backend,store_prefix:str,store:Store,rank:int,world_size:int,timeout:timedelta=default_pg_timeout,):assert_GLOO_AVAILABLE,"ProcessGroupWrapper unsupported without GLOO backend."# (whc) this appears to be just for the gloo backend? if so, `default_pg_timeout` is appropriate...# Create a separate prefix store for the helper process group.prefix=f"{PG_WRAPPER_STORE_PREFIX}:{store_prefix}"store=PrefixStore(prefix,store)helper_pg=ProcessGroupGloo(store,rank,world_size,timeout=timeout)# Wrap the underlying pg with ProcessGroupWrapper.wrapped_pg=_ProcessGroupWrapper(wrapped_pg,helper_pg)returnwrapped_pg# helper function for deterministically hashing a list of ranksdef_hash_ranks(ranks:List[int]):returnhashlib.sha1(bytes("_".join(map(str,ranks)),"utf-8")).hexdigest()# Takes a list of ranks and computes an integer colordef_process_group_color(ranks:List[int])->int:# Convert our hash to an int, but avoid negative numbers by shifting a bit.returnint(_hash_ranks(ranks),16)%(sys.maxsize>>1)def_process_group_name(ranks,use_hashed_name):global_worldifuse_hashed_name:pg_name=_hash_ranks(ranks)whilepg_namein_world.pg_names.values():pg_name=hashlib.sha1(bytes(pg_name+"_","utf-8")).hexdigest()else:pg_name=str(_world.group_count)_world.group_count+=1returnpg_namedef_get_backend_from_str(backend:Optional[str]=None)->Backend:# Default to the same backend as the global process group# if backend is not specified.ifnotbackend:backend=get_backend(_get_default_group())returnBackend(backend)def_is_safe_to_split()->bool:""" Checks if it is safe to split the any process group in the world. This is only safe if the default pg has a bound device id, otherwise users must be aware that a pg is only splittable after the first collective is issued. """returnFalseif_get_default_group().bound_device_idisNoneelseTrue@_time_loggerdefsplit_group(parent_pg:Optional[ProcessGroup]=None,split_ranks:Optional[list]=None,timeout:Optional[timedelta]=None,pg_options:Optional[Any]=None,group_desc:Optional[str]=None,)->Optional[ProcessGroup]:""" Create a new process group splitted from the given parent process group. warning:: This is an experimental API and only the ``NCCL`` backend supports this API. Other backends will raise an error. Users of this API must gurantee that all ranks in the parent group enter this API call, and the split of the sub groups is the same accross all ranks in the parent group. Args: parent_pg (ProcessGroup, optional): The parent process group. If None, the default process group will be used. Users need to gurantee that the parent group is fully initialized (e.g, communicators are initialized) split_ranks (list[list[int]]): the split ranks, which is a list of list of ranks. Users need to make sure the validity of the split ranks such that one split (represented by one inner list of ints) does not overlap with any other split. Note that the ranks in each split is the group rank (instead of global rank) in the parent pg. For example, if the parent group has 4 ranks, and split_ranks can be [[0, 1], [2, 3]]. Note [[0,1]] is also a valid split, in which case ranks 2, 3 would return a non-group member. timeout (timedelta, optional): see `init_process_group` for details and default value. pg_options (ProcessGroupOptions, optional): only ProcessGroupNCCLOptions is supported now. specifying what additional options need to be passed in during the construction of specific process groups. i.e.``is_high_priority_stream`` can be specified so that process group can pick up high priority cuda streams. For other availble options to config nccl, See group_desc (str, optional): a string to describe the process group. Returns: ProcessGroup if the current rank is within one split/subgroup given by split_ranks, or None if the current rank is not part of any split_ranks`. """# check inputsifsplit_ranksisNone:raiseValueError("split_ranks cannot be None")global_worlddefault_pg=_get_default_group()device_id=default_pg.bound_device_idifnotdevice_id:raiseRuntimeError("No device associated with the default pg, not safe to split any process groups")default_backend,default_store=_world.pg_map[default_pg]global_rank=default_pg.rank()global_world_size=default_pg.size()ifnotparent_pg:parent_pg=default_pgifparent_pgnotin_world.pg_group_ranks:raiseValueError(f"Group {parent_pg} is not registered")parent_global_to_group_ranks=_world.pg_group_ranks[parent_pg]parent_group_to_global_ranks={group_rank:global_rankforglobal_rank,group_rankinparent_global_to_group_ranks.items()}ifglobal_ranknotinparent_global_to_group_ranks:raiseValueError(f"Global rank {global_rank} is not part of the parent group {parent_pg}")parent_group_rank=parent_global_to_group_ranks[global_rank]parent_backend=parent_pg._get_backend(torch.device("cuda"))# if the parent backend does not support splitting, raise error# currently this API only support NCCL backendif(notparent_backendornotparent_backend.supports_splittingornotisinstance(parent_backend,ProcessGroupNCCL)):raiseRuntimeError("No backend for the parent process group or its backend does not support splitting")# set the group_desc before the color or no_cloor splitgroup_desc=(f"{parent_pg.group_desc}:split:{parent_backend.comm_split_count()}"ifgroup_descisNoneelsegroup_desc)parent_backend_str,_=_world.pg_map[parent_pg]# same type of backend as the parent process groupbackend=Backend(parent_backend_str)backend_config=BackendConfig(backend)ifpg_optionsisnotNone:assertisinstance(pg_options,ProcessGroupNCCL.Options),"Expected pg_options argument to be of type ProcessGroupNCCL.Options"else:# default pg_options same as the parent process grouppg_options=parent_backend.options# this timeout defaulting/validation is used for all the new_groups/new_subgroups variants,# which may just pass their timeout value (or None)iftimeoutisNone:timeout=_get_default_timeout(backend)_check_valid_timeout(timeout)# find my group of ranks and my group local rank in split_ranksmy_group=Nonegroup_rank=-1forsplit_groupinsplit_ranks:iflen(split_group)==0:raiseValueError("the split group cannot be empty")iflen(split_group)>global_world_size:raiseValueError("the split group's size should be less or equal to the world_size set by init_process_group")iflen(split_group)!=len(set(split_group)):raiseValueError("the split group cannot have duplicate ranks")split_group=sorted(split_group)ifparent_group_rankinsplit_group:my_group=split_groupgroup_rank=split_group.index(parent_group_rank)break# if my rank does not belong to any sub group,# no_color split should be calledifmy_groupisNoneorgroup_rank==-1:parent_backend.perform_nocolor_split(device_id)returnNonegroup_name=_process_group_name(my_group,use_hashed_name=False)global_ranks_in_my_group=[parent_group_to_global_ranks[rank]forrankinmy_group]prefix_store=PrefixStore(f"{group_name}/",default_store)base_pg_options=ProcessGroup.Options(backend=str(backend))base_pg_options._timeout=timeoutpg:ProcessGroup=ProcessGroup(prefix_store,group_rank,len(my_group),base_pg_options)pg.bound_device_id=device_idpg_options._timeout=timeoutpg_options.split_from=parent_backendpg_options.split_color=_process_group_color(my_group)pg_options.global_ranks_in_group=global_ranks_in_my_grouppg_options.group_name=group_namebackend_class=ProcessGroupNCCL(prefix_store,group_rank,len(my_group),pg_options)backend_type=ProcessGroup.BackendType.NCCLbackend_class._set_sequence_number_for_group()pg._register_backend(torch.device("cuda"),backend_type,backend_class)# set group_name and group_desc to backendassertgroup_nameisnotNoneassertgroup_descisnotNonepg._set_group_name(group_name)pg._set_group_desc(group_desc)# always eagerly initialize the backend in split_groupeager_backend=pg._get_backend(device_id)eager_backend.eager_connect_single_device(device_id)# update global state_world.pg_map[pg]=(backend,prefix_store)_world.pg_names[pg]=group_name_register_process_group(group_name,pg)_world.pg_backend_config[pg]=str(backend_config)pg_tag=f"ptd:{group_name}"_world.tags_to_pg.setdefault(pg_tag,[]).append(pg)_world.pg_to_tag[pg]=pg_tag# Create the global rank to group rank mapping_world.pg_group_ranks[pg]={global_rank:group_rankforgroup_rank,global_rankinenumerate(global_ranks_in_my_group)}returnpg
[docs]@_time_loggerdefnew_group(ranks=None,timeout=None,backend=None,pg_options=None,use_local_synchronization=False,group_desc=None,):""" Create a new distributed group. This function requires that all processes in the main group (i.e. all processes that are part of the distributed job) enter this function, even if they are not going to be members of the group. Additionally, groups should be created in the same order in all processes. .. warning:: Safe concurrent usage: When using multiple process groups with the ``NCCL`` backend, the user must ensure a globally consistent execution order of collectives across ranks. If multiple threads within a process issue collectives, explicit synchronization is necessary to ensure consistent ordering. When using async variants of torch.distributed communication APIs, a work object is returned and the communication kernel is enqueued on a separate CUDA stream, allowing overlap of communication and computation. Once one or more async ops have been issued on one process group, they must be synchronized with other cuda streams by calling `work.wait()` before using another process group. See `Using multiple NCCL communicators concurrently <https://docs.nvid -multiple-nccl-communicators-concurrently>`_ for more details. Args: ranks (list[int]): List of ranks of group members. If ``None``, will be set to all ranks. Default is ``None``. timeout (timedelta, optional): see `init_process_group` for details and default value. backend (str or Backend, optional): The backend to use. Depending on build-time configurations, valid values are ``gloo`` and ``nccl``. By default uses the same backend as the global group. This field should be given as a lowercase string (e.g., ``"gloo"``), which can also be accessed via :class:`Backend` attributes (e.g., ``Backend.GLOO``). If ``None`` is passed in, the backend corresponding to the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. pg_options (ProcessGroupOptions, optional): process group options specifying what additional options need to be passed in during the construction of specific process groups. i.e. for the ``nccl`` backend, ``is_high_priority_stream`` can be specified so that process group can pick up high priority cuda streams. For other availble options to config nccl, See use_local_synchronization (bool, optional): perform a group-local barrier at the end of the process group creation. This is different in that non-member ranks don't need to call into API and don't join the barrier. group_desc (str, optional): a string to describe the process group. Returns: A handle of distributed group that can be given to collective calls or GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER if the rank is not part of ``ranks``. N.B. use_local_synchronization doesn't work with MPI. N.B. While use_local_synchronization=True can be significantly faster with larger clusters and small process groups, care must be taken since it changes cluster behavior as non-member ranks don't join the group barrier(). N.B. use_local_synchronization=True can lead to deadlocks when each rank creates multiple overlaping process groups. To avoid that, make sure all ranks follow the same global creation order. """return_new_group_with_tag(ranks,timeout,backend,pg_options,None,use_local_synchronization=use_local_synchronization,group_desc=group_desc,)
def_new_group_with_tag(ranks=None,timeout=None,backend=None,pg_options=None,pg_tag=None,use_local_synchronization=False,group_desc=None,):""" Variant of ``new_group`` that exposes tag creation. :: N.B. The mechanism is experimental and tied to the functional collectives effort, see ``torch.distributed._functional_collectives`` for reference on how to use it. """global_worlddefault_pg=_get_default_group()device_id=default_pg.bound_device_iddefault_backend,default_store=_world.pg_map[default_pg]global_rank=default_pg.rank()global_world_size=default_pg.size()# Default to the same backend as the global process group# if the backend is not specified.ifnotbackend:backend=default_backendbackend=Backend(backend)# this timeout defaulting/validation is used for all the new_groups/new_subgroups variants,# which may just pass their timeout value (or None)iftimeoutisNone:timeout=_get_default_timeout(backend)_check_valid_timeout(timeout)ifuse_local_synchronization:# MPI backend doesn't have have a way for us to perform a partial syncifbackend==Backend.MPI:raiseValueError("MPI backend doesn't support use_local_synchronization=True")ifranksisnotNoneandget_rank()notinranks:returnNone# checks the input ranksifranksisnotNone:ranks=sorted(ranks)group_world_size=len(ranks)ifgroup_world_size>global_world_size:raiseValueError("the new group's world size should be less or ""equal to the world size set by ""init_process_group")# check ranks' sanityforrankinranks:ifrank<0orrank>=global_world_size:raiseValueError("The new group's rank should be within ""the world_size set by init_process_group")ifglobal_rankinranks:group_rank=ranks.index(global_rank)else:group_rank=Noneelse:ranks=list(range(global_world_size))group_world_size=global_world_sizegroup_rank=global_rankgroup_name=_process_group_name(ranks,use_hashed_name=use_local_synchronization)pg,pg_store=_new_process_group_helper(group_world_size,group_rank,ranks,backend,default_store,group_name,pg_options=pg_options,timeout=timeout,pg_tag=pg_tag,device_id=device_id,group_desc=group_desc,)# Create the global rank to group rank mapping_world.pg_group_ranks[pg]={global_rank:group_rankforgroup_rank,global_rankinenumerate(ranks)}if_is_barrier_after_init()==1:# barrier at the end to ensure that once we return from this method, all# process groups including global variables (if any) are updated# correctly on all ranks.# Update 04/2023: for large-scale runs, this barrier (esp. store-based# barrier) may be costly and/or unscalable. Also, in a lot of cases,# these barriers may be unnecessary, as proven by a green CI after# removal. An environment variable `TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER` has been# added which enables this barrier only when set to"Performing barrier after ProcessGroup initialization since ""TORCH_DIST_INIT_BARRIER = 1")ifbackend==Backend.MPI:# MPI doesn't have store.barrier()else:barrier_store=pg_storeifuse_local_synchronizationelsedefault_storeworld_size=len(ranks)ifuse_local_synchronizationelseget_world_size()# Use store based barrier here since barrier() used a bunch of# default devices and messes up NCCL internal state._store_based_barrier(global_rank,barrier_store,group_name,world_size,timeout)returnpgdefnew_subgroups(group_size=None,group=None,timeout=None,backend=None,pg_options=None,group_desc=None,):""" Create subgroups of equal size. By default, it creates intra-machine subgroups, where each of which contains all the ranks of a machine, based on the assumption that each machine has the same number of devices. This is a convenience API that calls ``new_group`` to generate multiple subgroups. It requires that all processes in the main group (i.e. all processes that are part of the distributed job) enter this function, even if they are not going to be members of the group. .. warning:: If ``group_size`` is passed in, the world size must be divisible by ``group_size``. If no ``group_size`` is passed in, it believe that you are creating a group based on CUDA and determining the group size by number of CUDA devices, and if not all the machines have the same number of devices, the subgroup division will be different across nodes and can cause unexpected behaviors. Therefore, if you are creating a subgroup that does not depend on CUDA (such as Gloo on CPU), please pass in ``group_size`` correctly. .. warning:: See warning `Safe concurrent usage` for `new_group` API for important details about using multiple process groups concurrently in a safe manner. Args: group_size (int, optional): The size of each subgroup. If ``None``, the default subgroup size is equal to the number of devices on each machine, based on the assumption that each machine has exactly the same number of devices. Default is ``None``. timeout (timedelta, optional): see `init_process_group` for details and default value. backend (str or Backend, optional): The backend to use. Depending on build-time configurations, valid values are ``gloo`` and ``nccl``. By default uses the same backend as the global group. This field should be given as a lowercase string (e.g., ``"gloo"``), which can also be accessed via :class:`Backend` attributes (e.g., ``Backend.GLOO``). If ``None`` is passed in, the backend corresponding to the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. pg_options (ProcessGroupOptions, optional): process group options specifying what additional options need to be passed in during the construction of specific process groups. i.e. for the ``nccl`` backend, ``is_high_priority_stream`` can be specified so that process group can pick up high priority cuda streams. group_desc (str, optional): A string describing the group. Each subgroup will inherit its group_desc Returns: The subgroup containing the current rank, and all the subgroups used for cleanup. Examples: >>> # Create intra-machine subgroups. >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> cur_subgroup, subgroups = dist.new_subgroups() >>> # Allreduce within the machine. >>> rank = dist.get_rank() >>> tensor = torch.ones(1, device=rank) * rank >>> dist.all_reduce(tensor, group=cur_subgroup) >>> tensor tensor([28]) # Assume 8 CUDA devices per machine. 28 is sum(range(8)). >>> # Cleanup. >>> for subgroup in subgroups: >>> dist.destroy_process_group(subgroup) """ifgroup_sizeisNone:ifnottorch.cuda.is_available():raiseValueError("Default group size only takes effect when CUDA is available.""If your subgroup using a backend that does not depend on CUDA,""please pass in 'group_size' correctly.")group_size=torch.cuda.device_count()ifgroup_size<=0:raiseValueError(f"The arg 'group_size' ({group_size}) must be positive")world_size=get_world_size()ifworld_size<group_size:raiseValueError(f"The arg 'group_size' ({group_size}) must not exceed the world size ({world_size})")ifworld_size%group_size!=0:raiseValueError("The world size must be divisible by 'group_size'")subgroups=[]cur_subgroup=Noneforsubgroup_idinrange(world_size//group_size):start_rank=subgroup_id*group_sizeend_rank=start_rank+group_sizeranks_in_subgroup=list(range(start_rank,end_rank))subgroup=new_group(ranks=ranks_in_subgroup,timeout=timeout,backend=backend,pg_options=pg_options,group_desc=group_desc,)subgroups.append(subgroup)rank=get_rank()"Rank %s is assigned to subgroup %s",rank,ranks_in_subgroup)returncur_subgroup,subgroupsdefnew_subgroups_by_enumeration(ranks_per_subgroup_list,timeout=None,backend=None,pg_options=None,group_desc=None,):""" Create subgroups by dividing the global world. The division is specified by a nested list of ranks. The subgroups cannot have overlap, and some ranks may not have to be in any subgroup. This is a convenience API that calls ``new_group`` to generate multiple subgroups. It requires that all processes in the main group (i.e. all processes that are part of the distributed job) enter this function, even if they are not going to be members of the group. .. warning:: See warning `Safe concurrent usage` for `new_group` API for important details about using multiple process groups concurrently in a safe manner. Args: ranks_per_subgroup_list (list[list[int]]): A nested list of ranks of group members. timeout (timedelta, optional): see `init_process_group` for details and default value. backend (str or Backend, optional): The backend to use. Depending on build-time configurations, valid values are ``gloo`` and ``nccl``. By default uses the same backend as the global group. This field should be given as a lowercase string (e.g., ``"gloo"``), which can also be accessed via :class:`Backend` attributes (e.g., ``Backend.GLOO``). If ``None`` is passed in, the backend corresponding to the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. pg_options (ProcessGroupOptions, optional): process group options specifying what additional options need to be passed in during the construction of specific process groups. i.e. for the ``nccl`` backend, ``is_high_priority_stream`` can be specified so that process group can pick up high priority cuda streams. group_desc (str, optional): A string describing the group. Each subgroup will inherit its group_desc. Returns: The subgroup containing the current rank, and all the subgroups used for cleanup. Examples: >>> # Create two subgroups, where each has 2 processes. >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("need process group init") >>> cur_subgroup, subgroups = dist.new_subgroups(ranks=[[0, 2], [1, 3]]) >>> rank = dist.get_rank() >>> tensor = torch.ones(1, device=rank) * rank >>> dist.all_reduce(tensor, group=cur_subgroup) >>> tensor tensor([2]) # Subgroup 0: ranks 0 and 2 tensor([4]) # Subgroup 1: ranks 1 and 3 """ifranks_per_subgroup_listisNoneorlen(ranks_per_subgroup_list)==0:raiseValueError("The arg 'ranks_per_subgroup_list' cannot be empty")subgroups=[]cur_subgroup=None# Create a mapping from rank to subgroup to check if there is any subgroup overlap.rank_to_ranks_dict={}# type: ignore[var-annotated]forranksinranks_per_subgroup_list:subgroup=new_group(ranks=ranks,timeout=timeout,backend=backend,pg_options=pg_options,group_desc=group_desc,)subgroups.append(subgroup)my_rank=get_rank()forrankinranks:ifrankinrank_to_ranks_dict:raiseValueError(f"Rank {rank} has appeared in both subgroup {rank_to_ranks_dict[rank]} and {ranks}")rank_to_ranks_dict[rank]"Rank %s is assigned to subgroup %s",rank,ranks)returncur_subgroup,subgroupsdef_find_pg_by_ranks_and_tag(tag:str,ranks:List[int])->Optional[ProcessGroup]:iflen(tag)>0andnottag.startswith("ptd:")andnottag.startswith("user:"):tag=f"user:{tag}"forgroupin_world.tags_to_pg.get(tag,[]):ifgroup.size()!=len(ranks):continuegroup_ranks=get_process_group_ranks(group)good=all(ringroup_ranksforrinranks)ifgood:returngroupreturnNonedef_find_or_create_pg_by_ranks_and_tag(tag:str,ranks:List[int],stride:int)->ProcessGroup:assert(len(ranks)%stride==0),f"Ranks length ({len(ranks)}) must be divisible by stride ({stride})"my_rank=get_rank()my_ranks=Noneifstride==len(ranks):my_ranks=ranks.copy()assertmy_rankinmy_ranks,"rankset doesn't include the current node"else:foriinrange(0,len(ranks),stride):rank_set=ranks[i:i+stride]ifmy_rankinrank_set:my_ranks=rank_setassertmy_ranksisnotNone,"rankset doesn't include the current node"my_ranks=sorted(my_ranks)pg=_find_pg_by_ranks_and_tag(tag,my_ranks)ifpgisnotNone:returnpgiftag=="":raiseValueError("Cannot automatically create PG with empty tag")# TODO copy settings and timeout from default PGreturn_new_group_with_tag(my_ranks,pg_tag=tag)def_get_group_tag(pg:ProcessGroup)->str:"""Return the tag associated with ``pg``."""tag=_world.pg_to_tag[pg]iftag.startswith("user:"):tag=tag[5:]returntagdef_get_process_group_name(pg:ProcessGroup)->str:return_world.pg_names.get(pg,"None")def_get_process_group_store(pg:ProcessGroup)->Store:return_world.pg_map[pg][1]# This ops are not friendly to TorchDynamo. So, we decide to disallow these ops# in FX graph, allowing them to run them on eager, with torch.compile.dynamo_unsupported_distributed_c10d_ops=[recv,all_gather_object,all_gather_coalesced,all_to_all_single,all_reduce,gather_object,all_to_all,all_reduce_coalesced,gather,send_object_list,recv_object_list,broadcast_object_list,barrier,scatter,scatter_object_list,reduce,all_gather,reduce_scatter,all_gather_into_tensor,broadcast,reduce_scatter_tensor,send,]
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